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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

台灣市場發行ETF及槓反型ETF之研究及建議 / The impact and suggestion of the issuance of ETFs and leveraged ETFs on Taiwan markets

郝志明, Hao, Chih Ming Unknown Date (has links)
本論文探討我國目前各類型ETF發展現況及發行ETF及槓反型ETF至今對於台灣市場產生的影響,並藉由觀察國外市場發展的經驗,以提供國內市場未來發展之借鏡。 經本研究發現: 1.市場發行了ETF及槓反型ETF交易後策略更為更多元,也使得整體市場交易更為活絡。 2.在商品發行以後,整體ETF佔大盤的成交值越來越高,就整體ETF市場而言AUM規模也逐漸放大,顯示推出此商品是成功的。 3.對於期貨市場的影響上,不管是在台指期TX或是新加坡A50商品,在槓反型商品上市後,成交量都有明顯的上升。而面對應現貨市場交易的需求,台灣期交所也陸續發行了相關期權商品提供交易及避險,如此持續發展下對於整體期貨市場發展而言具有正面效果。 4.隨著ETF商品的規模擴大,規模前六大的ETF都破百億,如此帶動商品相關業者獲利增加,使得整體ETF產業蓬勃發展。 5.ETF相關產業正向發展,落實政府金融替代政策及金融創新。 6.ETF相關產品的發行可以形成一股正向循環,使ETF商品本身市場,現貨及期貨市場皆能得到正向的助益。


莫國華, Mo,Guo-Hua Unknown Date (has links)
研究目標 1.將戶外活動作一適當之分類。 2.找出影響戶外活動參與之因素,及因素間、因素與活動參與間之關係 3.為新引進的戶外活動尋找目標市場並提供行銷建議。 4.對各種戶外活動人口作一描述,並對戶外活動服務業者及政府推廣機構提出行銷上之建議。 研究架構 本研究之結果可從多方面對行銷者帶來幫助,如果行銷者處於休閑產業,則可從人口統計變數、刺激追求、成就動機、兒時生活環境等構面來定位其目標市場,並將這些構面應用於廣告策略上。

中國大陸知識產權交易平台的建設研究 / Research on the Construction of Mainland China's Intellectual Property Right Trading Platform

王也 Unknown Date (has links)
在知識經濟的時代大背景下,知識產權交易是知識產權轉化為商品的有效 手段,而知識產權交易平台又是知識產權交易的重要硬體保障。文章分析了中國大陸知識產權交易市場的現狀,分析借鑑了國外優秀交易平台的建設經驗,指出了中國大陸知識產權交易平台中存在的問題,闡述了建設知識產權交易平台的特點、作用與發展定位,結合目前的發展規劃,提出了建立健全知識產權綜合交易平台的構想及具體建議。


王青河, WANG, GING-HE Unknown Date (has links)
本論文計一冊,約五萬字,分五章十七節。茲就各章內容做扼要說明如下: 第一章:緒論,表達本論文之研究動機與目的、研究方法與流程及研究範圍與內容。 第二章:文獻回顧,從土地所有權意識型態的演進、民主理論及規劃理論等三方面學 說及理論的探討,來說明公共參與之重要性與前瞻性。 第三章:公共參與實例之比較,扼要地介紹各先進國家規劃過程中公共參與的規範及 執行情況,並與國內之法律規範及執行情況做一比較。 第四章:我國公共參與之實證分析--以台北市為例,以台北市政府工務局都市計劃 處及都市計劃委員會彙總之人民建議案資料等,做實證分析,以了解其影響之型式與 程度。 第五章:結論與建議。

台灣之兩岸發展優選策略之研究-應用層級分析法 / Study on the Slection of an Optimal Cross-Strait Development Strategy of Taiwan - Application of Analytic Hierarchy Process

劉豐壽, Liu, Feng-Shou Unknown Date (has links)
兩岸發展競爭力消長,最近數年來尤為明顯。據瑞士洛桑管理學院(IMD)2007年全球競爭力評比,台灣排名自2005年之第11名滑落至2007年之第18名;中國大陸則由31名提升到第15名,首度超越台灣。彼長我消之因素頗多,牽涉問題亦深且不易解。例如兩岸的統獨之爭,國內的內閣更迭波潮不斷,及政局穩定度、政策一致性、社會凝聚力,以及投資誘因力道等表現相對脆弱。相對於中國大陸,則是彼岸發展處於強勢有利時期,正所謂對岸屬「政經和諧」時期,台灣則處於「政熱經冷」時期,而兩岸間亦依舊停留於「政冷經熱」階段。對岸目前所走的路線恰好是台灣三、四十年前以「經濟為導向」的發展途徑,此為兩岸政、經發展消長最明顯的地方。縱使台灣在自由民主、發明專利、通膨水準、高科技產品、科技人才仍占有優勢,亦或政府大力協助廠商布局全球,如果兩岸未能和諧發展,則仍將難於突破當前困境,或競爭力將持續陷入每下愈況的困局。 本論文研究目的主要針對台灣與中國大陸國力發展之消長過程與趨勢,及兩岸互動對台灣是威脅或是機會,探討台灣發展新思維及應採措施,亦即如何趨吉避凶,乃為本論文研究之預期目標。本論文首次引用決策模式──層級分析法(Analytic Hierarchy Process, AHP),將兩岸複雜問題系統化,以簡易之結構化思考架構下,由不同層面給予層級分(析)解,讓決策者迅速研判台灣之兩岸發展之優選策略,或據以實施。首先以過去有關兩岸政治、經濟、國防、外交等政策文獻,作為構思研擬台灣當前與未來急需優先採行的重大策略後,隨即親訪產、官、研專家,擬訂AHP層級分析法問卷調查所需問題界定,構建層級結構。即第一層為全方位優選策略,第二層為政治和諧(I1)、經濟發展(I2)、國防安全(I3)與全球化(I4)等四大主題,第三層為各主題內之各子(次要)項(各細分五子項,合計20子(次要)項)。 AHP層級分析法略以總群(組)體(total)、偏經濟專長大於40歲(eco>40)及小於四十歲(eco<40)、偏政策專長大於40歲(pol>40)及小於40歲(pol<40)等五個分類組別,輸入計算軟體結果分析比較得知,不論總群體組或不同各次群組,即不分何種專長、年齡層都以經濟發展(I2)為首選指標,其餘三大主題(項)依次為國防安全、全球化及政治和諧,但彼此權重之高低卻在伯仲之間(詳本論文第四章第三節結果分析)。足見且印證了經濟發展是當前兩岸發展中台灣之首要任務,亦為國內人民、企業界和國外世界級跨國管理大師之共同關注焦點。 本論文採用文獻及當前問題趨勢分析,配合訪談及應用「層級分析法」結果,顯示層級分析法是一種簡易又便捷的優選決策工具。不但可免去一般繁複卷數、人力之累,且其分析結果雖僅具少數專家卓見,卻能充分反映多數人的看法和企求目標,也頗符合「二八法則」管理關鍵原則,值得推廣應用。本論文研究之結論與建議事項,或可提供有關當局施政之參考。 / The rise and fall of competitiveness between China and Taiwan has fluctuated dramatically in recent years. According to the latest IMD World Competitiveness Scoreboard 2007 (published on May 10th 2007), the ranks of Taiwan dropped from 11th in 2005 to 18th in 2007. On the contrary, China’s rank increased from 31st to 15th in the corresponding period of time. This is the first time China’s ranking overtook Taiwan. There are a lot of factors involved of the rise in China and the fall of Taiwan; the problems involved are complicated and hard to solve. There are numerous examples, such as the disputes about Taiwan’s cross strait status, the frequent change of the cabinets in Taiwan, as well as the political instability, policy inconsistency, the social cleavage, and the lack of attraction for investment in Taiwan. These problems have only improved a little when they are compared to China’s progress. China is in the stage of fast development, and both of the political and economical circumstances are in harmony. In contrast, the Taiwan government has focused on political issues rather than how to solve economical problems in the recent years. In addition to this, the cross-strait issues focus more on economical than political issues. Now, the road taken by China, happens to be the road that was taken by Taiwan government, which emphasized “economical-oriented policies” 30 to 40 years ago. This is the most noticeable aspect of the comparison of political and economical development across the strait. Taiwan has the advantage in freedom, patents, the inflation situation, high-tech products, and technology elites. The Taiwan government also spares no effort in assisting companies’ global layout. If the cross-strait situation cannot be improved, the current situation will be difficult to solve. In the end, the competitiveness of Taiwan will worsen. The target of this thesis lies on analysis of the process and tendency of rise and fall of national power across the strait, as well as discussion about whether or not cross-strait cooperation is a threat or an opportunity for Taiwan. It discusses the new thinking and measures of development that Taiwan should take. In other words, how to make good decisions and avoid bad policies is the goal of this thesis. This is the first time the Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) is adopted to systematize complicated problems cross strait. By using simplified structural thinking, different levels of problems are analyzed by the AHP. This way, policy makers can judge what are strategies are better to take for cross strait development, and may put them into practice in the future. In the beginning of this thesis, documents concerning cross-strait political affairs, economy, national defense, and foreign affairs were used as references to design major strategies that needed to be solved presently and in the future in Taiwan. Later, experts from industries, the government, and the research field were interviewed to design questions in the survey according to the AHP, and to make the structure of different levels. The first level is about policies in priority in every aspect. The second one is about political stability (I1), economical development (I2), national security (I3), and globalization (I4). The third level is about sub-items of each item (five sub-items of each and 20 sub-items in total). The AHP was divided into five groups: total, those with the specialty over 40 years of age (eco>40) and under (eco<40), those with the specialty of policy-making over 40 years of age (pol>40) and under (pol<40). After the five classified data was analyzed by computer software, the result showed that both the total and different sub-groups, people in different ages and with different specialties, all chose economic development (I2) as their choice in priority. The other three selective items in order were national security, globalization, and political stability. However, the differences among them were very slim (Please refer to the results and analysis in Chapter 4.3). This proves that economic development should be the primary mission in current cross-strait development. It is also a common concern by the people, companies, and international masters of management. In this thesis, documents and the current problems according to the AHP were adopted. With the interviews and results from the AHP, it showed that AHP is an easy and convenient tool to make prioritize policies. It not only can save the time and efforts of giving out large numbers of the survey, but the result can truly reflect opinions and goals pursued by the majority, even though only the opinions of a limited number of experts were taken. This also meets the 80/20 principle of the crucial rule of management. Meanwhile, it can also draw conclusion and suggestions in this thesis in providing policy-making references to the government. It shall be promoted and applied with great exertion.


游鳳怡 Unknown Date (has links)
介面設計是重要的議題,好的介面減低使用者與介面互動所需的時間及認知資源,進而樂於使用該功能。近年來互動式數位電視的使用漸增,卻未有既定的使用介面。本研究試圖探討應如何呈現該功能選單,較能有效與介面互動。 本研究共三個實驗。實驗一採單因子參與者間實驗設計,獨變項為「提示項目類型」,含「圖示」、「文字」、「圖示加文字」三種;以強迫選擇再認作業,比較以不同方式呈現初次接觸的提示項目,是否造成學習上的差異;達相同學習程度後,不同呈現類型是否導致各組間行為反應有所差異。 實驗二排除了使用者接收文字或圖示刺激時,各組別的參與者形成不同程度的雙重編碼;操弄目標項目類型,即「文字」或「圖示」。以強迫選擇再認作業觀察同時呈現「文字」、「圖示」兩提示項目,使用者初次接觸時較傾向以何種訊息作判斷。除紀錄反應時間及正確率外,亦計算眼動反應指標。 實驗三欲探討「經驗效果」,依呈現項目類型分為三組,觀察各組參與者與不同熟悉程度之介面互動時,表現是否會有所差異。採三因子混合設計,「呈現項目類型」為參與者間變項,可分為「圖示」、「文字」及「圖示加文字」三種;「時間變項」及「區段變項」則是參與者內變項,前者指本實驗中的不同日期;後者則為各次實驗中的不同區段。依變項則為參與者完成作業的反應時間、反應正確率及眼動資料。 研究結果顯示在實驗一中,學習新的功能項目時,具文字敘述之組別表現會較佳;達相同學習程度後,具圖示訊息的組別之反應較只有文字的組別佳。實驗二中,參與者與陌生功能項目互動初期,同時呈現圖示及文字兩種形式的提示項目時,使用者會較傾向以文字訊息判斷。實驗三則顯示在互動時普遍依賴圖示訊息,呈現圖示項目的組別整體而言皆表現得較好;但在互動前期同時呈現「圖示加文字」組的表現與「文字」組較相似,互動後期則與「圖片」組較相似。以上研究結果,可供未來電視功能選單呈現方式設計之參考。


林瑞瑀, Lin, Ruei Yu Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在探討中美文化差異對於建議語行為的影響,並且進一步探究文化差異以及社會地位、人際熟悉度等情境因素如何影響台灣英語學習者的建議語行為。本研究的三組受試者分別為35位英語母語人士、35位中文母語人士、35位英文程度佳的台灣英語學習者。語料蒐集工具為言談情境填充問卷(DCT)。所蒐集的語料針對受試者的建議語策略使用來進行量化以及質化的分析。 研究結果顯示,中文組的建議語行為比英語組來的直接。而學習者組在建議語的策略使用上則近似於中文組,也表現出比英語組直接的建議語行為。這樣的結果很可能由中美文化的差異所導致。此外,台灣英語學習者的建議語行為受到了文化差異的影響,表現出來自於母語的語用移轉(pragmatic transfer),除了語用移轉所造成的語用失敗(pragmatic failure)之外,研究者還發現兩項學習者在建議語使用上的語用失敗,分別是:教學引起的誘發性錯誤(teaching-induced errors),以及使用過多文字(waffle phenomenon)。有鑑於這些語用失敗,本研究提出兩點教學上的啟示。一、語言教師必須引導學生瞭解文化差異對於跨文化溝通的影響。二、語言教師以及教材編者必須提供充足的語境訊息(contextual information)以教導英語學習者如何適宜地的表達。 / The present study aimed to explore the cross-cultural differences between the suggestion behaviors by Chinese and Americans, and further investigated how the differences affect Taiwanese EFL learners’ interlanguage suggestion under two social variables. Three groups of participants were concerned in this study. They were 35 native speakers of American English, 35 native speakers of Mandarin Chinese and 35 Taiwanese EFL learners. The data were collected by written DCT elicitation questionnaire. Participants’ responses were analyzed both quantitatively and qualitatively to see how the three groups of participants employed the suggestion head act strategy, hedging devices, supportive moves and suggestion patterns. The results showed that the Chinese group was more direct than the American group. Besides, the learner group approximated the Chinese group and thus also employed more direct suggestion patterns and strategies than the American group did. This may be possibly due to the cultural differences between the Chinese and the American culture. This study also found that the EFL learners transferred both their native socio-cultural norms and pragmalinguistic conventions into their suggestion behaviors. In addition to pragmatic transfer, two more pragmatic failures were found; they were teaching-induced errors and the waffle phenomenon. With regard to these failures, this study suggested that language teachers should make learners aware of the importance of cultural differences in cross-cultural communication. Besides, teachers and language materials designers should provide as much contextual information as possible so that learners can learn the appropriate form or structure for its corresponding function.

大話雲端-妨害電腦使用罪之法益定性與立法建議 / Let's cloud computing!?: Legally protected good and Legislation of Computer crime

王文成, Wang, Wen Cheng Unknown Date (has links)
本論文共分為六章來呈現整體架構,於以下分別敘述。 第一章是緒論,就整體論文的研究動機、問題意識、研究方法以及論文結構作一個完整的交代,得以令人快速了解論文的內容以及契機。 第二章即就雲端運算的定義、發展、特色等要素,來釐清雲端運算就何所指,以及雲端運算對於現行電腦使用關係與現行電腦犯罪規範的影響。並進而指出現行電腦犯罪的規制可能因為雲端運算的到來而失去遞續性,產生了適用上的困境。 第三章的部分即是自我國電腦犯罪的發展過程作分析介紹,並且也就外國立法例的處理態度做對照,從我國電腦犯罪於妨害電腦使用罪章制定之前對於電腦犯罪規制的傳統見解,到妨害電腦使用罪章的修訂過程以及結果所呈現的整體罪章特色,以及所產生問題等皆是本章要處理的問題。並且在比較法的部分,亦詳實的呈現了當初設計規制時的該國情勢,以及修法後所遭到的批評,並且配合整體國際情勢對於我國電腦犯罪規制的去從給予一點建議。 第四章的部分則是以罪章施行後的實際面向來探討罪章所產生的適用上問題。畢竟自罪章制定施行至今已有約十年之久,於實務上的適用案例亦多達數百件,則實務上如何適用此些條文即是令人好奇之處。同時就該罪章所規制的各種行為態樣而言,在規制的設計上於現今受到何種批評,此些批評可能來自學界於分析法條後所產生的檢討聲浪,亦可能來自實務界於適用上所產生的困惑表示,更重要的則是有關行為規範的遞續性,亦即在雲端運算時代來臨後,此些行為態樣具體而言在適用上可能碰到何種困難,以及應該就何方向作改進。 第五章的部分則是對於前揭章節的分析結果的具體運用。首先必須從頭開始分析「電腦犯罪」,找出面對變動迅速的資訊科技的正確態度,並進而實踐此種態度來設計電腦犯罪的規制。在確立正確態度之後,即要基於此種態度對於電腦犯罪的規制作設計,包括罪章的保護法益、電腦概念的確定、以及細部的行為態樣以及處罰架構等問題,以建構一個對於電腦犯罪的規制模型。並且為了確保所建構的模型不但得以解決現有問題,亦存在本文所強調的遞續性,故在建構出規制模型後,本章仍挑起了以前述章節中所提及的案例,以及雲端運算出現後可能會產生的案例為對象,以所建構的模型來適用於該些案例的擔子。 最後的章節即是結論,亦即對於上述各個章節所得出來的研究成果作一個最大的總結,其中除了彙整每章所得出的結論外,亦以一氣呵成的敘述方式來為整本論文最終所要表達的立場作一個鮮明的闡述。


陳仁傑, Chen, Jen-Chieh Unknown Date (has links)
世界貿易組織協定之整體架構,其內容涵蓋了關稅暨貿易總協定、修正1947年關稅暨貿易總協定的瞭解書,以及規範貨品貿易、服務貿易,與智慧財產權的多邊貿易協定等。世界貿易組織協定中的附件1B,即是為規範服務貿易所訂之服務貿易總協定(General Agreement on Trade in Services,以下簡稱GATS)。由於服務貿易相關議題的起步與發展相形較晚,因此各國就世界貿易組織協定達成協議時,GATS中許多議題仍不成熟也缺乏共識,難以有具體之處理與規範。但是為了能在日後繼續處理這些未完成的議題,因此,乃在GATS條文中分別規定相關文字,要求會員在WTO成立生效後應繼續這些議題的討論與處理。 GATS中這些要求留待日後處理的內建(built-in)議題,分別規定在第6條第4項(國內規章)、第10條第1項(緊急防衛措施)、第13條第2項(政府採購)、第15條第1項(補貼)、以及第19條(特定承諾之談判)。其中,關於特定承諾談判的要求是屬於漸進式自由化的議題,其餘四項議題則是關於GATS規則之議題。由於GATS各項內建議題均頗為複雜與困難,對GATS整體架構都有一定程度之影響,其發展具有相當之重要性,從而本文期望能針對GATS規則制定的議題進行整理與分析,並在相關資料評估的基礎之上,提供若干之建議以供參考。惟鑑於時間與篇幅的考量,本文將限縮著重在緊急防衛、政府採購以及補貼等三項內建議題的討論上。 由於發展程度與個別國家的考量有所差異,已開發國家以及開發中國家對於此等議題的主張不盡相同,本文嘗試就此三項議題依序以第二章、第三章、第四章分別加以探討,透過整理、瞭解此三項談判的基本發展、重要爭議與相關之討論意見,就此三項談判的相關資料、重要爭議或討論意見予以扼要分析與適當論述,同時在目前的談判進度下,本文嘗試從開發中國家與已開發國家之不同立場為討論之出發點,並以前者立場作為我國之談判基調,並視我國實際情況作出調整,進而提出對此三項議題之評估與分析,以瞭解個別議題目前討論的進展,以及相關主張可能產生之影響。 最後,本文在前述各章的評估與分析的基礎之上,在第五章分別就此三項議題提出本文之建議,期望能提供相關研究人員以及有關當局作為參考。 / This thesis focuses on the three ongoing issues of the GATS built–in agenda - the negotiations on emergency safeguard measures, government procurement, and subsidies. These three issues were too complicated to be dealt with properly in the Uruguay Round, so the issues left were regulated in Articles X, XIII and XV of GATS, which mandates members to resolve the issues in the future. Because each country’s developments and considerations are widely different from one another, developed and developing countries did not achieve consensus on these issues. This thesis attempts to introduce and analyze the different discussions and opinions on these three issues. Besides the introductory Chapter, the thesis consists of another four parts. Chapter 2 first introduces and clarifies controversial issues on emergency safeguard measures, and then analyzes the three main proposals about ESM (emergency safeguard mechanism) and estimates the most recent status of the issue. Chapter 3 deals with government procurement under the GATS. After reviewing the history of the negotiation, attention is paid to the proposal from the European Community (hereafter “the EC”). Because the proposal involved with a fierce debate over market access, the EC proposal on a framework for rules for government procurement of services could not be accepted by most developing countries. Therefore, the issue has made little progress in the past years. Chapter 3 concludes with some commentaries on the issue. Chapter 4 turns attention to subsidies in services. Article XV of GATS mandates members to enter into negotiations with a view to develop multilateral disciplines which would avoid the distortive effects that subsidies in services may have on trade in services. The negotiation on subsidies in services, however, involves many important issues, such as the necessity to regulate subsidies in services, the definition of subsidies in services, elements of rules, etc. Although members made efforts to address these questions, nothing concrete has been achieved. The last chapter consists of conclusions and recommendations.

女性求職者照片外觀性別與工作典型性別一致性及照片微笑有無對招募者人事決策之影響 / Congruence between female applicants' photo facial appearance and the job type and smiling in the photo on recruiting decisions.

陳子瑜 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究探討女性求職者其履歷表照片外觀性別與應徵工作的典型性別間一致性與否與微笑有無對招募者人事決策之影響;此外,並探討前述關係之中介機制及調節效果;亦即前述兩類效果是否透過影響招募者對求職者工作能力契合度、外向性或吸引力的知覺,進而影響招募者的人事決策,而招募者性別角色態度是否調節前述之性別一致性效果。 / 本研究使用實驗法,採2(女性求職者照片微笑:有或無)×2(女性求職者外觀性別與工作性別間一致性程度:高或低)完全受試者間實驗設計。依變項則為推薦意願之人事決策。以在職者為樣本,共有214位受試者參與,隨機分派受試者至四種實驗情境之一,在閱讀職缺訊息及履歷表後,回答對求職者知覺、人事決策及人口統計變項等問題。去除操弄失敗的樣本後,本研究分析之有效樣本為141人。 / 本研究以階層迴歸分析來檢驗所有研究假設。研究結果顯示,求職者微笑有無對推薦意願之主要效果達顯著,且招募者對求職者之外向性與外表吸引力知覺會中介此效果;但「外觀性別與工作性別間一致性」的主要效果並未達顯著。此外,招募者之家庭外角色態度具有顯著調節效果,但性別刻板印象之調節效果不存在。研究者並針對本研究之研究結果、理論與實務意涵加以討論。 / In the present study, the researcher examined whether the congruence between female applicants' photo facial appearance and the job type and whether female applicants showed smile in the photo affected recruiters' hiring recommendation. Additionally, mediators and moderators of the above relationships were also examined. Specifically, the researcher examined whether recruiters' perceptions of applicant’s demands-abilities fit, extraversion, and facial attractiveness mediated the above relationship and whether recruiters' sex role attitudes moderated the above relationship. / This study used a 2 × 2 between-subjects factorial experimental design. The two independent variables were whether female applicants showed smile in the photo (smile or non-smile) and the congruence between female applicants' photo facial appearance and the job type (high or low). The dependent variable was hiring recommendation. Two hundred and fourteen current incumbents participated in this study. After reading a fictitious job description and a fictitious resume, participants answered questions about the perceptions of the applicant, hiring recommendation, and participants’ demographic informaiton. After dropping participants who failed to pass the manipulation check, the valid sample size for analysis was 141. / Results of hierarchical multiple regression analyses indicated that the main effect of applicants' photo smile on hiring recommendation was significant, and the recruiter' perceptions of applicant's extraversion and facial attractiveness were mediators of the aforementioned relationship. However, recruiters' hiring recommendation was not influenced by congruence between female applicants' photo facial appearance and the job type. In addition, recruiters' attitudes toward extra-familial roles moderated the relationship between congruence between female applicants' photo facial appearance and the job type and demands-abilities fit. However, the moderation of recruiters’ gender stereotype was not significant. Finally, practical implications and avenues for future research in selection biases are discussed.

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