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潛能式與情態詞「能」的關係及教學建議 / Modality in potential forms and modal verb neng in Mandarin and its pedagogical approach to teaching莊欣荷, Zhuang, Xin He Unknown Date (has links)
華語情態詞「能」和潛能式在表現情態時 經常可以替換使用,例如「吃了這麼多東西,當然吃得飽」也可以說「吃了這麼多東西,當然能吃飽」,但有些時候卻不能,例如「我睡不著」不能說成「我不能睡著」,因為「我睡不著」的意思是「我想睡,但是無法入睡」,而「我不能睡著」的意思是「我想睡,但是因為某些原因,不允許我去睡」。因此本論文的研究動機是了解潛能式和情態詞「能」的差異,以及如何將研究成果應用於對外華語教學上。為達成此目標,首先,本論文整理了過去的研究中相關的文獻,接著確定了本論文的情態架構,接著再討論潛能式和情態詞「能」的結構特色以及情態類型,也確定了兩者都可以表現動力、認知、義務情態三者,但是各有限制,最後則是分別檢測比較潛能式和情態詞「能」在表現這三種情態類型時的替換限制,發現影響替換規則的因素包括:述補複合詞是否具有主事意義,述補複合詞的結構緊密程度、述補複合詞是否為慣用語,而經常被討論的潛能式的否定範疇則必須考慮命題、事件的時間性,最後分析了常用的兩套教材(正中書局出版《實用視聽華語一》、遠東出版社出版《遠東生活華語一、二》)的特色,再根據結構複雜度以及語義情態複雜度提出教學排序的建議。
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台灣微處理機發展潛能之統計分析馮港生 Unknown Date (has links)
No description available.
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索爾貝婁《漢伯特的禮物》中「對話式」呈現的自我 / A Theater of Self-Realization: A Dialogic Reading of Saul Bellow's Humboldt's Gift林慧卿, Lin, Hui Ch'ing Unknown Date (has links)
在索爾貝婁的作品中,他經常傳達小說人物從自我否定到自我肯定的基本敘事模式。書中主角不時探索形而上的目標,藉以對抗物質世界摧殘人類本性的阻力。他們嘗試透過上下求探的過程,確保本身獨特的個體。小說中,貝婁先是藉著尋常瑣碎事物營造建構事實表相,然後,力圖超越現實,進一步強調想像力或形而上的理念對於自我肯定的重要。本文的旨在透過「對話式」的敘事模式,探討《漢伯特的禮物》一書中的自我呈現,揭示貝婁筆下人類自我肯定和尊嚴的不可抹滅。第一章介紹貝婁的生平與其小說中虛構世界的梗概。第二章探討自我的多樣性面貌,主要針對內在自我和社會性自我之間的相互衝擊。接續的兩章論述裡探討的議題,除了說明小說中人我之間關係的運作外,尚包括人類自我肯定過程中內在聲音的體現。結論中指出,貝婁確信自我的肯定和人類尊嚴是芸芸眾生超越侷限的不二法門。 / In most of Saul Bellow's writings, he displays a fundamental pattern of human existence from self-denial to self-realization. His heroes always embark quests for metaphysical realities or ideal objects that enable them to resist the dehumanizing forces of the material world. Through the process of incessant quest, they try to assert their individualities. In his novels, Bellow usually creates an air of reality or actuality that has been located in quotidian events. He then moves beyond it to attach importance to imagination or metaphysical hunches for the realization of selfhood. This thesis aims to explore the realization of selfhood problematized in Humboldt's Gift from the narrative mode of dialogue, "an active dialogic penetration into the unfinalizable depths of man." Chapter One provides some biographical data of Saul Bellow and the general pattern of his fictional world. Chapter Two focuses on the interaction among the manifold images of the self: mainly, the correlation of the inner self and the social self. The following chapters deal respectively with the necessity of dialogic relationships between self and other, and the aspects of inner voices concerned with the development of selfhood.
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數位時代中多媒材的互動與搭配:以故宮主題式網站為例黃齡儀 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究以關鍵性抽樣策略對故宮主題式網站做深入的文本分析,並嘗試歸納其中多媒材互動與搭配的邏輯。研究結果發現:(1) 本個案透過「空間化的書寫」展現圖文的高度互動;(2) 圖像較常被用來表達文本功能上之變化,文字較被用來表現認知功能中敘事性以及概念性的意義潛能,透過圖文意義潛能交織,共享一完整之意義;(3) 當圖文共同表達認知功能時,圖像被用來呈現概念性的靜態細節描述,文字被用來呈現敘事性的事件過程。此個案中,圖像雖也可以表達敘事性,卻侷限於對話框的形式,仍需依賴文字內容的填補;(4) 當圖文共同表達人際功能時,圖像可透過各種細微的空間媒材變化而暗示人際功能的線索,然而,文字的呈現卻只能侷限於觀點與語氣的變化,仍需圖像功能的暗示補充,另外,當共同表達人際功能時,圖文卻產生了不一致的意義潛能,圖像暗示權力平等親切的人際意義,文字卻暗示了由上而下之權力關係;(5) 人際功能的不一致的狀況還發生在選項中,但也藉由和諧與搭配組合的對比,暗示了接下來可能之閱讀軌跡;(6) 故事中主要行動者與當下行動者的轉換主要是以空間媒材的變化而呈現,本個案中,故事中主要行動者的呈現被配置在版面左下方,而當下行動者則是以版面顯著性呈現,相對而言,文字較無法呈現故事中主要行動者與當下行動者的轉換。
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政府接班人計畫研究:新加坡經驗的制度分析施安鍾 Unknown Date (has links)
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客語潛能補語構式之事件概念與論元體現:認知模型與構式理論之整合 / Event conception and argument realizations of Hakka potential complement constructions: Integration of cognitive-constructional models強舒媺, Chiang, Shu Mei Unknown Date (has links)
本論文主要採用Jackendoff (2002)之平行結構(parallel architecture)來展現客語潛能補語各次構式在音韻、句法以及語意結構的共性與殊性,並據此呈現此構式於抽象性連續體(continuum of schematicity)上由「完全能產性」(fully productive)、「半能產性」(semi-productive)至「完全獨特性」(fully idiomatic)各區段之分佈狀態,進一步歸納出此構式家族之構式基模(constructional schema)以及繼承階層體系(inheritance hierarchy)。在構式語法精神下,每個構式皆是「形式-功能」之組合,Jackendoff (2002)之平行結構極為精細且縝密地描繪構式之「形式」面向。而為了檢視論元角色如何體現於客語潛能補語構式,認知語法中對事件概念之處理方式是不容忽視的,因此,為了補強平行結構在呈現構式「認知功能」面向之不足,本論文將Langacker (1991)認知模型中「行為鏈」(action chain)、「撞球模型」(billiard ball model)、「舞台模型」(stage model)等認知概念整合至平行結構中,用以顯示說話者對事件之概念化如何影響客語潛能構式之論元體現,進一步檢視此構式形式與功能之象徵性關係在連續體上之展現。藉由構式理論與認知模型之整合,本研究為語言形式與功能之對應提供一縝密之分析模式,並得以反思構式語法之應用性與發展性。 / Adhering to the constructional view claiming that every construction is a form-function pairing, this dissertation provides a detailed analysis of the correspondence between linguistic manifestations and speaker's construal of events. The main focus of this study is on the interactions between argument realizations and event conception in Hakka potential complement constructions. In order to show more vividly the subtle interfacing relationships among phonological, syntactic and semantic structures, this study adopts Jackendoff's (2002) parallel architecture to present clearly the degree of schematicity of Hakka PC constructions. On the other hand, further integrating the cognitive representations such as action chains and stage model from Langacker's (1991) Cognitive Grammar into the parallel architecture crystallizes the symbolic relations between the constructional form and function. Members of Hakka PC constructions are shown to be distributed on a continuum of schematicity, from fully productive cases, to semi-productive cases, and finally to fully substantive cases. Moreover, all subconstructions form a family, organized in an inheritance hierarchy in which the one at the lower level inherits general qualities from its inheritor, and at the same time possess its own uniqueness. Integrating the cognitive and the constructional models, this dissertation proposes a fine-grained and full-fledged analysis of both the regularities and the idiosyncrasies of Hakka PC constructions.
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不完全資訊和雙重改變下的分群模型 / Grouping with Heterogeneity: Incomplete Information and Double Mutation邱彥閔 Unknown Date (has links)
然後,我們構建另一個分組模型:訊息不完全和雙重改變下的分群模型。結果表明,雖然非隔離的均衡有可能是在短期的穩定均衡,但只有隔離的均衡狀態可以在長期維持穩定。這是因為在長期下,大多數非隔離狀態可以輕易地切換到隔離狀態的緣故。 / This paper first constructs a grouping model with heterogeneous population under the setting of complete information. When player can observe other's type, the result isnon-segregation: most players have no intention to move and they can match with the one who brings them the best payoff in the original group. The equilibrium state is always efficient.
We then construct another grouping model with incomplete information and double mutation. The result shows that, although non-segregation equilibria may emerge as stable equilibria in the short run, only segregation equilibria can be stochastically stable in the long run. This is because most of non-segregated states can switch to the others by the same re-sistance and some of them can easily switch to segregated state, but it is hard to switch back.
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