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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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解析中美關係之「經濟」支配力:現實中經濟脅迫之不同理論 / Revealing the true power of economics in the China-United States relationship : separating theory from reality in economic coercive potential

羅若彬 Unknown Date (has links)
國與國之間經濟互賴的失衡足以導致地緣政治衝突風險的升高,因此隨著中國經濟實力的持續增長,學界及政界皆開始注意到中美衝突加劇的可能性。然而,持此種風險論者經常過分高估中國的經濟實力,抑或過度強調美國的經濟與地緣政治優勢。本研究旨在系統性地分析中美經濟實力現況,並將採用Kirshner提出的若干經濟施壓工具套用至兩國各自的經濟情勢。本研究的第一章即點明研究問題與目標。第二章將闡述Kirshner提出的若干經濟施壓工具,並以此建構本文的理論架構。第三章將客觀地呈現中美兩國的經濟實力概況。第四及第五章將分別呈現兩個個案研究,以此檢驗kirshner所提出的假設分析經濟高壓手段的限制,以及二、三章所論述之中美兩國經濟情勢。 / Economic asymmetric interdependence can lead to tensions in a geopolitical relationship, and as China’s economic strength continues to rise the academic and policy circles have analyzed the possibility of tensions boiling over. However, such discussions have often over estimated Chinese economic prowess or over-emphasized United States incumbent economic and geopolitical advantage. This research aims to systematically analyze the economic realities utilizing Kirshner’s tools for economic coercion, and applying them to their respective economic sectors. Chapter one introduces the research questions and aims, chapter two explains Kirshner’s tools for economic coercion as well as lays the groundwork for this research’s methodological framework. Chapter three aims to provide an objective overview of the economic realities between the United States and China. Finally, chapter four and five provide two case studies that test the hypothesizes derived from the analysis of Kirshner’s limitations on economic coercive potential and the Chinese-United States economic realities as explored in chapters two and three.


申明澈, SHEN, MING-CHE Unknown Date (has links)
No description available.


招允昌 Unknown Date (has links)
企業存在的價值為獲取利潤,資訊技術帶動網際網路快速興起,拉近了全球各區域間的距離,也降低了全球化的經營成本,許多企業皆轉向全球化的國際企業,擴展版圖的根源皆來自於對利潤的追求。20世紀末期許多的企業還在不斷的研究是否應全球化,到21世紀全球化已是企業所必須面臨的競爭環境,網路使得全球的每個地區的距離縮短,企業皆必須面對全球化的競爭,即使企業初期的市場範圍僅定於國內市場,都必須面對來自於國外的國際企業在區域市場上的競爭,與對手競爭能勝出取決於差異化,差異化可以取得利潤,為追求利潤的極大化,在全球化競爭市場中的環境,相對於單一市場的經營與競爭,必須先衡量自己本身所擁有的條件或限制,定位自己的核心事業與核心價值,在產品線、管理面、業務支援或財務權責等條件下,評估國際經營環境的變化,對整體性的策略整合及全面性的資源做有效的利用。 本研究以企業經營的策略理論為基礎,探討企業國際化的相關論述,再以一跨國資訊服務公司為案例,收集個案公司的發展過程,找出個案公司的核心競爭力,再以資訊服務產業的國際經營環境為背景,分析個案公司現階段應採行的競爭策略。對個案公司的分析主要分下列三項: □ 營運效率 個案公司作全球營運佈局必須提升營運效率。 □ 品牌行銷 品牌的認知與認同影響顧客的選擇,尤其在全球化的市場下,品牌常代表企業整體的感知形象。 □ 研發創新 持續創新研發讓企業取得差異化並獲得永續經營的活力。 了解企業所掌握的核心事業後,再依據企業所擁有的價值發展可行的策略分析方案,在本論文中探討各按公司可採行的策略分析步驟,讓企業可採用此方式產生企業策略,並發展出策略的行動方案。 人類的科技快速在進步,國際經營環境不斷改變,企業的策略必須不斷的隨著環境與競爭者的變化而改變策略,本研究所做的策略結論並非個案公司可以永續採取的策略思考方式,也絕非所有的資訊服務企業皆可直接引用的策略行動方案。本研究的目的,以個案公司為案例,發展出一個策略思考的模式,可作為其他策略分析的參考,並希望本研究的結果可以給國內相關產業作營運的參考。

台灣印度間之經濟合作研究 / A study on economic co-operation between Taiwan & India

葛瑞肯, Galav, Rakesh Unknown Date (has links)
台灣印度間之經濟合作研究 / Abstract India and China are part of an abbreviation called BRIC. The term BRIC was first used in 2003 in a thesis published by the Goldman Sachs investment bank that named Brazil, Russia, India and China as large emerging economies likely to assume key global roles. While China and India are considered emerging economic powerhouses in world as they have witnessed a growth of over 8% in past 5 years, Taiwan had its successful run to become a developed nation through dramatic growth in late 80s to early 90s by first transforming its manufacturing and then moving to service base economy. Famous Business week article of 2005 “Does Taiwan Matters” underlines the position and contribution of Taiwan to the world especially in high tech industries. In recent years, Taiwanese companies have done massive investments in China. Some people even question if this too much dependence of Taiwanese business on China is putting Taiwan at some risk. For an Indian, who is studying MBA program in Taiwan, the economic relationship between India and Taiwan has always been point of great curiosity as to what strategies each of these country has adopted in order to boost its economy and how should these two countries position and get benefit form each other in today’s world where economic co-operation is even more paramount than any other sort. The objective of this study is to determine  Evolution, positions and drivers of India & Taiwan economies focusing on high tech industries  Economic co-operation activities between Taiwan and India in recent years Purpose of study is also to make further recommendation on the areas where Taiwan & India should increase strategic co-operations and get benefit from this mutual partnership.

臺俄經貿合作關係:機會與挑戰 / Economic and Trade Cooperation between Russia and Taiwan: Challenges and Opportunities

傑尼斯, Kulagin, Denis Unknown Date (has links)
The paper discusses the development of trade cooperation between Russia and Taiwan. The first part addresses historical evolution of such relations, discussing political and economic environments that affected them. In the second part of the paper a close attention is paid to the period of 1990s – 2000s during which trade between two countries picked. The last part argues the existing inefficiencies (e.g., issues of taxation and shipping) and challenges that are facing businesses of both countries when dealing with each other. Particularly, the current “order in Taiwan, deliver from China” framework of business interaction is addressed. Finally, the paper suggests how existing inefficiencies can be avoided or mitigated so that to potentially increase bilateral trade volume and increase profitability.


楊叔進 Unknown Date (has links)
No description available.


周瑞璧 Unknown Date (has links)
本文主要研究一家自1915年所成立之本國民營銀行的經營績效。個案銀行同其他國內銀行一樣,受到亞洲金融風暴影響,稅後每股盈餘(EPS)從1996年的7.92元大幅滑落至2002年的0.58元。然為達成風險控管、專業分工、節省成本及提升效益等四大目標,在2000年該銀行開始進行一連串的組織改造;另外,為提升全行經營績效,於2002年該行建立新績效管理與發展制度(KPI),並導入平衡計分卡概念,採行目標績效管理。在這些組織及經營策略改造之後,雖歷經了亞洲金融風暴、SARS、銀行業現金卡風暴及全球金融海嘯,但在2003年至2007年該銀行稅後EPS卻連續五年蟬聯本國銀行第一名,於2009年也領先同業。該銀行在2000年開始一連串的改革,進行不同的經營策略。 本文經由統計及迴歸分析方法,對該銀行在1994年至2008年間各區域分行平均提存前盈餘進行分析比較,以了解該銀行新的經營策略對經營績效的影響。

台灣DRAM產業經營危機分析 / Analysis of business crisis of Taiwan DRAM industry

游進寶, Yu, Chin Pao Unknown Date (has links)
半導體產業歷經多年發展,成就輝煌。其中的DRAM產業更是核心角色之一,也是政府經濟政策上的重要指標。乍看應是營運如日中天的明星產業,在2009年卻造成短期產業經營困難的窘境。原因是景氣下滑及產能擴充過速,致供需失調使然外,本研究試圖從財務報表分析角度探討,從中尋找出些許蛛絲馬跡。 DRAM應用在資訊產品廣且深,研究也發現,高額的設備投資及建置成本都使得這一產業因應市場變化的彈性變小。同時由於資本及技術密集,加上生產技術更換快速等特性,產業仍不斷加碼投資。從營業活動流入的現金來看,過去幾年幾乎都無法支應因投資設備所需現金流出,因此每年需要有大量的融資活動來挹注資金不足的困境。此些特性也造成個案廠商面臨經營窘境的致命傷之一。 本研究主要係運用財務比率分析,從財務結構、償債能力、經營能力及獲利能力等角度來認定個案公司的財務問題。並透過現金流量表之營業、投資及融資活動變化等財務指標,探討個案 DRAM廠商可能潛藏的營運風險。另外,再加入杜邦公式分析,從淨資產收益率為起點,經過拆解至企業資產運用及投資報酬率的構成,以此衡量企業績效,並作為決策之參考。 本研究亦透過產業的SWOT分析,針對內部的優勢與弱勢、外部的機會與威脅等角度,從經營環境等層面來探討產業的核心競爭力。同時運用波特的五力分析來檢驗企業經營體質。最後,從財務與業務面分別提出經營策略建議,祈藉策略建議的執行,改善產業經營結構及體質,安然渡過關卡與挑戰。 關鍵詞: 財務比率分析、現金流量、SWOT分析、杜邦公式 / The semiconductor industry takes many years to develop and the achievement is brilliant. Among them the DRAM industry is one of the key roles and also an important indicator on government's economic policy. It is supposed to be the industry’s rising star but turned to face awkward operation situation in short-term in 2009. Besides the reasons of gliding economic and over-expanded production capacity which caused the imbalance of supply and demand, this study is attempting to discuss and analyze from the aspect of financial statement analysis and to find some clues out from it. The DRAM product application is wide and deep. The study also found that great amount of equipment investment and construction cost makes the industry with less elasticity to reflect changes in the market. With the characteristic of high capital and skill-intensive and the fast-change production technology, however the industry is still raising in investment constantly. According to cash that the operating activity flows into, it was nearly all unable to cope with the necessary cash flow out that arises from equipment investment in the past few years. It therefore is in need of large number of financing activity to invest in funds every year. All this characteristics also become one of the fatal wounds that caused the case manufacturer to face awkward operation situation. This study is mainly using financial ratio analysis, from the aspect of financial structure, debt paying ability, management ability, and earning capacity, etc to assert the financial problems of the case company. And to discuss the DRAM manufacturer's possible operation risks through the financial indicator from the change of operating, investing, and financing activity in cash flow statement. In addition, it uses DuPont formula in practice which starts from the return on net assets, then disassembled into the composition of enterprise’s asset utilization and the rate of returns on investment, so as to weigh enterprise's performance and regarded as the reference of decision making. This study also directs through SWOT analysis of the industry from the aspect of internal advantages and weaknesses, external chances and threats, etc., and to discuss the core competitiveness of the industry from management environment. It uses Porter's Five Forces Analysis to examine the enterprise at the same time. Finally, the management tactics suggestion is proposed from financial and business points of view, and is expected to improve the industry’s operating structure in order to tide over the confront barriers and challenges. Keyword: Financial ratio analysis, cash flow, SWOT analysis, DuPont Formula

Orange 手機維修公司之經營計畫 / Business Plan for Orange handset Repairing Company

連啟祥, Tony Lien Unknown Date (has links)
Orange 手機維修公司之經營計畫


王文玲, WANG, WEN-LING Unknown Date (has links)
No description available.

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