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客語「到」字初探 / A Preliminary Study on the Hakka Particle 'To'賴惠玲, LAI, HUI-LING Unknown Date (has links)
Hakka is an under-developed language. compared with Mandrin and taiwanese.
Many fields of Hakka such as ststematic studies of syntactic, semantic and
pragmatic theories remain unexploited. This thesis aims to exploring some
linguistic phenomena of Hakka by means of the studies on the particle to
in Hakka.
To is a very versatile morpheme in Makka. It may serve as a main verb, a
coverb, a presuppositional particle or a verb ending. Chapter Two explores
the functions of to as a main verb and as a coverb. It discusses the three
functions of to as a coverb respecitvely.
To can occur between two portions in a sentence in which to serves to mark
the relation between the two portions. Chapter three explores the relatio-
ns between the two portions in such a to construcfion. The status of to in
such a construction is also investigated.
To can be a verb enaing of a verb compound. Chapter Four aiscusses what a
verb+to compound is. It explores the productivity of to as a verb ending.
It further explicates the structural ambiguity between a coverb to and a
verb ending to.
Cmapter Five makes a generalization and draws a conclusion. It is hoped t-
hat this thesis may provide a more intensive analysis of some Hakka const-
ructions involving to and thus may spark a wider interest in the Hakka la-
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客語抄本〈渡台悲歌〉研究黃菊芳 Unknown Date (has links)
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區分客語中之分類詞 / Identifying Classifiers in Hakka廖家昱, Liao, Jia Yu Unknown Date (has links)
因此,本論文利用Her & Hsieh(2010)與Her(2012)所提供的分類詞與量詞的語法測試、集合論、語意數值為基礎,重新界定歷年文獻中的語料。文獻來自教育部、國科會研究計劃、專書、碩士論文、字典。本文將這些文獻依其對分類詞的界定分成兩類:將量詞與分類詞視為相同、區分分類詞與量詞但不夠精準。
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以優選理論分析梅縣與曼谷客語變調 / Meixian and Bangkok Hakka Tone Sandhi: An Optimality Theory Analysis李平周, Johnny Unknown Date (has links)
在前人的研究中,已透過音韻規則的角度分析梅縣客語 (Meixian Hakka) 和曼谷客語 (Bangkok Hakka), 但仍有部分疑問未獲得合理解釋。諸如:部分聲調不會受變調規則(Tone sandhi)的影響、變調的觸發條件以及本調 (Citation tone) 和變調間結構上的關係等。 有鑒於此,本研究透過優選理論 (Optimality theory, OT) 重新分析梅縣客語和曼谷客語。
上述兩個方言有兩種變調的方式 : 同化(assimilation)和異化(dissimilation)。在此基礎上,為了更準確的描述變調現象,本研究在分析上主要採用必要性起伏原則 (obligatory contour principle) 和避免起伏原則 (no-jumping principle),並應用聯合制約 (Constraint Conjunction approach) 的概念。採取此分析方式的理由在於分析對象的變調具有相當有標(marked)且受限於中心詞(head)右端音節的聲調。此外,本研究也採用一部分比聲調結構性制約(tonal markedness constraint)更高排序的信實性制約(faithfulness constraint)。這些制約會導致部分聲調或變調結構不受變調規則影響,例如:調域 (register) 和聲調的起點 (initial target) 將保留原始樣貌。
研究結果指出,聲調結構性制約和數個排序最高的聲調信實性制約能更準確地呈現梅縣客語和曼谷客語在變調時,輸入值與輸出值之間的對應關係 (input-output correspondence)。在論文結尾,筆者將綜覽本研究並提出未來可繼續延伸的相關議題。 / The grammar of Meixian and Bangkok Hakka tone sandhi has been analyzed from a rule based approach. Nevertheless, there are some questions and details that could not be solved by the analysis, such as the status of tones that do not undergo sandhi, triggers of the tone sandhi, and the structural relation between citation tones and their sandhi counterparts. Thus, the purpose of this study is to re-analyze the tone sandhi in Meixian and Bangkok Hakka under the constraint based framework, Optimality Theory (OT).
There are two mechanisms of tonal alternations in the two dialects’ tone sandhi: assimilation, and dissimilation. So in order to capture the tonal alternations, the current analysis applies the concepts of the Obligatory Contour Principle, and the No-Jumping Principle. The constraints generated according to these principles work well with the application of the Constraint Conjunction approach. The conjoined constraints are needed since the tone alternations are highly marked, and depend a lot on the head/right syllable tone. Furthermore, this thesis also posits several faithfulness constraints that rank higher than the tone sandhi markedness constraint. The high ranked faithfulness constraints govern the preservation of several tones from any alternation, and preservation of some structures of the citation tones when they become sandhi tones (i.e. register and initial target).
In conclusion, the positing of tone sandhi markedness constraints and undominated identity constraints presents a better input-output correspondence relation of the tone sandhi phenomena in Meixian and Bangkok Hakka. To conclude the thesis, a brief summary of the study and possible further issues are presented.
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從動詞意義和結構的整合分析客語移除類動詞 / Verbs of Removal in Hakka: Integration of Verbal Meanings and Constructions廖珮筠, Liao,Pei Yun Unknown Date (has links)
本文以客語移除類動詞為研究對象探索語意和形式的關係。動詞的語義透過詞彙分解化、概念結構、詞彙化、框架語義和顯像等機制帶出。後以Goldberg (1995, 2006)的構式理論為基礎,運用Iwata (2005a, b)建議的修正模式,對動詞和結構之間的整合,提出更精細、更詳盡的解釋。根據前述方法,我們初步將移除類動詞分為六個次分類,並呈現出他們在結構上被顯像的論元。最後帶入Iwata提出的模組,分析各次分類動詞和不同句子結構的結合情形和其後的語義表現。 / This paper aims to explore verbs of removal in Hakka with respect to the relationship between form and meaning. Following the constructional approach in the shape of Goldberg (1995, 2006) and Iwata (2005a, b), we display a finer mechanism for the integration of verbal meanings and constructions. Verbal meanings, L-meanings (Lexical Head Level Meaning), are carried out through the following concepts: decomposition, conceptual structure, conflation, frame, profiling. Constructional meanings or P-meanings (Phrasal Level Meaning), variants of L-meanings, are manifested by different constructions. In our preliminary analysis, we display six tentative subclasses of verbs of removal in Hakka, depending on their different lexicalized meanings. We also present the different roles they profile in phrasal expressions. Last, we demonstrate the integration of the verbal meaning and several constructions (e.g., BUN construction and LAU construction).
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從領屬到時貌-客語有字句之研究 / From Possession to Aspect---Evidence from Hakka Yu Constructions陳如慧, Emily Chen, Ju-Huey Unknown Date (has links)
客語的「有」字就其語法功能而言可以作動詞、助動詞、及動詞補語用。就其意義上而言,「有」標示著領屬義、強調義、及結果完成義。在這些共時歧異的功能意義背後,實存在著一個核心意義---領有。本論文旨在用語法化理論將客語「有」字之共時分歧用法作一合理之解釋,而提出三個主張:第一、將存在的概念提升至更深層,將之視為領有義的預設。第二、將領有義分析為更基本的基模(source schemas)。第三、利用這些基本的基模來解釋「有」字的各種延伸意義。透過這樣的角度分析客語「有」字句,將可以更合理的解釋「有」的共時歧異現象。 / Hakka Yu 'to own, to possess' has various grammatical functions. It can function as a full-fledged verb, appear in a serial verb construction, serve as an auxiliary, and act as a verbal complement. With the structural complexity, Hakka Yu denotes possession, emphatic assertion and the existence of the resultative state of being. The divergent syntactic behaviors as well as the different functions of Hakka Yu do not share the same surface form by chance. The coincidence suggests that there must be an extant semantic core that links together all the seemingly unrelated functions exhibited by various syntactic structures of Yu. This thesis, aiming at linking the diversity of usage of Yu, claims that the structural divergence of Yu corresponds to the "cline of grammaticality," which synchronically refers to a continuum at one hand of which is a fuller lexical form, and at the opposite end, a reduced grammatical form. Three major claims are therefore advanced to account for the synchronic differences of Hakka Yu.
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台灣客語分類詞諺語:隱喻與轉喻之應用 / Classifier/Measure word proverbial expressions in Taiwanese Hakka: metaphor and metonymy彭曉貞, Peng, Xiao Zhen Unknown Date (has links)
本論文應用隱喻與轉喻之理論觀點,探討台灣客語分類詞諺語之認知語意機制如何運作。首先,根據Kövecses and Radden (1998) 從認知語言學角度所提出的轉喻理論,分析台灣客語分類詞諺語中的轉喻類型。接著,本論文分析台灣客語分類詞諺語中隱喻機制的運作,結果發現普遍而言,隱喻都是以轉喻為基礎。此外,本研究針對Radden (2003) 所提出以轉喻為基礎的隱喻之四種來源分類提出修正。
除了呈現認知語意機制,文化制約之世界普遍性及台灣客家文化之特殊性也在台灣客語分類詞諺語中展現出來。最後,透過Lakoff and Turner (1989) 所提出的生命物種之大鏈隱喻,我們了解諺語所表達的最終概念是以人為中心,而且諺語通常帶有勸世的功能。簡言之,本論文藉由探討認知語意機制如何在台灣客語分類詞諺語中運作,呈現人類認知過程以及展現台灣客家文化。 / This thesis aims to explore how the cognitive mechanisms are operated in the classifiers and measure words in Taiwanese Hakka proverbial expressions, in particular metonymy, the interaction between metaphor and metonymy, idiomaticity, and cultural constraints. Since human conceptual system is fundamentally metaphorical in nature, classifiers, representing conceptual classification of the world, are found to manifest metonymically and metaphorically.
First, based on the metonymic relationships proposed by Kövecses and Radden (1998), cases involving metonymy are carefully spelled out. Then, cases involving the interaction between metaphor and metonymy are elaborated. The metaphors activated in these cases are generally grounded in metonymy, which evidences that metaphors generally have a metonymic basis (Radden 2003).
Apart from displaying cognitive mechanisms, the classifier/measure word proverbial expressions in Taiwanese Hakka exhibit Taiwanese Hakka-specific cultural constraints and near universality in conceptual metaphors (Kövecses 2002). Cases which are more specific to Taiwanese Hakka are semantically more opaque whereas cases which are more near universal are semantically more transparent (Gibbs 1995). Furthermore, through the GREAT CHAIN METAPHOR proposed by Lakoff and Turner (1989), we know that all the proverbial expressions are ultimately concerned about human beings. Moreover, proverbial expressions tend to carry pragmatic-social functions, conveying exhortations.
In brief, the cognitive mechanisms of metonymy as well as the interaction between metaphor and metonymy are pervasively found in classifier/measure word proverbial expressions in Taiwanese Hakka. Through unraveling the conceptual mechanisms associated with classifiers and measure words in Taiwanese Hakka proverbial expressions, this study betters our understanding of human cognition in general and Taiwanese Hakka culture in particular.
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東勢客語變調研究 / Tone Sandhi in Dongshi Hakka邱昀儀, Chiu, Yun-yi Unknown Date (has links)
本文主要從句法(Syntax)與音韻(Phonology)的介面關係來探討東勢客語的陽平、陰平及陰去變調現象。本研究以語料庫為根據,觀察東勢客語變調的主要型態,並從句法與音韻的介面來定義變調範域(Tone Sandhi Domain),包括音步(Foot)、音韻詞組(Phonological Phrase)、語調詞組(Intonational Phrase)等等。本文也發現變調規則必須以循環模式(Cyclic Mode)運作,而且三個變調規則的屬性皆不相同。陽平變調受音步規範、陰平變調較受音韻詞組規範,而陰去變調則不受音韻結構限制。 / This thesis explores the Yangping, Yinping and Yinqu Tone Sandhi Rules (YATSR, YITSR, YQTSR) in Dongshi Hakka from the perspective of the interface between syntax and phonology. According to a Dongshi Hakka Tone Sandhi (DHTS) corpus, this thesis presents the predominant tonal patterns of these rules, and defines the tone sandhi (TS) domain at the interface between syntax and phonology, including foot, phonological phrase, intonational phrase and so on. This thesis concludes that tone sandhi rules must apply in a cyclic mode, and that the three rules are subject to different prosodic structures. YATSR is conditioned by the foot, YITSR is better defined by the phonological phrase, while YQTSR is not structurally-bound.
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客語打類、忍類及促類動詞中動力學之體現 / Force-Dynamic Manifestations of Verbs of Hitting, Refraining, and Urging in Hakka強舒媺, Shu-mei Chiang Unknown Date (has links)
本論文「客語打類、忍類及促類動詞中動力學之體現」從物理學中之動力學觀點來審視語言之現象,以Lai (2000)針對客語打類動詞詞彙化類型之研究以及Gao (2001), Gao & Cheng (2002)針對中文與英語中肢體接觸類動詞之研究為基礎,並進一步修正及採用Talmy (2000a)所提出之動力學架構來加以分析客語打類、忍類及促類三類近義動詞。客語之打類動詞涉及內在心理意圖與外在肢體接觸,亦即同時牽涉到心理層面與肢體層面中「力」的作用,忍類動詞中「力」的衝突發生於內在心理層面,亦即本我與自我之間產生衝突,而促類動詞則表現出交互心理層面中「力」的相對關係,亦即藉由溝通等方式與他人產生「力」的對抗。因此,本論文藉由分析此三類動詞,將得已呈現心理肢體(psychophysical),內在心理(intrapsychological)以及交互心理(interpsychological)三個不同層面中動力學之體現,並能夠進一步檢視語意內涵「力」與此三類動詞之句法表現間之相互關係。 / Based on Lai’s (2000) study of verbs of hitting in Hakka and Gao’s (2001) and Gao & Cheng’s (2002) studies of verbs of physical action by impact in English and Mandarin Chinese, this study modifies the force-dynamic model proposed by Talmy (2000a) to analyze Hakka hitting verbs in psychophysical domain, Hakka refraining verbs in intrapsychological domain, and Hakka urging verbs in interpsychological domain. The analysis proposes that two force-dynamic patterns can be generalized from these three groups of verbs, one ONSET CAUSATION pattern, and the other ONSET DESPITE pattern.
Moreover, the correlation between the semantic component FORCE and the syntactic manifestation has been examined. This force-dynamic opposition is manifested in syntax as demonstrated by resultative complements, BUN-constructions, LAU-constructions, the potential mode and verb-copying constructions along with the adverbs of duration. In addition, the confirmation of the speaker’s expectation can be achieved by adverbs of evaluation and adverbs of justification. The well-formedness of these syntactic structures and the felicity of the usage of the adverbs depend heavily on the interaction of the Antagonist’s force and the Agonist’s force.
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從優選理論之觀點分析海陸客語中的變調、介音及音節連併 / An Optimality Theory Approach to Tone Sandhi, Pre-nuclear Gliding, and Syllable Contraction in Hai-lu Hakka張彩芳, Chang, Tsai Fang Unknown Date (has links)
本篇論文旨在從優選理論(Optimality Theory)的架構觀點分析海陸客語中 的三個音韻現象:變調(Tone Sandhi)、介音(Pre-nuclear Gliding)及音節連併(Syllable Contraction)。
本文是第一篇嘗試以優選理論解釋海陸客語音韻現象的研究,希望能從不同於之前文獻的角度討論海陸客語音韻的問題。之前理論運作的缺陷與不足,在本文的分析下,均可以成功的以優選理論之制約層級來說明。 / This thesis aims to explore three issues in Hai-lu Hakka Phonology in terms of Optimality Theory (OT). The three issues are tone sandhi, pre-nuclear gliding and syllable contraction.
Hai-lu Shang Toned and Yin-ru Toned numerals preserve their base tones in any case. Thus, previous studies would need to add an additional condition for the special tone sandhi behaviors of Hai-lu numerals. This thesis offers a set of OT constraints to explain tone sandhi in Hai-lu. The OT constraints can successfully operate Hai-lu tone sandhi without additional conditions.
Pre-nuclear glides in Hai-lu behave like the secondary articulations of the onsets. This thesis suggests Duanmu's (1990) syllable structure for Hai-lu syllables. A set of constraints are proposed to explain the pre-nuclear gliding in Hai-lu syllables.
The approaches previous studies suggest for syllable contraction are not across-the-board in Hai-lu. Thus, a set of segmental and tonal constraints are proposed to explain Hai-lu syllable contraction. The OT constraints operate syllable contraction in Hai-lu without difficulties.
This thesis is a pioneering study which aims to examine Hai-lu phonology in terms of OT. With OT constraint rankings, this thesis explains the remaining problems from previous studies successfully.
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