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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


李欣儒 Unknown Date (has links)
本文依據現代化理論之脈絡,探究總體經濟因素對於民主政治究竟存在何種影響,在方法論上則採取量化與質化的結合,以求各自擷長補短。 為探究經濟因素究竟是影響民主政體的「建立」、已建立民主政體的「存續」、亦或民主程度的「提昇」。本文首先將各國依其民主化時程及宗教文化的不同,區分為第二波民主化國家、第三波民主化國家及伊斯蘭國家,據此建立三個次模型及一個總體模型,並利用總體經濟資料進行量化分析。研究結果發現,經濟因素對於民主政體的「建立」與否並無影響,但良好的經濟表現則有助於已建立之民主政體的「存續」及民主程度的「提昇」;亦即現代化理論的外生說獲得支持。 為彌補量化研究之不足,本文並進一步以土耳其進行個案分析。個案分析的結果顯示,儘管影響土耳其民主政治發展的因素包含宗教勢力興起、經濟危機及軍方干政,但最根本的因素仍是經濟危機;在經濟危機之下,不論軍方或民間社會皆感受到壓力,民間轉向伊斯蘭教尋求安慰,軍方則藉安定社會與對抗宗教勢力等名義,發動政變而中止民主政治。 / Rested on the theories of modernization, this thesis inquired into how the macroeconomic performance influences the political development of democracy. The quantification and qualification approaches are adopted in the methodology for a complete perspective. In order to explore whether the economic performance influences the establishment of democratic regime, the sustenance of established democratic regime, and the elevation of democratic level, this thesis classifies the countries as the democratic countries in the second wave of democratization, the democratic countries in the third wave of democratization and Islamic countries according to the agenda of democratization and religious culture difference. Based upon the three categories, the author builds up three secondary models and one general model and puts the macroeconomic materials in the quantitative analysis. The findings discover that the economic performance has nothing to do with the establishment of democratic regime. However, the well-performed economy does help consolidate the established democratic regime and elevate the democratic level as well. The conclusion implies that the exogenous theory of Modernization theory is substantiated. In order to make up the insufficiency of the quantification research, the author takes Turkey for case study. The results reveal that the factors influencing the political development of democracy in Turkey include the rise of religious power, the economic crisis and the military intervention. Among the factors, the most crucial one is the economic crisis. Under the threat of economic crisis, the society turned to Islamism for consolation. Nevertheless, in the name of stable society and resistance to religious power, the military launched coup d'etat to interrupt the democracy.

孫中山實業計畫之內在意涵--一個發展社會學面向的研究 / The Internal Meaning of Sun Yat-Sen's Industrialization Plan

葉定國, Yeh, Din Gwo Unknown Date (has links)
一九一九年,中山先生開始撰寫「實業計畫」,並在一九二一年完成這個作品,本書的另一個名稱是「物質建設」。中山先生在這個計畫中提出了六個發展設計:交通系統、電力與電廠、礦業、農業和工業,同時還包括其他如林業、灌溉、邊區發展、人口和國防等。中山先生想透過龐大的建設計畫使中國邁向發展,這是他增進人民經濟財富願望的一部份,而「實業計畫」的完成,代表了中山先生經濟思想的一個重大轉捩點。在這之前,中山先生的觀點眼著於強化中國人民對國家未來發發展的的渴求,樣的觀念一直停留在建設方針的建立上,至於明確的建設計畫則付之闕如。但在「實業計畫」產生之後,中山先生開始將其經濟計化思想轉換成完經濟建設計畫,「實業計畫」正是這種情狀下的心血結晶,而這也是中山先生企圖使中國由貧窮走向富強的努力和嘗試。姑且不論其是否真正的付行,或是計畫內部的細節設計是否得當,單是豬這樣的觀點和見識,便不當時中國傳統教育下的學者所能觀察和了解到的問題,而這也是中山先生之觀察深入,洞燭機先的地方。   本論文的研究目的可化歸為以下幾點:   1.對於西方發展社會學的研究向度、理論架構及關注重點,進行基本的探究和了解。   2.經由中山先生的若干著作和原典,了解中山先生對於中國未來發展內外條件的認知,歸結這些內外條件之後,對於中山先生的國家發展觀所具有的整體性規畫進行詮釋。   3.分析實業計畫的整體設計,並利用第二部份所獲得的研究結論,超脫傳統經濟範疇內的討論,重新給予實業計畫在文化及社會層面的定位。   4.由實業計畫的國際觀出發,了解在中山先生的觀點,中國未來的發展對於世界將有何種貢獻。

臺灣高級中學世界史課程中的歐洲中心觀:1952–2015 / The Eurocentrism in Taiwan High School World History Courses,1952–2015

胡捷, Hu, Chieh Unknown Date (has links)
臺灣的世界史教育自1949年以來已經走過一甲子,歷史課本的改革卻不會因為歲月匆匆而走到終點,課本只能不斷的被完善,方能教育出更好的下一代,以完成百年大計。本文除了第一章緒論與第五章結語之外,正文一共分為三章。第二章講述課綱與時代的互動,歐洲中心觀是如何在臺灣的世界史扎根,將討論臺灣政治氛圍與兩岸對峙的影響,以及冷戰與後冷戰時代,歷史學術思潮的變遷。第三章將進入課本文本,分析歐洲中心觀與課本論述方式,首先從十八世紀興起的大論述與輝格歷史學切入,討論兩者如何相輔相成,呈現在教科書內。再者討論戰後臺灣成為美國冷戰結構下一環,學習諸多美國的現代化理論,對課本的書寫產生了許多影響。以及臺灣內部的國族主義訴求,跨越了本國史進入世界史領域。第四章則討論課本細部的名詞翻譯與圖片使用,除了反應了歐洲中心觀,還可以追尋出臺灣課本強烈的英語中心觀,讓臺灣的世界史至今仍然籠罩在不列顛的影響之下。透過上述各章節,我們可以從課綱、課本、圖文等三個層次來檢視臺灣的世界史如何呈現歐洲中心觀,寄望能給予課本編審者作為參考 / Taiwan’s high school has taught Wolrd History in the course of history over sixty year since 1949. Nonethless, the need of revising the course would never come to an end: constant improvments should be implemented in order to provide better teaching for the next generations. The main part of the dissertation is divided into three chapters. Chapter Two starts with the curriculum guidelines and the background, illustrating how the base of Eurocentrism was built in Wold History courses. It relates the phenomenon to the context that Taiwan has been influenced by the political atmophere during the Cold War, and later scholarly trends in global Post-Cold War academe. In Carpter Three, the focus moves to textbooks, specifically on (1) the relation between the Grand Narrative and the Whigs History and their reflections in textbooks; (2) The adaption of Modernization theories from the US, in a context of Taiwan as an ally in Cold War that this is exacly the reason for the overwhelmingly presence of the States in Taiwanese history education; (3) The ideology of Nationalism, which results in a phenomenon that the narratives of World History in textbooks are often biased to meet the nationalist need. Last, in Chapter Four, it manifies the deatails in textboks, i.e. the choice of translational terms and the arrangement of maps. It contends that terms and maps in Taiwan World History textbooks reflect not just Eurocentricem but English-Centrism which still envelops nowadays Taiwan. In brief, the analyses of Eurocentrism in these chapters are arranged in theree levels: curriculum guidelines, textbooks, and finally terms and maps. Additionally, the dissertation provides some advice for textbook writers.

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