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薪酬委員會組成及品質與代理問題之關聯性 / The association between the composition and quality of compensation committee and agency problem周盈萱, Chou, Ying Hsuan Unknown Date (has links)
最近 2011 年才強制上市櫃及興櫃公司設置薪酬委員會,目的在於希望藉由薪
持股行為之上市櫃公司,其薪酬委員會品質愈差。 / The compensation committee plays an important role in enhancing cooperate governance. The purpose of the compensation committee is not only to administer and evaluate the company's compensation policies for the board of directors, but also to set appropriate and supportable pay programs for the CEO and other executive officers of the company. The existence of compensation committee is common in developed countries, but was just required in Taiwan since 2011. Therefore, this paper mainly focuses on the composition of compensation committee and its quality associated with agency problem. By using sample of 1,440 listed companies in Taiwan, the result shows that government-owned corporations tend to have a higher proportion of their compensation committee members from academic background; companies ruled by managers tend to have a higher proportion of their compensation committee members with business background; the higher the proportion of institutional investors in the company, the higher the proportion of the compensation committee members possess both academic and business experience. In addition, CEO’s shareholding and institutional investors’ shareholding are positively associated with the quality of the compensation committee. However, the cash flow right is negatively associated with the quality of the compensation committee; a company with cross-shareholding characteristic is also negatively associated with the quality of the compensation committee.
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薪資報酬委員會之法制研究 / The research of Compensation committee吳姿函 Unknown Date (has links)
自從2008 年金融海嘯開始,我國證券交易所為強化上市公司董監酬金資訊揭露,故於公開資訊觀測站「公司治理專區」項下,公布公司連續2年度稅後虧損,但董事、監察人酬金總額或平均每位董事、監察人酬金卻增加的上市公司。然此公開方式卻仍無法阻止當公司連續虧損時,董事、監察人酬金總額仍大幅度地增加之弊端。因此我國於2010 年11 月5 日經立法院三讀通過,將薪酬委員會增訂於證券交易法第14 條之6,並於同年11 月24 日公布施行。強制所有上市櫃公司皆應設置並將其具體細部規範,授權行政院金融監督管理委員會訂定「股票上市或於證券商營業處所買賣公司薪資報酬委員會設置及行使職權辦法」。本論文欲針對薪酬委員會現行法制上之缺失及法律問題作一詳細之探討,日後若薪酬委員會進行修法,希冀能有所助益。
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我國上市、上櫃公司設置薪酬委員會對企業績效與董事薪酬之影響 / The Establishment of Remuneration Committee in a TSEC/GTSM Listed Company toward the Impact of Corporate Performance and Director Compensation黃源福, Huang, Yuan Fu Unknown Date (has links)
根據公開資訊觀測站「公司治理專區」揭露上市公司2011年度稅後虧損,惟董監事酬金卻反而增加之相關資訊,共有智寶、誠創、茂矽等28家上市公司2011年度虧損,但平均每位董監事酬金卻不減反增;另外,全台、龍邦董事酬金則高過2011年全公司總獲利。2011年03月18日,行政院金融監督管理委員會證券期貨局依據增訂證券交易法第十四條之六條文,正式訂定發佈「股票上市或於證券商營業處所買賣公司薪資報酬委員會設置及行使職權辦法」,規定上市/櫃、興櫃公司實收資本額100億元以上者,須於2011年9月30日前設置薪酬委員會(Remuneration Committee);未達100億元者則須於2011年12月31日前設置完成。本研究主要探討強制設置薪酬委員會對企業經營績效與董事薪酬水準之影響。設置薪酬委員會有助於企業績效之提升;在薪酬委員會監督下則會降低董事薪酬水準;且經營績效越高的企業,設置薪酬委員會對降低董事薪酬水準的影響也越大。
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銀行薪酬委員會之功能探討 / Functions of Banking Remuneration Committee謝集瑩 Unknown Date (has links)
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薪酬委員會品質是否會抑制公司進行租稅規避行為? / Whether compensation committee quality will reduce tax avoidance in Taiwan?呂瑋釬, Lyu, Wei Han Unknown Date (has links)
本文主要目的為探討經理人現金薪酬受到薪酬委員會品質影響時,是否會影響公司進行租稅規避行為。本文以當期有效稅率、現金有效稅率、總財稅差異以及永久性財稅差異衡量公司之租稅規避,而薪酬委員會品質衡量則依據Sun and Cahan (2009)所提出之方式衡量,並計算出各公司的薪酬委員會品質分數。研究期間為2012年至2014年之上市櫃公司,但不含產業性質特殊之金融業公司。其實證結果發現經理人現金薪酬與公司進行租稅規避行為呈顯著正相關,但加入薪酬委員會品質時,發現受到薪酬委員會品質影響之經理人現金薪酬與公司租稅規避行為呈顯著負相關,其結果顯示,當薪酬委員會品質越佳時,公司越不會進行租稅規避行為。
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薪酬委員會設置對家族企業之影響 / The Impact of Compensation Committee on the Relationship between Family Firms翁郁媚, Weng, Yu Mei Unknown Date (has links)
本研究結果顯示產業龍頭公司有設置薪酬委員會、公司規模、股東權益報酬率及董事會之獨立性與自願設置薪酬委員會呈現正相關。另外,家族企業相較於非家族企業而言公司價值較低,設置薪酬委員會後公司價值差距變小,但是未達統計上的顯著,亦即,設置薪酬委員會對家族企業的效益及非家族企業的效益沒有顯著差異。 / In order to enhance corporate governance, the R.O.C. Securities and Exchange Act was amended in 2010 to force listed companies to establish a Compensation Committee by the end of 2011. First, this study is to investigate which determinants may encourage companies to voluntarily establish the compensation committee. Then, we investigate whether setting compensation committee or not can increase firm value in family firms more than non-family firms. Because of few volunteers, we can’t use difference-in-difference.
The results implicate that voluntary formation of compensation committee is associated with leading enterprise in industry which establishes compensation committee, greater size of the firms, higher return on equity and higher independence of the board of directors. In addition, on comparing Compensation Committees established or not, there appears to be no significant correlation with firm value between family firms and non-family firms.
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薪酬委員會的特性與參與程度對薪酬績效敏感度之影響黃韻如, Huang, Yun Ru Unknown Date (has links)
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