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非齊質變異下尾端風險的衡量陳俊宏 Unknown Date (has links)
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極值理論在黃金期貨風險值之應用林宥呈 Unknown Date (has links)
風險值已是一個廣被接受與運用的風險控管工具,它定義為持有某資產一段期間,在一定的信賴水準下,所可能遭受的最大損失。也就是評估目前所持有部位的風險,並依此評估此暴露是否適當。而如何運用風險值作為事前風險控管工具,更是一個新興的研究方向。風險值的估計模型隨著風險值概念的普及,發展出不同的估計方法;不同的估計方法,也會影響資產配置結果。本文以美國紐約商業交易所(NYMEX)發行之CMX-GOLD 100 OZ 黃金期貨為研究對象,以此探討隨著每日的價格波動,並利用極值理論探討其VaR,資料乃採用J.P.Morgan 建議的1 天、一週交易日5 天, 值即為一般用的0.05,而歷史資料的評估期間則為CMX-GOLD 100 OZ上市交易日從1990 年3 月26日至2005年3月24日,共計有3914筆日資料。
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有下方風險控制的動態資產配置模式 / Three Essays on Dynamic Asset Allocation Models with Downside Risk Control李美杏 Unknown Date (has links)
近幾年,風險管理受到大家廣為重視,Value-at-Risk (VaR)則是最常用來衡量風險的工具。Basak and Shapiro (2001)是首位將涉險值(VaR)的限制式納入效用函數內,再極大化投資人之效用函數而求出最適資產配置。依據他們的方法,本文的第一部分(見第二章)探討當資產報酬分配呈左偏和肥尾時,對風險管理者資產配置之影響。許多實證研究顯示資產報酬分配呈左偏和肥尾。本文採用Gram-Charlier expansion近似資產報酬分配,探討當資產報酬分配在非常態分配下,其資產配置的變化。對風險管理者而言,最重要的工作就是準確預測損失與發生損失的機率。瞭解資產報酬的型態將有助於準確的預測損失,我們無法降低損失,但可以降低發生損失的機率,本文建議可以降低 值(期末財富損失大於VaR之機率)來達成,而降低 值會使期末財富在好的狀態與壞的狀態的財富稍減。利率是影響使用金融工具的主要因素,本文的第二部分(見第三章)探討VaR風險管理者當考慮利率風險時如何配置其資產,本文採用Vasicek-type模型描述隨機利率,探討在隨機利率的情況下,財富配置於現金、股票與債券之比例。本文將這些參數以數值代入,分析VaR風險管理者期末財富的分配情況以及期中現金、股票與債券之配置情形。本文的第三部分(見第四章)探討VaR風險管理者當考慮利率與通膨風險時如何配置其資產。本文採用correlated Ornstein-Uhlenbeck過程描述隨機實質利率與通膨率,探討當考慮利率與通膨風險的情況下,VaR風險管理者財富配置於現金、股票與債券之比例。對風險管理者而言,最重要的工作就是準確預測期末財富與損失。研究發現忽略通膨風險將使風險管理者嚴重低估期末財富與損失。 / Risk management has received much attention in the last few years. Value-at-Risk (VaR) is widely used by corporate treasurers, fund managers and financial institution (Hull, 2000). A vast amount of literature considered a simple one-period asset allocation problem under VaR constraint. Furthermore, the aggregation of single-period optimal decisions across periods might not be optimal for multi-period as a whole. Basak and Shapiro (2001) were the first to address VaR-related issue in a dynamic general equilibrium setting. This dissertation builds upon the work of Basak and Shapiro (2001) to discuss three issues about dynamic asset allocation.
The first topic focuses on how deviations from normality affect asset choices made by risk managers. This study utilizes the Gram-Charlier expansion to approximate asset returns with negatively skewed and excess kurtosis. This work examines how negatively skewed and excess kurtosis affects asset allocations when investors manage market-risk exposure using Value-at-Risk-based risk management (VaR-RM). It is important for risk managers to precisely forecast the loss. The analytical results imply that the impact of leptokurtic asset returns is based on the shape of asset returns, and a correct measurement of leptokurtic asset returns is helpful to risk managers seeking to precisely forecast the loss. A risk manager cannot reduce the loss in bad states, but can reduce the value of , the probability that a loss exceeds VaR, and the agent will suffer from reduced terminal wealth in both the good and bad states.
The second topic solves an optimal investment problem involving a VaR risk manager who must allocate his wealth among cash, stocks and bonds. This study incorporates a stochastic interest rate process into the optimization problem. A Vasicek(1977)one-factor model governed the dynamics of the term structure of interest rates and risk premia are constant. Closed form formulate for the optimal investment strategy are obtained by assuming complete financial markets. Moreover, this study provides numerical examples to analyze the optimal terminal wealth and portfolio weights in stocks and bonds of the VaR risk manager. This work demonstrated the bond-stock allocation puzzle of Canner et al. (1997) that the bond-to-stock weighting ratio increases with risk aversion in popular investment advice in contradiction with standard two fund separation.
Finally, this work derives the optimal portfolio selection of the VaR manager by assuming complete financial markets and that the inflation and real interest rates follow correlated Ornstein-Uhlenbeck processes. This study provides numerical examples to analyze the optimal terminal real wealth and optimal portfolio in stocks and two nominal bonds with different maturities. Furthermore, this work studies the influence of the parameters of inflation on the solution. This work illustrated that the younger VaR agent who has a long investment horizon invests the fraction of wealth in stock varies with the state price. It is not consistent with the Samuelson puzzle.
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極值理論與整合風險衡量黃御綸 Unknown Date (has links)
實證結果發現,在一日風險值方面,95%信賴水準下以動態風險值方法表現相對較好,99%信賴水準下動態極值理論法和動態歷史模擬法皆有不錯的估計效果;就十日風險值而言,因為未來十日資產的報酬可能受到特定事件影響,所以估計上較為困難,整體看來在99%信賴水準下以條件GPD+蒙地卡羅模擬的表現相對較理想;以組合風險值來說, copula、Clayton copula+GPD marginals模擬股票或外匯組合的聯合分配不論在95%或99%信賴水準下對其風險值的估計都獲得最好的結果;雖然台灣個股股價受到上下漲跌幅7%的限制,台幣兌美元的匯率也受到央行的干涉,但以極值理論來描述資產尾端的分配情形相較於假設其他兩種分配仍有較好的估計效果。
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不對稱分配於風險值之應用 - 以台灣股市為例 / An application of asymmetric distribution in value at risk - taking Taiwan stock market as an example沈之元, Shen,Chih-Yuan Unknown Date (has links)
本文以台灣股價加權指數,使用 AR(3)-GJR-GRACH(1,1) 模型,白噪音假設為 Normal 、 Skew-Normal 、 Student t 、 skew-t 、 EPD 、 SEPD 、與 AEPD 等七種分配。著重於兩個部份,(一) Student t 分配一族與 EPD 分配一族在模型配適與風險值估計的比較;(二) 預測風險值區分為低震盪與高震盪兩個區間,比較不同分配在兩區間預測風險值的差異。
實證分析顯示, t 分配一族與 EPD 分配一族配適的結果,無論是只考慮峰態 ( t 分配與 EPD 分配) ,或者加入影響偏態的參數 ( skew-t 分配與 SEPD 分配) , t 分配一族的配適程度都較 EPD 分配一族為佳。更進一步考慮分配兩尾厚度不同的 AEPD 分配,配適結果為七種分配中最佳。
風險值的估計在低震盪的區間,常態分配與其他厚尾分配皆能通過回溯測試,採用厚尾分配效果不大;在高震盪的區間,左尾風險值回溯測試結果,常態分配與其他厚尾分配皆無法全數通過,但仍以 AEPD 分配為最佳。最後比較損失函數,左尾風險值估計以 AEPD 分配為最佳,右尾風險值則無一致的結果。因此我們認為 AEPD 分配可作為風險管理有用的工具。
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金融風險測度與極值相依之應用─以台灣金融市場為例 / Measuring financial risk and extremal dependence between financial markets in Taiwan劉宜芳 Unknown Date (has links)
This paper links two applications of Extreme Value Theory (EVT) to analyze Taiwanese financial markets: 1. computation of Value at Risk (VaR) and Expected Shortfall (ES) 2. estimates of cross-market dependence under extreme events. Daily data from the Taiwan Stock Exchange Capitalization Weight Stock Index (TAIEX) and the foreign exchange rate, USD/NTD, are employed to analyze the behavior of each return and the dependence structure between the foreign exchange market and the equity market. In the univariate case, when computing risk measures, EVT provides us a more accurate way to estimate VaR. In bivariate case, when measuring extremal dependence, the results of whole period data show the extremal dependence between two markets is asymptotically independent, and the analyses of subperiods illustrate that the relation is slightly dependent in specific periods. Therefore, there is no significant evidence that extreme events appeared in one market (the equity market or the foreign exchange market) will affect another in Taiwan.
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極值理論在股價指數與匯率之實證研究邱之駿 Unknown Date (has links)
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台灣銀行業系統重要性之衡量 / Measuring Systemic Importance of Taiwan’s Banking System林育慈, Lin, Yu Tzu Unknown Date (has links)
本文利用Gravelle and Li (2013)提出之系統重要性指標來衡量國內九家上市金控銀行對於系統風險之貢獻程度。此種衡量方法係將特定銀行之系統重要性定義為該銀行發生危機造成系統風險增加的幅度,並以多變量極值理論進行機率的估算。實證結果顯示:一、系統重要性最高者為第一銀行;最低者為中國信託銀行。其中除中國信託銀行之重要性顯著低於其他銀行外,其餘銀行之系統重要性均無顯著差異。二、經營期間較長之銀行其系統重要性較高;具公股色彩之銀行對於系統風險之貢獻程度平均而言高於民營銀行。三、銀行規模與其對系統風險之貢獻大致呈現正向關係,即規模越大之銀行其重要性越高。在此情況下可能會有銀行大到不能倒的問題發生。四、存放比較低之銀行系統重要性亦較低,而資本適足率與系統重要性間並無明顯關係。 / In this thesis, we apply the measure proposed by Gravelle and Li (2013) to examine the systemic importance of certain Taiwanese banks. The systemic importance is defined as the increase in the systemic risk conditioned on the crash of a particular bank, and is estimated by the multivariate extreme value theory. Our empirical evidence shows that the most systemically important bank is First Commercial Bank, and the CTBC Bank is significantly less important than other banks, while the differences among the remaining banks are not significant. Second, banks established earlier have higher systemic importance; and the contribution to systemic risk of public banks, on average, is higher than the contribution of private banks. Third, we also find out that the size of a bank and its risk contribution have positive relationship. That is, the bigger a bank is, the more important it is. Under this circumstances, the too big to fail problem may occur. Last, the bank which has lower loan-to-deposit ratio will be less systemically important than those with higher ones, while the relation between capital adequacy ratio and systemic importance is unclear.
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亞洲四小龍匯率報酬率尾部參數變化之探討薛承志 Unknown Date (has links)
一般而言財務資料具有高峰(High Kurtosis)及厚尾(Heavy Tail)的特性,極值理論(Extreme Value Theorem)即是著重於尾部極端事件發生的機率,描繒出尾部極端值的機率分配,以捕捉財務資料中具厚尾的現象,利用估算尾部指數(Tail Index) α值判斷尾部分配的厚、薄程度。一般在估算α值時均是假設α值是不會隨著時間而變動的穩定值,然而在我們所選取的樣本期間內,可能伴隨著一些重大事件,如金融風暴、或是制度面的改變等,均有可能造成尾部極端值發生機率的增加或減少,因此在其樣本期間所估算的α值不應假設為一不變的常數。本文即是針對亞洲四小龍的匯率資料做”尾部參數是否發生結構變化(Structural Change)”之假設檢定,並且找出發生結構變化的時點。
實証結果發現,在1993~2004年間,亞洲四小龍的匯率報酬率其尾部參數確實有發生結構變化的情形。此結論對於風險管理者而言,必須注意到尾部參數α值應該是一個會隨著時間而改變的值,也就是在估算 值時應該要避開發生結構變化的可能時點,或許應於所要估計的樣本期間先執行尾部參數是否有結構變化的檢定,如此才能更準確的估算α值。
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極值相依模型下投資組合之重要性取樣法 / An importance sampling (IS) for evaluating portfolio with extremal dependence model陳家丞, Chen, Chia Chen Unknown Date (has links)
本篇文章將蒙地卡羅法作為比較的基準,以Glasserman, and Li (Management Science, 51(11), 1643-1656, 2005) 所提出的二階段重要性取樣法,我們稱為GIS,以及將Chiang et al. (Journal of Derivatives, 15(2), 8-19, 2007) 所提出的重要性取樣法加以改良,我們稱為MIS,針對bassamboo et al. (Operations Research, 56(3), 593-606, 2008) 所提出的極值相依模型,也就是t關聯結構模型進行模擬研究,並根據模擬出來的數值結果判斷重要性取樣法的估計效益,此外,我們也會對常態關聯結構模型進行模擬。依據模擬結果我們發現到,整體而言,在模擬時間上,MIS法所花費的時間較GIS法來得少,在準確率方面,MIS法一樣是比GIS法來的準確,也較為穩定,且MIS法所達到的變異數縮減效果更佳。
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