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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


楊炎杰 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究係以各種獲利能力指標,衡量企業在一特定期間內之獲利能力情形與股價變動的關係,企圖以獲利能力指標來解釋股價變動,以充分瞭解投資者如何使用獲利能力指標等相關資訊。本研究之研究包括下列幾點:首先,可用以衡量企業在一特定期間獲利能力的指標有那些,又,這些指標彼此間的關係為何?第二,本研究所選取之獲利能力指標,是否對股價變動有充分的解釋能力?第三,會計盈餘是企業於一特定期問的獲利情形,但過去研究指出:以未預期盈餘解釋股價變動,解釋力往往偏低,同時亦無法充分衡量企業績效(Fisher and McGowan, 1983);而獲利能力指標既然表彰著一企業於特定期間的營運結果及其他績效結果,則當以未預期盈餘以外之獲利能力指標來解釋股價變動時,是否要比未預期盈餘對股價的變動,具有更高的解釋能力?第四,應用盈餘反應係數模式,即在獲利能力指標/股價關係模式中,若加入Collins and Kothari(1989)的獲利能力持續性、經濟成長機會與系統風險等因素後,該獲利能力指標是否更能解釋股價的變動? 由於我國股市中,績優股與投機股的股價行為迥異,為得到較為一般化的結果,本研究乃按CAR的值分為三組,分別是CAR為最大的一組(符號為正,樣本童為285)、CAR為最小的一組(符號為負,樣本童為280),以及介於上述兩組之間者(樣本量為280)。這種樣本的區分方式,對於CAR絕對值較大的二組,本研究定義為投機股;CAR值居中的一組,則定義為績優股。本研究對於所定義的投機股,又分別按其正、負符號分成兩組,蓋因CAR絕對值較大的樣本,其股價行為對於資訊的敏感程度較高,多、空資訊的發佈(包括會計盈餘及非會計盈餘)容易造成其股價變動,且多、空之股價行為不同;本研究以為這二組樣本特性應有很大的歧異性,故特別將CAR絕對值較大的樣本分為正、負二組,主要在區別這二種情形。惟就實際情形而言,CAR絕對值較大者不見得就是投機股;CAR值居中者亦不見得就是績優牛皮股。此處僅就直覺分類,實際上是否如此,仍有待進一步研究。 本研究所獲致之結果如下: 一、在各獲利能力指標彼此間之關聯性方面,本研究就13個獲利能力指標做相關分析的結果,大致上支持這些獲利能力指標間存在顯著正相關。 二、就各獲利能力指標與股價變動之關聯性而言,除CAR為居中的一組較難獲致結論外,CAR為最大的一組及CAR為最小的一組,大致上皆證明獲利能力指標對股價變動有重大影響,但解釋能力不高。此外,本研究曾企圖將獲利能力指標區分為經常性及非經常性兩種,推論以經常性盈餘為計算基礎者,應能對股價有更佳的解釋能力,然而就實證結果觀之,並未支持此項推論。 三、就各獲利能力指標相對於未預期盈餘對股價變動之資訊內涵而言,除CAR為居中的一組並未獲致具體的結論外,其餘兩組大致上均能支持獲利能力指標變數確實比未預期盈餘變數更能夠解釋股價的變動。 四、若將各獲利能力相標變數,取代盈餘反應係數模式中之預期盈餘變數,再加上其他控制變數如系統風險、經濟成長機會及盈餘(獲利能力)持續性等,經由實證結果發現,除CAR為居中的一組難以獲致具體的結論外,其他各組均證實以獲利能力指標變數取代未預期盈餘變數後,其對股價變動解釋能力,要比單就未預期盈餘本身或單就各獲利能力指標本身有相對較高的解釋能力。 / The purpose of this study aims to investigate how investors apply profitability measures in their investment decisions. For example, does an investor prefer accounting rate of return or returns on investment or other specific profitability measure to evaluate the change in firm's value? This is the main research question of this study. Chen (1992), Chiau (1995) and others demonstrated that accounting earnings is an useful information but its usefulness is quite unstable. Therefore, a profitability measure other than accounting earnings may be the one causing the unstable results. In order to obtain a generalized empirical result, this study compares classic (for example, Ball and Brown, 1968) to ERC (Earnings Response Coefficient) models (Collins and Kothari, 1989). The results of this study can be used for explaining which profitability measure is more useful in Taiwan stock market. In addition, the results can provide a relative explanation whether ERC model is an appropriate one or not. The samples elected from listed companies in Taiwan stock market between 1991 to 1995 during which Taiwan stock market enjoyed a stable market environment. This character fits the requirements of hypotheses. In addition, in order to properly describe price characteristics, this study applies a statistical classificatory method to classic all samples into three groups underlying the properties of CAR (Cumulative Abnormal Returns). The empirical findings can be summarized as follows. .Each defined profitability measure, including accounting earnings, can significantly explain the variability of stock returns. In addition, there exists significant correlation among defined profitability measures. .The classification of samples underlying CAR does increase the explanatory power of profitability/return relationship, hi particular, the larger and smaller CAR samples exhibit better profitability/retum relationship than medium group does. .No matter whether classic or ERC model is applied, the empirical results are similar each other. Thus, the ERC model may not be a generalized model in Taiwan stock market. It requires more research to develop a generalized empirical model for substituting ERC model referring the special characters of Taiwan stock market. The theory of economics of informational asymmetry may be the one.

我國大學生通識能力指標建構之研究 / A Study on Constructing of the General Education Competence Indicators for College Students in Taiwan

紀盈如 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究為建構我國大學生通識能力指標,透過文獻探討作為指標建構的理論基礎,初步分析歸納57項我國大學生通識能力指標,並以大學通識中心主任、教育學者專家及行政主管為問卷調查對象,採用模糊得菲術篩選及修改指標,建立31項我國大學生通識能力指標;再以概念構圖法與集群分析整合專家學者們對指標之重要性評估與分群,以建立構面,並求得各構面及指標權重,完成我國大學生通識能力指標建構。根據研究之結果與分析,歸納主要結論如下: 一、本研究建構之我國大學生通識能力指標,共計31項能力指標及五大構面。 二、五大構面及權重為「構面一:知識運用能力」(平均權重為3.39分)、「構面二:自我管理能力」(平均權重為4.12分)、「構面三:理性思辨與問題解決能力」(平均權重為3.96分)、「構面四:人際互動與溝通交流能力」(平均權重為4分)、「構面五:社會責任感與多元認知能力」(平均權重為3.75分)。 三、在「知識運用能力」構面中權重最重的指標為1-3學習整合能力(佔構面權重16.84%);其次為1-6資訊倫理能力(佔構面權重15.44%);再者為1-2跨領域能力及1-5資訊科技與媒體能力(佔構面權重15.09%)。 四、在「自我管理能力」構面中權重最重的指標為2-1健康管理能力及2-2情緒管理能力(佔構面權重21.05%);其次為2-5自我學習能力(佔構面權重19.84%)。 五、在「理性思辨與問題解決能力」構面中權重最重的指標為3-6問題解決能力(佔構面權重17.54%);其次為3-2批判思考與價值判斷能力(佔構面權重17.19%);再者為3-1邏輯推理與思辯能力及3-5獨立思考能力(佔構面權重16.49%)。 六、在「人際互動與溝通交流能力」構面中權重最重的指標為4-2能與他人溝通能力(佔構面權重36.11%)。 七、在「社會責任感與多元認知能力」構面中權重最重的指標為5-1倫理道德與實踐能力(佔構面權重10.89%);其次為5-2公民責任能力及5-8國際視野能力(佔構面權重10.67%);再者為5-7多元文化認知、理解與尊重能力(佔構面權重10.44%)。 期望此項研究成果能提供我國高等教育主管機關、大學校院行政主管、教師及對未來研究之參考。 / This is a study aimed to establish the general education competency indicators for the college students in Taiwan. In the preliminary analysis, General Education Competency Indicators of 57 categories were initially proposed. Guided by the surveys of College Directors of General Education Centers, Education scholars, and Administrators, also adapting the Fuzzy Delphi Method as evaluation and revision model, competency indicators of 31 categories thus established. Concept mapping and cluster analysis were then applied to divide the 31 indicators into 5 separate dimensions as well as to obtain the weighting score of each indicator in its belonging dimension. The results of this study are identified accordingly as follows: 1.This study showed that the general education competency can be represented by 31 indicators and 5 dimensions. 2.The 5 dimensions of general education were self-management(4.12), Interpersonal interaction and communication(4), capacity of critical thinking and problem solving(3.96), social responsibility and multiple cognitive abilities(3.75), and knowledge application ability(3.39). 3.The dimension of knowledge application ability consisted of Integration of learning(16.84%), information ethics(15.44%), areas of knowledge and information technology and media(15.09%). 4.The dimension of self-management comprised of healthy-management(21.05%), emotional management(21.05%), and self-learning(19.84%). 5.The dimension of capacity of critical thinking and solving problem consisted of problem-solving(17.54%), capacity of critical thinking and value judgment (17.19%), logical rational thinking and independent thinking(16.49%). 6.The dimension of interpersonal interaction and communication was composed of capacity of communicating with mates (36.11%). 7.The dimension of social responsibility and multiple cognitive abilities was composed of ethical practice (10.89%), civic Responsibility (10.67%), international perspective(10.67%), multicultural and cognition, and understanding and respect(10.44%). The results of this study is highly anticipated to be utilized as a reference by higher education institutions and administration authorities, scholastic researchers, and additional future studies.


王逸慧, Wang, I-Huei Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在研擬一套九年一貫課程之基本能力評量政策,研究以問卷調查法進行。首先分析所蒐集之文獻,繼而就文獻與研究問題發展問卷,問卷編製完成即進行第一階段之問卷調查,問卷填答對象共1137位,包括教育行政人員、國中小校長、主任、教師及家長等九類。該問卷之填答結果經分析與統整後,研究者預先擬出草案,並就草案之適切性徵詢100位審查者(包括教育學者專家、行政人員及中小學校長、主任、教師、家長等三大類),在參酌所得意見與建議後將草案修改為方案,以為本研究之結論, 方案主要內容如下: 壹、九年一貫課程之學生基本能力應以「國家基本能力評量」與「學校自辦基本能力評量」共同鑑衡之 貳、「國家基本能力評量」之實施要點: 一、評量時機:除數學因學習階段劃分的不同而於五年級及國三進行評量之外,餘六大學習領域皆在六年級及國三時進行評量。 二、評量次數:「國小基本能力評量」實施一次,「國中基本能力評量」與現行「基本學力測驗」整合。 三、實施規模:「國小基本能力評量」採抽全部學校之部分學生施測,「國中基本能力評量」則對全體學生進行評量。 四、評量機構:建議由國家教育研究院下設「課程發展組」及「測驗與評量組」負責。 五、評量發展方式:分四個步驟。分別是(一)由教育部委託國家教育研究院邀集相關人員發展「能力指標」下所涵蓋之「具體學習表現」;(二)國家教育研究院依「各學習領域能力指標」及「具體學習表現」長期進行試題研發、編製及題庫建立;(三)執行評量;(四)檢討並改進評量題目、方式與政策。 六、試題類型:各學習領域兼採封閉題型與開放題型,前者佔分多於後者。「綜合活動」、「藝術與人文」及「健康與體育」三領域之性質特殊,應加重開放題型之比例。 七、通過標準之訂定:「國小基本能力評量」僅告知受測學生及其家長通過與否,其通過標準由「教育行政人員」、「教育學者」、「測驗專家」、「中小學教師及學校行政人員」與「家長」共同研商。「國中基本能力評量」之評量結果以分數或等第呈現,通過標準由各高中職、五專自行設定。 八、結果的應用:「國小基本能力評量」的結果須作為「長期教育績效的監控」、「評鑑學校辦學品質的依據」及「教育研究的資料」,而「國中基本能力評量」的結果除具上述三種功能之外,尚需作為高中職、五專的選才依據。 九、經費來源:「國小基本能力評量」之試題研發及實施評量費用,由政府編列預算支應。「國中基本能力評量」之試題研發由政府編列預算支應,評量實施費用由受測學生負擔。 參、「學校自辦基本能力評量」之實施要點: 一、實施規模:由各校自行實施,但允班級數較少之學校採聯合式之區域性聯合實施。 二、評量時機:教師隨各學習領域課程之進行評量學生表現,並於各學習領域之學習階段結束時檢覈學生是否達到「能力指標」及「具體學習表現」。 三、評量發展方式:共分為六步驟,分別為(一)由各校「課程小組」與「課程發展委員會」研訂各學期學生應達至之「能力指標」及「具體學習表現」,並據此發展課程內容;(二)發展評量結果表格以利教師紀錄學生學習結果;(三)研商各能力指標之評量方式、評量向度、計分標準及紀錄方式。(四)教師紀錄學生在學期中之表現於「基本能力檢覈表」;(五)將「基本能力檢覈表」之紀錄結果轉化為「基本能力評量結果學期報告表」告知學生及其家長;(六)於學習階段結束時檢覈各能力指標是否皆已進行評量,並將學生於該學習階段之學習表現紀錄於「基本能力評量結果學習階段報告表」以告知學生及其家長。 四、評量原則:評量方式須多元化,且結果之呈現須質量並重。 五、過標準之訂定:由各校「課程小組」與「課程發展委員會」共同訂定。 六、經費來源:試題開發及評量實施費用,由學校所屬主管教育行政機關編列預算支應。 方案擬定後,研究者自行評估本方案具有七大特色與三項可能潛隱之問題,並提出以下建議作為未來政策規劃與執行之參考:一、本研究所研擬之方案可作為政府規劃基本能力評量之參考;二、教育行政機關應責成專責機構及早規劃基本能力評量之相關措施;三、評量機構應研發具學科統整性質之試題,且評量方式力求多元化;四、應提供進修課程以提昇教師的評量專業知能與技術;五、可舉辦優良試題設計競賽延攬人才及提供評量範例;六、各高中職、五專在選才時宜參酌學生多樣表現,避免僅將基本能力評量結果視為唯一依據;七、宜向社會大眾宣導正向的價值觀以祛除「分數至上」及「文憑主義」的迷思;八、應提供偏遠或較少班級數的學校在新課程實施與評量時的支援與協助。


白佳麒, Pai, Chia-Chi Unknown Date (has links)
媒體素養教育的發展在近十年已成為各國積極推動之重要教學內涵,由於媒體教育目的在啟發學生對於媒體的感知與思辨能力,一般而言,較沒有固定的教材與教學模式,故過去現場教師對於媒體教育一直存有實踐之困境,在九年一貫教育體制與教學方法的變革下,對於媒體教育而言,提供了更多的融入契機與教學空間,本論文主要之研究目的在發展媒體素養融入九年一貫社會學習領域七到九年級之能力指標與教案範例,藉以拉進學理論述與現場教師教學行動的距離,搭起理論與實踐的橋樑。 本研究之研究設計主要依循課程發展程序,首先採文獻調查與事實探究的方式,對英國、加拿大、澳洲與美國現有之媒體素養教育在社會領域能力指標的實際發展狀況進行瞭解,比較各國間的差異,並對照我國媒體素養之發展需求與社會學習領域現有之教科書內涵,結合相關理論背景,以及我國之社會與教育情境,思考可行的選擇,發展與建議我國媒體素養融入社會領域之能力指標與學習內涵。 經初步建立能力指標發展雛議後,依課程設計步驟將指標所欲達到之能力要求與媒體素養學習目標轉換為可行之教案範例,並經專家、學者評鑑後,修正教學目標、教學活動設計、與學習單建議等,最後完成十四個教案範例,教學內涵以教育部公告之媒體素養白皮書的五大核心為基礎,並結合各教科書社會領域之課程,在七到九年級的學習階段中,各年級均有二至三個教學主題,並配合公共電視所製作的教學媒體資源進行教學,希冀以此作為媒體教育現場教師教學應用之參考。 / The development of media literacy has been a focus of governments around the world in recent years. Since the goal of media literacy is to enlighten the students on sense of media and ability of critical thinking, there is no fixed material and teaching pattern for that. In the past, on-site teachers were stuck with the realization of media education. With the revolution of Grade 1-9 Curriculum system and teaching methods, it provides more opportunities and spaces for media literacy. The goal of this research is to integrate the media literacy into the competence indicators and sample teaching plan of Grade 7-9 of curriculum on social studies learning areas, in order to shorten the distance between theoretic statement and action of teaching and bridge the theory and practice. The design of this research is based on the curriculum development. First of all, we investigate the current situation of media literacy on competence indicators in social studies learning areas in Great Britain, Canada, Australia, and U.S. by literature review and fact exploration. The development plan and advices on the integration of media literacy into competence indicators and learning intension in social studies learning areas are proposed based on comparison of different country’s situation, development requirements and current teaching materials of our country, related theories, and current social and education conditions of our country. After the initial establishment of competence indicators, we try to convert the ability requirement and learning goal of media literacy appointed by the indicator into viable sample teaching plans according to the curriculum deign procedures. After the assessment by specialists and scholars, the teaching goal, schedule, and suggestions will be modified and 14 sample-teaching plans will be formed. The teaching intensions include the five core concept listed in the Literacy Education White Book published by the Department of Education in 2002. 2-3 teaching themes are set for the teaching of Grade 7-9, combining with curriculums of different textbooks. The teaching is implemented together with the public TV teaching programs. Hope our research is helpful for the on-site teacher of media education.

國民中學總務主任核心能力指標建構之研究 / A Study of Main Competency Indicators Construction of Director of General Affairs in Junior High School.

陳靖婷, Chen, Ching Ting Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在建立國民中學總務主任核心能力指標,藉以提供相關主管單位進行總務人力培訓及學校行政人員職涯進修之參考。研究初始,先以文獻分析法歸納出國民中學總務主任核心能力指標,並邀請專家委員進行適切性問卷與模糊德菲術問卷評估,完成指標的修正與確立。接著,即運用三角模糊術整合專家委員對指標內容重要性之看法,並接續指標篩選作業,最後以歸一化方式求得各構面與指標權重,遂完成整體指標系統建立。 本研究建構之指標系統共為六大構面38項指標,各構面權重介於15.8%至17.3%之間,有關構面權重與指標內涵依序排列為: 一、「自我管理」構面(17.3%),各指標權重介於3.2%至3.8%間,依序為:廉潔自持、敬業精神、溝通表達、行政倫理、情商管理。 二、「法規知能」構面(17.2%),各指標權重介於2.0%至2.5%間,依序為:政府採購法規知能、消防法規知能、財產管理法規知能、建築法規知能、營繕法規知能、主計法規知能、勞工安全衛生法規知能、文書管理法規知能。 三、「管理實務」構面(16.8%),各指標權重介於1.7%至2.0%間,依序為:採購管理、營繕工程管理、防災與校安管理、風險與危機管理、出納與財務管理、資源管理、事務工作管理、職工管理、文書與檔案管理。 四、「行政領導」構面(16.8%),各指標權重介於1.7%至2.0%間,依序為:領導與協調、行政與績效管理、團隊建立與合作、政策執行、人力資源管理、計畫撰擬與管理、問題分析與規劃、公共關係管理、會議管理。 五、「校園營造」構面(16.1%),各指標權重介於3.9%至4.2%間,依序為:設備與設施維護、綠能與環保管理、空間規劃、綠美化管理。 六、「永續創發」構面(15.8%),各指標權重介於5.1%至5.4%間,依序為:顧客導向、前瞻與創新、反思與再造。 / The purpose of this study is to construct main competency indicators of director of general affairs in junior high school, which aim to provide governments with information about training personnel of general affairs and school administrators. To start the research, main competency indicators of director of general affairs was organized by literature review. Then invite experts to conduct appropriate assessment and Fuzzy Delphi questionnaire evaluations, completing modification of indicators. Secondly, Symmetric triangular fuzzy number was used to analyze experts’ opinions on the importance of each indicator and continue indicator selection. Finally, normalization of fuzzy number’s total score determined the weight of each dimensions and indicators, so that build the whole indicator system. The indicator system consists of six dimensions and 38 indicators, and the weight of each dimension is between 15.8% and 17.3%. The contents of dimensions and indicators are as follows: 1. Dimension of “self-management”: each weight of indicators is between 3.2% and 3.8%, which are reputation, professional dedication, communication, administrative ethics and emotional quotient management. 2. Dimension of “knowledge of rules and regulations”: each weight of indicators is between 2.0% and 2.5%, which are rules of public purchasing, rules of fire services, rules of property management, rules of building technique, rules of construction and maintenance, rules of accounting, rules of labor safety and health, and rules of document management. 3. Dimension of “practice of management”: each weight of indicators is between 1.7% and 2.0%, which are purchasing management ,building and maintenance management, management of disaster reduction and school security, risk management, finance management, resource management, general affairs management, personnel management, and document management. 4. Dimension of “ administrative leadership”: each weight of indicators is between 1.7% and 2.0%, which are leadership and negotiation, administration and performance management, team building and collaboration, policy enforcement, management of human resource, program writing and management, problem analyzing and programing, public relationship management and meeting management. 5. Dimension of “school operation and maintenance”: each weight of indicators is between 3.9% and 4.2%, which are facilities maintenance, green resource and environment management, space design and greenification management. 6. Dimension of “sustainable development”: each weight of indicators is between 5.1% and 5.4%, which are customer orientation, being proactive and creative, introspection and re-built.

統計品管中製程能力指標決策程序之研究 / Some Decision Procedures For The Capability Index In Quality Control Process

李仁棻, Lee, Ren Fen Unknown Date (has links)
製程能力指標(process capability index)常被用來評量製程能力的高低。它結合規格及製程變異於一指標,便利使用者易於了解指標的意義。 若吾人主張一製程能力大於某一定值,當同時控制型I及型II過誤,這時,臨界值(critical value)及樣本大小n即可決定。若同時存在有數個大於某一定值的製造過程,吾人欲挑選具有最大製程能力的製程,這時,我們提出一個客觀的準則來加以選擇。 本篇論文的特色是以解析法來決定臨界值及樣本大小n,並於挑選最大的製程能力時能提出一個客觀的挑選準則。 研究中發現:雖然逼近常用的統計上查表值時有些誤差,但誤差不大。故本文討論的過程中所用的方法及結論,適用於線上作業。

教師發展標準取向(Standards-based)課程之行動探究──以國民中學課程為例── / A Collaborative Action Research in Standards-based

封四維, Sweet Feng January 1993 (has links)
這是集合專家智庫與教師協同研究團隊共同參與、分享與學習的旅程。其研究目的在於釐清教改相關詞彙的真正意涵,探究標準取向課程理論與實踐的相關策略及其配套,以建構一合理可行的標準取向課程發展模式,從而成就課程變革由混沌轉為清明的契機。首先,透過文獻探討與工作坊研習,集體慎思標準、能力指標、核心問題、科際整合、指標性評分等關聯性意義及其對課程變革的影響,瞭解學校課程地圖的規劃、課程發展路徑、及評量機制的更新;次而對照台北美國學校的實地觀摩體驗,參與研究教師協同配合學校教學,進行英語文與其他學科整合的課程設計;最後在台北二所國中,以協同行動研究方法,進行理論與實作交互辯證的實驗教學,探索標準取向課程落實在教室現場的可行性。運用觀察、訪談、錄影、日誌與反省札記等,自2003年9月至2004年6月,長期實地觀測參與研究教師進行課程構思、實作與反省的歷程,比較學生的實作表現的差異,分析標準取向課程實施的方式及其限制,了解核心問題、指標性評分的功能,及其對學習邁向深度理解的影響。綜合研究分析與討論,獲致以下的結論: 1. 篩選標準是展示優質教學的重要手段,而標準的落實必須是團隊分享而非獨立作業。核心問題與探究學習則是邁向理解學習的關鍵指標。 2. 課程是為解決問題才產生的,科際整合的課程應該是用來解決課程需碎片段的組合,並提供更多的關聯性。有助於學生袪除傳統知識的刻板印象,主動積極擴展學習的視野。 3. 協同行動研究即是一解決問題,探究學習的歷程,它需要熱情、協同、好奇、反省與承諾,它也是增進教師專業知能成長的有力方式。 4. 能力的培養不是速成的,必須採標準與指標性評分活用於教室教學,以規準引導,範例說明,運用實作表現重組學生的知識基模,化為智慧能力,以落實多元質性評量的真意。 5. 課程改革應以期望學習成果或意圖的學習成果做為領域的課程目標,透過單元課程融入情意價值的潛移默化,以展現課程美學。 同時,陳述研究心得與建議,並對後續進階研究作出具體的規劃。簡言之,整體研究均在揭示:如何使學生喜歡上課,享受學習樂趣,擁有契而不捨的探究精神與實作能力,以彰顯教育改革的核心價值。 / This was a school reform study to enhance teachers’ capacity. The purpose of the research was to explore the standards-based curriculum development and build an accessible procedure. The whole process including three periods: (1)Group deliberation period, the researcher and partners learned a great deal about the practical knowledge needed to meet the objective of the study in the workshop. And then widely sifted the literature review materials. (2)Development period, the researcher and teammate made two problem-based interdisciplinary curriculum. And design rubrics to improve the approach of performance based assessment. (3)Implementation period, The field study with collaboration is to investigate the trial outcomes. There are five conclusions resulted from the study, which were as follows: (1)Standards, benchmarks and essential questions are key factors to curriculum quality. (2)The integrated curriculum program is to enhance students’ learning toward enduring understanding, and help them to become independent learners. (3)Teachers’ teamwork and professional conversation is the best policy to solve problems. (4)Professional capacity development is the critical mission of schooling. (5)The goal of curriculum renewal is to empower students to be active learners thus taking responsibility for their own studies. Above all, Teachers as transformative knowledge workers, think globlly, and act locally, to generate exciting new learning models and real-world performance standards. Meanwhile, the researcher does a follow-up project that support the creation and adoption of interdisciplinary curriculum frameworks to reflect today’s complicated socities.. / 第一章 緒  論……………………………………………………… 1 第一節 研究背景、動機與重要性……………………………… 5 第二節 研究目的…………………………………………………… 13 第三節 研究問題………………………………………………… 14 第四節 研究限制…………………………………………………  15 第五節 名詞釋義…………………………………………………  17 第二章 文獻探討……………………………………………………… 21 第一節 標準的核心理念及其與課程的關係…………………… 23 第二節 深度理解、核心問題與標準的關連性 ……………… 42 第三節 科際整合課程意義與設計原則………………………… 57 第四節 探究學習與批判思考教學……………………………… 71 第五節 指標性評分意涵及其應用 …………………………… 95 第六節 多元智慧的教師知識管理……………………………… 113 第三章 研究方法與實施策略…………………………………… 127 第一節 進入教室場域前的準備工作………………………… 128 第二節 研究者的相關經驗與研究方式……………………… 131 第三節 進入教室場域的研究策略……………………………… 134 第四節 研究資料蒐集與整理分析…………………………… 145 第五節 研究品質多元觀點的建置…………………………… 149 第四章 研究發現與討論分析(一)……………………………… 153 第一節 課程慎思與文獻探究…………………………………… 154 第二節 課程發展與科際整合…………………………………… 166 第三節 課程實踐與行動探究 (一)…………………………… 183 第四節 課程實踐與行動探究(二)…………………………… 201 第五章 研究發現與討論分析(二)……………………………… 211 第一節 知識藝術與建構學習…………………………………… 212 第二節 科際整合與教室評量…………………………………… 219 第三節 心智習性與知識管理…………………………………… 226 第四節 思考教學與閱讀理解…………………………………… 236 第六章 結論與建議………………………………………………… 245 第一節 結論與省思……………………………………………… 246 第二節 分享與建議……………………………………………… 254 參考資料……………………………………………………………………… 237 附  錄 附錄一………………………………………………………………………… 261 附錄二………………………………………………………………………… 271 附錄三………………………………………………………………………… 295 附錄四………………………………………………………………………… 321 附錄五………………………………………………………………………… 337

新北市高中英文教師教學專業能力指標建構之研究 / A study on the development of professional teaching competence indicators for senior high school english teachers in New Taipei City

馮文秀, Feng, Wen Hsiu Unknown Date (has links)
有鑑於近年來教育當局對於提升教師教育專業能力的重視以及陸續於一般中等學校計劃實施教師專業評鑑的努力,本研究旨在建構高中英語教師之教學專業能力指標,瞭解279位現職於22所公立高中之新北市高中英文教師對於各指標重要性看法之差異,並針對性別、學歷、學校規模、教學年資等社會背景的教師分析其看法之不同。依據文獻探討與專家效度實施之結果,共建立5大能力層面、13個向度、以及47個指標。問卷分析採用階層程序分析法(AHP),得出各向度之權重值,排序結果如下: 1.規劃能力:教學規劃比課程規劃重要;這兩項中分別又以規劃適當教學活動及規劃教學程序為重要指標。 2.教學能力:溝通能力與英文能力尤其重要;這兩項中分別又以良好口頭溝通技巧及自我表達能力為重要指標。 3.管理能力:班級管理比資源管理重要;而班級管理中又以良好師生互動為重要指 標。 4.專業成長:掌握學習機會比進行教學研究與革新重要;而掌握學習機會中又以反思個人教學與追求專業成長為重要指標。 5.教學道德:工作態度比專業精神重要;而工作態度中又以與學校同事、學生家長、與附近社區建立良好工作關係為重要指標。 在各向度的指標中,與教學有關係者較受青睞。各背景的教師與所有教師的看法傾 向於一致,只顯示些微的差別。 依據研究結果,本研究亦針對教育當局及高中英文教師提出建議,對於未來研究方 向也提出一些看法,以期對英文教學有些許貢獻。 / Academic authorities have recently laid their prominence on upgrading teachers’ professional competence with the reform efforts of implementing evaluating professional competence on teachers in middle schools. The current study aimed to explore the indicators for evaluating senior high school English teachers’ professional competence, and at the same time, to provide English teachers access to improve and increase teaching efficiency by showing the rankings of indicators under each sub-criterion investigated from 279 English teachers with 4 social background variants in 22 public senior high schools in New Taipei City. The social background variants included gender, educational backgrounds, school size, and total teaching years. In accordance with literature review and expert validity, 5 criteria, 13 sub-criteria, and 47 indicators were established as evaluating standards. The Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) was employed and the results indicated that: 1. Planning competence: Teaching planning was more important than course planning. Planning appropriate teaching activities and developing teaching procedures were considered to be the most important in the two sub-criteria respectively. 2. Teaching competence: Communicative competence and English language competence were the first two priorities, but presentation of teaching materials the last. Good oral communicative skills and self-expressive ability were labeled as the most essential indicators respectively. 3. Management competence: Classroom management was rather prominent than resources management. Good teacher-student interaction was especially viewed as important in classroom management. 4. Professional development: Grasping opportunities to learn was taken more significant than conducting teaching research and teaching innovation. In grasping opportunities to learn, reflecting on one’s teaching and seeking professional development were seen as more important than others. 5. Teaching ethics: Working attitude was of higher significance than professionalism, especially establishing good working relationship with school staff, students’ parents, and surrounding communities. In conclusion, indicators which were more helpful to teaching were more favored. Despite their different social backgrounds, teachers tended to show similar opinions on the development of their professional competence. According to the results of the study, some suggestions were provided for professional development of English teachers, teacher training, gender differences of English teachers, teaching experiences, and future studies.

九年一貫英語讀寫能力指標反映至國民中學英語科習作之研究 / A study on reading and writing competence indicators of the grades 1-9 English curriculum in junior high school english workbooks

王羿婷, Wang, Yi Ting Unknown Date (has links)
教育部明訂,九年一貫能力指標應作為教科書編輯者編撰課本、習作之依據。透過教科書,學生可期望習得能力指標所標示的能力。台灣國中英語教學現場中,習作常作為學生的回家作業,所以能力指標如何呈現在習作上可影響學生能力習得的結果;然而,目前相關研究仍顯不足,因此,本研究採用九年一貫國中英語讀寫能力指標,分析目前最為廣用的一套國中英語習作。另外,本研究也針對第一線國中英語教師進行團體訪談,以了解教師對習作和能力指標的看法。 本研究的結果總結如下: 1. 14條指標中,只有3項在習作中有超過10%的練習題目(推論字義文意;了 解文章主旨大意;合併、改寫及造句);然而卻有8項指標在習作中的練 習題少於1.5%。 2. 針對被強調的3項指標,訪談教師同意這些能力的確需要被強調,只不過習 作的練習題仍顯不足。 3. 針對被忽略的8項指標,教師認為有些能力(例:查字典)對學生來說並非最 重要,因此習作缺乏此類練習是可以接受的;不過,某些能力(例:看懂圖 表標示)因為和學生的日常生活息息相關,理應出現在習作裡;而部分難度 較高的指標(例:寫一個段落)可編為自由選擇(optional)的習題,讓程度 較高的學生有更多練習的機會。 根據研究結果,研究者對教育決策者、教科書編輯、及英語教師提出數點 建議。 / The competence indicators (CI) listed in the Grades 1-9 Curriculum Guidelines are regulated as the principles for private publishers to compile teaching materials—textbooks and student workbooks. Through these teaching materials, it is expected that students can acquire the competences stipulated in the curriculum guidelines. Student workbooks, especially in Taiwan’s junior high school English classrooms, are used as a main source for students’ homework. Therefore, how the CIs are incorporated into the workbooks can affect students’ acquirement of the competences. Nonetheless, little research has been done on analysis of English workbooks based on competence indicators. This study, therefore, aimed to analyze a most popular set of junior high school English workbooks based on the Grades 7-9 reading and writing competence indicators. To gain more in-depth insights, a focus group interview with in-service teachers was later conducted to explore teachers’ views on the workbooks and competence indicators. The results of the present study are summarized as follows. 1.Of the 14 CIs, only three were emphasized (to guess meanings of words and reading passages; to understand main ideas; and to combine, change, and make sentences), each taking up more than 10% of the workbook exercises. However, there were up to eight CIs that were neglected, each taking up less than 1.5% of the workbook exercises. 2.As for the three emphasized CIs, the teacher interviewees agreed that the emphasis was necessary, but the practice in the workbooks were still insufficient for their students. 3.As for the eight neglected CIs, the teachers considered that: (1) lack of practice on some CIs, such as to use a dictionary, was acceptable, for these skills were impractical for their students; (2) some practices, such as to fill out forms, should have be included into the workbooks because they were related to students’ daily lives; (3) certain practices, such as to write a simple paragraph, could be designed as optional workbook exercises for high achieving students to master more advanced skills. Finally, some suggestions are provided on the basis of the findings in this study.

英國校長專業資格檢定制度(NPQH)在我國國中小學校長培育制度建構之研究 / A Study of National Professional Qualification for Headship (NPQH) for Construction of Elementary and Secondary School Principal Preparation Systems in Taiwan

陳宏彰, Chen, Hung-Chang Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在探究英國校長專業資格檢定制度在我國國中小學校長培育制度的建構,以及探討校長專業培育課程與校長專業能力指標間的關係。本研究方法為文獻分析、問卷調查及後置訪談法,問卷調查樣本為台北縣、台北市、基隆市與宜蘭縣四縣市之學校行政人員,含校長、主任、組長等共800人,樣本回收524份,回收率達65.5%。訪談樣本為辦理國家級中小學校長職前培訓工作的教育行政人員,包含國民中學與國民小學部分共兩名。研究工具包含自編之「我國國中小學校長培育制度調查問卷」、採用之「校長專業培育課程問卷」、採用之「校長專業能力指標問卷」與自編之「我國國中小學校長培育制度訪談大綱」。本研究統計方法為描述性統計、單因子變異數分析、t考驗、皮爾森積差相關分析、結構方程模式(SEM)分析等方法分析。本章乃根據研究結果與分析,歸納獲致成主要結論如下: 壹、英國校長專業資格檢定制度之內涵與現況 一、 校長培育課程係根據校長國家標準; 二、 校長培育由國家籌設之專責機構辦理; 三、 校長培育制度為長時間的實務訓練以及彈性分散式的時間規劃; 四、 校長培育課程應重視個別差異,依照學員的需求評估提供合適培育路徑與學習課程模組; 五、 校長認證課程採成人式學習原理及資訊與通訊科技(ICT)應用; 六、 校長培育制度經費採行個人支付而國家補助的方式; 七、 校長培育制度應重視實務實習並落實於學校改善之中; 八、 校長培育制度重視師傅教導的教學方式; 九、 校長培育制度可進一步採行校長專業資格檢定認證模式; 貳、我國國中小學校長培育制度之建構 一、 校長培育制度規劃可採本研究建構之三向度模式規劃; 二、 校長培育機構之設立應由國家設立專責機構統籌辦理; 三、 校長培育時程規劃應為半年至一年,並採行分段辦理; 四、 進入校長培育課程前進行學員需求評估據以規劃課程; 五、 培育課程講座以兼具理論與實務經驗的大學教授為先; 六、 學員學習成效由原培育單位與專責評鑑中心共同評鑑; 七、 培育過程中的經費可由學員自行支付且國家予以補助; 八、 校長實務實習時程規劃可於中期開始並採分散式規劃; 九、 校長實務實習學校應在不同類型學校實習並落實實做; 十、 師傅學員的配對可為多對一的形式學習更豐富的經驗; 十一、師傅校長的甄選來源多元化並建立審查機制遴選良師; 十二、師傅校長與培訓課程應同時開始且每週皆有師傅校長; 參、校長專業課程與校長專業能力 一、學校行政人員對於校長專業培育課程之知覺為相當重要程度。 二、校長專業培育課程以教學領導課程得分最高。 三、學校行政人員對於校長專業能力指標之知覺為相當重要程度。 四、學校行政人員對於校長專業能力指標之知覺,以「行政管理」最為重要。 五、整體校長專業培育課程對於整體校長專業能力指標具有顯著的影響力。 最後,本研究依研究結果分別提出以下建議: 壹、英國校長專業資格定制度值得作為我國校長培育制度規劃之借鏡與參考。 貳、校長培育制度之規劃應先訂立校長國家標準。 參、我國校長培育可採本研究建構之校長培育三向度模式。 肆、校長培育制度中需要更多的校長積極地投入與參與。 伍、對未來進一步研究的建議。 關鍵字:英國校長專業資格檢定制度(NPQH)、校長培育制度、校長儲訓制度、校長專業培育制度、校長實務實習制度、師傅校長校長制度、校長專業培育課程、校長專業能力指標 / Abstract The main purpose of this study was to construct the elementary and secondary school principal preparation systems in Taiwan by (1) Analyzing the documents and literature of the NPQH in England; (2) Investigating the opinions of different members on the ideal elementary and secondary school principal preparation systems in Taiwan; (3) Analyzing the relationships between principal professional preparation curriculum and principal professional competency standards; (4) Explore the influential power of principal professional preparation curriculum on the part of principal professional competency standards. The method of this study was adopted literature review, questionnaires investigation and interviews. There were 800 questionnaire total issued and 524 effective samples were acquired. The sample included school principals and main administrators. There were 2 interview samples who were the core educational administrators conducting the work of he elementary and secondary school principal preparation. The instrument were ”Questionnaire for constructing the principal preparation systems of elementary and secondary school in Taiwan” and “Interview conspectus for constructing the principal preparation systems of elementary and secondary school in Taiwan.” The data gathered from questionnaires were analyzed by description statistics, t-test, One-way ANOVA, Pearson-moment correlation analysis, Scheff’e posteriori comparison, and SEM through the use of LISREL 8.71. The conclusion drawn from the study results were as follows: 1. The constructing systems for the elementary and secondary school principal preparation in Taiwan are “three dimension model.” 2. The institution of the elementary and secondary school principal preparation is the one of national level. 3. The time of the elementary and secondary school principal preparation is half to one year, and is a distributed formation. 4. The need assessment for students of the elementary and secondary school principal preparation was conducted before accepting the preparation curriculum. 5. The fist order teacher of principal preparation curriculum was the professor who was experienced in practice and theoretical in colleges. 6. The learning and performance assessment to students was conducted by original preparation center and other professional assessment center. 7. The pay of principal preparation was paid by students’ himself /herself and national government. 8. The practical internship was conducted form the middle of the principal preparation, and was conducted by a distributed formation. 9. The ideal internship school of the principal preparation was multiple-type. 10. The best pair of mentor and trainne was several to one 11. The resources of mentors were multiple and accepted selecting. 12. The mentor participated in the principal preparation, and directed the principals weekly. In the last part, the researcher, based on the findings, proposes some suggestions for the design unit of principal preparation system, hoping to benefit the development of construction of the elementary and secondary school principal preparation systems in future. Key words: National Professional Qualification for Headship, NPQH, principal preparation systems, principal professional preparation curriculum, principal professional competency standards

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