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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


蔡馨惠 Unknown Date (has links)
數位網路環境創造了流通發達的數位傳輸,促進公眾使用資訊的便利,但相反的也大開不法侵害著作權的途徑,直接或間接影響著作人權益甚為鉅大。 近年來,著作權人為求自救,在著作權法還不及全面性修正前,只能嘗試利用科技的方式設置科技保護措施,防止其著作於數位網路環境下被不法接觸、重製與散布。然而科技中立性,各類型之科技保護措施卻因科技的進步,產生惡性之科技競賽,紛紛遭受破解與規避,根本無法達到著作權人實質保護著作之目的。著作權人所面臨之困境最終引起國際間的重視,各國紛紛在爭議中修法將科技保護措施納入著作權法的保護範圍。 然而從立法中可知,迫於著作輸出大國等壓力,各國之反規避條款似有越發過度保障著作權人利益之趨勢,繼而使憲法、著作權法所要保障公眾、使用人之權益萎縮至零,嚴重破壞著作權法之基本原則—利益平衡,不但對使用人之合理使用範圍產生影響,亦可能被利用作為限制競爭之工具,對自由競爭甚至產業創新產生影響,反而有害於文化、科技之傳延與發展。 本文針對科技保護措施之相關立法議題上著重在以利益平衡的焦點出發,站在法律經濟學之角度,以成本與效益分析方法論述應如何進行公益與私益間之平衡,並且探討影響數位科技時代著作權法演變及科技保護措施納入著作權法保護之成本與效益因素。並參酌諸多爭議,提出些許修改方向之建議,以期能平衡著作權人權益與促進文化科技發展,達到均贏局面。

數位典藏加值應用相關法律議題之研究 / The Study on Legal Issues of Value-added Applications for Digital Archiving

尚安雅 Unknown Date (has links)
走過資本與勞力密集的工業時代後,全世界已邁向知識密集的新局面,在這樣的潮流下,各國無不發展知識經濟以提升競爭優勢,我國政府也開始設法將內容、創意與科技結合,積極推動數位內容產業,此外,文化創意產業同樣已成為新世紀知識經濟的主流之一,由此可知,任何產業皆須開始重視內涵與創意,而文化又是知識的累積和傳承,若能將對國家的文化認同運用於創意產業,並深入表現在國民的生活文化裡,不啻為符合環境趨勢又能造就一種新經濟形態的好方法。 有鑑於數位出版典藏成長力道之強勁,以及目前國際間無不致力從事國家典藏數位化的工作,再加上我國包括「數位典藏國家型科技計畫」等數位典藏工作之進行,和近幾年針對數位典藏各層面問題之探究所召開的多場研討會,在在顯示數位內容產業之一的「數位典藏」愈來愈受到關注,而將文物數位化保存只是起步,運用數位典藏內容素材進行加值應用從而促進數位典藏與文化創意產業的發展才是更大的價值所在,因此本研究選擇以「數位典藏加值應用」為研究焦點,且由於數位典藏內容在加值應用過程中,包括數位內容之取得、保護、利用、甚至於授權、行銷等,每個階段都與法律考量環環相扣,如何確保數位典藏內容從產生到流通的過程中,創作者受到法律規範應有的保護,又不致過度妨礙知識的擴散以激發更多創新,是值得研究的議題,因此本研究擬分別由理論面與實務面歸納出與數位典藏加值應用發展相關的重要法律議題加以分析論述。 本研究在理論面係針對「資料庫之法律保護」與「科技保護措施衍生的法律爭議」兩大主題為探討,至於實務面則以個案訪談方式瞭解典藏機構與業界加值應用的現況、所遭遇的法律問題與挑戰、以及對於未來發展的看法,最後即根據文獻資料分析與訪談發現歸納研究結論與提出建議。 本研究在進行法律文獻研讀並比較國內外法制發展之後,認為著作權法對資料庫的之保護不足,以其它方式保護亦有其限制,為促進數位典藏資料庫之建置並保護投資,以推廣數位典藏之加值應用,因此建議我國應推行以雙軌制保護資料庫之立法。至於科技保護措施的立法方面,本研究主張為適當維護數位典藏內容擁有者與加值應用者的權利,以及符合我國政府推動數位內容產業的政策目標,並順應國際立法趨勢,必須就數位環境與網路時代下之數位內容給予更有力的保護,故我國仍應立法規範禁止規避科技保護措施的行為,但必須正視美國數位千禧年著作權法案之反規避條款所造成的諸多問題,亦即未來我國立法勢必要考量公益與產業情況。 值得一提的是,本研究在訪談中發現文化資產保存法第十六條規定在適用上似與著作權法第四十三條有所衝突,應修法使得文化資產保存法的定位更加明確,惟基於促進國家整體文化發展,本研究認為屬於公有的文化資產不妨儘量傳播並供後人利用。再者,進行數位典藏工作及其後的加值應用,均須留意智慧財產權問題,且在授權方面,應儘可能取得「再授權」他人利用的權利,以便於能就利用成果再創價值,而考量到數位時代大量運用著作的需要及效率,亦應催生著作權集體管理機制之建立。 關於數位典藏加值應用的推行,進而驅動數位內容與文化創意產業的發展,本研究在個案訪談後亦有數點建議。首先應正視文化認同問題,畢竟要形成產業必須活絡消費,而其根源在於整個社會人民是否對於我國文化仍有信心與熱愛;其次當然要重視創意與內容,因為這才是消費者最終體驗的核心。 又因我國擁有中華文化且位居多元文化交融之處,以華文市場為基石並準備進軍國際,是我國運用文化內容以發展創意產業的機會所在,其它如善用行銷與通路把創意的產品或服務帶到消費者面前、加強智慧財產權教育與宣導、培養包括創意人才、A型人才與智慧財產權專業人才等,皆是產業發展的關鍵要素。 附帶說明,本研究在訪談中,發現業界對於公部門的定位不清有其憂慮,故本研究建議政府應該提供一個公平、開放,讓市場機制自由運作的環境,並應避免過度介入反而有礙產業進展。 數位典藏讓珍貴文物資產有更多重的運用空間,其後續的加值利用更是商機無限,期待在整體環境日趨健全的情況下,透過典藏機構、學界與業界的合作,能真正實現「文化產業化、產業文化化」的願景。 / As the capital-intensive and labor-intensive industry era went by, the whole world has marched toward the knowledge-intensive new situation. Under this trend, many countries develop the knowledge economy to improve the competitiveness .Our government also begins to combine the content and originality with technology and develop the digital content industry positively. Besides, the cultural creative industry has already become one of the mainstreams of the knowledge economy in the new century. Thus every industry must pay attention to intension and creativity. Culture is the accumulation and inheritance of the knowledge. If we apply the cultural identification to the creative industry and make it display deeply in people's life, it will not only be the good method that can bring up a kind of new economic form, but can be corresponded with the environmental trend. Because digital publishing and digital archiving grow up powerfully, many countries are devoted to digitizing national collections at present. Besides, our country proceeds to digitize national collections, such as ' National Digital Archives Program '. Many seminars are held with many aspects of questions on digital archiving in recent years. The above-mentioned situations show that ' digital archive ' draws more and more attention. However, the digitization of historical relics is just the beginning. The greater value is to use digital archive content or materials to go into value-added applications and then push the development of digital content and cultural creative industry. Thus the ' value-added applications for digital archiving ' is focused in this study. Because in the process of value-added applications for digital archive content, including acquirement, protection, utilizing, authorizing and marketing , many questions should be considered with the law at each stage. How to guarantee that the creator is under the protection of the law from the beginning to circulation of digital archive content and make sure that these protections will not hinder the diffusion of knowledge is the worth studying topic. Thus this study plans to generalize some important legal issues which are relevant to the development of value-added applications for digital archiving from aspects of theory and practice and then analyze and discuss them. In the theoretical aspect, this study focuses on ' the legal protection of the database ' and ' the legal dispute of the technological protective measures '. In the practical aspect, the writer collects information about the archive institutions and industry’s present situation, legal questions, challenge and views on development in the future of value-added applications for digital archiving by means of case interview. Finally, the study puts forward the conclusion and the suggestion according to documents analysis and interview finding. After studying legal documents and comparing the development of domestic and international legal system, the writer thinks that the protection of database by copyright law is insufficient and is also limited by other way. This study suggests that our government should pursue the legislation of protecting the database with the dual track approach for the sake of promoting the construction of digital archive database and protection of investment to popularize value-added applications for digital archiving. As for the legislation of the technological protective measure, this study advocates that our government must offer stronger protection on digital content under digital environments and internet era to protect the rights of digital archive content owner and those who use digital archive content to add value properly. To accord with the policy goal that our government promotes the digital content industry and comply with the international legislative trend, our country should legislate against circumventing technological protective measure in the future. Nevertheless, our government must face the questions derived from anti-circumvention provisions of the Digital Millennium Copyright Act in US. It means that our government must consider public good and industry's situation in future lawmaking. It deserves to be mentioned that this study find there is likely conflict between application to article 16 of Cultural Assets Conservation Law and article 43 of copyright law in interview. Thus our government should revise law to make the orientation of Cultural Assets Conservation Law clearer. However, in the cause of bringing about an advance of national whole culture, this study has an idea that cultural assets belong to the public should be propagated and utilized as far as possible. Moreover, it must be looked out for intellectual property right on digital archiving and its value-added applications. In terms of authorization, this study suggests that authorized people should obtain the right of 'reauthorization ' so that they can use the achievement to create value again. Considering the need and efficiency of work utilization, our government should expedite to set up the collective management mechanism of copyright. In regard to the development of value-added applications for digital archiving and then drive digital content and cultural creativity industry, this study also propose several suggestions after case interview. First, we should face the question of cultural identification. Activating consumption can form the industry and its origin lies in whether the whole society is still confident of and has deep love for the Chinese culture. Second, we certainly should pay attention to the creativity and content because those are the cores that consumers experience ultimately. Because our country has Chinese culture and occupies the place where plural culture blend, it is the opportunity for our country to use cultural content to develop creativity industry and base on Chinese-language market to march into world. The rests of suggestions such as making the best of marketing and channel to take the creative products or service to consumers and strengthening the education and propagation of intellectual property right and training including creative talent , A type talent and professional talent of intellectual property right, etc. The foregoing are all key elements of industry development. Additionally, this study found in interview that the industry is worried about the unclearly position of the common department , so the writer advise government should offer fair and open environment to let market mechanism free operate so that avoid getting involved excessivly and hinder industry's progress instead . Digital archive lets precious historical assets have more multiple application space, and its follow-up value-added application bring limitless business opportunity. We expect that the vision of ' culture industrialization and industry culturalize' can really carry out by means of the cooperation between archive institutions and industry.


陳佳菁, Chen,Winona Unknown Date (has links)
數位學習產業於二十世紀末隨著數位潮流、知識管理之風潮,而成為數位內容產業中受矚目之焦點之一,數位與網路新科技,帶動學習內容與形態的變化,技術是發展數位學習的重要推手,但從各國數位學習產業之發展以觀,學習內容的完善建置與相關產業的法制政策抶植,才能真正達到資訊化社會、平衡數位落差等目標。 本論文觀察到我國目前對於數位學習產業可能產生之著作權議題,如:數位學習教材著作權歸屬、數位學習合理使用議題及數位學習內容保護之機制與問題,現行著作權法並未已針對數位學習產業可能特殊之需求為足夠因應或修正,因此本論文參酌學界、實務界對於數位學習產業相關著作權爭議有豐富討論之美國法,由其因應前揭數位學習著作權議題所作之法制上變革,提出對我國現行法之修法建議。 在數位學習教材及課程討論內容之著作權歸屬部分,為避免著作權歸屬公平性之爭議,本論文建議有效方法之一即係以契約明文約定之,以使雙方權利義務得以有效落實;在數位學習合理使用議題之法制因應部分,本論文建議合理使用利用目的判斷導入-轉化(transformation)原則、放寬可以主張合理使用的主體及權利範圍、參酌澳洲及美國CONFU教育多媒體合理使用準則所羅列之各項標準訂立具體合理使用著作利用之比例準則;在數位學習內容保護之機制與問題部分,本論文建議將著作權法中「防盜拷措施」之名稱,修正為「科技保護措施」,以避免造成社會大眾誤認我國著作權法僅限制規範「未經授權非法重製之措施」而就規避未經授權之進入、接觸著作或前述規避行為之準備行為並不處罰,而誤入於罪,同時建議增訂行為人就第八十條之一第一項權利管理電子資訊之移除或變更行為之主觀要件及責任例外,保障人民權益。

由合法性危機論數位著作保護爭議 / A Study of digital copyright protection from the perspective of legitimation crisis

張喻閔, Chang, Yu Min Unknown Date (has links)
摘要 觀察著作權法的演進,可說是一部為因應新興科技帶來著作利用型態改變,所造成衝擊的歷史。而現今著作權法面對資訊科技進步,所造成的法制衝擊時,卻因採取反規避措施等激烈的因應手段,造成著作權法制針對數位著作保護之爭議,出現了原先為平衡權利人利益與促進文化創作發展之兩大目的,發生了失衡的現象。該現象的發生,似乎於某種層度上,驗證了德國學者哈伯瑪斯(Jürgen Habermas)於觀察資本主義社會演進的歷史脈絡後,結合馬克斯的社會進化觀點與盧曼的系統論,所主張的晚期資本主義下的四重危機。 而隨著國際間有關數位著作保護的立法趨勢,無形中賦予了著作權人擁有對於他人接近其著作,幾乎完全的管制權利;而合理使用原則之適用卻遭受科技管制的嚴重限縮,使得著作權的保護對象,究竟是表達方式或是無形的概念,產生了保護界限的模糊,著作權法制似乎已轉往著作權利人之一方傾斜。如此的法制發展,將可能造成法律系統的內在衝突與矛盾,危及系統存在的正當性,進而產生數位著作權法制上的合法性危機。 本文試圖依循哈伯瑪斯有關溝通理性與擴大參與以型塑公共領域的主張,尋求爭議解決的可能途徑。並試圖藉由新興之創作共享授權機制(Creative Commons),結合網際網路之互動特性,嘗試探討網路中出現創作之公共領域(Public Sphere)的可能性。並期待開啟以強化社會對話與互動的溝通模式,來尋求爭議問題解決的討論開端。 / Abstract The evolution of Copyright Act reflects the change of publication displaying methods due to technology. Legislators create Anti-Circumvention Provision in reaction to the shock of technology progression on Copyright Act. However, these provision triggers the debate on the purpose of Copyright Act on publication protection, whether it is to protect the obligees or to enhance publication development. This phenomenon verifies Jürgen Habermas’s argument on the four crises under advanced capitalism, which combines Marx’s evolution of society, Luhmann’s system theory, and Habermas’s own observation on the transformation of Capitalism. The legislative trend on digital copyright protection gives the obligees almost complete control over their writings. However,“fair use” is limited by technology restrain. As a result, the Copyright Act seems to be tilted towards obligees. Such development may create inner conflict and endanger the legitimation of the law system. Moreover, the legitimation crisis on Copyright Act may be aroused. This thesis is aimed to solve the debate based on Harbemas’s claim on creating public sphere through rational communication and enlarging participation. For example, the writer combines creative commons and the interactive feature of the Internet to explore the possibility of public sphere on the Internet. In sum, this thesis is intended to resolve the Copyright Act problem.

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