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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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烏克蘭的國家發展路線抉擇 / The Future of Ukraine

邱亭禎 Unknown Date (has links)
烏克蘭與俄羅斯皆源於基輔羅斯,彼此交錯了300年,近年來烏克蘭成為歐盟的長期策略目標之一,自2009年歐盟啟動了東部夥伴計畫,嘗試將東歐包含烏克蘭在內的6個國家都網羅至歐盟。烏克蘭的地理位置與資源優越讓歐俄兩方極欲拉攏,俄羅斯總統普京試圖將烏克蘭政府拉回歐亞聯盟,在這拉扯間,就此爆發了烏克蘭危機。危機延續接著克里米亞脫烏入俄及烏東反叛軍與政府軍的對立。 烏克蘭內部的分裂導致危機一發不可收拾,烏克蘭東西兩邊的文化、歷史、宗教、語言都有嚴重的差距,烏東地區深受俄羅斯影響,烏西地區則是嚮往著歐美西方,國內的民族問題、政治貪腐及經濟低迷不振等,都是烏克蘭當前國家發展所面臨的困境。烏克蘭的未來並非完全掌握在烏克蘭人民手中,而是深受美國、歐盟、俄羅斯等大國影響,此次烏克蘭克里米亞事件及烏東動亂,徹底地將問題浮上檯面。總結烏克蘭國家未來發展路線深受三個因素影響,首要是過去俄烏因素,其次是外部俄、美、歐關係,第三是烏克蘭內部發展路線之爭。

朝向一個國族的完成─19世紀烏克蘭民族運動發展歷程(1798-1922) / Toward the Completion of a Nation - The Development of Ukrainian National Movement (1798-1922)

徐裕軒, Hsu, Yu Hsuan Unknown Date (has links)
本論文屬於國族建構的個案研究,探討19世紀烏克蘭的民族運動發展歷程。由歷史意識的關切出發,採用捷克歷史社會學家赫洛荷的民族運動理論作為分析架構,鋪陳出歷史、文化與政治的三階段發展歷程。在內容論述上,挑選12位最具代表性的烏克蘭知識份子,以列傳形式帶出19世紀烏克蘭民族運動的發展歷程。同時輔以知識分子的文本,以分析19世紀以來烏克蘭國族意識的興起與開展、及其對今日烏克蘭社會的影響。 本論文除緒論與結論外,共分為四個部分。首先,由歷史溯源,爬梳9世紀基輔羅斯以來的烏克蘭歷史,找尋烏克蘭國族的根源;其次,進入烏克蘭國族意識的萌芽階段,探討烏克蘭人如何透過傳統的發明與歷史的詮釋,創建出想像中的共同體價值;再次,隨著國族意識與民族運動逐漸開展,具規模性的文化活動與團體組織,亦不斷深化烏克蘭民族存在的正當性;復次,民族運動來到政治動員與國家構築階段,創建實體的政治黨派與政府,不但是凝聚烏克蘭國族的必要手段,更成為完成國族建構的必經之路。結論針對問題的緣起做出回應,並反思19世紀以來的國族運動經驗對照今日的烏克蘭國族認同問題。 / This thesis provides a case study of nation-building. Initiated by the concern of historical consciousness, it aims at analyzing the developing process of Ukrainian national movement in the 19th century. Applying the theoretical framework by Czech historian/sociologist Miroslav Hroch, it divides the national movement course into 3 phases (i.e. historical, cultural and political). Furthermore, biographical ketches contribute to a holistic analysis of the 19th century Ukrainian national movement as a whole. This study is divided into four parts. First, it traces back to the historical root of Ukrainian nation from the time of Kyivan Rus’. Second, it investigates how Ukrainians created the imagined community by inventing a common tradition and re-interpreting the history. Third, as the national consciousness grows, cultural and organizational activities contribute to strengthen the Ukrainian national idea in the mid-19th century. Fourth, political means such as regime establishment was employed by the eve of the Revolutionary times. In conclusion, it proposes feedbacks and reflections to re-consider the national identity problem in today’s Ukraine.

從烏克蘭危機探討東歐區域安全 / Exploring Eastern Europe 's Regional Security from the Ukrainian Crisis

張嘉玲 Unknown Date (has links)
2013年11月,時任烏克蘭總統的亞努科維奇,在拒絕簽署歐盟聯繫國協定後,引發一連串國內及國外的危機,導致了領導人被罷黜、國家領土被俄羅斯佔領、外國勢力的影響浮上檯面等後果,造就了冷戰過後最大的東歐戰略板塊變化。 烏克蘭位居東歐亞交匯之處,對區域安全影響頗鉅。為研究烏克蘭危機的影響與未來可能的局勢變化,本文首先簡述事件過程,並以時間軸鋪陳,分析其歷史及地緣關係如何造成烏克蘭人民國家認同差異與影響領導人的外交政策;在地緣政治方面,以美國、歐盟及俄羅斯等三大重要外國勢力為主要面向,研究如何在政治、經濟及軍事方面干擾烏克蘭的走向。進而探討烏克蘭當局之戰略文化形成之肇因、外國勢力角力對其國內政治的衝擊與其未來對外關係的可能的戰略選項。 / In November 2013, when the President of Ukraine, Yanukovych, refused to sign the EU-Ukraine association Agreement, triggered a series of domestic and foreign crises, such as: the president was removed from his power, and the territories was occupied by the Russian, as well as the foreign influence had become an important issue and no longer been ignored and so on. This has been the biggest changes on strategic situation in Eastern European since the Cold War ended. Ukraine is located in the intersection of Eastern Europe and Asia; the impact of regional security is huge. In order to study the influence of the crisis in Ukraine and the possible changes of the situation in the future, at fist this paper summarizes the event process, then according to timeline, analyzing how the historical and geopolitical issues will influence the people in the Ukrainian as well as the leaders’ foreign policies. From the geopolitical perspective, the United States, European Union and Russia are the major foreign forces as the main target, this paper will focus on how the political, economic and military issues interference the direction of the Ukraine's developments. And then exploring the possible strategic options for the formation of the strategic culture of the Ukrainian authority, the impact of foreign forces on its domestic politics and the future strategic choice on the external relations. Keywords: Ukrainian crisis, strategic culture, regional security.

喬治亞(2003)、烏克蘭(2004)與吉爾吉斯(2005)政權替換之研究 / A Study of Regime Change in Georgia(2003), Ukraine(2004) and Kyrgyzstan(2005)

王正廷, Wang, Cheng Ting Unknown Date (has links)
本文目的在於探討喬治亞、烏克蘭與吉爾吉斯等三國,其政權替換的經過。政權替換為什麼會發生?這三個國家政權替換發生的情況有何不同?而反對勢力又是如何出現?一些共同的成功因素在個別國家有無程度上的不同?經由文獻回顧,作者指出這一波政權替換發生的主要因素:選舉競爭性的來源、反對勢力與政權正當性危機的出現、外國影響與獲得資訊能力。 本文認為這三個國家在面臨不同的背景條件與政治環境之下,透過選舉的舉行,使各個國家出現不同的反對勢力起源,形成對當權者的挑戰。而選舉舞弊造成統治者的正當性危機,加上在不同程度的資訊獲得能力影響下的群眾示威,導致政權危在旦夕。最後,示威群眾的策略與統治者的個人決斷,促成了政權替換。 / The purpose of this study is to explore the process of regime change in Georgia, Ukraine and Kyrgyzstan. Why did regime change happen? What are the differences between these three cases? How did the opposition emerge? Did the common factors of successful regime change have varied degree in each country? Through a literature review, the author points out the main factors of this wave of regime change: the source of election competitiveness, the emergence of opposition vis-à-vis the regime legitimacy crisis, and foreign influence of information accessibility. The thesis argues that the elections held in these three countries with different backgrounds and political environments contributed to various origins of opposition forces against the authorities. Electoral frauds led to the crisis of regime legitimacy. In addition, under the influence of different level of information accessibility, public demonstration put the ruling regime into an imminent crisis. Finally, the strategies of mass protest and the incumbents’ decisions resulted in regime change.


李明修 Unknown Date (has links)
本文採用制度途徑為分析工具,比較歐洲地區的後社會主義國家在金融自由化的過程中,國內外不同的政治力量如何運作。從政治背景和金融發展兩個層面來看,後社會主義國家可以區分為三類:中東歐、波羅的海及獨立國協,因為資料和能力所及的緣故,本文選擇了波蘭、愛沙尼亞與烏克蘭作為比較的個案。 任何形式的改革皆會有阻力與助力,而在金融自由化之前需先做到經濟穩定化和國營部門私有化,這就要國內的既得利益階級犧牲部分利益,才能讓改革繼續下去,既得利益階級不甘利益受損,於是團結起來抵制改革,或對國會遊說、施壓,或藉由選舉進入國會、掌握國家機器,保持舊制度;此時,西方國際組織(歐盟、國際貨幣基金、世界銀行、歐洲復興與開發銀行等)扮演著改革助力角色,利用貸款、加入國際組織條件從外部制度協助後社會主義國家維繫改革動能和抗拒既得利益階級。 本文研究發現,朝野主要政黨能夠遵照新制度而行的國家,往往是經濟改革和金融自由化較為優異的國家,這些國家的既得利益階級和國內對立情況相當較弱者,又有加入歐盟的改革誘因,才能順利推動改革,如波蘭及愛沙尼亞;烏克蘭陷於東西對立,既得利益階級強盛,國會屢屢修改制度,造成金融自由化落後。結論是制度和行為者都很重要,行為者制訂制度,制度提供行為者遊戲規則,行為者要遵守制度而行。

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