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Edgeworth 級數在選擇權定價之應用及實證研究 / Option pricing using Edgeworth series with empirical study黃國倫, Huang,kuo lun Unknown Date (has links)
被廣泛應用在選擇權定價的Black-Scholes 模型[3] 時常在深價內與深價外
Black-Scholes 評價公式所反推出的隱含波動度往往不像我們所期待的在不同履約價格具有一致性,這種現象被稱為波動度的微笑曲線。在這份論文裡,我們參考Jarrow and Rudd [13] 提出的方法,將Edgeworth展開式套用在Black-Scholes模型作延伸應用,進而推導出偏態峰態修正後的的評價公式,再利用台指選擇權的市場資料作實證分析並與Filho and Rosenfeld [1] 的研究作比較。我們發現從台指選擇權的實證結果得到非常態分配的隱含偏態和隱含峰態。此外,理論價格的估計偏誤比例顯著的被新的模型改善且隱含波動度的微笑曲線也變的較為平坦,這個方法提供我們一個有效的方法,利用標的資產的偏態峰態得到該資產的近似分配。 / The Black-Scholes [3] option pricing model widely applied in option contracts frequently misprices deep-in-the-money and deep-out-of-the-money options. The implied volatilities computed by the Black-Scholes formula are not identical on each strike price as we expect. This phenomenon is called the volatility smile or skew. In this thesis, we derived a skewness- and kurtosis-adjusted option pricing model using an Edgeworth expansion constructed by Jarrow and Rudd [13] to an investigation of TAIEX option prices and compare the results with those in Filho and Rosenfeld [1]. We found that non-normal skewness and kurtosis are implied by TAIEX option returns. Moreover, the magnitude of price deviations were signicantly corrected and the volatility skew is
attened. This approach provides an useful way to derive an approximate distribution of a underlying security with its skewness and kurtosis.
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房屋仲介業之品牌經營與管理---以信義豪宅為例吳銘鴻 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究動機也試圖在「高端消費者」中找到關鍵成功因素,並從服務業行銷的角度進一步去發現另外一個P的效應,也就是Public Relations,印證豪宅行銷組合是可藉由公關運作拓展更多的人脈,進而達成產品交易與服務滿意的雙重目的。
五、透過房屋仲介事業之研究,提供學術界及房屋仲介事業有關品牌各主體最佳實務(Best Practice)的發展基礎及架構
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隨機波動下的二元樹狀模型之探討黃大展 Unknown Date (has links)
自1980年代後期Hull & White、Wiggins、Johnson & Shanno等人相繼發表關於隨機波動度模型的文獻後,就有諸多的文獻對於在選擇權定價中考慮隨機波動度作更深入的分析與模型探討,然而關於隨機波動度的研究,在早期大多採用蒙地卡羅模擬法來分析選擇權的價格行為,但蒙地卡羅模擬法受限於運算效率不高與缺乏彈性,故在評價新奇選擇權,如美式選擇權、障礙選擇權時,並無法應用。故本文以Leisen(2000)的二元樹狀模型出發,探討在不同相關係數及參數設定下之各類選擇權的定價、避險參數及隱含波動度曲面模擬計算等主題。
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台灣「MIT微笑」共同標章知覺品質,知覺價值與購買意願,滿意度關係之研究 / A study of the relationship among perceived quality,perceived value, customer satisfaction and purchase intention of the joined brand “MIT”黃琇盈 Unknown Date (has links)
因應全球經濟貿易自由化趨勢,政府近來積極推動ECFA(兩岸經濟合作架構協議Economic Cooperation Framework Agreement),隨著雙邊貿易自由化,陸製產品的廉價優勢對台灣產業、內需市場帶來經濟衝擊,為此經濟部針對弱勢產業擬定強化輔導措施,規劃並協助國內產業推動台灣「MIT微笑」標章,藉由標章推動,使台灣人民加強對台製產品的辨識、認同與支持。
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垂直成長策略之研究-以3C周邊業者為例 / Vertical growing strategy – The case of a 3C peripheral firm劉恕偉 Unknown Date (has links)
上述的發展不論是不同的生產能力或多品牌或各地通路,都要結合不同能力的個人及群體,要因應政治經濟環境的現實,以及要考量不同領域所需要的管理現實與企業文化的差異性,應將不同功能性的工作群體予以分拆,成為獨立的事業單位或子公司,較能發揮出較好的綜效及彈性。尤其是品牌事業,為了要避免與代工客戶競爭的疑慮,更應當用獨立公司來發展。而總公司應要統籌包含前瞻技術發展、財務管理、資訊管理、人力資源管理、智財與法務等共同的價值活動以求最大的綜效,如何做妥善的分工與規劃,這些都是採行垂直發展成長策略所要面對的挑戰。 / In recent years, Smartphone, tablet PCs, notebooks, MP3 / 4, GPS, mobile TV, car information and entertainment system, Apple products and all kinds of handheld devices have vigorous growth which also promotes the development of peripheral industries. However, the 3C industry itself and the techniques are with great diversity. An OEM/ODM based company should use “Vertical Integration” as its growth strategy, which emphasize the importance of core technology and develop gradually different companies in a supply chain. The smiling curve proposed by Stan Shih would be the most important reference. Take 3C industry as example, the middle of the smiling curve is the function of OEM, which creates the minimum value; the creativity, services and design are located at the left side of the curve, and the right side are the marketing and branding. The middle of the curve is lower while both sides are higher; that’s why we named it “Smiling Curve”.
We take 3C industry as example in this research. For 3C industry, the design, R&D and production will be the core competencies when developing up to the left side of the curve. These competencies include product design, plastic design, mold design, hardware design, electronics design, package design...etc. To build up these core competencies, establishing an own plant, taking the part of design then outsourcing the production, settling a new, independent business unit…etc could be directions when integrating the upstream of the industry.
On the right side of the curve will be the development of brand. The spirit of the brand is to integrate the originality and the design, and to have the ability of marketing and planning the layout of the channels. However, the marketing management and channels management provide localized services, which means that different places or countries should well supported with marketing strategy, customer services and stocks.
In the process of vertical integration mentioned above, in order to combine individuals and groups with different ability, to respond to the political and economic environments and to considerate the cultural divergence in different companies, the better way is to divide the different function group into an independent business unit or firm to ensure the synergistic effect and flexibility. Especially when building an own brand, to develop an independent company would be a better decision considering the concerns of the OEM/ODM customers. On the other hand, the headquarters should make overall arrangement to assure the synergistic effect of common value activities. All these are the challenge when using the vertical integration strategy.
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SABR模型與SABR-LMM模型之實證分析 / Empirical Analysis of SABR Model and SABR-LMM Model毛迦南, Mau,Cha-Nan Unknown Date (has links)
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選擇權日內隱含波動度曲線交易策略 / Intraday Option Implied Volatility Curve Trading Strategy劉易霖 Unknown Date (has links)
由於一般投資人在買進或賣出選擇權時,並不會同時買進多個履約價的選擇權,故會造成選擇權隱含波動度的微笑曲線出現有不連續的現象。本文嘗試運用台指選擇權建構一個日內的隱含波動度微笑曲線交易策略,利用曲線配適的方法來捕捉瞬間時點下隱含波動度曲線發生不連續的現象,雖然最後出來的損益並不如預期但還是驗證了台指選擇權市場有多次這種不連續的機會且價格失衡的狀態會回歸正常。 / Option’s implied volatility smile curves discontinuous phenomenon exists when general investors buy or sell options, they won’t buy in every strike’s options. This paper attempts to use Taiwan Index Options (trading code: TXO) to construct a trading strategy based on the implied volatility. We use curve fitting method to capture volatility smile curve’s instant discontinuous. Although we find out that the strategy won’t make a profit, there were several times when TXO market’s implied volatility smile curves were discontinuous, and the market option price will eventually go back to the theoretical price.
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事件行銷滿意度與忠誠度之研究- 以天下雜誌「微笑台灣319鄉+」活動為例 / A Research on the relationship between satisfaction and loyalty of event marketing- a case study of Taiwan’s 319 townships徐子玉 Unknown Date (has links)
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嬰童服飾產業兩岸垂直及水平分工整合研究以麗嬰房公司為例 / Research on Vertical and Horizontal Division of Labor Across the Strait of Childrenwear and Baby Garment Industry Case Study: les enphants林光儀, Lin,Kuang-I Unknown Date (has links)
一.以大陸廉價的勞工設立工廠,從微笑曲線來看卻是附加價值最低的投資。二.「自有品牌 + 自有通路 + 國際嬰童品牌合作」麗嬰房核心競爭策略,台商經營嬰童服飾,擺脫代工廠的角色,此一商業模式可為經營參考。三.針對兩岸不同的市場需求,採取水平分工,但在朝向國際化或區域性發展,母公司負責產品設計研發整合,繼而兩岸的生產功能整合,藉合併生產擴大規模經濟。四、國際童裝紛紛將生產基地設在中國大陸,避免斷絕與世界名牌童裝接軌的機會,政府應加速開放中國製童裝紡品輸入,加速台灣嬰童服飾產業與世界領導品牌合作。 / The cause of this study is to analyze whether it is possible for some traditional industries to extend company lives, increase profits and promote operational performance through division of labor across the straits. I will present the case of childrenwear and baby garment industry for substantial examinations in three dimensions: 1. To examine the opportunity and development of China market due to the drop of birth rates in Taiwan. 2. To discuss how business operational performances are influenced by division of labor across the straits. 3. To explore the business models and the critical moment of transformation for Taiwan business through the value chain of children industry.
The research consists of six chapters. Chapter one is a general introduction. Chapter two is the documentation of vertical and horizontal division of labor theory. Chapter three outline of childrenwear and baby garment industry in Taiwan and China. Chapter four presents the in-depth interview with Les Enphants, topics include SWOT Analysis, the Five Forces Model, Operational Strategy Analysis, Analysis of Business Operation across the Strait, global division of labor for Nike childrenwear vs. division of labor across the Strait for Les Enphants. Chapter five on the division of labor of childrenwear, analysis of industry characteristics and value chain, and analysis on division of labor of international chidrenwear companies and les enphants. Chapter six draws up conclusion and suggestions. Les Enphants is the major company of case study, the research methods include data collection and in-depth interviews.
The conclusion and suggestions to childrenwear and baby garment industry are:
1.The cheap and affluent labors in China is the least value-added investment in terms of Smile Curve theory.
2.“Own-brand + own channel + international children brand cooperation” adopted by Les Enphants is a feasible business model for Taiwan’s childrenwear and baby garment industry.
3.Horizontal division of labor is necessary for different markets across the Straits, but early integration of product design is the key for production combination in larger scale.
4.More and more international childrenwear companies set up production base in Mainland China, in order not to cut ourselves from international re-known childrenwear brands, the government should lift the bar on the import of childrenwear and textile products made in China, to speed up the cooperation of Taiwan childrenwear industry and international leading brands.
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臺指選擇權之SABR模型應用與中 國結構型商品評價與分析-以股權連結商品為例 / Analysis of The SABR Model and China Structured Notes康皓翔, Kang, Hao Hsiang Unknown Date (has links)
本篇論文分為兩個部份。第一部份驗證隨機波動度SABR 模型以臺灣證券交易所發行量加權股價指數選擇權為驗證產品所描繪出來的波動度微笑曲線,分析其特色與值得關注的地方。由於長期以來研究者所使用的Black模型評價選擇權公式無法衡量波動度風險;雖然局部波動度模型(Local Volatility Models)能描繪出波動度所形成的波動度微笑曲線(Volatility Smile),其動態走勢卻與標的資產價格相反,兩模型皆與真實情形不符,唯以SABR模型能順利的解決以上問題。
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