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我國外籍家庭看護工失聯問題之初探趙文徽 Unknown Date (has links)
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「外籍看護工申審機制與國內照顧服務體系接軌」之實施現況與成效初探─以台北縣為例李元昌 Unknown Date (has links)
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我國外籍家庭監護工勞動權益保障之探討 / A study on the Labor Right Protection of Foreign Domestic Workers in Taiwan蔡宜靜 Unknown Date (has links)
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現代社会における医療・看護・介護に関するグループ・ダイナミックス的研究鮫島, 輝美 23 March 2015 (has links)
京都大学 / 0048 / 新制・課程博士 / 博士(人間・環境学) / 甲第19053号 / 人博第706号 / 新制||人||170(附属図書館) / 26||人博||706(吉田南総合図書館) / 32004 / 京都大学大学院人間・環境学研究科共生人間学専攻 / (主査)教授 杉万 俊夫, 准教授 永田 素彦, 准教授 大倉 得史 / 学位規則第4条第1項該当 / Doctor of Human and Environmental Studies / Kyoto University / DFAM
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医療・患者情報の電子化によるパーソナル看護拠点の出現とそれに伴う病棟平面の再構成山下, 哲郎 03 1900 (has links)
科学研究費補助金 研究種目:基盤研究(B) 課題番号:17360296 研究代表者:山下 哲郎 研究期間:2005-2007年度
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臺灣外籍家庭看護工之現象與省思兼檢視長期照顧政策 / A study of foreign nursing labor in Taiwan and a critical review on long-term care policy蔡幸嶧, Tsai, Hsing Yi Unknown Date (has links)
本文以文獻回顧與整合研究法,作為主要的研究方法。本文研究後認為,臺灣現存的整體照顧資源,會與現有文化觀念交互影響,進而強化家庭對「家人照顧」與「照顧行為女性化」的偏好。當女性照顧者面臨愈來愈強的照顧負荷與危害時,終將在國家政策、經濟能力、傳統文化與父權主義的交互影響下選擇具替代性的照顧服務,即便對失能者及其家庭而言並非最佳選擇。很明顯的,臺灣選擇以「外籍家庭看護工」做為傳統長期照顧方式的主要替代照顧方案,即便國家大幅改革長期照顧政策(照顧服務福利及產業發展方案),情況依舊未獲得改善。因此,臺灣如要建構一套完整的長期照顧政策,就必須先理解失能者家庭在選擇照顧服務時,是同時面對「經濟能力」和「文化輿論」等照顧困境。因此,一般的女性照顧者應從「無償照顧者」的社會弱勢角色,轉變為長期照顧政策的思維中心與主導者之一;而外籍家庭看護工的角色與價值更應該被重新定位與肯定,更應尋求將其融入臺灣整體照顧政策的可能性。 / Long-term care service in Taiwan depends on foreign nursing labor for a long time. In order to improve this situation, The government has provided more resources for institutional care services, and community care services and home care services. but foreign nursing labor in Taiwan still increased slowly. It means disabled person’s family can’t relate to The Long-term care service in Taiwan. In fact, foreign nursing labor in Taiwan is a social construction, and was affected by Patriarchy, private policy and home capacity. Finally, disabled person still in their home. This situation need to research.
This research is based on document analysis. According to the result of this research, the resource of caring and the traditional culture concept have influenced to each other and emphasized. When female caregivers face heavy pressure of family care, they would choose other caring Long-term care service in Taiwan has been dependant on foreign nursing labor for a long time. In order to improve this situation, The government has provided more resources for institutional care services, community care services and home care services as well. but foreign nursing labor in Taiwan still increased slowly. It means the disabled person’s family can’t relate to The Long-term care service in Taiwan. In fact, foreign nursing labor in Taiwan is a social construction, and is affected by patriarchy, private policy and home capacity. Finally, disabled person is still in their home. This situation need to
This research is based on document analysis. According to the result of this research, the resource of caring and traditional culture concept have influenced each other. When female caregivers face heavy pressure of family care, they would choose other caring service, and even it’s not the best one. Obviously, Taiwan chose foreign nursing labor as an alternative route, although the Government have launched a new program of long-term caring (Caring Service welfare & Industry development program). If Taiwan plans to establish a sound caring policy, it must understand the patriarchy, private policy and home capacity. The female caretaker should change from the one who used to be unpaid family caretaker to become the center of the long-term care policy. In addition, we should improve the role and value of foreign nursing labor, and Long-term care service in Taiwan should take foreign nursing labor as its
regular as well as essential component.
Key Words:long-term care, Foreign Nursing Labor
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機構外籍看護工工作條件與工作適應問題之研究-以臺北縣越南籍看護工為例徐幗美 Unknown Date (has links)
機構照護人力外籍勞工化之情形已普遍出現於國內大小型之養護機構,而這群服務於機構之外籍看護工處於語言不通及繁重工作壓力之雙重障礙下,工作適應程度是否良好則攸關著照護品質。在時間及人力限制下,本研究選擇以機構越南籍看護工為研究對象。 / 本研究探討之主題為:一、機構外籍看護工之目前工作條件;二、人口學變項對機構外籍看護工之工作適應影響;三、機構外籍看護工之跨文化工作適應差異;四、機構所提供之勞動條件、管理方式及福利事項情形對外籍看護工之工作適應影響;五、不同機構類別所提供之工作環境是否不同,進而影響外籍看護工之適應情形。研究設計方面,除了對機構越南籍看護工進行問卷調查,最後回收140份有效樣本外,並針對五家機構之負責人員進行深度訪談,以充實研究內容。 / 研究結果發現,適用勞動基準法之機構外籍看護工,僅僅只有基本薪資15840元一項,合乎勞動基準法第21條之最低工資保護,其餘之工作條件根本遠不如該法所規定之基本保障。其次,機構越南籍看護工的年齡、教育程度及是否借款來臺工作等3項個人背景,以及中文程度、海外工作經驗與來臺時間等3項跨文化因素,在工作適應上確有顯著差異。再者,機構所提供之勞動條件、管理方式及福利措施,對外籍看護工之工作適應有顯著影響。最後,醫療保健服務機構之越南籍看護工,其工作適應程度優於社會福利服務機構之越南籍看護工。
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ケアを職業とすることがもつ心理臨床的意味-看護師の心理的疲弊とその支援から-坂田, 真穂 23 March 2016 (has links)
京都大学 / 0048 / 新制・課程博士 / 博士(教育学) / 甲第19441号 / 教博第185号 / 新制||教||158(附属図書館) / 32477 / 京都大学大学院教育学研究科臨床教育学専攻 / (主査)教授 皆藤 章, 准教授 髙橋 靖恵, 教授 岡野 憲一郎 / 学位規則第4条第1項該当 / Doctor of Philosophy (Education) / Kyoto University / DAM
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新人看護師の職場適応への支援 ―困難を乗り越える支えとなるもの―中嶋, 文子 23 January 2017 (has links)
京都大学 / 0048 / 新制・課程博士 / 博士(人間・環境学) / 甲第20095号 / 人博第801号 / 新制||人||193(附属図書館) / 28||人博||801(吉田南総合図書館) / 33211 / 京都大学大学院人間・環境学研究科共生人間学専攻 / (主査)教授 Becker Carl Bradley, 准教授 柴田 悠, 准教授 松本 卓也, 教授 赤澤 千春 / 学位規則第4条第1項該当 / Doctor of Human and Environmental Studies / Kyoto University / DFAM
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長期看護保險商品及消費者購買須知之探討 / The study on long-term care insurance products and shopper's guide林士聘, Lin, Shih Pin Unknown Date (has links)
有鑑於此,本研究除了詳細彙整介紹德國、日本及台灣政府長期照護制度現況,並對於美國、日本及台灣長期看護保險商品市場進行深入介紹與探討,且對於美國、英國長期看護保險消費者購買須知進行深入介紹與探討。目的在藉由本研究之介紹與探討之結果,提供台灣保險產業長期看護保險之商品開發、業務推動及編製長期看護保險消費者購買須知等實務運作之重要參考。拋磚引玉,期待保險產業有志之士一起掌握藍海商機,協助消費者購買到適合自己的長期看護保險保單。 / Aging population is a topical issue to today’s society, with improved living standard, advanced medical technology, and rising trend of chronic diseases; causing life expectancy to increase year by year. As a result of faster increase in life expectancy in recent years, together with the phenomenon of low birth rates, long-term care is an issue that should be taken seriously to both the public and the government. Recently, the government has been promoting long-term care policy vigorously, where it published “Taiwan’s 10 Years Long-term Care Program” in 2007, submitted “Long-term Care Insurance Law ” draft to the Legislative Yuan of Republic of China by end of 2009, and is scheduled to implement “Long Term Care Insurance” by 2011. Long-term care benefits provided by the government can be classified into four levels, and the benefits will mainly be service based, with hours limit, supported by cash payments. This means that, any long-term care exceeding government’s limit will have to be paid by the user, which may be a stress and burden, financially and mentally, to the family of those needing long-term care.
According to “Long-term Care Service Needs Assessment Report” and “Supply of Long-term Care Resources Survey Report” consigned by the Council for Economic Planning and Development, it can be seen that the supply of long-term care resources can never quite meet the demand of long-term care services. After studying long-term care benefits provided by other governments, it is clear that commercial insurance is essential to allow people requiring long-term care to maintain a full standard of living. This may includes being able to live independently, to improve the quality of life, and to maintain one’s dignity.
By observing the National Health Insurance (NHI) in Taiwan, implemented in 1995, it has stimulate people to be aware of their personal needs towards private health insurance products. The premium of private health insurance products had been increased by seven times from 1995 to 2004. It has been proven that government’s strong support on the NHI has help people to better understand the demands on their health protection, and at the same time, diversify private health insurance products. An overview on the experience of developing private long-term care insurance products in developed countries, insurance companies not only focus their core competence on developing insurance products but also pay attention on maintaining customers’ satisfaction, customer loyalty and customer retention. It is essential that insurance sales agents should help clients choose insurance policies that suit their needs by explaining policies in detail, in order to create new business opportunities and prevent from any future claim conflict or argument.
In view of this, the purpose of this research is to firstly introduce the long-term care system in countries such as German, Japan and Taiwan, study on the experience of developing private long-term care insurance products in developed countries, and follow by an in-depth study and discussion about U.S. and U.K. shopper’s guide to long-term care insurances. Moreover, the findings of this dissertation can hopefully provide suggestions to insurance companies on development of long-term care insurance products and help building consumers satisfaction and consumer retention. To conclude, it is important to create a win-win solution to both customers and insurance companies, where insurers shall develop long-term care products that satisfy customers’ need and in return profit from the market opportunities.
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