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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

澳門刑事和解制度初探 / Primary research on the criminal reconciliation system in Macau

楊秀莉 January 2012 (has links)
University of Macau / Faculty of Law

台灣宗教自由權之新制度分析 / A New Institutional Analysis of Taiwan's Religious Rights

胡立祖 Unknown Date (has links)

論公序良俗原則與性工作合法化 = Principle of public order and good social customs and legalization of prostitution / Principle of public order and good social customs and legalization of prostitution

金子 January 2009 (has links)
University of Macau / Faculty of Law


張皓得, ZHANG,HAO-DE Unknown Date (has links)
本論文研究《馬氏文通》,其研究之重點在於探討馬建忠《馬氏文通》的語法理論,以及《馬氏文通》對后來語法研究的影響。 本論文凡六章。 第一章緒論,分為兩節。第一節略述筆者撰述本論文之研究動機、研究目的及研究方法。第二節略述《馬氏文通》以前的語法研究概況。 第二章為《馬氏文通》的概說,敘述《馬氏文通》的作者、撰述動機、體例和用例,并且分析馬氏所用的主要語法術語,以作為研究《馬氏文通》的基礎。 第三章論《馬氏文通》的詞法理論,分為實字和虛字兩節來探討《馬氏文通》對名字、代字、動字、靜字、象字、介字、連字、助字、歎字各詞類的界說、分類、用法及用例。 第四章論《馬氏文通》的句法理論。第五節以起詞、語詞、止詞、轉詞、加詞、司詞句子成分及頓、讀、句為研究對象,探討馬建忠的句法理論。第二節以主次、實次、偏次、正次、前次、同次和平比、差比、極比為研究對象,探討《馬氏文通》的「次」和「比」語法範疇論。 第五章論述「馬氏文通」對后來語法研究的影響。主要陳述「馬氏文通」對后來語法術語、詞類體系及分類、各詞類的小分類、句子分析、句子分類和語法範疇研究的影響。 第六章為結論。先將本論的內容扼要整理,再論《馬氏文通》在語法理論上的特色,探究《馬氏文通》中國語法文學史上的地位,并予以評價。

中文訴訟文書檢索系統雛形實作 / A Prototype of Information Services for Chinese Judicial Documents

藍家樑, Lan, Chia Liang Unknown Date (has links)
訴訟案件與日俱增,欲閱讀完所有案件顯然不容易,此時便需要一套較完善的檢索系統來輔助使用者。我們整合前人的相關研究成果,實作一套分群式檢索系統的雛形,依檢索條件搜尋相關案件,並將結果分群輸出,便於使用者對各群集進行查詢,以期減少使用者閱讀案件上的負擔,同時獲得較完整資訊。另設計文件標記與註解功能,供使用者建立個人化資料庫,便於日後檢索。 當輸入為關鍵詞時我們利用階層式分群法來為結果作分群,也以共現詞彙的概念建立的索引,列出可能的相關詞彙提供使用者作查詢;檢索條件亦可輸入一段犯罪事實,系統透過k最近鄰居法的概念,找到相似的案件,依照案由分群。另外也可以透過判決刑期分佈針對特定區間作檢索。 本系統難以進行較正規的實驗,因為這是一個使用者互動的系統,而適不適用也難有一個評定標準。我們從使用者的執行效率,以及對於分群結果的相似度與判決刑期統計來分析與討論,檢驗本系統對使用者的助益以及討論系統本身須要再改善之處。 / Because cumulative number of the judgments grows unceasingly, it is obviously not easy for the users to read all the judicial documents. They need a handier system to retrieve the judgment information. We present a prototype of clustering retrieval system for Chinese judicial documents. The system can automatically cluster and integrate the search results. It is easy for the users to focus on the information they need and pass over the others. When they read a judicial document, they can mark some parts of sentences or annotate some comments if they are interested in. We let them create the personalized database and search more easily. We can type a keyword, and then our system executes the hierarchical clustering method to cluster search results. We also can view some words which may be relative to the keyword from the collocation word lists. Besides we can input a crime description, and then our system executes the k-nearest neighbor method to classify the crime into some prosecution reason and provide the similar cases. Moreover, our system lets the users view the distribution of prison sentence lengths and the documents in the specific interval. A formal evaluation of our system is not easy because this is an interactive system. We cannot definitely judge whether it is helpful or unhelpful. We evaluated the efficiency of our system by the operations of human subjects. Besides we made some statistics about the similarity and the distribution of prison sentence lengths from the clustering results. We tried to discuss the help by our system for users and how to improve the system.


范世偉, Wei, Fan-Shih- Unknown Date (has links)
摘 要 清《刑科題本》目前收錄在中國北京第一歷史檔案館,該檔案館共收有大清帝國內閣題本刑科命案類婚姻姦情專題微捲檔案(以下簡稱刑科婚姻姦情檔案),其中乾隆元年到三十年有七萬餘件相關的檔案;另外乾隆三十年到六十年也有七萬餘件檔案是指清代罪犯經過地方衙門至中央三法司審判後,官員向皇帝奏題案情經過及會審結果,最後由皇帝硃批處斬或緩刑等。在這些奏摺中審訊犯案者的口供必須交代姓名、籍貫、已婚未婚、歲數、職業、家庭人口數等等。 《刑科題本》的這些案件足以讓我們瞭解清代法律在實際生活中的運作情形,而由於這些案件乃地方司法審判者上奏中央的判決文書,因此這些案件也可以提供我們許多清朝乾隆時期關於司法判決書的格式與其法律論證的相關資訊。但更值得注意的是,刑科題本的作用與在清律與法制史研究裡的地位為何? 本文在章節規劃上分為六章,分別為緒說、《大清律例》下的司法文書態樣、《刑科題本》的範式、《刑科題本》的法理-案例解析、《刑科題本》的回首與前瞻、結論等六章。 而在案例分析的取樣方式,則是在空間上,以華南、華中、華北等三大地理區為緯;在時間上,以乾隆元年至陸拾年的時間為經,在《刑科題本》中上下縱論抽樣出六個案例來解析,進一步釐清其書寫的格式等的制度面問題與法律論證與法條解釋與適用等的法理面問題,在相關《刑科題本》的研究尚在發展階段之際,本文結合時間與空間、史學與法學的面向,對《刑科題本》提出初步的分析。

農村土地承包經營權流轉的法律問題研究 =Research on the circulation legal issues of the contracted management right of rural land / Research on the circulation legal issues of the contracted management right of rural land

胡守鑫 January 2016 (has links)
University of Macau / Faculty of Law

P2P 網絡借貸的法律風險與規制 =Legal risk and regulation of P2P lending / Legal risk and regulation of P2P lending

蔣東霖 January 2016 (has links)
University of Macau / Faculty of Law

電腦輔助句子重組試題編製 / Computer assisted test item generation for sentence reconstruction

黃志斌, Huang, Chih Bin Unknown Date (has links)
本論文提供了一個句子重組試題編製的環境,協助教師編製句子重組試題,同時學生也能夠在此編製環境中練習句子重組試題。 句子重組試題即是要求學生把試題給的一組詞彙組合成特定詞序的正確語句之題型,該試題類型可以檢驗學生對於句型和文法的知識。然而試題所給的詞彙集合往往除了可以組合成教師想要學生回答的正確語句之外,也可以組合成其它的合法語句。為了能辨識學生的回答,把這些合法語句以人工方式逐一建置為答案卻對出題教師造成了負擔。 我們建構了一個電腦輔助句子重組試題編製的環境來減輕出題教師的負擔。為了讓電腦可以恰當地判斷學生的回答,我們的編製環境限制了試題詞彙集的相對位置,藉此約束學生只能排出教師預設的特定答案。同時在出題教師建置試題答案時,我們的編製環境也試圖提供所有可能的合法詞序之語句,供出題教師參考。但本論文的研究經驗顯示要自動協助出題教師預示所有可能的合法詞序之語句卻是一件艱難的工作,而且這一研究問題與語法學有密切關係。 本論文以基礎詞組為主軸,透過合併詞組和史丹佛剖析器的操作建構出英文句子重組試題編製環境,供教師編輯與學生練習。同時,我們在論文中也提報了中文句子重組試題編製環境的初步探討。 / This thesis presents a computer assisted environment for authoring test items for sentence reconstruction. Not only the teacher can author the test items for sentence reconstruction, but also the student can practice the test items in this environment. A test item for sentence reconstruction asks the student to arrange the shuffled words in a correct order, and this type of tests can examine the knowledge of sentence patterns and grammars of the student. However, the rearranged sentence may match with not only the correct sentence that the teacher wants but also other sentences which are legal. But enumerating all possible legal and acceptable answers for judging the answer of the student manually makes the teacher taking a big load. We construct a computer assisted environment for authoring test items for sentence reconstruction to lighten the load of the teacher. For the purpose of judging the answer of the student by a computer easily, the relative locations of the words are restricted so that we can restrict the sentences that the student arranges. When the teacher provides the correct answers, we try to find and return all of the sentences which may be legal for the teacher's consideration. However, our experience shows that it is difficult to find all of the legal sentences for a given set of words, and this problem associates closely with a certain syntactic research work. This thesis depends on basic word groups to construct an environment of test item authoring for English sentence reconstruction by merging word groups and using the Stanford Parser, and report an initial study of an environment of test item preparation for Chinese sentence reconstruction.

以法律文化論法學教育模式 / The patterns of legal education on legal culture t heory

蔡柏毅, Tsai, Po I Unknown Date (has links)
我國繼受羅馬-日耳曼法系傳統,法學教育的內涵是博雅教育。英國與美國在普通法學徒制的傳統下,法學教育的目標是訓練合格律師的職業教育。此即Max Weber區分的理性的法學教育與經驗性的法學教育模式。本文將以法律文化研究中法律多元主義的觀點,觀察並描述整體法律運作的實際狀況,包含法律歷來的演進過程,以及支配法律運作的原理原則。並將法律體系與社會的其他部門,同樣置諸文化脈絡之內,探究法學教育模式之間的相互影響。 法律文化傳統影響法學教育目標,而教育目標的確定又帶動教學方法的演進。近年來美國的學士後法律學位模式,亦即一般為期三年的J.D,被東亞的日本、南韓與中國紛紛借鏡,我國也有全面引進之議。但在確定法學院的教育目標和教學品質之後,即不應以任何形式控制法律從業人員的數量,而應依循資格考的原則,讓接受過充分法學訓練者皆能進入法律的實踐階段。

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