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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


林炳鴻, LIN, BING-HONG Unknown Date (has links)
第壹章計三節,內容包括研究動機、研究目的、研究方法、研究步驟、研究地區及問 題說明。第貳章計三節,內容包括旅遊業里意見調查與分析。第參章計三節,雨容包 舌澎湖縣觀光資源之評價,觀光資源之開發現況及其課題。第肆章計三節,內容包括 全國國民旅遊之重向、澎湖縣光旅客需求之預測及觀光資源開發目標之確立。第伍章 計分三節,內容為吸引力之創造。舒適性之加強及可及性之提高等三方面研擬澎湖縣 觀光資料之開發策略。第陸章為結論與建議。


林妍伶, Lin, Yen-Ling Unknown Date (has links)
本研究將針對澎湖縣實施國民教育幼兒班的政策分析,並且以研提改進建議為目的,對於澎湖的幼教生態做一次大體檢,進而根據政策的目標及欲達成之成效,提出一套適合澎湖實施改進之建議。 本研究之研究目的為: (一)分析澎湖縣實施國民教育幼兒班之財政經費。 (二)分析澎湖縣實施國民教育幼兒班之師資人力。 (三)分析澎湖縣實施國民教育幼兒班之空間設備。 (二)研提澎湖縣實施國民教育幼兒班之改進建議。 針對以上四個目的,以文件蒐集方式調查澎湖縣相關資料,並輔以訪談澎湖縣教育局局長、國民教育課課長、幼教業務承辦人員,以及馬公市市長、湖西鄉鄉長、白沙鄉鄉長、西嶼鄉鄉長、望安鄉鄉長,訪問人員包含澎湖縣教育教育局單位人員,以及各公立托兒所所屬機關首長,針對於國幼班政策的推動,所抱持之態度與建議,加以分析。 澎湖縣實施國民教育幼兒班之財政經費分析結論中顯示:93、94學年度澎湖縣實施國幼班之經費,由政府依離島三縣三鄉國民教育幼兒班實施計畫編列預算補助,但馬公市之澎南區、湖西鄉、西嶼鄉、望安鄉此地區之國幼班的辦理,需要借重公立托兒所,因此勢必會增加每班多一位幼教師的編制,而此增加之幼教師是否為常設性質的經費預算編納,事實上各鄉、市公所並無法支付,若為政策的永久實施,則必須針對澎湖的現況,規劃出完善的配套措施,以利離島地區國幼班政策的推動與落實。 澎湖縣實施國民教育幼兒班之師資人力分析結論中顯示:公立托兒所以國家考試的方式(普考)進用保育人員,由鄉鎮市長以公務人員派任方式任命所長。公立托兒所中保育人員(托兒所之師資)及所長均具備公務人員資格,但幼托專業訓練背景並非公立托兒所招考、或聘任人員時的必要條件。由於幼稚園與托兒所於地方政府亦分為兩個主管機關,因此在幼托師資資料的審核及評鑑追蹤上,更是兩套嚴格與鬆散完全不同的方式。此次藉由國幼班的政策實施,盼望能掌握合格的幼教師資,並妥善評鑑機制。 澎湖縣實施國民教育幼兒班之空間設備分析結論中顯示:(一)澎湖縣幼兒人口數與幼托機構的關係上,基本上為供過於求,唯馬公市之虎井里、桶盤里,以及白沙鄉之大倉村、員貝村及望安鄉之東嶼坪村、西嶼坪村、東吉村,由於各為獨立之小島嶼,且島上並無任何幼托機構,因此島上幼兒之就學情形無法就地滿足,需要渡海至鄰近島嶼或馬公本島上就學;(二)澎湖縣之私立幼托機構,皆集中分布於馬公市,雖然私立幼稚園核准招生數多於私立托兒所,但在實際探訪過程中,卻發現私立托兒所在實際招生量上大過於私立幼稚園;(三)澎湖縣在幼托機構的數量上,托兒所收托之幼兒數量遠遠超過幼稚園所招收之數量,托兒所在澎湖縣的學前教育上扮演重要的角色。尤其是鄉、市所成立之公立托兒所,為一股龐大的勢力。 根據澎湖縣實施國幼班財政經費、師資人力、空間設備之結果,所研提之建議為: 一、基於公平原則: (一)對於無幼教機構設置之離島地區幼兒,應比照就讀國民教育之學童辦理補助;(二)中央政府需提升澎湖縣幼教師資;地方政府需替國幼班之師資嚴格把關;(三)中央與地方政府需建立國幼班的課程輔導與評鑑機制;(四)中央政府需提供離島幼教師專業進修之管道;(五)中央與地方政府規劃專業研習給離島國幼班園所及教師。 二、基於效率原則: (一)中央與地方政府需要成立一國幼班專責小組跨幼、托部門而整合;(二)地方政府需將國幼班之相關資料建檔追蹤;(三)中央政府可建立國幼班資源網絡。 三、基於自由原則: (一)地方政府鼓勵公私立幼托機構申請辦理國幼班;(二)中央與地方政府不定期 舉辦國幼班說明會讓訊息透明化。 93學年度離島三縣三鄉地區先行試辦,藉著試辦前的分析經驗,將建議提供教育部、相關單位作為政策實施的參考依據,並且在制定幼教相關政策與分配教育資源時,能夠多方面的審視,並且把適當的資源分配在適當需要的地方上。最後,希望能呈現出澎湖縣的幼教現況,提供後續的研究者在研究幼兒教育的城鄉差距比較時,有另外一個不同性質的選擇。 / This research includes analyses and suggestions to the current policy of preschool education in Penghu County. Besides, the research makes a total checkup to the background of preschool education in Penghu County, and thereby presents a set of strategies suitable for implementing an ideal preschool education in accordance with the required objectives. The purposes of this research are: 1. An analysis of financial capacity for implementing the preschool education in Penghu County. 2. An analysis of manpower shown in the current preschool education in Penghu County. 3. An analysis of equipment and campus space utilized in the current preschool education in Penghu County. 4. Suggestions to the future preschool education in Penghu County. There are several interviews with, respectively, the Director of Penghu County Education Bureau, the chief of Educational Section in Penghu County, the officials for preschool education, Mayor of Makong City, Chief of Huxi township, Chief of Baisha township, Chief of Xiyu township, Chief of Wuan township, and some heads of Public Nursery Schools affiliated to Penghu County. The suggestions for the Implementation of preschool education in Penghu County are: 1. The principle of fairness A. Subsides should be offered to the children living at offshore areas for lacking of the establishments which in urban areas are more generally provided. B. The central government should help local counties to provide more qualified teachers for the preschool education; the local educational agencies should efficiently take control of the qualification for teacher candidates. C. Both the central and local governments should build a sound organization for curriculum guidance and evaluation. D. Central government should find ways for grass root teachers to advance their professional knowledge and techniques. E. Both central and local government agencies should present the opportunities for the offshore teachers of preschool education. 2. The principle of efficiency A. Both central and local government agencies are required to establish a panel to integrate the preschool and primary school for the small children. B. Local government agencies should file and examine the relevant information. C. Central government agencies should establish the network for preschool education. 3. The principle of freedom A. Local government agencies can encourage either public or private organizations for preschool education to set up more preschools. B. Both central and local government agencies should irregularly hold symposiums on preschool education so as to circulate the relevant information more openly. In all, there will be three counties and three townships implementing the policy mentioned above. By means of the previous analysis, suggestions will be put forward to Education Ministry for reference. And hopefully the agencies concerned can take them into deep considerations when policies or strategies are being made. Last, but not the least, the current conditions of Penghu preschool education can be uncovered so as to help those who are engaged in the research of the differences between urban and country preschool education have a different viewpoint.


呂昭明, Lu,Chao Ming Unknown Date (has links)
本文以澎湖群島閩方言音韻的類型與分布為論題,方法層面則是採取方言地理學的基本思路。以內容言之,這是一部以澎湖群島閩方言與區域文化史為主軸的論文,所關懷的課題即是順著這個問題意識而開展。 關於澎湖群島閩方言音韻類型與地理分布的課題主要有三: 第一,聲母結構的類型與地理分布: 初步分析閩方言聲母內陸→鄰海→島嶼區域推移過程,以發聲類型而言,呈顯出喉音成份轉趨為重的語音現象。整體而言,喉擦音帶動唇音、舌音和牙音的「後位移動」(backward movement),以區域徵性言之,可謂為「後位優勢」。一方面可證之於閩語內陸、鄰海區域的文獻語料與方言材料,另一方面可以解釋閩方言聲母白讀類型,不同音類來源而共同趨向於喉擦音的因素。澎湖群島島民所體認的母語音腔為重的聽覺感知,其關鍵很可能即在於音節結構的向後延展所致。 第二,韻母結構viŋ、vŋ、ṽ的類型與地理分布: 初步觀察閩方言內部區域「v(i)ŋ」韻母結構類型,閩方言內陸與鄰海北部區域,因採取舌位「高化」策略,從而削減-ŋ尾向後的動力,使得兩個區域未有鼻化的音節單位產生。至於閩方言島嶼區域唯一不進行鼻化規則的海南島,其主要因素是受到ʔvʔ音節結構雙重塞化的類推影響,轉而採取折衷的「低化」策略,阻礙了共振的張力,因而成為「vŋ」的韻母結構。閩方言鄰海南部以及島嶼區域,在舌根音和喉部擦音雙重「後化」的條件下,帶動整個共鳴腔濁化,鼻化韻、鼻音音節和聲化韻的起因很可能導源於此。以「ṽ」(ṽʔ)的韻母結構類型而言,澎湖群島受到閩方言鄰海南部區域的影響相較其他區域為深,此與明清時期漳泉二府海賊、移民來往返復,削弱其他影響源的作用力有著直接的關係。 第三,韻母結構˗io的類型與地理分布: 澎湖群島˗io韻母結構類型,其來源有別於閩方言鄰海北部、南部區域的文獻與方言調查結果,呈顯出與閩方言內陸區域(石陂)相同的中古條件,間接證實閩方言內陸→鄰海→島嶼區域的「鏈移動線」,非聲母層面的單純發展。 整體而言,「移民與方言形成」的課題,似乎應該以「語言現象與文獻語料相互接軌」(correlation between language phenomenon and documentary materials)作為論述前提。

觀光事業之策略行銷-以澎湖為例 / Strategic Marketing of the Tourism - the Analysis of Penghu Market

胡俊傑, Richard Hu Unknown Date (has links)
本研究是以策略行銷為基礎,針對澎湖縣之觀光事業進行研究,並參與業者行銷建制的工作。期盼藉由策略行銷的管理模式,提供業者因應環境變化以制定行銷策略的參考。  本論文的內容主要分為四部份,包括: 一、 就策略行銷以及旅遊業之特質與經營理論之文獻加以探討整理,以做為擬訂管理模式之依據。  二、 就澎湖縣觀光產業之各項資源以加以說明探討。 三、 針對澎湖縣旅遊市場之產業現況以及消費者加以研究分析,整理出可供運用之資料。  四、 依策略行銷之管理模式,為「澎湖文化生態園區」擬訂行銷策略。 經過上述的研究與探討,再以個案「澎湖文化生態園區」為例,將研究所得之結論與建議說明如下:  一、 澎湖縣的觀光產業及個案「澎湖文化生態園區」在發展上採策略行銷的管理模式是可行的。因為策略行銷管理透過分析、規劃、執行及評估與改善的程序,塑造企業組織能力、文化能力與執行能力,不斷地改造企業的體質以適應新的環境並獲得更好的經營績效。  二、 市場區隔與目標市場的選擇是公司合理配置行銷資源以及制定行銷策略的重要依據。 三、 透過組合分析工具,企業可確實及快速地瞭解各事業單位的競爭情勢,並進一步擬訂競爭策略。相較於以往是憑藉著「老闆的經驗或智慧」來經營企業,有著顯著的良好表現。  四、 在策略管理模式的推展下,行銷組合(4P)能夠獲得較為完整之規劃,並能定出明確的標準加以考核。  五、 策略聯盟或異業的合作是澎湖縣觀光產業以及個案「澎湖文化生態園區」在尋求經營有所突破的重要作為。 / The objective of this thesis is a research approaching to the development of the tourism in the Penghu archipelago. As the thesis focuses on the analysis of the strategic marketing that is the main storyline of the contents, it also covers the true examples of the business of the tourism going on in Penhu. Hopefully, It will provide beneficial information to who is involving in this business, moreover, to deal with the changing of the market of the tourism.  The contents of the thesis are as follow: Chapter 2. The analysis of strategic marketing, significant character, and theory of management from the past record of the tourism; the future management model will be developed that base on this analysis.  Chapter 3. The description and analysis of the resource of Penghu's tourism business.  Chapter 4. The analysis of the market and tourist in Penghu's tourism in nowadays; extract the beneficial material for the market.  Chapter 5. According to the strategic marketing management model, the marketing strategies for the special case "Penghu's Cultural & Biological Park" are developed.  Chapter 6. The result of this research are developed as follow: 1.Since this strategic marketing theory has not only been analyzed, planed, executed, evaluated and improved, it also has established a model for enterprise's execution in company's system, cultural issue and administration. In order to face the changing market and achieve a better result, once the enterprise uses the theory, the functioning system will be highly improved. As a result, it is truly acceptable by adopting the analyzed management model in Penghu's tourism as well as the special case of "Penghu's Cultural & Biological Park".  2.How the market is segmented and how the target market is chosen have great impact on how the enterprise beautifully distribute the market sources and plan the marketing strategies.  3.Compare to the traditional management method used in the past, the enterprise will have the better performance by adopting the strategic marketing management theory; it will efficiently and rapidly sense the competitive situation in the market.  4.Base on the theory of the strategic management, the "4P" can be done with the complete plan; it also can establish a clear stander for evaluation.  5.The alliance of different strategies and the varied businesses will have significant impact and improvement in Penghu's tourism as well as "Penghu's Cultural & Biological Park", especially the slow business during the winter.


張忠吉, ZHANG, ZHONG-JI Unknown Date (has links)
本論文係以澎湖縣之土地利用做為探討之標的,透過各種調查方法了解當地之土地利 用情形,加以分析檢討,並佐以基本圖而實施之實地踏查,藉以提出當前該縣土地利 用上之課題。其次,就澎湖縣都市土地利用之發展趨勢預測未來各種用地之利用趨勢 ,借以做為規劃之依據。最後本文提出土地利用之目標、策略,並加以規劃提出替選 方案,並評估之。期以將最後規劃成果提出建議,供有關方面參考。

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