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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


李展其, Lee, Chan Chi Unknown Date (has links)
台灣農業整體發展,隨著農業政策目標更迭,已歷經不同時期的轉變。政策執行結果,亦使得台灣農業面臨生產資源流失、糧食安全與食品安全等困境。而近三十年來,面對農業的困境,開始促使全民與政府,重新思索農業對台灣的重要性,包括農民運動之興起、耕作方式之改變,以及永續農業的論述,皆可謂嘗試以不同觀點,解決農業困境。 基此,本研究以為許多政策與行動的抉擇,關鍵在於其所採取「價值觀」的判斷,如此與學者孔恩(Thomas S. Kuhn)論述的典範(paradigm)意涵相似。因此本研究藉以修改孔恩典範與典範變遷的概念,將典範變遷過程分為形成、深化、轉型、新典範等階段,並以此架構分析及詮釋台灣農業,自國民政府播遷來台至今之流變。因而,本研究對一連串農業政策、社會事件、學者觀點進行文獻分析,以歸納台灣農業典範變遷情狀;並輔以深度訪談方式,訪談具有「友善耕作理念」者,作為與前述文獻印證,並且強化台灣朝向永續農業發展之可能性。 研究結果發現,台灣農業整體發展,深受「依附」型態農業典範影響,政府對農業所採取的價值觀,為認定農業僅具「單一化」的生產功能,因此當農業產值偏低時,農業發展容易依附於非農部門與自由化貿易,缺乏「相對自主」發展機會。而農民運動與永續農業的出現,其實代表當前台灣農業典範正處於轉型階段,不僅反對農業長期囿於發展的困境,更積極改變耕作方式與銷售型態,著重農業的多功能性,逐漸地醞釀出農業典範的新型態。而由深度訪談之結果,得以歸納台灣農業正由民間自發,型塑一股以友善耕作理念為基礎,推廣在地生產、在地消費概念,並富含農業多功能性的新農業典範—「相對自主」型態。 於此,農業發展所涉及之面向,也由僅重視生產者、農村發展,擴大至與全體社會的公共利益相關。有鑑於此,本研究建議,台灣農業若欲走向永續發展,農業的多元功能與價值應被重新瞭解,並可藉由「教育」方式,讓農業多功能性扎根台灣;此外,政府應有責任提供多元化傳遞「理念」之管道,並制定長遠且具體的農業政策。如此,台灣農業未來該如何發展,政府、公民社會間的相互配合,乃為關鍵所在。

國有放租林地發展混農林業之研究-以臺大實驗林契約林地為例 / Agroforestry development in national leased forestland-A case of Experimental Forest of National Taiwan University

薛心淳, Hsueh, Hsin Chun Unknown Date (has links)
租地造林乃緣於日本領台期間林木過度採伐,台灣光復後政府財力及物力不足,林務管理欠周,林地遭濫墾、占用隨處可見,故期能透過引進民間人力、物力以及財力,加速完成造林工作。1990年代,政府為防止天然林的快速消逝對國土保育及環境造成負面影響,而全面禁止砍伐天然林,加上我國加入WTO後,開放進口大陸廉價木材,致國產木材逐漸失去競爭力,林農經營林業入不敷出,而拓展種植果樹之面積,改種高經濟價值作物,如茶葉、咖啡、葡萄、柳丁及檳榔等。然而,在林地上同時存有林業與農業使用,並不能直接類比為永續的「混農林業」經營模式,其特殊條件值得進一步探討。 起源自游耕活動的混農林業具有多功能性且符合土地倫理的概念,包括社會經濟上增加林農收入外,亦可分散經營風險,提升地方生活水準與競爭力,並可使當地文化習俗得以傳承;而在生態環境方面,樹木可供應作物生長所需氮素,增加養分獲取與留存,並可增加碳吸存力,以及維持生物多樣性等,因而在國際間頗受推崇,然在我國則面臨政策以及法規的考驗。 本研究修正Walck & Strong所提出的土地倫理分析架構為永續性混農林業影響模式,並以臺大實驗林契約林地為案例,透過文獻評析、參與觀察、問卷調查以及深度訪談,目的為探求國有放租林地發展混農林業之正當性,以及研擬混農林業之發展對策,獲得以下結論:1.過去混農林業政策多採有條件限制施作;2.林地管理政策與法規範難以戢止林農違規使用行為;3.放租林地改作永續混農林業具有正當性。而本研究之建議包括:1.調整政府租地造林管理制度;2.有條件允許混農林業;3.重視林農土地倫理價值觀;4.以永續農業維持林地健康。 / The government owned forest in Taiwan were overexploited during the Japanese Colonial Period and the poor forestry management after Second War World resulted in deforestation for illegal cultivation, occupying. In order to remedy the negative effects, government speeds up afforestation on national forestlands, and rent them to local tenant. Since 1990s, logging natural forest was prohibited and the cheap timber was imported from Mainland China after 2002 while Taiwan joined WTO, the forest tenants deforested part of the leased forestland and grew fruits, tea, coffee, etc., to fight against low price of forestry products to gain more income. However, growing crops on forestry land is no analogy to agroforestry, some specific conditions have to be investigated. Agroforestry is multifunctional and manipulated based on land ethics. On economic and social aspects, it is not only increase local tenants income, but also disperse the risks of operation, improve local living standard and forestry competitiveness and inherit local culture and customs to the next generation. On ecological aspect, trees provide nitrogen and nutrient, raise carbon sequestration, and sustain biological diversity. Hence, it is highly valued in other countries, but is taken as illegal activity in Taiwan. This study revises the framework of land ethics, power relationships and land use, land health raised by Walck & Strong for sustainable agroforestry analysis, and take the Experimental Forest of National Taiwan University as a case study. Through methods of literature review, participation observations, questionnaire survey, in-depth interviews, the research findings are as follows: 1) the cultivation of agroforestry was confined conditionally; 2) the current forestry policy and laws cannot prevent tenants from illegal land uses; 3) agroforestry in leased forestland is legitimate if it is operated sustainably. Hence, the policy implications are: 1) adjusting the management institution of leased forestland; 2) conditionally permitting agroforestry; 3) respecting tenants’ value of land ethics; 4) maintaining forestland health by sustainable agroforestry.

共創新價值—以「政大一畝田」為例 / Thecase of NCCU's My-Farmland Project

王耀德, Wang, Yao Ter Owen Unknown Date (has links)
本研究為個案研究,以政大EMBA永續農業促進小組所創「政大一畝田」品牌專案為例,以深度訪談為研究方法,主要探討社會公民社團,如何透過策略聯盟方式,與策略夥伴為利害關係人以及社會共創新價值,並輔以相關文獻的深度分析,對農民團體策略聯盟以推廣有機農業提供具體建議。 根據農糧署2010/05發佈台灣有機認證農地共有4217公頃,僅佔所有農地的0.4%,在政府目前積極的倡導下,消費者認同與消費者支持已大幅增加,台灣的農民團體多自行組織,自產自銷,或者透過地方產銷班等,共同銷售予通路商、中盤商,但現行的銷售管道之銷量不大,又易被中盤商壓價,因此造成台灣有機小農的銷售困境。 研究者發起「政大EMBA永續農業促進小組」,透過資源分析以及環境分析,以組織內部成員之人脈資源、資金、商管知識以及服務熱忱作為基礎,再加上政大之社群資源,與農民團體合作,選定宜蘭三星行健有機合作社作為策略夥伴,推行「政大一畝田」契作稻田認養專案,建立以國內相關企業為目標客群之企業認養的銷售管道。 此公益項目增進台灣有機稻農的生計,也為認養企業與家庭提供樂活體驗、二次公益等社會企業責任的價值,更透過媒體公關行銷,使策略夥伴以及有機議題得到大眾關注,以提昇國民對有機農產的認同與支持。 / Based on the Case of NCCU's My-Farmland Project by National ChengChi University EMBA Sustainable Agriculture Promoting Organization, this paper will discuss how Non-Profit Organizations create new value of sustainability with other stakeholders by strategic alliance and offer some advice to the agricultural organization in Taiwan to promote sustainable agriculture. This paper will also provide literature review on civil society, sustainable agriculture, social enterprise and strategic alliance. According to the Council of Agriculture, the organic farmland officially recorded is 4217 hectares which only accounts for 0.4 percent of the total farmland in Taiwan. Now through the active promotion of the government, both the consumer identification and their support have increased dramatically. The agricultural organizations in Taiwan are made up almost entirely of farmers only. They produce and sell their products on their own. Their main sales channels are to wholesalers, distributors and some end consumers in low volumes. With low bargaining power, organic farmers in Taiwan have a difficult sales condition. This researcher initiated the "National Chengchi University EMBA sustainable agriculture promotion teams" to promote the Case of NCCU's My-Farmland Project through resources and environmental analysis together with the networking, capital, business management knowledge and dedicated services of the members of the NCCU or ganization, plus the community resources of the National Chengchi University. It is the goal of this project to assist the agricultural organizations in Taiwan in prospering and expanding their business. We have selected Ilan Samsung organic cooperatives as a strategic partner to promote and execute the above project and create a sales pipeline for relevant domestic enterprises as target customers. This charity project will provide Taiwan organic farmers with better lives, and also offer country life experiences for the corporations and families who join the project. Additionally, this project will allow the corporations to fulfill their corporate social responsibilities. Furthermore, with the promotion and attention through medias, this project will really increase the consumer identification and their support for the organic farmers in Taiwan.

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