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心理動力取向治療者領會移情與反移情的學習歷程 / The learning process of psychodynamic therapists understanding transference and counter-transference柯盈如 Unknown Date (has links)
關鍵字:心理動力取向、移情、反移情、學習歷程 / This study uses semi-structured interviews to collect data separately from four psychodynamic therapists. In order to discover the learning process of transference and counter-transference and to understand the transition process of every therapist’s perception from theory to practice, this study reviewed the obstacles therapist might have faced, and the influence on his/herself as well as being a therapist when they’ve acquired the integration of both theory and practice. The main findings of this study were as follows:
1.The understanding of the obstacles during psychodynamic therapists’ perception from theory to practice.
Two main obstacles one psychodynamic therapist might face were the theoretical learning and the practical application. As to the former, both the abstractiveness of theory and lacking of experience creates the difficulty to manage. As to the latter, the shortage of knowledge regarding counter-transference might result in intense tension and anxiety between the patience, and hence the therapist might undergo underconfidence and self-doubt.
2.The understanding of transference and counter-transference during the psychodynamic therapists’ transition process from theory into practice.
Firstly, the negative impact resulted from counter-transference might be mitigated by the contain and suggestion of supervisors; therefore, the therapists might be self- conscious and aware of self-identity. Secondly, with the above positive experience, the knowledge of inner dynamic, and deeper acceptance, therapists might be able to better manage counter-transference. Finally, the process would lead to the connection with personal understanding brought by the transition from theory into practice.
3.The reflection and the influence of psychodynamic therapists when having acquiring the integration of both theory and practice.
When therapists undergone the abovementioned stages, they will no longer be troubled by self-doubt and anxiety, and identify with self-affirmation. The influence of which includes the better ability to distinguish transference and counter-transference, broaden thinking regarding contain and metacognition, developing humbleness to humanity and a profound attitude, a firm faith of therapy, and to incorporate psychodynamic into relationships and daily life.
Key word: psychodynamic approaches, transference, counter-transference, learning process
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公部門虛擬代言的成效分析-以高捷少女為例 / The Analyses of Avatar Endorsement in the Public Sector – The Example of KRTC Girls萬騏瑋 Unknown Date (has links)
近年政府推廣政策的過程中不斷借重創新思維,嘗試抓住民眾的注意力,政府必須將人民視為顧客,盡力提供服務使民眾滿意,換言之,企業型政府治理模式必然包含「治理」甚至是「政策推廣」相關概念,在公部門推廣政策的同時,我們時常看到政府向企業學習行銷手法推廣公共政策。本研究嘗試向企業行銷學習,藉由文獻回顧以及檢視公共政策行銷實例,從「移情作用、自我指涉、自我認同」三個面向,探討虛擬代言(avatar endorsement)如何應用在公共服務推廣,及促使民眾了解政府政策並使用公共服務的意願為何。
本研究以高雄都會大眾捷運系統目前執行的虛擬代言為討論主題,研究方法採用準實驗設計,由於過去研究指出高雄捷運旅運目的多半為觀光旅遊,因此受試者招募以年輕族群為調查對象,以了解當前虛擬代言能否提高年輕族群的喜好程度、使用捷運系統意願、購買相關商品意願、以及對捷運品牌的吸引程度,招募受試者後,採用配對分派方法進行實驗,以利進行實驗組與控制組態度變化比較。研究發現不同學歷的受試者對於虛擬代言的想法有顯著差異,而虛擬代言能有效提升外縣市的受試者對於該公共服務的吸引程度,只是對於既有的客群掌握則有待加強。 / In recent years, governments start to emphasize the importance of policy promotion and policy marketing. Under the belief of treating people as customers, the ultimate goal is to draw people’s attention and to increase their satisfaction on public services. Normally, the entrepreneurial-oriented governments would spend more time and efforts on “good governance” and “policy promotion”. As a result, when the governments want to promote certain policies, they often try to learn from the private sector on their marketing strategies.
This study aims at applying the policy marketing strategies to promote public policies, particularly the effects of avatar endorsement strategy. Using the case of Kaohsiung metro system, this study focuses on three different aspects, the transference, self-reference, and self-identity, to explore how avatar endorsement worked with regard to public policy promotion, as well as to understand how it performed on increasing people’s willingness to receive more public services.
This research adopts a quasi-experimental design to understand how the current avatar endorsement strategy affect younger generations on four different attitudes and behaviors, such as brand attitude, purchase intention, brand association, and attraction to the Kaohsiung metro. Results show that people with different educational levels have significantly different attitudes toward avatar endorsement strategy. In addition, the avatar endorsement strategy may effectively enhance the attractiveness of public transportation service toward the younger generation. Policy and managerial implications for the governments are discussed in the thesis.
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通往客觀世界構成的移情之路-以胡塞爾現象學中內在與超越的視野來看 / The Constitution of the Objective World Via Empathy: In the View of the Conceptions of Immanence and Transcendence in Husserl's Phenomenology吳晉緯, Wu, Jing Wei Unknown Date (has links)
而對此步驟的可能性討論及解讀,在本文中以舒茲 (A. Schutz)、呂格爾 (P. Ricoeur) 以及李南麟 (Lee Nam-In) 的三篇文獻做為主要對談者。通過舒茲的強力批判、呂格爾往肉身存有的解讀方式,以及李南麟以靜態、發生現象學的途徑試圖解釋胡塞爾被批判的困境,我們可以發現,雖然胡塞爾通過上述兩個步驟所進行的客觀世界構成可能,是無法成功的,但一般稱為「意識哲學」的胡塞爾現象學,其哲學意圖、深度及可能的發展,即已有後續哲學家往「世俗 (mundane)」、「存有論」發展的走向,進而給予我們不管在對胡塞爾自身或後來的哲學發展有更深刻的理解。
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