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小組知識翻新活動中的設計思考與創造力表現:以個案研究為例 / Fostering design thinking capacity and creativity through group knowledge building: A case study林倍伊 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在探討在知識翻新學習原則(principles)的引導下小組學生如何進行生活科技產品的設計活動。運用Rhodes(1961)所提出4P(place, process, product, person)做為理論概念與分析架構,本研究首先探討知識翻新環境(place)是否支持以想法為中心的線上知識翻新學習、設計思考歷程(process)的發展,與促進設計產品(product)時創造性想法的產生;其次探討知識翻新環境與學生個人(people/ person)創造力(包括在擴散性思考、創造性人格、創意生活經驗上的表現)的關係;此外本研究也進一步分析各小組在想法參與及改進的表現,進行個案討論。
研究對象為某國立大學修習生活科技概論課程的38位大學生,以小組為單位進行以想法為中心的知識翻新學習與科技產品的設計活動,每組4至5人,共分成8組。本研究用「知識論壇」作為支持以想法為中心的知識翻新數位學習環境,學生在知識翻新原則的引導下,自主進行問題解決與產品設計。相關活動如:從生活中觀察所欲改善的生活科技問題(authentic problems)以進行新產品的設計;在知識論壇上提出多元想法(idea diversity)並進行小組成員間的協作互動;及針對較可行的想法再加以改進(idea improvement)等;最後,再將想法實踐於所設計的產品概念上並在期末發表成果。資料來源包含:(1)知識翻新環境支持知識翻新學習程度(包括「社群知識」、「知識自主學習」和「不斷精進想法」三面向)的評分;(2)小組在知識論壇的想法發展歷程及面對面討論的錄影資料;(3)小組所設計的產品評分,另有輔助產品概念呈現的心智圖之前後測;(4)個人創造力前後測、個人創造性人格量表、個人創意生活經驗量表。利用個案研究方法,同時分析個人與小組的表現。
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顯示卡產品商業模式與服務設計之整合 / Integrating Service Design into VGA Business Model黃俊榮, Huang, Chun-Jung Unknown Date (has links)
本研究闡述了為因應PC整體市場的逐漸萎縮,以個案公司所處的顯示卡產業如何透過4D服務設計(Service Design)的邏輯及設計思考(Design Thinking)的系統思維,替現有的商業模式(Business Model)詮釋出另一符合未來需求的新商業模式。透過以人為本之價值共創的服務設計模型,確認相關的利害關係人,並實際訪談各利害關係人後,深入分析使用者潛在問題及需求,以不同視角來找出創新的洞見(Insight)。依據此洞見來發展可行的方案,並展開成為完整的服務系統,再將此服務系統雛型具體化產出後進行風險分析。最終的研究結果訴諸以形塑出新的商業模式來具體呈現。
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設計思考(Design Thinking) 於創新擴散之體現 / Design Thinking in Diffusion of Innovations林雅軒, Lin, Ya Hsuan Unknown Date (has links)
設計思考是強調以人為本的創新,透過同理心之觀察、研究,全盤發想整體的創新對策來解決最根本的議題,並以原型製作輔助闡述,創造出新組合和跨領域解決方案,最終達到策略商業設計的目的(Strategic business design)。
本研究以創新的擴散為研究架構,結合台灣企業實務導入之經驗,與相關領域專家訪談,希望能對台灣企業面臨之挑戰提供建議。 / What is “Design Thinking”? Design thinking is the human-centered innovation that focuses on the issues of observation, accurate definition and early test. Through these processes with empathy base, we are able to come up with a total innovation strategy which solves the fundamental problems. With the help of prototyping, design thinking creates a whole new interdisciplinary innovation achieving the ambition of strategic business design.
This system which includes manufacture- oriented abilities and tech-oriented concepts is inadequate for the fierce competition what we live in. Design thinking makes us return to human nature by methodologies of sociology and anthropology. In addition, open brainstorming provides an innovative way for new product development, new service or even organization reforms.
This research bases on the “Diffusion of Innovations” written by Everett M. Rogers, and the experiences gained from practical execution of industry and experts, hoping it would give some advice on dealing with nowadays challenges.
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永續城市規劃整合模型之建置 / The establishment of sustainable urban planning integrated model黃百富, Hwang, Bair Fuh Unknown Date (has links)
關鍵詞:生態城市規劃流程、設計思考、永續城市規劃 / During the past two decades, the low-carbon-emission and sustainability should be the two most important issues of urban planning, while all the theory and technical approach related to urban planning are enhanced increasingly sophisticated. Taiwan government is also engaged in this trend. For actively responding to the responsibility as an international citizen, energy saving, carbon reduction, and green sustainable development are requested as key issues of government tenders. Facing these international challenges, how engineering consultancy to develop the integrated planning capability through design thinking process to resolve environmental sustainability and low-carbon agenda, is the principal motive and purpose of this research.
Based on the EU eco-city planning process, the integrated planning standard process is established through the concept of design thinking and practices. The global eco-city planning concept and scientific specific operation are both characteristics of this comprehensive planning procedure. Besides, through the practical exercises of Ping-tan conceptual master planning international competition, the design team is experienced how an innovation proposal could be created in this rigorous scientific procedure and the synergy of integrated planning.
Establishing the sustainable urban planning integrated model is the important result of this research. This model could evaluate the sustainability commitment of each planning alternatives. The model is developed with the main framework of the EU eco-city planning process and detailed indicators of EEWH-EC model. Taking into account the international forward-looking thought and compatible with the local EEWH-EC model are two significant characteristic of this integrated model. This integrated model is functionally developed into two versions, rapid assessment and detailed assessment, to cope with the different scale of planning tasks. In addition, the rapid assessment version is implemented for the Qi-Dong Riverside new district conceptual master planning project.
In this research, the design thinking initiated into urban planning process is a pioneering undertaking. The two findings of this research, integrated planning standard process and sustainable urban planning integrated model, are having innovation breakthrough each other in process and offering of urban planning. The further expansion of the model, Including professional assessment indicators refinement, computer programming implementation, and the output solution formation, will be continued. In the future, the model is expected to be optimized as an important tool for urban planning. It will be the best practice of corporate social responsibility for engineering consultancy.
eco-city planning process, design thinking, sustainable urban planning
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都市的五行循環-以基隆市中心的再生為例 / City from the cycle of five elements perspective-Downtown Keelung City's regeneration林姵君 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究以基隆市中心為研究範圍,由設計思考模式以發覺、發現、發想、發展四個過程,經由反覆的發散與收聚斂過程,透過城市五行循環與制約特性中建構出平衡機制,分別對標竿案例及研究案例做分析。在標竿案例以美國紐約High Line Park經由城市五行分析其轉化歷程發現其成功是來自於多向的平衡機制。而在研究案例以基隆市中心區域分析在城市五行運行中所導出的問題及找出問題背後的關連性,透過城市五行診斷及分析為基隆市中心的再生提出具體建議。最後經由案例分析中驗證城市五行的歸屬。 / Keelung, a trading seaport boomed in late nineteenth century under the Japanese colonial era, seems still having its former glamour and busy days in the eyes of an old Japanese grandma, who just embarked from a docked cruise liner at the port in present day. Due to the change of core industrial transformation in Taiwan and the raise of other ports, Keelung is no longer the only trading seaport in the region. It has transformed to a popular cruise line destination from the recent increase in the tourism business demand. Contrast to other global cities’ modern and urban movements, Keelung looks like a city staying unchanged from its earlier days. Also because of this frozen in time, the city was able to preserve its charms and geographic terrain.
During the recent decades, design thinking and creativity have been the leading model for city development. The intention behind was to create a design concept from a different thought process. Urban development is no longer targeting massive development and construction nor valued by the economic growth. Instead it is focusing on residents’ interactions within and the quality of life for the community. A city is transforming into local communities; and trying to find a balance between its value and price, between conservation and development, and between past and future.
The scope of this project is downtown Keelung City. Use design thinking to review the project in four stages: Discover, Define, Develop, and Deliver. From repeated divergence and convergence processes, through the cycle of five elements (in the city) with mutual generation and mutual restriction properties, a balance was formed. The comparison analysis was conducted between the High Line Park Project and this Keelung City Project. First, utilizing the five elements in the city, it was found that the success of the High Line Park project was due to a formed balance between these five. Second, the Keelung City project emphases on using the cycle of five elements to diagnose and analyze the problems and the connections between these problems among smaller sections of the downtown area. In addition, through the diagnosis and analysis, a recommendation was outlined for the Keelung City regeneration. Finally, detailed cases of the project confirm the matching category between the five elements and the city.
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促進服務設計洞見發現之系統研究 / IT-facilitated Insight Discovery in Service Design謝沛剛, Hsieh, Pei Kang Unknown Date (has links)
近數十年來,服務經濟蓬勃發展,使得服務設計在各個產業中嶄露頭角,也帶動了製造型企業進行轉型的浪潮。要設計一個令使用者滿意的服務需要對使用者深入的了解。然而,要從使用者身上得到洞見(insights)必須倚賴服務設計師的經驗及能力,對於經驗較少的設計師以及產品導向思維的企業是相當困難的。過去雖然已有許多探討設計師能力的研究,但對於如何以資訊系統輔助服務設計的過程仍鮮少有研究。本研究首先建構服務設計師在做洞見發現(insight discovery)時,會如何操作他們的認知模型(mental imagery)來讓資料變成有意義的資訊,接著提出一個以 ConceptNet 為知識庫的資訊系統 - Discover+ 來輔助這個過程。另外,我們也提出了洞見深度地圖(Insight Depth Map),作為衡量洞見影響力的模型。期望本研究能對於服務設計及設計管理的領域有所貢獻,也希望能幫助所有的服務設計師。 / Service economy has been under the spotlight during past decades as well as design thinking has been widely promoted in recent years. Developing a desirable service needs in-depth understanding to customers. However, in the past, discovering insights from customers usually depends on designers’ experiences. It’s hard to do it well for novice designers as well as enterprises with G-D logic mindsets. Although some researches have been done on designers’ ability, little information is available on information technology facilitating the service design process. In this research, we propose an IT artifact with the commonsense knowledge in ConceptNet to facilitate the insight discovery process. We also propose a concept of insight depth which can be a measurement of the influential extent of insights. This research is believed to shed light on both the management and design field for services. We expect this can help no matter who are designing services.
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設計服務e傳遞-以本體論為基礎之協同互動演化機制 / A Design e-Service Delivery with an Ontology-Based Cooperative/Interactive Co-Evolutionary Mechanism錡慧珊, Chi, Hui Shan Unknown Date (has links)
由於資訊科技的發展,提供顧客商品與服務的溝通等價值觀也隨之改變,新興服務業是依賴網際網路和資訊技術所發展而來的,全球產業結構呈現出“工業型經濟”向“服務型經濟”轉型的總趨勢,服務逐步被重視。人類社會第四次的革命“服務革命”,就是服務科學,社會和技術共同演進的科學,以資訊科技為基礎改革服務整體。加上網路效應,讓人們可以透過共同設計思考,為世界帶來創意及新事物的催化劑,將跨領域的人才結合起來,利用群策群力及不同領域的思考藝術互相激盪,激發出創意。將這些觀點整合起來,提出一個共同創造服務的架構,讓人們在獲得服務的同時,也參與創造服務,得到服務的最佳化。本研究透過服務科學的服務組成、服務流程、以及服務價值三方面來探討,並採用結合協同式共同演化基因演算法、互動式基因演算法所組合成的協同互動式共同演化基因演算法,以共同演化的方式,達到使用者的設計需求。系統共分四大模組:設計問題定義模組、設計建議模組、協同互動式共同演化模組、評估模組,將設計思考、共同創作並演化的概念,並透過互動式基因演算法修正適應函數評估的偏差,讓顧客設計過程中,得到最佳化的服務。本系統之預期貢獻分為:(1)利用服務科學創新設計服務e化傳遞。(2)為服務科學提供應用典範與原件發展方向。 / The notion of service science addresses the use of information technology to reform services in terms of designing thinking and value co-production, bringing the catalyst of the innovation to the service world. This paper proposes a novel e-service platform about interior design featuring (semi-)automated mutualism of co-produced values. This platform encompasses a few autonomous cognitive learning components to guarantee effective accomplishment of reaching a user's design demand. These components include models of interior design concepts, cooperative co-evolutionary genetic algorithm (CGA) and interactive genetic algorithm (IGA). The intended contributions of this platform are two-folds: (1) Showcase an intelligent service design as characterized by the sixth quadrant of Figure1. (2) Provide some intelligent service design components (e.g., CICGA) for unfolding future systematic service innovation in service science.
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當設計來敲門:臺灣文具業者以設計力創新打造風格競爭力 / The pursuit of design: Build the magic power of style via design-driven innovation吳俊瑩, Wu, Jyun Ying Unknown Date (has links)
本研究探討臺灣文具業者開發意義創新產品的思考想法,從如何賦予產品新的意義,以及如何設計產品樣式,到如何運用意義創新產品打造新生活風格。以Verganti提出的設計力創新為理論基礎,融合Brown的設計思考,以及劉維公的生活風格定義與風格競爭力描述,整理成研究架構。本研究採取解釋性個案研究法,選取偷花(歲時紀)、Micia美日手藝館(Mini Cute印章)、好幫手彩藝(UBook)三家企業個案進行深入訪談,了解企業個案設計意義創新產品的整體歷程。
最後依據結論給予臺灣文具業者開發意義創新產品的建議,臺灣文具業者宜多研究文具產品於各種生活脈絡中的使用情形,挖掘產品潛在的新意義;在產品樣式設計過程,宜擁有設計自主權,並招募擁有設計管理與行銷管理的跨領域人才,控管意義創新產品的開發流程;宜發展各種美學體驗形式,宣傳意義創新產品,但也必須設想意義創新產品在無人解說的實體通路該如何因應。 / The The Taiwanese stationery industry has developed over more than 60 years, and both the market and the competition have changed a lot in that time. Many foreign stationery companies began operating in Taiwan, and companies in China and Southeast Asia are getting into the world market with lower-price stationery. Due to the decrease of birth rate and the trend of computerization, the market opportunity for physical stationery has decreased by 30% within the last five years. Consumer demand for sustainable products and packaging forces the industry to think innovatively about their products. After being satisfied with the basic needs in life, consumers are looking for a higher level of emotional and spiritual satisfaction from their non-essential purchases. What is the next step for the Taiwanese stationery industry? Recent developments in the Japanese stationery industry provide a good example of how innovation within an industry can lead to increased customer satisfaction by creating New-Meaning Products. A New-Meaning Product is realized when a well-known product with a specific function is integrated with additional form and function in a new way. For example, a video game console which can encourage kids to exercise is a New-Meaning Product. In many cases, the New-Meaning Product can have a powerful effect on the customer's lifestyle.
This thesis discusses the process of developing New-Meaning Products by The Taiwanese stationery industry. This process ranges from how to redefine the stationery, design the prototype, and create a new lifestyle for the customer with New-Meaning Products. The research structure is based on Verganti’s design-driven innovation theory, Brown’s design thinking, and Wei-Gong Liu’s definition of lifestyle and the description of the magic power of style. This thesis applies the method of Explanatory Case Study and chooses three business cases – Flowerthief (Chronology Schedule Book), Micia (Mini Cute Stamp), and UBook (UBook) – to do further research and discussion to understand the innovation process of New-Meaning Products.
The conclusions of the business cases analysis are as below. At the step of innovation program planning, the product design team would observe the extreme users, and search for the valuable insights and ideas. In addition, they list enterprise value as the main assessment to derive New-Meaning Products. At the step of product design, in order to keep the consistency of the concept of the new meaning and core value of the products before and after manufacturing, the company holds the decision-making power of design. To gain market recognition, they develop the product content based on the life cultural topics the consumers like, and provide the practical functions behind the product original meaning. At the step of lifestyle proposal, they construct variable types of aesthetics experience based on the New-Meaning Product, peripheral products, and interactive field to help consumers understand the New-Meaning Product and enterprise value. The New-Meaning Products has developed new consumer market for product recognition. However, the lack of product exposition will have negative impact on sales performance.
This thesis sums up by giving advice to the Taiwanese stationery industry on the development of a New-Meaning Product. First, the Taiwanese stationery companies should research more about the usage of stationery in all aspects of life, and explore the potential meaning in the existing products. To maximize the potential to create New-Meaning Products, the companies should retain decision-making power during the product design process, hire talent with design and marketing management experience, and prudently monitor the sustainability of their products. Lastly, they should pioneer marketing techniques to establish an emotional and spiritual link between the potential consumers and the new-meaning products, enabling customers to visualize the lifestyle benefits that the New-Meaning Products can provide.
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