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宜蘭市道廟管理組織的研究 / A reserch of daoism temple board in I-Lan city林靜怡, Lin, Ching-I Unknown Date (has links)
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組織實施工作流管理之研究—以個案組織為例賴淑蓉, Lai , ShuRong Unknown Date (has links)
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從「聯合國跨界與高度洄游魚類協定」論公海海域登臨及檢查權之理論與實踐---以WCPFC為例 / A Study on the theory and practice of high seas boarding and inspection from the provisions of 1995 UNFSA: With a special reference to the practice of WCPFC陳盈廷, Chen, Ying Ting Unknown Date (has links)
《WCPFC登檢程序》規定《WCPFC公約》之締約方有相互登臨檢查之權利與義務,而WCPFC之會員有被登檢之義務。由於台灣乃以漁業實體之身份加入,成為WCPFC之會員,並非《WCPFC公約》之締約方,因此台灣是否有登檢其他會員船舶之權利便為我方關切之議題。筆者透過對1995年協定、《WCPFC公約》,以及《WCPFC登檢程序》之分析,認為台灣倘與其他會員或《WCPFC公約》締約方締結登檢協議,則台灣與協議締約方間當可享有《WCPFC登檢程序》中規定之完整的登檢權利與義務,而不受僅為「會員」身份所造成之模糊地位所限制。 / As the 1982 LOS Convention establishes the concept of Exclusive Economic Zone, the high seas has not only become the rest areas without authorities’ jurisdiction, but also been a breach of the conservation and management of living recourses, especially in aspect of the conservation and management of straddling and highly migratory stocks. In 1995, Straddling Stocks Agreement was approved, in which the main purpose is to enforce the principles of LOS Convention relating to the conservation and management of straddling and highly migratory stocks. Straddling Stocks Agreement respects the functions of the regional fishing organizations and expects it to manage and conserve straddling and highly migratory stocks more efficiently in each region. Consequently, through making stipulations, the LOS Convention, 1995 Agreement, and regional fishing organizations attempt to build up a strict network of framework, implementation, and enforcement.
In 2004, WCPFC Commission was founded. Through boarding and inspection, 1995 Agreement and WCPFC Commission conserve and manage the straddling and highly migratory stocks. Although the high-seas freedoms and flag State jurisdiction are the parts of customary international law, it is the trend in development of international law to adopt boarding and inspection in high seas for conserving living resources in ocean. Due to boarding and inspection concerning the sovereignty, as the special status in international society, Taiwan’s boarding and inspection rights in WCPFC Commission become a disputed issue.
WCPFC Boarding and Inspection Procedures imply that the Contracting Parties of WCPFC Convention have rights and obligations to board and inspect each other’s ships, but the members of WCPFC only have the obligation of being boarded and inspected. Since Taiwan, as the fishing entity, participated in WCPFC as the Member rather than the Contracting Parties. As a result, whether Taiwan possessing any rights to board and inspect other members’ ships is concerned by Taiwan’s authority. By analyzing 1995 Agreement, WCPFC Convention, and WCPFC Boarding and Inspection Procedures, the author concludes that if Taiwan has the agreements relating to boarding and inspection with other Members or Contracting Parties, Taiwan would absolutely possess the full rights and obligations, which the WCPFC Boarding and Inspection Procedures stipulate, without constrained by its ambiguous status caused by the role of Member.
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從法律觀點論台灣音樂產業在中國大陸之保護與發展 / The intellectual property protection and development of Taiwan music industry in china: a legal perspective楊珮琪, Yang, Pash Unknown Date (has links)
由於數位化科技、盜版等因素影響,台灣音樂產值逐年驟減,產業步入寒冬。面對中國大陸越來越富裕的十三億人口、對於娛樂文化等資訊需求直線上升的廣大消費市場,全世界的音樂廠商彷彿看見曙光,積極搶進中國,台灣音樂相關從業人員亦紛紛移往彼岸尋求生路。雖然兩岸音樂交流頻繁,然而台灣音樂廠商面對中國大陸陌生的行政、司法體制與繁複的異地法律,產生諸多佈局大陸、保護智慧財產權與解決紛爭的疑難。身為中國大陸流行音樂最主要的輸入源頭,我們自無法置身事外,而有必要對於中國大陸音樂產業法制環境做一深入的探討,從產業角度檢視現有智慧財產問題並提出對策。本研究首先從中國大陸與音樂產業相關之內國法制做一整體性之探討,釐清中國大陸對於外資進入音樂產業所設下市場進入障礙及審批制度之雙重限制,並介紹大陸音樂集體管理組織之運作情形與兩岸合作之問題所在,最後針對大陸近年來關於音樂著作權重要之法令與司法實務、在大陸解決智慧財產爭端之策略、台灣音樂產業在大陸面臨的智慧財產保護問題深入研究,並試圖提出可行之解決方案。由於中國大陸已成為台灣音樂產業的主要市場,本研究除整理前揭發展趨勢外,並提出給音樂業者與政府部門的建議,希望在極力發展文化創意產業、兩岸邁向經濟區域整合之今日,音樂業者得以妥善保護自身智慧財產,維持台灣為全球華語音樂中心之地位,使音樂產業能夠真正成為台灣文化創意產業重要的一環。 / The industry value of Taiwan music industry declines due to the rapid growth of digital technology and internet piracy. On the other hand, music companies around the world invade China Market for its vast population and increasing market demand. Taiwan music talents are no exception. Though the cross-strait communication in music is frequent, Taiwan music companies are not familiar with the complicated legal and administrative system in China and thus usually trapped in intellectual property disputes. Taiwan is the precursor for China’s popular music and it become a necessity for Taiwan music companies to fully understand the law and regulation about music industry in China and frame the strategy for current intellectual property problems from the industry perspective. This thesis begins with a general introduction and analysis on China’s law and regulation concerning music industry, elaborating the dual restrictions of investment examination system for foreign companies which plan to enter the China market. It will also describe the practice of music copyright associations in China and problems in cross-strait collaborations. The thesis will also discuss topics about important issues on music copyright law and legal practice, strategy of intellectual property dispute resolution, and intellectual property protections with which Taiwan music companies are confronted in China. Feasible solution will as well be advised in this thesis. China has become the main market for Taiwan music industry. This thesis will elaborate the developments of the industry and provide some advices for music companies and government. Culture industry is now the focus of government policy in Taiwan and in China while cross-strait economic integration becomes the trend. Hopefully, Taiwan music companies can, through a well-structured intellectual property protection, stay as the heart of global Chinese music and make music industry an important part for Taiwan culture industry.
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