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上市公司股利發放模式及現金股利顧客效果之研究 / The research about the model of dividend payment and clientle effect on listing company葉文郁, Yen, Wen Yu Unknown Date (has links)
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公司多角化經營策略與股利發放政策之關聯性研究 / Firm diversification and Dividend policy林君蓉 Unknown Date (has links)
本文以2000~2009台灣地區不含金融證券業之上市公司為樣本,資料來源為台灣經濟新報社資料庫(Taiwan Economic Journal),研究主題為探討多角化與股利發放政策之關聯性,同時也檢測多角化程度愈高而經營績效較差或盈餘品質較差的企業與股利發放政策之關係,實證研究的結果顯示,多角化程度會影響股利發放政策,而多角化與股利發放政策呈現顯著負相關,企業多角化程度愈高,股利支付率較低、較不會發放股利及較不會增加發放股利,而這些現象主要是集中在經營績效較差或盈餘品質較差的企業。 / Based on a sample of firms listed in Taiwan during 2000-2009, this study investigates the relationship between firm diversification and dividend policy and the extent to which firm performance and earnings quality affect diversified companies in making dividend policy decisions. The empirical results show that firms with greater diversification are less likely to pay dividends, pay lower dividend yields, and are less likely to increase dividends. I also find that such evidence is more pronounced among poor financial performance and lower earnings quality firms.
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清朝與當代臺灣軍人待遇制度之研究 / A comparative study on the wages of military personnel-a historical perspective吳湘怡 Unknown Date (has links)
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盈餘管理之特性與審計品質之影響 / Characteristics of Earnings Management and Effects of Audit Quality張文瀞, Chang, Wen Jing Unknown Date (has links)
面對增加所得之裁量性應計數字,審計品質有效阻止投機性盈餘管理。面對顯露私有資訊之盈餘管理,審計品質能夠協助管理者選擇最能彰顯未來現金流量預期之會計方法,以增強裁量性應計數字與未來現金流量變動之關聯性。在高審計品質所賦予之資訊公信力下,盈餘資訊在投資人之決策過程中有一定之重要性,故投資人發現裁量性應計數字增加(減低)盈餘價值攸關性,因而增加(減低)盈餘評價係數。然而對低審計品質所查核的財務報表,較低的資訊公信力,使盈餘未在投資人評價過程中扮演重要角色,因而盈餘管理特性亦不受投資人重視。 / This research examined characteristics of earnings management and effects of audit quality therein. Specifically, the magnitude of earnings management was proxied by the discretionary accruals, which are estimated using a cross-sectional version of the Jones model. Different from prior research, the audit quality was captured by a combined measure of the auditor's market share and client concentration. The market share measured the auditor's competence (industry specialty) and the client concentration measured the auditor's independence. Managers usually exercised discretion to recognize accruals. They could either signal private information to enhance earnings' value relevance, or opportunistically manage earnings to reduce the reliability of earnings as the performance measure of the firm. As a result, it was important to examine earnings management and to identify whether it would increase the informativeness or noise of financial reports. This study was organized according to the characteristics of earnings management: opportunistic earnings management and signaling earnings management. For both parts, the nature of earnings management was identified first, and then the effects of audit quality therein examined. To reduce the impact of measurement errors of proxy variables, the treatment group and controlled group were compared and contrasted to make earnings management pattern of the treatment group more evident.
The results showed that threshold firms managed earnings to sustain last year's earnings level. Discretionary accruals of the threshold firms were not significantly associated with future cash flow changes. Those discretionary accruals were used to hide the current unfavorable performance, or to defer current unusual earnings to the future, so that managers could reduce the volatility of accounting earnings. As a means of information disclosure, voluntary earnings forecasts tended to be optimistic, but we still could observe some voluntary forecasts which decreased earnings. In those situations, we might conclude that managers tried to convey credible signals. However, it was not necessarily credible in the case of voluntary forecasting which increased earnings. Managers would manipulate earnings to reduce the difference between forecasted earnings and reported earnings. In respect of the information signal of changes in directors' share holding percentages, it signaled nothing when directors increased holding percentages because most companies were family businesses in Taiwan. Nonetheless, investors should look out the possibility of earnings manipulation when directors decreased their holding percentages.
Audit quality could effectively deter opportunistic earnings management but not the income-decreasing discretionary accruals. Based on information signaling perspective of earnings management, auditors with higher audit quality tended to assist managers to choose accounting methods that might signal cash flow expectations. Stronger associations between discretionary accruals and future cash flows were observed for firms audited by higher quality auditors. Because higher audit quality might increase information credibility, earnings would play a more important role in the decision process of investors. When discretionary accruals increased (decreased) earnings' value relevance, earnings association coefficients would be increased (decreased). However, for the financial reports audited by lower quality auditors, earnings did not play an important role in the valuation process because of lower information credibility. Therefore, empirical results showed that investors of firms audited by lower quality auditors did not make decisions according to different characteristics of earnings management.
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兩稅合一制前後上市公司股利發放、租稅規劃及資本結構之實證研究 / An Empirical Investigation of Impacts of the Integrated Income Tax System on Corporations' Dividend Payout, Tax Planning, and Capital Structure汪瑞芝, Wang, Jui Chih Unknown Date (has links)
綜合本論文實證結果顯示,兩稅合一制實施後,稅額扣抵比率的機制確實其有消除股利所得重複課稅的效益,進而提高公司股利發放的意願,並且有助於公司資本結構的改善。但是,政府對於未分配盈餘加徵 10%營利事業所得稅的規定卻不利於公司資本的累積,反而提高舉債的租稅誘因,也可能抵銷稅額扣抵比率降低舉債的效果,值得政府深入檢討對公司未分配盈餘課稅的不利影響。 / Enacted in 1998, the Integrated Income Tax System has two important features, i.e., the imputation tax credit to shareholders and the 10% surtax levied on undistributed earnings. Using two-step multivariate regression, this study exmines the impacts of these two features on corporations' dividend payout, tax planning, and capital structure. The findings of this study are as follows :
1. After implementation of the Integrated Income Tax System, the imputation tax credit ratio is positively related with total dividends payout ratios. Companies with higher imputation tax credit ratios tend to pay out more cash dividends and earnings stock dividends, ceteris paribus. However, there appears no significant relation between the imputation tax credit ratio and capital stock dividends. On average, after implementation of the Integrated Income Tax System, stock dividend payout ratios, including earning stock dividends and capital stock dividends, are decreased, but cash dividend payout ratios are increased. The increase in cash dividend payout may be affected by the balance dividend policy by the SEC, which require corporations to pay out greater proportions in cash dividends. The decrease in earning stock dividends may be due to the cancellation of the deferral of tax on stock dividends.
2. After implementation of the Integrated Income Tax System, inconsistent with the expectation, companies still prefer the five-year tax exemption to the investment tax credits. The results suggest that companies' choices are affected more by such factors as corporate cashflows and earnings per shares. However, after implementation of the Integrated Income Tax System, there is a significant change in stockholder structures, with the ratios of corporation stockholders being increased while the ratios of oversea stockholders being decreased. The opportunity of tax arbitrage will have a significant impact on corporations' stockholder structures.
3. After implementation of the Integrated Income Tax System, for companies with higher imputation tax credit ratios, their stockholders will have greater tax benefits, and, hence, the tax benefit for companies to use debt financing is decreased. Conversely, companies with higher ratios of retained earnings will bear more tax burdens on the 10% surtax levied on undistributed earnings; therefore, the tax benefit of debt financing is increased. The empirical results support that, ceteris paribus, companies with higher imputation tax credit ratios tend to have lower debt-to-equity ratios, while companies with higher ratios of retained earnings tend to have greater debt-to-equity ratios.
In summary, after implementation of the Integrated Income Tax System, the imputation tax credits reduce the double taxation on stockholders' dividend income and, hence, improve corporations' capital structure. However, the 10% surtax on undistributed earnings may result in opposite effect on corporations' capital structure. The findings of this study have important implications for the government to take into account the potential adverse impacts resulted from taxes levied on corporations' retained earnings.
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