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非政府組織與聯合國關係研究曾文怡 Unknown Date (has links)
而非政府組織在2003及2005年聯合國為解決數位落差的高峰會「世界資訊社會高峰會」(World Summit of Information Society)的表現,顯示非政府組織在聯合國的地位確有攀升,且包括非政府組織參與的全球治理型態已然成型。 / In recent years, NGO is not only getting more important within the International Organization research field but also provides a new perspective for the scholars. This dissertation aims at NGO and United Nations relations. Starting from NGO’s definition and origins, deduces that International Organization is the most important character that NGO should engage in. Among those International Organizations, United Nations is one of the biggest one so that how NGO participates in United Nations and what influences NGO could affect United Nations become a key issue.
In United Nations, including ECOSOC, General Assembly, Security Council, and Summit held by United Nation, NGO’s status and its interaction with those bodies are the core aspects here. From the achievements that NGO now reaches, it is no more than just play a passively character in United Nations. It has aggressively used lots of strategies to influence the decision making authorities. United Nations also benefits from NGO’s participation. More world citizens are considering that United Nation partly solves the democratic deficit problem and becomes more legal.
NGO’s contributions in World Summit of Information Society held to solve digital divide in 2003 and 2005, reflect NGO indeed play important part in United Nations. Global governance with NGO is now forming.
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東協歷屆高峰會議與區域政經合作(1967-1992) / ASEAN summit meetings and its political and economical cooperation (1967-1992)周湘宜, Chou, Hsiang-Yi Unknown Date (has links)
No description available.
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以條件拔靴法估計VaR之探討賴信宏 Unknown Date (has links)
關於風險值之估計,拔靴法因直接以市場資料為抽樣分配,計算時便包含一般財務時間序列所常有的厚尾高峰等現象,避免模型偏誤(Model Risk)。但市場上的波動因具有異質變異,易產生波動聚集現象(Volatility Clustering),是以歷史資料無法立即反應波動之起伏與及時之資訊,一般VaR估計模型往往在波動較劇烈起伏處,無法準確估計風險值,因而提高市場風險。
針對於此,此次研究嘗試以GARCH模型捕捉波動起伏,並運用拔靴法估計之便捷與優點,估計更可靠之風險值(簡稱GARCH Bootstrap)。研究所得之主要結論如下:
1.拔靴法(Bootstrap)以及偏誤修正之拔靴法(Bias-Corrected Bootstrap)在厚尾及常態之下,皆比歷史模擬法有較佳之估計。但實證資料因厚尾情形不足,三者之VaR估計,並無顯著差異。
4.在資料本身具有GARCH現象時,GARCH Bootstrap會較Bootstrap為佳。
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雷根政府時期美蘇高峰會議之研究張功漢, ZHANG,GONG-HAN Unknown Date (has links)
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亞洲四小龍匯率報酬率尾部參數變化之探討薛承志 Unknown Date (has links)
一般而言財務資料具有高峰(High Kurtosis)及厚尾(Heavy Tail)的特性,極值理論(Extreme Value Theorem)即是著重於尾部極端事件發生的機率,描繒出尾部極端值的機率分配,以捕捉財務資料中具厚尾的現象,利用估算尾部指數(Tail Index) α值判斷尾部分配的厚、薄程度。一般在估算α值時均是假設α值是不會隨著時間而變動的穩定值,然而在我們所選取的樣本期間內,可能伴隨著一些重大事件,如金融風暴、或是制度面的改變等,均有可能造成尾部極端值發生機率的增加或減少,因此在其樣本期間所估算的α值不應假設為一不變的常數。本文即是針對亞洲四小龍的匯率資料做”尾部參數是否發生結構變化(Structural Change)”之假設檢定,並且找出發生結構變化的時點。
實証結果發現,在1993~2004年間,亞洲四小龍的匯率報酬率其尾部參數確實有發生結構變化的情形。此結論對於風險管理者而言,必須注意到尾部參數α值應該是一個會隨著時間而改變的值,也就是在估算 值時應該要避開發生結構變化的可能時點,或許應於所要估計的樣本期間先執行尾部參數是否有結構變化的檢定,如此才能更準確的估算α值。
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戈巴契夫執政後中蘇共關係正常化之研究劉經巖, LIU,JING-YAN Unknown Date (has links)
第一章 前言、研究動機、目的、研究方法、研究限制。
第二章 中蘇共關系的歷史回顧,描述從中共建立政權直到1979年之間,與蘇聯
第三章 蘇聯在戈巴契夫執政后,和中共改善關系的發展,以及高峰會議召開所象徵
第四章 剖析中共對于關系正常化的認知以及政策。
第五章 陳述蘇聯對于關系正常化的認知以及政策。
第六章 結論。中蘇共在八○年代后半期,將雙方關系的發展的結果,歸納成三個特
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東協對歐盟(體)政策之研究 / ASEAN's policy towards EU盧業中, Lu, Yeh-Chung Unknown Date (has links)
整體而言,東協對歐盟之政策係以彼此共識為基礎,以整體立場對歐盟尋求最大利益。展望未來,東協與歐盟之合作關係,將於現今基礎上繼續擴展其他包括安全面向之合作。 / Southeast Asia had been dominated by European Powers since 15thcntury until the second world war. After the second world war, thenewly independent states emerge in the southeast asia region, andASEAN was founded in 1967. ASEAN is famous of its decision-making process, well known as"common decision", every member's opinion must be heared by theothers, and "feelers technique" do help each other on understandingmutually. According to common interests, ASEAN and EC begin dialoguessince 1978, and signed an agreement on cooperation in 1980.
As the Cold War ended in 1990s, ASEAN and EC both expandedthemselves, and under the urges of both sides, the ASEM was held inBangkok and London 1996 and 1998, to get mutual understandings andto promote the common interests for bothsides. The most difference between ASEAN and EC is the human rights issue,especially on Burma and East Timor. Fortunately, ASEAN and EC will intense their cooperativerelationship in the foreseenable future.
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歐中高峰會之研究-以文教合作為例 / The EU-China Summit: A Study on Cultural and Educational Cooperation張亦芸, Chang, Yi Yun Unknown Date (has links)
因此本文運用柔性權力之概念,並以歐中文教合作為出發點,以另一面向來檢視歐中雙邊關係的發展,發掘歐中在文教合作的驅動力、對歐中關係發展之成果與前景,包括探討雙方所採取的文教議題、文教交流之互動過程,以及最後對於歐中雙方文教領域交流範圍與程度的日益加深,是否有助於雙方峰會根本目標的達成,以及是否對於歐中間的對話管道與交流模式有著積極的幫助,提出研究發現與心得。 / In the modern international communication and interaction which set pace well on cooperation and harmoniousness, the influence inflicting from one country to another rarely resorts that much to the traditional rigid, enforcing way of negotiation. Rather, more cultural and educative ways of interaction have, slowly changing how countries evaluate each other, improved relationships of both or even multiple sides. Therefore, upon the global relationship, one country’s power of pliable nature can be commonly deemed of creating influential impacts on many aspects, which has gained more attention from fields of international relationship after the concept of soft power has been suggested by Joseph Nye.
The European Union has established diplomatic relationship with China since 1975. Owing to the restriction resulted from the cold war; however, both sides had very limited room for further cooperation. After the cold war, China and The European Union, because of China’s growth, established EU-China summit in 1998, starting to push their cooperation, along with economic development, to various fields including cultural and educational ones. The nature of low sensitivity and flexibility of cultural and educational issues makes it easy for both sides to understand and distribute the power of philosophy of value, which helps to shape the image of the country for diplomatic purposes, so international intercourse for cultural and educational purposes has its status in the study of soft power. Many countries have tried to create a comfort zone in the international environment or to influence other countries’ decision making via cultural and educational interaction, and hence strive for a bigger room to take political action. As a consequence, this research aims at exploring the issue of the changes that have been brought about by this cultural and educational cooperation and how they influence each other through the cooperation upon the resources that both sides have.
This paper manipulates the idea of soft power and bases on China and European Union cooperation to look at how both sides evolve from this relationship, to discover the drives towards their cooperation, and to oversee their developed relationship and its prospects, including discussing cultural and educational issues that both sides adopt, the interaction along their communication. At the end, this research gives a retrospect and discovery for whether their goals are achieved after their cultural and informational development has been established, and whether their channel of communication and their modes of interaction have been significantly benefited.
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優步公司訂價演算法關於價格聯合行為爭議之研究─以美國休曼法為中心 / A Study on Price-Fixing Controversies over Uber's Pricing Algorithm Focusing on U.S. Jurisprudence of Sherman Act劉穎蓁 Unknown Date (has links)
近來共享經濟商業模式崛起,對各國既有相關市場皆造成不少之衝擊,當中,優步公司用以計算車資之「訂價演算法」,於美國實務亦引起許多爭議。美國司法案例中其中一個重要爭議即為優步公司單方制定之「訂價演算法」與其採行之「高峰動態訂價法」究否構成價格聯合行為。於美國實務近來2起與價格聯合行為相關之案例,即包含Meyer v. Kalanick案與Chamber of Commerce & RASIER, LLC v. City of Seattle案(以下簡稱「City of Seattle案」)中,皆可見Uber企圖正當化其價格聯合行為,以免於競爭法審查下有違法之嫌。而美國對於價格聯合行為之規範,載明於休曼法第1條;依據休曼法第1條規定,若原告擬主張被告行為違反卡特爾行為,則應證明系爭卡特爾行為符合合意主體要件、具合意或共謀行為,與造成限制性之競爭效果等三項要件。由於上述二案皆仍於訴訟前階段,判決尚未出爐,因此,此議題值得吾等分析之。本文擬以美國實務判決為基準,彙整相關爭議,進而探討Uber所採訂價演算法是否構成價格聯合行為。
本文發現,雖然此等訂價演算法究否構成價格聯合行為尚未有定論,然由於訂價演算法中之高峰動態訂價法可提高駕駛於尖峰時段中提供載客服務之誘因,將有助於調節市場機制與促進競爭。此外,Uber亦可利用其訂價演算法與設置平台所奠立之優勢,使其得以潛在破壞市場秩序之形式,創造競爭優勢。據此,Uber除可克服既有行政管制下市場進入之劣勢外,亦得使相關市場交易效率大幅提升、市場更加競爭。因此,於探討Uber價格聯合行為合法與否時,亦應將此等因素納入考量。 / The rapid expansion of sharing economy enterprises around the world has led to many challenges. And among these enterprises, one of the most disruptive examples is Uber because of its algorithm. In the United States, the lawsuits regarding Uber's algorithm has also gained massive attention. One of the controversial issues of the complaints relies upon whether Uber's algorithm which set by Uber, and “surge pricing” model do constitute an illegal price-fixing in violation of Section 1 of the Sherman Act. In 2 recent high-profile cases, Meyer v. Kalanick & Chamber of Commerce & RASIER, LLC v. City of Seattle, Uber has tried to justify its price fixing to avoid antitrust scrutiny. There are three specific facts that the Plaintiff must prove to establish its antitrust claim in Section 1 of the Sherman Act: 2 or more entities entering into an agreement, conspiracy, and unreasonably restrains competition. Analysis regarding Uber's algorithm is significant because the trials are ongoing. Therefore, the thesis examines whether Uber's algorithm do constitute an illegal price-fixing in violation of Section 1 of the Sherman Act by exploring the potential problems with regard to the elements based on U.S. judicial decisions.
The thesis believes that Uber's algorithm can enhance the efficiency of transaction and has pro-competitive effects, leading to the impact of Uber's surge pricing on providing the incentives for drivers during peak hours. Establishing platform and Uber's algorithm create Uber's strengths and advantages. By having disrupted the existing industry, Uber's algorithm serves pro-competitive purposes.
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後冷戰時期歐盟與俄羅斯合作關係之研究 / The Cooperative Relationship Between the EU and Russia in the Post Cold War Era楊爵鴻, Yang, Johong Unknown Date (has links)
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