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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

臺灣離岸風力發電投資計劃可行性分析 / An investment case on offshore wind energy in Taiwan

孟逸朗, Mehner, Eric Unknown Date (has links)
The worldwide offshore wind market has been growing rapidly over the recent years and also the Taiwanese government has announced to rely more on offshore wind power as future energy source. The goal of this paper is to evaluate if an investment in offshore wind energy in Taiwan is worthwhile. This has been done by analyzing the development of the world energy market and the recent growth in renewable energies. Furthermore, the essential steps of the development of an offshore wind farm and the lifecycle were overviewed. Based on this information, together with an analysis of relevant factors regarding the development of an offshore wind farm in Taiwan, a profitability analysis was performed. Statistical data and experience from European offshore wind projects was taken as a benchmark for the calculations. The results show that despite some risk due to natural disasters and the immaturity of offshore wind industry in Taiwan, an investment in an offshore wind farm seems to be a very attractive choice under current conditions. From the two subsidy options offered by the Taiwanese government, the splitted feed-in tariff plan, with higher payments in the first 10 years and lower payments in the following 10 years, is clearly the better option for potential investors.

民族間身心健康習慣的差異:ATUS美國時間運用調查實證研究 / Differences in Physical and Mental Health Related Activities by Race and Ethnicity: Evidence from the American Time Use Survey

古庭瑄 Unknown Date (has links)
近來,健康議題越來越受到人們的重視,而世界十大死因中慢性疾病就占相當高的比例。而導致慢性病的主因除了生理因素,例如:遺傳與基因外,生活習慣也是很大的原因。本文探討民族間健康習慣的差異。採用2003至2014年美國American Time Use Survey(ATUS)資料,探討不同民族的文化、價值觀是否影響身心健康習慣投入時間的差異。本文將健康活動按照Alan B. Krueger (2007)的歸類方式,以情緒指標作為活動的分類依據,可以將健康活動歸類為休閒放鬆、準備與照護、社交育樂、飲食等四類身心健康習慣。利用Schwartz的七個文化指標組合成三大文化面向進行分析,發現不同民族花在身心健康習慣的時間存在差異。此外,本文發現對健康習慣的投入對生活其他層面產生不同影響,例如:與生理相關的糖尿病與肥胖問題,以及社會現象相關的離婚與退休問題。

應用神經網路於解決線性規劃問題之探討 / The Artificial Neural Networks for Linear Programming Problems

程至方, Cheng Chin-Fang Unknown Date (has links)
在此論文中,我們提出一個用來解釋線性規劃問題的類神經網路系統。這 個系統,我們取名為 LP-ANN 系統,它引用了能量函數(Energy Function)的概念及懲罰(Penalty)的方法。從這兩個概念,我們提出了一 個處理非負限制式的新想法。基本上,這個 LP-ANN 系統是以數位電腦來 做模擬,而不以類比式的電子電路來做模擬。這個系統可以判斷所給的線 性規劃問題是否有最佳解。如果有的話,再進一步找出一個符合可接受準 確度範圍內的最佳解。最後,以1200個任意產生的線性規劃問題來測試系 統的模擬結果也在本篇論文中詳述。

核心職能對工作績效影響之研究 / The impacts of core competency on job performance

陳星瑜 Unknown Date (has links)
自2000年起,諸多企業展開職能導入,但受限於對職能之認識、瞭解或是經費問題,仍以外商或營業額大於150億以上之大型企業為主(楊尊恩、林文政,2003),中小企業不論在人力資源人員之素質、企業主的支持或相關預算方面皆有所限制,尚未有特別成功之職能導入個案。然而,隨著前述大環境之變動,大企業逐漸失去規模優勢,中小企業若能持續強化組織核心能力與競爭力,亦可具備與大企業抗衡之能耐。 藉由美妝零售業之T公司為個案公司,研究其核心職能發展與員工工作績效之關係,進一步探討如何應用核心職能至其他人力資源活動上,達到組織整體人員素質提升與強化組織內部能力之效,同時亦可以此個案為學習範本,提供其他中小企業做為職能導入之參考。 本研究針對個案公司之七項核心職能建置問卷量表,並以其台灣區員工為調查對象,受測者採自評方式填答,接著進一步探討核心職能與工作績效之關係。研究結果如下: 一、發展出個案公司七項核心職能量表與對應之行為指標。 二、七項核心職能中「創新靈活性」職能與工作績效有正相關。 三、「創新靈活性」職能對工作績效有顯著預測力。 四、「信任與團隊合作」及「真實醇美」職能與工作績效關係之強度將受到年齡變數影響。 五、「信任與團隊合作」職能與工作績效關係之強度將受到產業工作經驗變數影響。

亞洲主要機場的績效比較研究-資料包絡法的分析 / Efficiency evaluation of major airports in Asia-data envelopment analysis

賴淑容, Lai, Shu Jung Unknown Date (has links)
This study adopt input orientation data envelopment Analysis approaches to evaluate the operational efficiency for major international airports in terms of the top 20 ranking by total passengers handling in Asia region in 2008. Unlike the most the other airport literature researches only using the one-stage DEA to measure the efficiency, in this study, two-stage, the extension of DEA, adding the concept of the intermediates product, separate the airport operation into airport capital side and airport capability side, is applied to evaluate the two-side efficiency of each airport under the assumption of constant returns to scale, variable returns to scale, scale efficiency and super efficiency model by employing four inputs, four intermediate products and two outputs. The result of this study shows that the China Shenzhen Baoan airport is the best airport in overall technical efficiency in different stages. It indicates that the operation of small size airports (category by the passengers handling) are run more efficiency than the large one. In addition, by two-stage DEA analysis, the airport capital usage is better than in capacity utilization. It found that the China Beijing Capital airport is good in airport infrastructure usage but the capacity utilization is not enough. Finally, the number of increasing return scale airports are more than the decreasing return scale airports among Asia region (e.g. Taiwan Taoyuan airport), therefore, the expansions of facility and capacity in those increasing return scale airports are worthy to invest to promote the operational efficiency and its competitiveness.

非線性微分方程之研究 / Some Studies in the Nonlinear Differential Equations

陳怡真, Chen, Yi-Chen Unknown Date (has links)
在這篇論文中,我們討論具有初始值條件的二階微分方程 □□□□□ 和系統微分方程 □□□□□等問題。 我們利用能量方法(即能量是常數的特性)來探討上述方程解之特性。例如:生成時間、爆破和爆破速率以及局部解的漸進行為。 / In this paper we shall consider the initial value problem for second order differential equation of the form □□□□□ and the system □□□□□ . We shall discuss the blow-up properties, such as the life-span, the blow-up rate and blow-up constants, and the asymptotic behavior of the global solution by using the energy method.

以ex-Gaussian分配探討注意力不足過動症(Attention Deficit/ Hyperactivity Disorder, ADHD)不同亞型患者在能量調節歷程的差異 / Exploration of the differences in effort regulation among ADHD subtypes - based on ex-gaussian distribution

黃守廉, Hwang, Shoou Lian Unknown Date (has links)
前言:由於注意力不足過動症(Attention Deficit/ Hyperactivity Disorder, ADHD)患者在不同的認知作業具有一致的反應模式-他們的反應時間慢且變異量大,已有學者們認為這與他們在能量調節缺損有關。 研究目的:一、以ex-Gaussian的估計參數(μ、σ、τ)分析ADHD患者在柯能氏持續表現作業(Conners’ Continuous Performance Test, CCPT) 的反應時間,探討與釐清不同能量調節歷程(事件速度與作業時間長度)可能的影響。二、藉由行為量表以及CCPT的錯誤反應與參數的關係,推論μ、σ、τ可能的心理涵義。三、以能量調節歷程(ISI與Block)與ex-Gaussian的估計參數(μ、σ、τ)的關係,探討不同ADHD亞型患者在能量調節的可能問題。四、由於時間知覺作業與注意力資源分配有密切關連性,因此本研究也想探討不同ADHD亞型患者時間知覺作業(時間再製單一與雙重作業)的表現與能量調節的關係。五、從不同發展階段討論ADHD亞型患者與對照組在ex-Gaussian參數的差異是否會隨著年齡發展而有所改變。 方法:本研究受試包括261位ADHD混合型(ADHD-Combined Type)患者(221位男生,84.7%),151位ADHD注意力不足型(ADHD-Inattentive Type)患者(128位男生,84.8%) 以及161位對照組受試(124位男生,77.0%)。測量工具包括: 1)中文版K-SADS-E 臨床診斷會談,2) 中文版短式柯能氏家長版/教師版量表,3) 中文版注意力不足過動症 (SNAP-IV)父母/教師量表,4) 柯能氏持續表現作業,5) 時間再製雙重作業,6) 魏氏兒童智力量表中文版第三版。 結果:1) 相較於對照組受試,ADHD患者有較快的μ以及較大的σ與τ,並且τ的效果量最大,與過去的研究相符。2) ISI/Block增加,皆會使得ADHD患者在τ的增加量顯著大於對照組受試;但ISI放慢會使得個體的μ變慢,Block增加卻只會影響ADHD患者的μ加快;ADHD患者與對照組在σ的差異只在ISI的變化,在Block中的σ沒有顯著組別差異。3) 從行為量表與參數的關係,τ與ADHD患者的核心症狀普遍具有關連性;在CCPT的錯誤反應與參數的關係發現μ與誤判錯誤,τ與漏判錯誤的關係最為密切。4) 在ADHD亞型的比較,ADHD-C患者在μ顯著快於ADHD-IA患者,但是兩組在τ沒有顯著的差異。5) ADHD亞型在時間再製作業同樣受到時距與作業複雜度的影響,當時距愈長(17秒)與對照組有顯著差異。再者,τ是解釋時間估計變異量中最重要的參數。6) 在兒童與青少年期的比較,ADHD患者與對照組在τ的差異沒有改變。不過在青少年期ADHD亞型在μ皆顯著比對照組快,但是在σ沒有差異。 討論:本研究不但釐清ADHD患者的反應時間特性,也支持認知能量模式對於ADHD患者病理的描述。再者,研究也發現ADHD不同亞型具有類似的能量調節缺損的歷程,他們在時間知覺作業的結果也支持注意力資源與能量調節具有理論的複核效度,在不同發展時期的比較也再次顯示τ是ADHD患者與對照組受試的主要差異。本研究認為ex-Gaussian參數是估計認知能量模式中的能量庫的適當測量方式,並可藉由認知能量的病理模式建構介入與治療的方向。 / Background: Literature documents that the reaction time (RT) assessed by a variety of neuropsychological tasks is typically both slower and more variable in individuals with attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) than the controls. Some studies further lent evidence to support a relationship between the RT patterns and the difficulty of effort regulation in ADHD. Objectives: 1) To explore the moderating effects from effort regulation (the inter-stimulus intervals (ISI) and Block) on three parameters (μ, σ, τ) of ex-Gaussian distribution of the reaction time of the Conner’s Continuous Performance Test (CCPT) among individuals with ADHD as compared with the controls; 2) To examine the association between the ex-Gaussian parameters and ADHD symptoms and the response errors in the CCPT to infer the psychological meanings of ex-Gaussian parameters (μ, σ, and τ); 3) To understand effort regulation for the ADHD-Combined Type (ADHD-C) and ADHD-Inattentive Type (ADHD-IA) by examining the relationship between effort regulation process (ISI and Block effects) and ex-Gaussian parameters (μ, σ, and τ); 4) To compare the performance in the time reproduction dual tasks and its relationship with ex-Gaussian parameters (μ, σ, and τ) among the ADHD-C, ADHD-IA, and controls; 5) To examine the developmental change of ex-Gaussian parameters (μ, σ, and τ) and to test the difference among the two age groups (adolescent vs. child) with three diagnostic groups (ADHD-C, ADHD-IA, and controls) on ex-Gaussian parameters. Methods: We assessed 261 participants with DSM-IV ADHD-C (221 Boys, 84.7%), 151 participants with ADHD-IA (128 Boys, 84.8%), and 161 typically developing controls (124 Boys, 77.0%). Their age ranged from 6 to 16 years old. All the participants and their parents were interviewed with the Chinese version of the Kiddie Epidemiologic Version of the Schedule for Affective Disorders and Schizophrenia to confirm the psychiatric diagnosis of ADHD and other psychiatric disorders. Participants also received the Chinese versions of the Conners’ Parent Rating Scale-revised: Short Form (CPRS-R: S), the Conners’ Teacher Rating Scale-revised: Short Form (CTRS-R: S), the Swanson, Nolan, and Pelham, version IV scale (SNAP-IV)-Parent/Teacher Forms, the Time Perception Single and Dual Tasks, the CCPT and Intelligence (WISC-Ⅲ). Results: Participants with ADHD had a smaller μ and larger σ and τ with the largest effect sizes from τ. As ISI/Block increased, the magnitude of greater τ in participants with ADHD than controls increased. As the ISI increased, μ became slower in both groups; as the Block increased, μ became smaller only noted in participants with ADHD. There were significant group differences (ADHD/control) in σ estimation across different ISIs rather than in different Block levels. Regarding the association between ADHD symptoms and ex-Gaussian parameters (μ, σ, and τ), only τ was related to ADHD symptoms. Moreover, μ was correlated with commission errors of the CCPT; τ was correlated with omission errors of the CCPT. ADHD subtypes analysis revealed that participants with ADHD-C had smaller μ than participants with ADHD-IA without significant difference in τ; there was no subtype difference in time reproduction but the differences between the ADHD and control groups were magnified with increased time intervals and task complexity. Moreover, the variance of the time reproduction performance can be explained well by τ. As to the developmental comparison (children vs. adolescents), larger τ in participants with ADHD than control participants did not vary between child and adolescent participants. On the other hand, there were development changes in μ and σ estimates. For example, adolescents with ADHD had smaller μ than the controls without group difference in σ. Discussion: This study contributes not only to our understanding about RT in ADHD, but also to provide evidence to support the Cognitive-Energetic Model for ADHD. The findings also demonstrated similar compensation in effort regulation between the ADHD-C and ADHD-IA. Moreover, the findings support the cross-validity between time perception and effort regulation. Among the three ex-Gaussian parameters, τ is the most significant index to differentiate ADHD from non-ADHD. Finally, this study provides strong evidence to support the ex-Gaussian parameter as an appropriate method to assess the energetic pool of the Cognitive-Energetic Model for ADHD. A theoretical model for intervention can be established by taking the pathological model of Cognitive-Energetic Model for ADHD as reference.

無線感測器網路中利用調整偵測範圍達到延長網路生命週期之方法 / Prolong Network Lifetime by Detection Range Adjustment in Wireless Sensor Networks

李翰宗, Lee,Hon-Chung Unknown Date (has links)
在無線感測器網路中,由於感測器電池的不可替換性,有效的能源管理是一項重要的研究議題。既然通訊及偵測都會消耗感測器的能量,減少多餘偵測範圍的重疊,及降低重覆資料(duplicate data)的影響,可有效節省能量,延長網路生命週期。於本研究中,我們提出VERA (Voronoi dEtection Range Adjustment),利用分散式Voronoi diagram演算法劃分各感測器負責監控的區域,並利用基因演算法計算每個感測器最合適的偵測範圍以節省能量,延長網路生命週期。此外,我們亦考慮偵測能力的限制,在減少感測器偵測範圍重疊的同時,也避免某些區域的偵測能力低於門檻值。在實驗模擬的部份,我們利用模擬系統驗證所提出的方法是否能有效降低各感測器偵測範圍的重疊性,並因偵測範圍降低而導致duplicate data的減少和整個感測器網路總能量耗損的減少。末了,也將驗證本方法是否能延長無線感測器網路的生命週期和達到滿足偵測機率的最低保證。 / In the wireless sensor networks, the batteries are not replaceable, efficient power management thus becomes an important research issue. Since both communication and detection consume energy, if we can largely decrease the overlaps among detection ranges and reduce the duplicate data then we can save the energy effectively. This will thus prolong the network lifetime. In this research, we propose a Voronoi dEtection Range Adjustment (VERA) method that utilizes distributed Voronoi diagram to delimit the responsible area for each sensor, and utilize Genetic Algorithm to compute the most suitable detection range for each sensor. As we try to decrease the detection ranges, we still guarantee to meet the lower bound of the sensor detection probability. Simulations showed that our method can decrease the redundant overlaps among detection ranges, minimize energy consumption, and prolong the lifetime of the whole network effectively.

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