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適應性預期之財政政策-以能源稅為例 / Fiscal Policy with Adaptive Expectation-Taking Energy Tax as an Example李佳頤, Lee,Chia Yi Unknown Date (has links)
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建構綠色稅制-以能源稅與碳稅為例李怡萱 Unknown Date (has links)
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最適能源稅率、稅收用途及其3E效果的關聯分析 / Linkage between Energy Tax Rate,Tax Revenue Disposals and 3E Effects章秀秀 Unknown Date (has links)
經過本文研究發現,訂定最適能源稅率之影響因素,除了傳統文獻所強調的環境損害成本應將之內部化以外,尚包括對能源服務支出的影響、對能源市場所產生的扭曲,以及對稅收的影響等。其中能源設備特徵需求之變動在訂定能源稅率時,扮演非常重要的角色。能源設備特徵需求之變動同時會影響能源服務單位成本與能源服務需求,為最適能源稅率之減項,甚至在環境損害成本中亦受到能源設備特徵變動,改變其設備之二氧化碳排放係數,使得環境損害成本降低,亦為最適能源稅率之減項。根據本模擬結果顯示,課能源稅使得能源價格上漲,能源設備特徵需求提高,勞動供給微幅增加,能源需求、二氧化碳排放量下降,家計所得、社會總成本、總稅收增加。表示課徵能源稅對降低能源需求,鼓勵消費者多選購節能產品,有相當明顯之效果。此外,當環境損害係數愈高,二氧化碳排放係數愈高之能源,其能源稅率應愈高。最後,本文利用不同之社會權數組合,得出課徵能源稅同時降低勞動稅,並將稅收投入環保支出所產生之3E效果相較其他政策配套為佳。而在推動綠色租稅改革之際,除了能源稅率訂定之合理化外,仍應作相關整合,包括油氣類產品之貨物稅應廢止,以避免重複課稅;並在訂定能源稅率時,將徵收空氣污染防制費所產生二氧化碳排放減量的效果一併考慮。 / This thesis intends to construct a model which includes 3 sectors of household, energy supplier and government to derive the optimal energy tax rate and analyze the correlation between energy tax and the economic variations.
Households combine energy and energy equipment characteristics to generate the energy service. This research uses energy service as variables of household utility function and designs a energy service production function of household. This is different from traditional literature which use energy productions directly as variables of household utility function.
The theoretical model derives the optimal energy tax rate by minimize the cost for energy services subject to government budget balance and market equilibrium conditions. And five different scenarios including the base, tax added, green tax reform, tariff reduction, as well as total emission control, with four disposals of tax revenue are designed for the simulation to solve the energy tax rate and the other variables endogenously. In addition, the environmental damage coefficient of carbon dioxide emissions is used for the sensitivity analysis. Eventually, this study weighted the simulated results to devise the optimal policy package by the social weights of policy priorities. The social weights is given according to 3E effects including energy, environmental and economic impact.
The findings of this research are summarized as followed: (1)the factors for setting the optimal energy tax rate, in addition to the marginal environmental damage as the traditional literature emphasized and, it should also include the changes of the expenditures for energy services, distortion in energy markets, as well as the impacts to tax revenue including labor tax and tariff. (2) The simulation results show that the energy tax increases the energy price, demand of energy-saving products, labor supply, household income, total social costs, total tax revenues and decreases energy demand and carbon dioxide emission. (3) The higher the environmental damage coefficient of carbon dioxide emissions, the energy tax rates should be higher. (4) Green tax reform with the disposal of the tax revenue on environment protection generate the best 3E results comparing with the other policy package. (5) The excise tax of oil and gas products should be abolished, in order to avoid double taxed; and the Air Pollution Control Fee resulting the reduction of carbon dioxide emissions should be taken into account in determining the energy tax rate.
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能源稅建制對跨世代財政負擔之影響林育安, Lin, Yu An Unknown Date (has links)
本研究結果發現,目前跨世代財政負擔之情形不利未來世代,未來世代的財政負擔約為目前世代的5.34倍,若去除人口結構老化因素,約為4.11倍。由此可知人口老化對我國跨世代財政負擔有很大的影響。三個能源稅草案版本中,若假設此三版本皆為一加稅之政策,則陳明真與王塗發版本皆會使未來世代財政負擔大幅減少;若考量三版本之配套措施後,則只有陳明真版本會使不平衡程度些微下降;若假設未來世代財政負擔與目前0歲世代之負擔相同,則不論在那一種版本下,能源稅之課徵不足以償還跨期公共債務,最後仍由未來世代以其他賦稅償還。 / In 2006, Ming-chen Chen, Tu-fu Wang, the commissioners of the Legislative Yuan, and the Executive Yuan respectively proposed three draft editions of the Energy Tax Act. Although the implementation of Energy Tax Act will not increase the tax burden, it may have some effect on the intergenerational fiscal burden. Therefore, the main purpose of the study is to evaluate the intergenerational fiscal burden in Taiwan as well as to make a stimulated analysis of how each draft edition of Energy Tax Act will affect the intergenerational fiscal burden, by applying the Generational Accounting Approach, based on the fiscal data of 2006.
The results of the research indicate that current circumstance of the intergenerational fiscal burden is unfavorable for future generations. The amount of fiscal burden on future generations would be around 5.34 times that of current generations. If the factor of population aging is excluded, the amount would down to 4.11, thus implies that the aging problem has a lot of influence on the intergenerational fiscal burden in Taiwan. If we assume the aforesaid three draft editions of Energy Tax Act are designed to raise the tax revenue, the editions of Chen and Wang will reduce the future burden. Otherwise, if we assume the three proposed editions are not designed to add tax , it’s only Mr. Chen’s proposal will slightly reduce the imbalance of burden. Furthermore, if we assume the burden on the future generations are the same as that on the 0-year-old generations, levying energy tax does not pay off the intertemporal public liabilities in each proposals, so that the future generations will finally have to pay off the intertemporal public liabilities in the form of other taxes.
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能源稅對不同所得階層家庭支出分配之影響 / 無鄭渝樺 Unknown Date (has links)
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全球暖化與台灣的氣候政治-以《溫室氣體減量法》為例 / Global warming and the politics of climate change in Taiwan施奕任, Shih, Yijen Unknown Date (has links)
在研究結果上,本研究發現在風險認知上,台灣民眾儘管認知氣候風險的嚴重性,但是考量氣候變遷的不利影響與後續因應都具有長期特性,降低民眾支持台灣採取積極的政治立場以因應氣候議題的意願。在減量成本上,因應氣候議題的決策形成一種姿態政治(gestural politics),儘管積極倡議台灣必須因應國際氣候議題,但是卻不願意制訂涵蓋積極減量目標與總量管制的《溫室氣體減量法》,其原因在於氣候決策嵌入能源與產業結構的挑戰。在能源結構上,台灣面對核能使用的政治爭議,加以再生能源短期難以巨幅成長,使得台灣仍然呈現以化石燃料為主的能源結構。在產業結構上,既有發展型國家的思維使得政治菁英傾向於強調發展的重要性,依賴高污染、高耗能與高排碳產業推動國家經濟發展,而難以透過調整能源價格等政治策略,改變依賴高排碳產業的產業結構。
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