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我國知識產權融資的法律問題研究 / Legal study on intellectual property financing in China孫安娜 January 2012 (has links)
University of Macau / Faculty of Law
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中國大陸知識產權交易平台的建設研究 / Research on the Construction of Mainland China's Intellectual Property Right Trading Platform王也 Unknown Date (has links)
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論TRIPS協定中的地理標志保護制度 : 兼述對我國的影響及應有的對策 = On Geographical Indications Protection System in TRIPS Agreement : with concurrent discussion its impact on China and our proper countermeasures / 兼述對我國的影響及應有的對策;"On Geographical Indications Protection System in TRIPS Agreement : with concurrent discussion its impact on China and our proper countermeasures"季播 January 2009 (has links)
University of Macau / Faculty of Law
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我國中藥知識產權保護 / Intellectual property protection of traditional Chinese medicine何歡 January 2011 (has links)
University of Macau / Faculty of Law
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中國大陸反壟斷法對於外資企業經營知識產權之影響 / The Impacts of China’s Antimonopoly Law on Foreign Investment Enterprises Operating Intellectual Property Rights林佳蓉, Lin, Chia-Jung Unknown Date (has links)
本文企圖從可口可樂收購匯源、中國微軟黑屏事件兩個案例分析中,歸納出中國政府對於外資併購和壟斷所採取之態度,以及中國反壟斷法與知識產權適用上的平衡交錯,並且在結論與建議上提供外資及台商在反壟斷法施行後經營知識產權所應當留意之處。 / In recent years, foreign investments in China have been increasing because of Chinese Government's economic policy and global economic trends. The gradually improved investment regulations in legal system and environment attract more and more foreign capital inflows, and led China's economy to flourish.
China’s antimonopoly law had effect on August 1, 2008, and had great impacts on foreign enterprises, especially in mergers and acquisitions and market power to which is contributed by the exercises of intellectual property rights.
Foreign companies must consider China's special national conditions. Besides, protections of China's intellectual property rights and anti-trust legislations also exercise restraints on foreign investments in China.
All countries want to develop the market in China, while the exclusive use of intellectual property rights in order to achieve a dominant market position is the most rapid means, but how the Chinese anti-monopoly law equitable to the exclusive IPR would be the key point. Foreign investors who are entering the Chinese market need to consider the main points of the authority concerned in antitrust law reviewing and punishments.
From the acquisition case of Coca-Cola and Huiyuan and Microsoft case in China, this thesis attempts to draw a conclusion of what attitudes towards foreign companies Chinese Government would take in the future.In order to summarize how to balance China's anti-monopoly law and intellectual property rights for foreign mergers and acquisitions. Also, remind Taiwanese investor of business tips from the legal and business points of view.
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知識經濟時代的身體政治學:大陸網路媒體對知識產權建構的論述分析 / Body Politics of Knowledge Economy: Discourse Theory of Intellectual Property Construction of China Online Media陳述之, Chen,Shu-Chih Unknown Date (has links)
在此眾聲喧嘩下產生的知識產權生產活動,或相應而生的偽劣假冒活動,均會被收編,以有助國家主導的主流價值再生產。基於民族國家和公民身體的辯證統一的現代國家權力形態,以及知識經濟代表意識為身體服務的邏輯,主流價值的再生產亦即身體得到照顧與伸展。雖然威權體制致國家較身體享有更大能動性,但在威權體制集中施力的情況下,也將驅動主流、非主流雙方互動更形熱烈,提高了人遊走在從屬性、能動性、與解放性的機會與速率。因此,知識經濟的環境,創造了一個國家與身體在知識產權論述中介下,緊密鑲嵌,相依並存的關係。而知識經濟下的身體政治學,是國家提取身體力量之學,也是國家滿足身體須要之學,也是身體在從屬中取得能動性與解放之學。 / The aim of the dissertation is to discuss how online media of Mainland China construct intellectual property, and what kind of tension does the construction set up to human being. Furthermore, I can introspect body politics in time of knowledge economy. I use cultural studies as methodology and analyses by discourse theory.
Copyrights, patent rights and trademark rights are three mainly components of intellectual property. The dissertation selected the phenomena of tong-yi wang as case of copyrights, hanxin fake event as case of patent rights, and shuang wai wai as case of trademark rights. I construct and evaluate their value of discourse position by way of deconstruct cybertext of the three cases.
The discourse positions can be divided mainstream position dominated by party-state system and the position of non-mainstream as the other. Mainstream position means dominated by party-state. The discourses contain pursuit of whole interests of party-state, advancement of nation, norms of economy and innovation of knowledge. It’s a catch-up strategy of knowledge economy of Mainland China. The discourses of non-mainstream position, as opposite of mainstream,contain party-state corruption, failure of nation, disorder of economy and fake of knowledge. The two positions are limited frameworks in discussing events of intellectual property because of the interactions of factors such as state intervention, rapid flow information by knowledge economy and online media, rapid issue update, etc.
Intellectual property and cyber examination is self adjustment of state mechanism for the purpose of adaptation of knowledge economy. Activities of knowledge innovation should be limited in economic development and nationalism that without any connection of category of party-state system. So the activities of innovation won’t be hazardous to party-state. State mechanism used the legal power of controlling intellectual property and propaganda of cyber media and attracted and dominated the alliance of mainstream position. Mainstream position accelerated activities under catalysis of law and propaganda in authoritarian regime. And it stimulated the power of counter-operation of non-mainstream position. The mutual promotion and mutual confirm lead to phenomena of heteroglossia that constructing cultural image of time of knowledge economy in Mainland China.
The production activities of intellectual property under heteroglossia, or the fake and copy activities accompany with them will be all recruited and helpful reproduction of main value that dominated by state. Based on the form of state power of dialection and unification of nation state and civil body, and the logic of consciousness served for body, the reproduction of main value means the body can be took after and extension. Although state owns greater autonomous than body under authoritarian regime, but under the condition of concentration of power of authoritarian regime, the interaction of mainstream and non-mainstream will be more frequent. This will promote the opportunity and rapidity of belonging, autonomous and emancipation of human being. So it will create a relationship of mutually embedded and existence under discourse of intellectual property of state and body. Body politics under knowledge economy is a discipline of state’s extracting body strength, a discipline of state’s satisfaction of body requirement, a discipline of body’s acquiring autonomy and emancipation under subordination also.
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