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英文字彙之學習及應用:以台灣高中生寫作用字為例之研究陳美麗 Unknown Date (has links)
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古文字於國語文教學之研究譚惠芸 Unknown Date (has links)
最後,根據研究結果的發現,分別就教學及教材方面提出多項建議,以供教育工作者參酌之用。 / The ancient writing application in the auxiliary mandarin teaching at the junior high school was studied in this research. The suggestion was recommended about the auxiliary mandarin teaching as the reference of teachers.
The research was divided into two units” erroneous character distinguishability and character-denotation study”. The character was selected from mandarin books and optional books which education bureau branch qualified at the junior high school The character explanation was verified by experts, and was fabricated to the interactive CD electron book as teaching auxiliary media
The 237 personnel’s experimental samples of four classes in Grade 7 and 8 individually at Xin-Yi area in Taipei city were adopted in this research. The two grades in the same grade which mandarin score was not significant difference each were selected as samples according to ANOVA variables analysis rule. The grade A, B is experimental group and comparison group respectively when the time of teaching activity is not over the half of class time. On the contrary, the experimental group was exchange with comparison one as the time over the half of whole class .The whole teaching activity was executed by the same teacher. The achievement exam will be implemented immediately as teaching activity was over and be re-tested post the first week and third week.
The samples were collected by the mandarin score at school, erroneous character distinguishability,evaluation,character detonation achievements test, learning questionnaire and interview-oral data. The result was analyzed by single way variables analysis (ANOVA). The results were summarized as follows according to statistical analysis results.
1.learing achievements
In unit “erroneous character distinguishability”, the test score of question 1-5 (e.g.龜) was significant with two grades in seventh grade Thus, the character was coded and stored effectively by the history of ancient writing .Therefore, the capability of character memory was improved in the short time. On the contrary, it was not significant in long term (e.g.1 week,3 week) in seventh and eighth grade.
In unit “character detonation”, the test score of question 1-5 (e.g.之,臭,既 etc.)was significant during the period of first and third week on experimental group and comparison group in seventh grade. At the same time, the test score of question 6-10(e.g.毓,臧) also had the significant level in eighth grade. Thus, the auxiliary teaching of ancient writing was positive for memorizing the detonation in long term.
Furthermore, for sex, the score was not the obvious difference in two units post first and third week regardless of seventh or eighth grade.
2.learing conception
Most of all testers think that ancient writing teaching was helpful in strengthening the memory of erroneous character distinguishability,character detonation, and also in promoting learning interest and Chinese culture understanding. It’s results lied in between “very helpful” and “helpful partly”. Regarding as the desire of the subject for applied ancient writing auxiliary teaching, it lied in between “very hope” and “hope”. On the other way, the 70 percentage of the subject liked to know the history of character form, but some of the tester liked the way which teacher questioned and let the student competed with answers. Therefore, most of the testers think that, it was positive for ancient writing auxiliary teaching
Finally, the suggestion was recommended in the teaching way and materials as the reference of educators basing on research results.
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鄭樵文字說之商榷施人豪 Unknown Date (has links)
No description available.
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清初文字獄與輿論梁雪郎 Unknown Date (has links)
本文用培根(Francis Bacon)的歸納法(Induetion),將清初四朝所發生的文字獄,作歸納研究。一方面探討文字獄發生的原因。一方面推論其影響。文中並將清初所發生文字獄案件,一一列述,作為立論的依據,無可免於以偏概全。以避以意逆志,或附會成說。
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漢簡文字研究徐富昌, XU, FU-CHANG Unknown Date (has links)
如ˇ符、л符、.符、│─符、≡符、︴符、R、ㄢ、十、 符等簡牘標號皆詳加舉
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睡虎地秦簡文字研究洪燕梅, HONG, YAN-MEI Unknown Date (has links)
No description available.
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殷周金文文例研究李世淵 Unknown Date (has links)
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運用文字探勘及財務資料探討中國市場營運概況文字敘述及財務表現之一致性 / Using Text Mining and Financial Data to Explore for Consistency between Narrative Disclosure and Financial Performance in China Market鄭凱文 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究透過文字探勘對中國大陸2011年上市公司的MD&A進行分析,並搭配財務資訊相互比對,分析中國大陸上市公司所揭露的MD&A是否誇大,再透過實證研究分析造成中國大陸上市公司MD&A揭露誇大與否的原因。本研究樣本為2011年中國大陸所有上市公司所揭露的MD&A及相關財務資訊,MD&A非量化資訊係運用Stanford Word Segmenter斷詞資料庫、正負向詞典、TFIDF、K-means等技術進行群集分析,並結合財務資訊的K-Means群集分析,分析出中國大陸2011年上市公司MD&A揭露是否誇大;再代入公司規模、管理階層對風險的偏好程度、獲利能力、償債能力等變數,分析影響公司MD&A揭露誇大與否的因素。研究結果顯示,公司規模、管理階層對風險的偏好程度與公司MD&A資訊揭露傾向於不誇大呈顯著負相關,而公司獲利能力、公司償債能力與公司MD&A資訊揭露傾向於不誇大呈顯著正相關。本研究希望提供投資人另一種分析MD&A的方式,並建議投資人運用上市公司所揭露的MD&A資訊時,需額外考慮公司MD&A揭露有無誇大的情勢,並作適度的調整,以降低投資風險,擬定正確的投資決策。 / This study presented a way to analyze MD&A on listed companies in 2011 in China via text mining, crossing comparison with its fiscal information, validating whether disclosed MD&A on the China listed companies is overstated and its possible factors by empirical study. The research sample is the disclosed MD&A and related financial information on China listed companies in 2011. Qualitative narrative MD&A utilizes Stanford Word Segmenter, NTUSD, TFIDF and K-means performing cluster analysis, combining K-means cluster analysis of financial information, figuring out disclosed MD&A of China listed companies in 2011 exaggerated. By the variables of company scale, the Management of risk preference, profit, liquidity analyzes the effect factor of whether disclosed MD&A exaggerated or not. According to the research, the disclosed MD&A tending not to exaggerate is significantly and negatively related to company scale and the management of risk preference. Profitability and liquidity are significantly and positively relationship to disclosed MD&A tending not to exaggerate. The research is providing another way of reading MD&A with investors, suggesting investors need to take whether disclosed MD&A is overstated into consideration, and adjusting in appropriate in reducing the investment risk when making Investment decisions.
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甲骨文氣象卜辭研究陳柏全 Unknown Date (has links)
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携帯カメラ入力型文字認識におけるぼけやぶれに対処するための生成型学習法(画像認識,コンピュータビジョン)石田, 皓之, 高橋, 友和, 井手, 一郎, 目加田, 慶人, 村瀬, 洋 01 September 2006 (has links)
No description available.
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