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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

英語歌曲融入教學對國中生文法學習效益的研究 / The effects of English song instruction on junior high school students' grammar learning

林淑娟, Lin, Shu Chuan Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在探討英語歌曲練習文法和機械式練習文法對學生文法學習和記憶保留的成效。主要目標欲探究(1)兩種文法練習方法對於文法學習的成效;(2) 兩種文法練習方法對記憶保留的成效;以及(3)兩種文法練習方法對於高、低成就學習者在文法學習和記憶保留的影響。 研究對象為台灣中部一所公立國中兩班七年級的學生。此均質的兩個班被隨機指定為實驗組與控制組。實驗組於教授文法後施予英語歌曲練習文法,而控制組則施予傳統機械式練習文法。歷時十一週的文法教學後,兩組受試者接受文法測驗(EGT),以得知兩組受試者文法學習情況。一個月後,兩組受試者再次接受相同文法測驗,以進一步得知其文法的記憶保留情形。本研究主要發現如下:(1)在文法學習成效方面,接受英語歌曲練習文法的實驗組學生表現顯著優於接受機械式文法練習的控制組學生。(2)在記憶保留方面,接受英語歌曲練習文法的實驗組學生表現顯著優於接受機械式文法練習的控制組學生。(3)利用英語歌曲練習文法對於高、低英語學習成就者而言,在文法學習和記憶保留上皆有正面影響。 (4)透過機械式文法練習亦有助於提升高、低英語學習成就者,在文法學習和記憶保留的成效。(5)對於高英語學習成就者而言,利用英語歌曲練習文法和透過機械式練習文法兩者對於其文法學習和記憶保留成效相同。(6)對於低英語高學習成就者而言,利用英語歌曲練習文法在文法學習和記憶保留的成效皆優於透過機械式文法練習。 最後,研究者對於英語歌曲在文法教學上之應用提供建議以作為教育學者們的參考。 / The study investigated the effects of “grammar practice through drills plus English songs” versus the effects of “grammar practice through drills” on students’ grammar learning and retention of grammar points. The study aims to (1) investigate the effects of these two kinds of grammar practices on grammar learning; (2) explore the effects of these two kinds of grammar practices on retention of grammar points; and (3) evaluate the effects of these two kinds of grammar practices on grammar learning and retention of grammar points for high and low English achievers. Participants were two intact classes of seventh-grade students in a public junior high school in central Taiwan. With the homogeneity of English proficiency, the two classes were randomly assigned as the experimental and control groups. The former received “grammar practice through drills plus English songs”, while the latter received “grammar practice through drills.” After receiving an eleven-week instruction, both groups received English Grammar Test (EGT), to assess their grammar learning. One month after EGT, the same grammar test—EGT were conducted to both groups to assess their retention of grammar points. The major findings are summarized as follows. (1) In terms of grammar learning, students receiving “grammar practice through drills plus English songs” outperformed those receiving “grammar practice through drills.” (2) In terms of retention of grammar points, “grammar practice through drills plus English songs” had a more positive influence than “grammar practice through drills.” (3) “Grammar practice through drills plus English songs” possessed a facilitative effect for both high and low English achievers with regard to grammar learning and retention of grammar points. (4) “Grammar practice through drills” benefited both high and low English achievers. (5) “Grammar practice through drills plus English songs” and “grammar practice through drills ” could enhance high English achievers’ grammar learning and retention of grammar points. (6) “Grammar practice through drills plus English songs” exerted a superior effectiveness on low English achievers’ grammar learning and retention of grammar points. Pedagogical implications based on the findings were also provided.

教學後單字練習題對臺灣國小學童英語字彙習得的影響:階層式單字練習題與抄寫練習題之比較 / The effects of after-instruction vocabulary exercises on Taiwanese young learners' vocabulary acquisition: hierarchy vocabulary exercises vs. copying exercises

甘秀琪, Kan, Hsiu Chi Unknown Date (has links)
單字練習題常作為英語教師提升第二外語學習者單字學習成效的方式之一,然而針對不同單字練習題的實際成效,其相關研究仍顯不足。因此,本研究採用量化研究方法,以探究階層式單字練習題與抄寫練習題對國小學童英語字彙習得(word gains)與記憶保留(retention)的影響。 研究對象為臺灣北部一所公立國小四年級兩個班的五十五位學生,此均質的兩個班級被隨機指定為實驗組與控制組,實驗組於一般教學後施予階層式單字練習題,而控制組則於一般教學後施予抄寫練習題。兩組受試者皆接受每週一次、歷時六週的單字練習題,一共練習二十四個主要單字。之後,兩組受試者隨即接受包含所有主要單字的單字知識等級表(VKS)測驗,以得知兩組受試者的單字習得情形。一個月後,兩組受試者再次接受相同的單字測驗,以進一步得知單字的記憶保留情形。本研究主要發現如下:(1)在單字習得成效方面,接受階層式單字練習題的實驗組學生顯著優於接受抄寫練習題的控制組學生;(2)單字保留成效方面,接受階層式單字練習題的實驗組學生亦顯著優於接受抄寫練習題的控制組學生;(3)階層式單字練習題對於高、低英語學習成就者而言,在單字習得與記憶保留上皆有正面影響;(4)對於高、低英語學習成就者而言,抄寫練習題亦皆有助於提升其單字習得與保留成效;(5)對於高英語學習成就者之單字習得而言,階層式單字練習題與抄寫練習題的成效相同;然而,對於單字記憶保留而言,階層式單字練習題的成效優於抄寫練習題;(6)對於低英語學習成就者之單字習得與保留而言,階層式單字練習題的成效皆優於抄寫練習題。最後,研究者針對階層式單字練習題及抄寫練習題在實際教學上之應用提供建議,以作為教育學者們參考。 / Vocabulary exercises are regarded as one of the ways English teachers frequently utilize to enhance English as a Foreign Language (EFL) learners’ vocabulary learning efficiency. Yet, studies focusing on the comparisons of the effects of different vocabulary exercises on learners’ vocabulary acquisition and retention seem comparatively few. Thus, the present study adopted a quantitative research method to investigate the effects of two types of vocabulary exercises, i.e., hierarchy vocabulary exercises and copying exercises, on learners’ word gains and retention. Participants of the study were two classes of 55 fourth-grade students in a public elementary school in northern Taiwan. With the homogeneity of English proficiency on Cambridge Young Learners English Test (CYLET), the two classes were randomly assigned to the experimental and control groups. During the instructional experiment, the experimental and control groups received hierarchy vocabulary exercises and copying exercises respectively once a week, with a total of six times, to practice a total of 24 target words selected in this study. After receiving the last vocabulary exercises, both groups received post-test 1, based on a Chinese version of Vocabulary Knowledge Scale (VKS), to measure their word gains of all the target words. One month after receiving the last vocabulary exercises, both groups also received post-test 2, which was the same as post-test 1, to assess their word retention. The major findings are summarized as follows. (1) In terms of word gains, learners receiving hierarchy vocabulary exercises significantly outperformed those receiving copying exercises. (2) In terms of word retention, hierarchy vocabulary exercises possessed greater facilitative effects than copying exercises. (3) Hierarchy vocabulary exercises exerted a significant effect on both high and low English achievers’ word gains and retention. (4) Not only high English achievers but also low English achiever reaped benefits from copying exercises on word gains and retention. (5) Hierarchy vocabulary exercises demonstrated superior effectiveness than copying exercises on high English achievers’ word retention, but not on their word gains. (6) Hierarchy vocabulary exercises led to both more word gains and retention than copying exercises for low English achievers. At the end of the thesis, pedagogical implications and recommendations for further research were provided.


横山, 悦生, Yokoyama, Etsuo 01 1900 (has links)
No description available.

資訊科技工具應用於國中英語教學與口語練習之分析探討 / Use of information and communication technology to facilitate english speaking practices

吳鳳翔, Wu, Feng Hsiang Unknown Date (has links)
本研究之目的是藉由 ICT(Information and Communication Technology)工具應用在國中英語教學及口語練習的教學實驗,來初探 ICT 工具對於英語教學及口語練習的成效。本研究的工具為一個可供老師靈活教學及學生口語練習的 ICT 工具:eCard 系統,研究時間為一學期(2008.2 – 2008.7),經由老師與學生實際應用此工具來教學及進行口語練習作業,並以 eCard 系統的學習記錄檔(log file)、問卷、訪談、錄音、隨班觀察及錄影來做為本研究的研究資料。研究結果發現,老師及學生均對使用 ICT 工具教學有正面的評價,老師利用此工具可對教學方式做不同的變化,而學生也因這種新式的教學方式而增加學習的注意力,並對字彙的記憶更加深刻;在口語練習方面,老師覺得 ICT 工具可以增加學生口語練習的機會,但因實行時間太短,對學生英語能力的提升較不顯著,而學生覺得 ICT工具提供更多的口語練習機會,並對其發音很有幫助,但對於「說」英語的信心並沒有增加。此外,本研究亦提出許多未來 ICT 工具融入英語教學及口語練習的建議與努力方向,以作為未來研究之參考。 / The purpose of this study is to investigate the effect of using Information and Communication Technology (ICT) tools to facilitate oral practices in learning of English. The ICT tool (ie, the eCard system) was developed for the instructor to create oral practice assignments and for the students to conduct oral drills. The study lasted one semester. Research data were collected via automatic logging of student activities, post-experiment questionnaires, student and teacher interviews, and in-class video recordings. The major findings are: (1) both the teacher and the students have good appreciation of using ICT tools in teaching and learning; (2) Students do have increased oral practices with the availability of the ICT tool; (3) the increased practices resulted in better pronunciations; (4) rise in the confidence level on English speaking was not observed.

美容業における人的資源管理 : 美容師の離職を防ぐために組織に求められる取り組み / ビヨウギョウ ニオケル ジンテキ シゲン カンリ : ビヨウシ ノ リショク オ フセグ タメ ニ ソシキ ニ モトメラレル トリクミ

荒尾 千春, Chiharu Arao 12 September 2019 (has links)
本研究では、美容師に注目し、美容室を展開する企業の人的資源管理について考察することを目的にする。美容室展開をしている企業のスタッフ329人に行ったアンケート調査から、美容師だけ259人を抽出し、回帰分析によって客観的に美容師の現状を把握する。また、調査対象企業を離職した美容師にインタビュー調査をすることによって定性的に分析をし、美容師の就業継続意欲が高くなる要因を分析する。 / 博士(政策科学) / Doctor of Philosophy in Policy and Management / 同志社大学 / Doshisha University

自己評価に基づく自律的なパフォーマンス改善を促す教授法の開発 ―学生主体の評価活動を取り入れた授業実践を通して―

岩田, 貴帆 25 September 2023 (has links)
京都大学 / 新制・課程博士 / 博士(教育学) / 甲第24861号 / 教博第295号 / 新制||教||220(附属図書館) / 京都大学大学院教育学研究科教育学環専攻 / (主査)准教授 田口 真奈, 教授 松下 佳代, 教授 西岡 加名恵 / 学位規則第4条第1項該当 / Doctor of Philosophy (Education) / Kyoto University / DGAM

電腦輔助句子重組試題編製 / Computer assisted test item generation for sentence reconstruction

黃志斌, Huang, Chih Bin Unknown Date (has links)
本論文提供了一個句子重組試題編製的環境,協助教師編製句子重組試題,同時學生也能夠在此編製環境中練習句子重組試題。 句子重組試題即是要求學生把試題給的一組詞彙組合成特定詞序的正確語句之題型,該試題類型可以檢驗學生對於句型和文法的知識。然而試題所給的詞彙集合往往除了可以組合成教師想要學生回答的正確語句之外,也可以組合成其它的合法語句。為了能辨識學生的回答,把這些合法語句以人工方式逐一建置為答案卻對出題教師造成了負擔。 我們建構了一個電腦輔助句子重組試題編製的環境來減輕出題教師的負擔。為了讓電腦可以恰當地判斷學生的回答,我們的編製環境限制了試題詞彙集的相對位置,藉此約束學生只能排出教師預設的特定答案。同時在出題教師建置試題答案時,我們的編製環境也試圖提供所有可能的合法詞序之語句,供出題教師參考。但本論文的研究經驗顯示要自動協助出題教師預示所有可能的合法詞序之語句卻是一件艱難的工作,而且這一研究問題與語法學有密切關係。 本論文以基礎詞組為主軸,透過合併詞組和史丹佛剖析器的操作建構出英文句子重組試題編製環境,供教師編輯與學生練習。同時,我們在論文中也提報了中文句子重組試題編製環境的初步探討。 / This thesis presents a computer assisted environment for authoring test items for sentence reconstruction. Not only the teacher can author the test items for sentence reconstruction, but also the student can practice the test items in this environment. A test item for sentence reconstruction asks the student to arrange the shuffled words in a correct order, and this type of tests can examine the knowledge of sentence patterns and grammars of the student. However, the rearranged sentence may match with not only the correct sentence that the teacher wants but also other sentences which are legal. But enumerating all possible legal and acceptable answers for judging the answer of the student manually makes the teacher taking a big load. We construct a computer assisted environment for authoring test items for sentence reconstruction to lighten the load of the teacher. For the purpose of judging the answer of the student by a computer easily, the relative locations of the words are restricted so that we can restrict the sentences that the student arranges. When the teacher provides the correct answers, we try to find and return all of the sentences which may be legal for the teacher's consideration. However, our experience shows that it is difficult to find all of the legal sentences for a given set of words, and this problem associates closely with a certain syntactic research work. This thesis depends on basic word groups to construct an environment of test item authoring for English sentence reconstruction by merging word groups and using the Stanford Parser, and report an initial study of an environment of test item preparation for Chinese sentence reconstruction.

閱讀後的互動式任務對台灣國中生字彙學習之成效 / The effects of post-reading interactive tasks on Taiwanese EFL Junior high school students' vocabulary learning

許巧筠, Hsu, Chiao Yun Unknown Date (has links)
第二語言學習的研究者指出,有效的單字加強練習活動可以增強學生的單字學習,然而過去相關研究的練習題形式偏重於個人學習,較缺乏同儕之間的互動學習。因此,本研究採用準實驗量化研究法,藉此探討比較閱讀後的單字互動式任務(interactive tasks)及傳統的單字練習題(vocabulary exercises)對國中生英語字彙習得(vocabulary learning)與單字學習態度(vocabulary learning attitudes)的影響。 本實驗的研究對象為桃園縣某公立國中的兩班八年級六十三位學生,所有受試者依其原本的班級被隨機指定為互動式任務組和傳統單字練習題組,兩組同學於每堂課都接受相同的閱讀文章和閱讀理解問題,並在閱讀之後進行不同的單字加強練習活動,每堂課合計為45分鐘,歷時六堂,一共練習25個單字。實驗前後,兩組受試者分別進行單字測驗及單字學習態度前後測,以瞭解學生的主要單字(target words)學習情形和學習態度轉變。資料分析採用SPSS 18.0版本,包含描述性統計、獨立樣本和成對樣本t檢定、及共變數分析。 研究結果顯示: (1)在單字學習成效方面,接受互動式任務的學生明顯優於接受傳統單字練習題的學生;(2)在辨識字彙的能力(receptive vocabulary knowledge)和應用字彙的能力(productive vocabulary knowledge)方面,互動式任務明顯地有助於提升受試者在以上下文為主的試題(選擇題和文意字彙)表現,但在無上下文的試題(中翻英和拼字)方面,兩組並無顯著差異;(3) 就受試者單字學習知識(vocabulary knowledge)質的改變而言,互動式任務組亦優於傳統單字練習題組;(4) 對於受試者的單字學習態度,兩組在認知、情意、行為及單字練習加強活動皆有某些方面的改變。 最後,本研究認為英語教師可以多設計以單字為主的互動式任務來增進學生的學習,並提出建議供未來研究為參考。 / Research into second language learning has pointed out that effective word- focused activities can facilitate students’ vocabulary learning. Yet, previous studies have been mainly focused on individual learning and on lack of interaction between peers. Therefore, the study adopted a quasi-experimental research design to compare the effects of specialized post-reading interactive vocabulary tasks and traditional vocabulary exercises on junior high school students’ vocabulary acquisition. Changes in learners’ attitudes to vocabulary learning were also investigated. Participants were 63 students from two eighth-grade classes in a junior high school in Taoyuan, Taiwan. The two classes were randomly assigned to the IT (interactive tasks) group and the VE (vocabulary exercises) group. Both groups received the same reading texts and reading comprehension questions, but they completed different vocabulary enhancing activities. Each class session was 45 minutes, and there were six class sessions, with a total of 25 target words for practice. To assess learners’ vocabulary knowledge of the target words, the two groups took pre- and post-vocabulary tests and a vocabulary learning attitude questionnaire before and after the experiment, to see if there were any attitude changes among learners throughout the study. The collected data was analyzed using SPSS 18.0, including descriptive statistics, Independent Samples t-test and Paired Samples t-test, and analysis of covariance (ANCOVA). The results are summarized as follows. First, in terms of vocabulary growth, students completing interactive tasks significantly outperformed those who received vocabulary exercises. Second, concerning receptive and productive word knowledge, interactive tasks were helpful in elevating learners’ performance on contextualized assessments like multiple-choice questions and filling-in blanks. However, in decontextualized assessments like L1 translation and spelling, there was no significant difference between the groups. Third, interactive tasks led to better performance on learners’ qualitative changes in vocabulary knowledge than did vocabulary exercises. Finally, for participants’ vocabulary learning attitudes, both groups had some changes in their cognitive, affective, and behavioral learning, and in perceptions of word-focused activities. In conclusion, the researcher suggests that English teachers design and apply more word-focused interactive tasks to enhance students’ vocabulary acquisition, and provides suggestions for future research.

初三學生中文寫作能力 (修辭) 研究 : 在一所澳門學校的經驗 / Study of the Chinese writing capability (rhetoric) of secondary three students : experience from a school in Macau

潘維念 January 2006 (has links)
University of Macau / Faculty of Education

在澳門初中推行中文傳意寫作的探索性研究 / Exploratory study of Chinese communicative writing in junior secondary schools in Macao

蕭美歡 January 2004 (has links)
University of Macau / Faculty of Education

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