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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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檔案管理人員繼續教育滿意度與需求之研究 / A study on continuing education satisfaction and needs of archivists

陳秋瑾, Chen, Ciou Jin Unknown Date (has links)
隨著現代資訊科技與資訊社會的發展,檔案管理業務亦相應產生變革,為了因應檔案管理業務之進展,加強檔案管理人員的專業能力,並促進專業持續發展,檔案管理繼續教育有其必要性。 本研究透過文獻探討,瞭解國內、外檔案管理繼續教育實施管道和課程內容,再藉由問卷,調查曾經參加檔案管理訓練課程的檔案管理人員,對於繼續教育的滿意度和未來需求,最後以深度訪談法,蒐集國內培訓單位與參訓檔案管理人員對繼續教育訓練資源的意見,以探討國內檔案管理繼續教育之發展。 本研究主要提出以下結論:(一)國內、外檔案主管機關強調實務訓練,專業學會或培訓機構則提供廣泛專業學理和實務知能,支援檔案管理人員發展專業。(二)參訓檔案管理人員對於參加繼續教育的整體經驗感到滿意,並肯定繼續教育有助於提升專業知能及促進社群交流;(三)檔管人員期許培訓單位提供具有進階性、新穎性,且能應用於實務工作的繼續教育。(四)檔案管理人員呼籲主管機關推動專業人員認證制度,強化檔案管理人員專業地位。(五)國內培訓單位應從課程內容、進修管道及遠距教學等面向,發展檔案管理繼續教育訓練資源。 根據研究結果,本研究對國內培訓單位提出六項建議:(一)維持基礎與進階兩層次的核心課程,另增設專題性課程。(二)提供課程大綱與介紹,安排豐富多樣性的教學內容。(三)增加大臺北地區以外的繼續教育進修管道。(四)開設檔案管理學分班或在職進修專班。(五)建立檔管人員社群交流平台。(六)檔案主管機關加強檔案知識的橫向宣導,並推動檔案管理人員專業資格認證。 / With the development of modern information technology and information society, archives management work also consequential changes, in order to enhance professional competence of archivists, and to promote professional development, archives management continuing education is necessary. This study explored the way of the domestic and foreign authorities and professional institutions offering archives management continuing education and their training courses, and then surveyed the continuing education satisfaction and needs of archivists. Besides, the study also interviewed with domestic training institutions and archivists who have lots of training experience. Finally, the study discussed on the development of domestic archives management continuing education. The study made the following conclusions: (1) Domestic and foreign archives authorities stressed practical training, professional societies or professional training institutions provides extensive theoretical and practical knowledge to support the professional development of archivists. (2) Archivists are satisfied with the overall experience of participating in archives continuing education courses. Most participants agreed that continuing education help to improve professional abilities and knowledge, and to promote the knowledge exchange among archivists. (3) Archivists need advanced courses, or courses about practice and new archival issues. (4) Archivists expect the archives authorities to promote the professional certification, strengthening the professional status of archivists. (5) To develop our continuing education resources by improving the course content, increasing training opportunities, and offering distance learning or E-learning. According to the conclusions of the research, there are six suggestions as follows: (1) In addition to original basic and advanced courses, Training institutions may offer additional courses about specific subject. (2) Training institutions should provide the course outline and course introduction, and arrange a rich diversity of course content. (3) To increase the opportunities of attending archives continuing education for archivists who come outside Taipei area. (4)To offer credit classes or in-service continuing education classes. (5) To establish knowledge exchange platform for archivist community. (6) The archives authority should enhance the archival knowledge to the whole government agency, and promote the professional certification.

英美圖書館學會館員繼續專業教育之比較研究 / A Comparative Study of CILIP’s and ALA’s Librarians Continuing Professional Education

張玉靖, Chang ,Yu-Ching Unknown Date (has links)
資訊時代的來臨,使得館員自身的工作範圍變得更多元,而館員的工作不在侷限於傳統的流通、編目以及傳統的參考服務。讀者對於館員的要求也不再只是「借還書的圖書館員」,對於圖書館的要求也不再只是「借還書的地方」,讀者對館員的要求是,多元的資訊服務,以提高圖書館整體的服務品質。因此,在此種環境下,館員必須利用不斷地自我學習及接受繼續教育等管道獲得新知,增加自我的工作能力,跟上時代的需求,滿足讀者的資訊需求,因此繼續教育對館員的成長非常重要。 本研究採用文獻分析與比較研究法,研究的目的,是希望藉由英美兩國圖書館學會對於館員的繼續教育情形作借鏡與整理,讓我國圖書館學會能根據英美圖書館學會的先例以及方式,選擇適合我國圖書館學會舉行繼續教育的方式與課程。 英國圖書館學會在西元2002年與資訊科學學會合併,對於英國圖書館學界來說,是一個很大的轉變,其中對於研習班與特殊興趣小組而言,更是增加了一些與資訊科學相關的研習班與興趣小組,因此,讓圖書館學不再只是傳統的圖書館學,而是因應時代成為資訊化社會的圖書館。美國圖書館學會對於繼續教育十分的重視,除了每年藉由年會所舉辦的各個主題的研習班之外,更在西元1999年開始了專業教育會議(Congresses on Professional Education,簡稱COPE),在近幾年已經舉辦三次,每次所探討的重點不一,其中以第二次專業教育會議(COPE II)對於專業館員的繼續教育作了很深刻的討論,並將討論的結果交付美國圖書館學會實行與研議。 英美圖書館學會對於繼續教育的比較,可分成四個部分作比較,由於國情的不同,因此兩國對於館員繼續教育的方式除了一般的研習班之外,英國多了所謂的特殊興趣小組,讓會員們能根據自己的喜好而加入與學習,而美國則是對於繼續教育的政策與實行的方式舉辦了專業教育會議,讓圖書館專業人員對於繼續教育的認可、與制度有重新的認識與方針。 最後就英美圖書館學會的繼續教育的優點,向中國圖書館學會提出的建議為:(一)建立中國圖書館學會的領導地位;(二)制定館員的繼續專業教育計畫;(三)擬定圖書館員的繼續專業訓練手冊;(四)加強研習班的內容多元化;(五)研擬圖書館員繼續教育的認可制度。 / In the information age, the librarians can not be traditional librarians. Just working for the traditional circulation、cataloging and traditional service. Facing the information technology evolution, librarians must adopt new strategies and educate themselves through continuing education. This thesis presents the continuing education policy and workshop in the Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals (CILIP) and in the American Library Association (ALA). CILIP’s aim is to provide the highest quality workshops, onsite training and executive briefings for all library and information staff. All our workshops are tailored to meet the learning, training and developmental needs of the modern library and information community. And every Member of CILIP is entitled to join two Special Interest Groups free of charge. In the ALA, 1999 Annual Conference meeting the ALA Executive Board, decided to set up for a subcommittee with developing a preliminary outline for a 2nd Congress on Professional Education. The appointment of a steering committee to plan such a congress was approved at the Board’s Fall 1999 meeting with the 2nd Congress to be held late in 2000. Finally, according to the results of the study, several suggestions are provided: 1.Establishing the leader position for the Library Association, R.O.C.;2. Drafting the Librarians Training Headbook for the continuing education; 3. Diversifying the contents of workshops; 4. Formulating the plan for the continuing education of the librarians; 5 Drafting a system for the accreditation of the continuing education of the librarians.


丁嘉仁, Chia-jen Ting Unknown Date (has links)
隨著資訊科技的快速演進,圖書館員勢必應持續接受專業繼續教育學習新知識與新技能,提升館員本身的資訊素養,與時並進,方能提供讀者更高品質的資訊服務。本研究之目的在於瞭解圖書館員網路繼續教育課程發展的概況,並針對我國圖書館員進行「圖書資訊選擇與採訪概論」網路繼續教育課程的設計與評鑑,藉此瞭解利用網路教學方式進行圖書館員繼續教育的成效。 本研究首先針對相關文獻進行探討,其次採用問卷調查法、準實驗法、訪談法等三種研究方法進行進研究,獲得能力本位教育課程設計與評鑑的原理,以擬訂的圖書資訊選擇與採訪能力清單作為發展教學目標,設計與發展「圖書資訊選擇與採訪概論」能力本位圖書館員網路繼續教育課程。本研究進行之評鑑包含學習者能力評鑑以及課程評鑑兩部分,採用觀察法、深度訪談法、以及問卷調查法。 本研究於民國94年1月13日至94年3月8日,以能力本位教育原則發展「圖書資訊選擇與採訪概論」網路繼續教育課程共5個單元。本研究進行之評鑑分為學習者的學習評量與課程的評鑑兩部分。學習者學習評量的進行包括各單元學習評量、課程討論之參與以及學習記錄表分析等方法。學習評量分析的結果發現,未達標準者有2位,其主要影響原因為作業缺繳所導致。 本研究利用編製的「圖書資訊選擇與採訪課程意見調查表」獲得學員對本課程能力的看法以及學習者自評的學習成效。本研究之調查實施時間為民國94年3月15日發送問卷,民國94年3月28日截止回收,發出問卷8份,收回問卷8份,有效問卷為8份。 問卷結果分析顯示:(1)學習者對能力的看法多表同意;(2)學習者對於課程整體設計以及各單元內容設計多表同意;(3)比較上課前後問卷調查之結果得知學員對於能力的增進皆表示同意;(4)針對上過課程後是否有助於學習者具備設定之能力也多表同意。 本研究於實驗課程結束後,利用編製的「圖書資訊選擇與採訪概論課程意見訪談單」與兩位參與課程的學員進行課程評鑑。訪談內容包括:能力本位教育、課程及教材、以及網路教學三部分。 訪談結果分析顯示:(1)課程設計能否與工作環境、工作經驗、以及專業能力需求結合,會直接影響學習者的學習成效;(2)課程教材真實情境的畫面、圖片或影片結合,將更有助於學習內容的吸收和理解;(3)網路繼續教育課程參與與否要視課程主題內容是否與其工作業務相關,以及是否屬於實務性的主題內容而論;(4)受訪者表示相較於同步網路教學,即時語音通訊可以表達訊息中所摻雜的情感;(5)相較於傳統教室教學模式,傳統課堂上課仍具有其優勢之處,包括專心程度、熟悉程度以及即時互動性;(6)成績或是學習認證的壓力,會促進學習者想辦法與其他學習者互動熟悉彼此,以便進行合作學習。但要在短時間內培養學員彼此默契是有困難的。 本論文總結提出之結論包括:(1)能力本位教育的理論與應用;(2)網路教學的特質與理論;(3)能力本位圖書館員的網路繼續教育課程設計;以及(4)圖書館員網路繼續教育課程的評鑑。 / This study mainly discusses developing and evaluating a web-based continuing education course for librarians with competency–based education approach. It covers four main goals as follows, firstly, to investigate the characteristics and theories of web-based instruction; secondly, to explore the theories and applications of the competency-based education; thirdly, to design a web-based continuing education course for librarians with competency–based education approach; finally to develop a continuing education competency assessment model which is integrated into above web-based continuing education course. This study was conducted by literature review, quasi-experimental method, questionnaire survey, to obtain the theorem of designing a web-based continuing education course for librarians with competency–based education approach. In order to evaluate the web course and the students’ competency, this study uses the summative evaluation and student’s learning outcomes assessment with fix methods of questionnaire survey and in-depth interviews. After the web-based continuing education course was finished, the questionnaires were distributed to students after they took the web-based course. At of the 8 surveyed questionnaires of 8 students in the web course, 8 responded and 8 validated. The overall findings were highly consistent with the students’ viewpoints to the web-based continuing education course. Besides, most of them agreed this web-based was useful and valuable for their working. More discussion and suggestions were made in the in-depth interviews. Hopefully, the study findings are expected to drive the competency-based education approach in designing and development a formal web-based continuing education course for librarians in Taiwan in the future.

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