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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Environmental Integration in Sustainable Urban Planning from an Institutional Perspective : A Study of Swedish and Chinese Eco-City Development

Yin, Ying January 2014 (has links)
The continuously rising attention to and practice of eco-city development in Sweden and China, as well as the countries’ active cooperation has motivated this study and the exploration of eco-city development in these two countries. In eco-city development, diverse environmental issues may well be beyond the planning sector’s capacity and need to be resolved elsewhere by other authorities and agencies in such areas as energy, water and traffic. This may in practice require the reframing of certain institutions to ensure that relevant sector authorities, scientific institutions and actors have responsibilities for integrative tasks and can cooperate effectively. The study aims to investigate how institutional conditions affect environmental integration in urban planning. The approach used is the exploration of how different institutional conditions promote and/or hinder environmental integration by the examination of four examples of eco-city development in Sweden and China. Based on theories of institutions, Environmental Policy Integration (EPI) and sustainable urban planning, an analytical framework is used to describe institutional conditions related to formal rulemaking, informal rules and administrative management and organizations. Formal rules provide framework and legitimacy for guiding and enforcing actors in the practice of realizing environmental integration in urban planning. Meanwhile, informal rules; i.e. wills, interests, understanding and knowledge, could considerably affect the design of formal rules and how they are to be implemented. Administrative management and organization serve to realize environmental integration following the formal rules, but the informal institutional conditions of e.g. officials’ interests, understanding, knowledge and experience, as well as political support, affect the organizations’ performance and abilities for implementation, which in turn also largely depends on the specific organizational settings. All three need to be combined to achieve environmental integration in sustainable urban planning, since each one has its own strengths and weaknesses and they gradually affect each other in practices. / <p>QC 20140908</p>

A Study on the Future Sustainability of Sejong, South Korea's Multifunctional Administrative City, Focusing on Implementation of Transit Oriented Development

Kang, Jeongmuk January 2012 (has links)
Since the appearance of steam engines in the late 18th century, cities have been growing with the development of transportation and the consequent increase of its urban population and economic activities. Presently, cities accommodate more than half of the world population and are expected to be responsible for 73% of the world’s energy use in 2030. Cities come to the fore as a problem, being also the roots of solution for current environment and energy-related problems. The Transit-Oriented Development (TOD) and Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) systems applied in Latin American cities have shown the possibility of establishing efficient urban transport networks and sustainable urban structures at low cost. Meanwhile, Asian cities are anticipated to accommodate 54% of the world urban population by 2050. Sejong city, South Korea is the newest planned city in the region aiming to see its completion in 2030. The aim of this paper is to assess the future urban sustainability of Sejong city by analyzing first the Master Plan of the construction of the city in accordance with PEBOSCA (Physical, Economical, Biological, Organizational, Social, Cultural, and Aesthetical) resources, and second its implementation in general with a focus on the expected role of Transit-Oriented Development in particular looking at BRT. Putrajaya’s case is referred for anticipated shortcomings which Sejong should be prepared for. Secondary data and interpretations from books and articles regarding contemporary urban problems are comprehensively reviewed to systemically analyze the influences of implementation of TOD upon urban sustainability. This study revealed that planned actions derived from TOD will play an important role in resolving urban problems in Sejong city by relieving urban traffic congestion, CO2 emission and fossil fuel consumption. And systemic influences on improvement of business activities, government tax income, social activities and equity, and olfactory quality of the city are expected. Therefore, TOD is deemed to be a better option for existing cities and is necessary for newly developing planned cities in Asia and Africa.

The life and death of urban highways : A methodological approach towards the transformation of Enköpingsvägen in Sundbyberg / Livet före och efter urbana motorvägar : Ett metodologiskt angreppssätt till omvandlingen av Enköpingsvägen i Sundbyberg

Grimell, Ola January 2013 (has links)
Through a methodological approach this project examines possibilites for a more flexible and direct citizien participation within the framework of an urban design project. Allthroughout the process opportunities to influence the progressing workflow is exemplified by recurring phases of participation. The case study of examining the transformation of a motorized highway into an urban street network also serves as an interesting plattform which from an analytical perspective presents a variety of different presets that exposes valuable assets for the development.

Designing a certification system for sustainable urban areas : Key considerations and their implications for the development of Citylab Post-Construction

Lind, Jonas January 2019 (has links)
In future development dealingwith ongoing global urbanisation and sustainability challenges,urban development is often seen asa key component. To support urban development, various certification systems that define 'sustainable'buildingsor urban areashave been developed world-wide.For a Swedishcontext, Sweden Green Building Council (SGBC) has developed Citylab as asupporttool forsustainable urban development. This tool contains several certification systems and a guiding document forthe planning and construction phasesof urban development. The intention from start has been to include also a certification systemfocusing on follow-up requirementspost-construction inurban development projects, butthe role and function of thiscertification system havenotbeenspecifiedby SGBC. Inthis licentiate thesis,Researchthrough Design (RtD) and a transdisciplinary approachwere appliedto contribute to thedevelopment ofa credibleandready-to-use certification system for sustainable urban areas in a post-construction phase, called Citylab Post-Construction.Through that process the thesis also identifieskey considerations when designing such a certification system.There is little information on how existingcertification systemsfor sustainable urban development were developed,andthere is no well-known and widely used framework for their development. To guide the development of Citylab Post-Construction,a framework of key considerations was formulated,based on a literature review. The framework defines(1) benefits a certification system should provide, (2) principles it needs to fulfil in order to provide those benefits and (3) how to handle the principlesin the developmentprocess. Using theframework in the research presentedinthis thesis madeit clearer what was at stake in each decision and thus the development process more transparent.To identify needs and ideas forCitylabPost-Construction, potential future users of the certification systemwere interviewed. No consensus was reached regarding the role and function the certification system should have,but fouralternatives wereformulated. By comparing thesealternatives with the principles in the framework, differences and shortcomingswere identified. Situationsin whichdifferent principles within the framework may conflict with each otherwere also identified, e.g.the most scientifically credible solution may not always be practically feasible. Thus,the principles cannot all be fulfilled simultaneouslyand mustbe prioritisedand balancedagainst each other. Overall, thisrevealed aneed for deliberativeand transparent decisions regardingthe role and functionofthecertification system,and which principles are prioritisedin decision-making. For the specific case of developing CitylabPost-Construction, it was decided that the system should assess how urban areasperform in terms of sustainability, i.e.assess whether implemented measures have sufficient impact in terms of sustainability. Measures implemented to achieve that performance were not to be included in the assessment.Citylab Post-Construction includes two types of indicatorsfor evaluatingthe sustainability performance of an urban area: First, general indicators that assess sustainability aspects of relevance to all urban areas,and for which the level of performance required forcertification is the same for all urban areas;second,site-specificindicatorsthatareformulatedfor each individual urban areato be certifiedandassesssustainability aspectsimportantin the local context thatare not covered by the general indicators. When choosinggeneral indicators to include in Citylab Post-Construction, indicators already used in different contextswere long-listed, including e.g. Agenda 2030, planetary boundariesand Sweden's Environmental Objectives. Thelist was then processedby working groups comprisingdifferentstakeholders and competencies. Theirsuggestionswerefurther processed by the project teamand discussedwith a reference group,resultingin15 indicators to be refinedtogetherwith experts in each subject area. The entire certification system wassent out for public consultationand underwent workshop testing,where the indicators were testedon two different urbanareas.Based on feedback fromthe public consultation and workshop testing, the certification system was finalised. The Citylab Post-Construction manual developed will be used by SGBC in future certification processes.Based on this work, some conclusions can be drawn regarding the development of certification systems. First, the workhighlighted the importance of using a design-driven and transdisciplinary way of working,starting with the needs of future users,to clarify needsthat the certification systemshould meet. This can help distinguish thetype of certification system that willbe developed from other potentialsystems.Second, the framework of important considerations helpsidentifydifferent principlesthat must be balanced, based on the type of certification system intended. The framework can also be used when analysingexisting systems,to reveal how different principles have been balanced and prioritised. This can lead toa deeper understanding of differences between certification systems,andto a discussion on what kind of assessment a certification system should implyand how they should be used in different contexts. Third,the work in this thesis indicated that development of certification systems in accordance with the framework should use a transdisciplinary approach. This helps tobalancetheprinciples in the framework and to definesustainability, as thatrequires a discussion between different actors and different competencies. To confirm whether the certification system balancesthe principlescorrectly, different types of tests can be used iteratively during the developmentprocess. In this thesis, the development ofCitylab Post-Constructionis discussed and justified in a more transparent way than for many other certification systems. Whileachievingsustainable development in society as a wholewill requiremore than certification of urban areas, Citylab Post-Construction can support urban development as a component in a sustainable society. / Med en pågående global urbanisering och växande hållbarhetsutmaningar lyfts ofta stadsutveckling fram som en nyckelfråga för att nå en hållbar utveckling. För att stötta ett sådant arbete har det under de senaste decennierna utvecklats olika certifieringssystem runt om i världen, som genom indikatorer och kriterier anger vad som kan anses vara en mer hållbar byggnad eller stadsdel. I Sverige har Sweden Green Building Council (SGBC) utvecklat Citylabsom stöd för hållbar stadsutveckling. Citylab innehåller flera certifieringssystem som fokuserar på planerings-och byggnationsfasen av stadsbyggnadsprocessen. Idén har också varit att Citylab ska innefatta en certifiering av uppföljningen efter genomfört stadsutvecklingsprojekt. Vad en sådan certifiering skulle innebära mer konkret har dock inte specificerats. Det är här denna licentiatavhandling tar sin utgångspunkt. Genom ett designdrivet ochtransdisciplinärt förhållningssätt syftar denna avhandling till att bidra i utvecklingen av Citylab –certifiering av en stadsdels hållbarhet(som den nya certifieringen inom Citylab heter), samt även öka förståelsen för hur utvecklingen av certifieringssystem kan gå till mer generellt. Även om det gjorts forskning på existerande certifieringssystem, saknas det idag ett etablerat ramverk för hur certifieringssystem bör tas fram. Det finns också få exempel på redovisningar av hur olika system tagits fram. För att bidra till utvecklingen inom detta område presenteras i denna avhandling ett ramverk över nyckelfaktorer att beakta i utvecklingen av ett certifieringssystem. Ramverket inkluderar (1) vilka värden ett certifieringssystem ska skapa, (2) vilka principer som måste följas för att nå värdena samt (3) hur utvecklingen bör ske för att hantera principerna på rätt sätt. Ramverket baseras på litteraturstudier av tidigare forskning inom certifieringssystem och indikatorer för hållbar stadsutveckling. Detta ramverk används sedan genom avhandlingen och dess artiklar för att tydliggöra hur Citylab –certifiering av en stadsdel hållbarhetutvecklats, inklusive motiven bakom de val som gjorts.För att skapa en större förståelse för vilka behov och idéer som fanns för Citylab –certifiering av en stadsdel hållbarhetgenomfördes intervjuer med framtida potentiella användare av certifieringssystemet, till exempel kommunala tjänstemän, fastighetsägare och byggföretag. Intervjuerna resulterade inte i någon samstämmighet för vilken typ av certifieringssystem som skulle utvecklas, utan det framkom flera alternativ som skiljde sig från varandra. Genom att jämföra alternativen med principerna i ramverket tydliggjordes skillnaderna mellan alternativen. Det tydliggjorde också hur olika principer inom ramverket kan hamna i konflikt med varandra, det är exempelvis svårt att skapa ett certifieringssystem som följer högt ställda vetenskapliga krav samtidigt som det är praktiskt enkelt att genomföra utan att vara kostnadsdrivande. Denna avhandling visar således på behovet av en prioritering och balansering mellan principerna i ramverket, så att det blir både tillräckligt vetenskapligt och praktiskt. Detta klargjorde i sin tur behovet av genomtänkta och transparenta beslut över vilken typ av certifieringssystem som skulle skapas, baserat på vilka principer som prioriterades för varje beslut. För utvecklingen av Citylab –certifiering av en stadsdels hållbarhetbeslutades det inom utvecklingsprojektet att systemets övergripande syfte skulle vara att bedöma hur stadsdelen presterade hållbarhetsmässigt, med andra ord, bedöma om genomförda åtgärder nått tillräcklig effekt vad gäller hållbarhet. Hur stadsdelen nått prestandan, inklusive vilka åtgärder som satts in, ingår inte i certifieringssystemets bedömning.För att utvärdera hållbarhetsprestandan hos en stadsdelinnehåller certifieringssystemet två typer av indikatorer. Den första typen är generella indikatorer som anger hållbarhetsaspekter som är relevanta för alla stadsdelar, och som harkravnivåer som alla stadsdelar ska uppnå. Den andra typen är platsspecifika indikatorer som tas fram för varje enskild stadsdel som ska certifieras, för att lyfta hållbarhetsfrågor som är viktiga i den lokala kontexten men som inte täcks in av de generella indikatorerna. För att välja vilka de generella indikatorerna ska vara i certifieringssystemet gjordes först en genomgång av indikatorer som redan används i olika sammanhang, till exempel Agenda 2030, planetära gränser och Sveriges miljömål. Denna lista bearbetades sedan av arbetsgrupper bestående av personer från olika aktörer inom samhällsbyggnadsbranschen och med olika kompetenser inom hållbarhet. Arbetsgruppernas arbete bearbetades ytterligare av projektgruppen för utvecklingen av certifieringssystemet och stämdes av med en referensgrupp kopplad till projektet. Detta ledde till en lista på 15 indikatorer som i nästa steg utvecklades tillsammans med experter inom respektive sakområde. Hela certifieringssystemet gick sedan ut på remiss, samt genomgick betatest där två olika stadsdelar testbedömdes övergripande i enlighet med certifieringssystemets krav. Utifrån synpunkterna som framkom i remiss och betatest slutfördes arbetet till en manual för certifiering, som SGBC kommer använda i framtida arbete med att certifiera stadsdelar.Utifrån detta arbete går det att dra flera slutsatser för utvecklingen av certifieringssystem mer allmänt. För det första visar denna avhandling på vikten av att använda ett designdrivet och transdisciplinärt arbetssätt genom att utgå från behoven hos kommande användare för att i nästa steg kunna tydliggöra vilket behov certifieringssystemet ska fylla för sina användare. Detta kan göras både för att tydliggöra vilken typ av certifieringssystem som ämnas utvecklas och vilket typ av system som det inteämnas vara. Vidare kan ramverket med dess principer vara ett bra stöd i att förstå vilka avvägningar som behöver göras mellan olika principer, baserat på vilken typ av certifieringssystem som ska skapas. Ramverket kan också användas vidanalys av redan existerande certifieringssystem utifrån hur olika principer har balanserats och prioriterats. Det kan ge intressanta analyser för en fortsatt diskussion om hur certifieringssystem skiljer sig från varandra och varför, samt hur certifieringssystem bör se ut och användas i olika sammanhang. En annan slutsats är att utvecklingen av certifieringssystem, i enlighet med ramverket, bör använda ett transdisciplinärt angreppssätt i linje med arbetet med denna avhandling. Detta då både balanseringen mellan principer i ramverket och definitionen av hållbarhet kräver en diskussion mellan olika aktörer och mellan olika kompetenser. Avhandlingen visar också på vikten av att testa idéer för utvecklingen iterativt under arbetet som en del i att möjliggöra transdisciplinärt samarbete. Utvecklingen av certifieringssystemet Citylab –certifiering av en stadsdels hållbarhet, får genom denna avhandling en tydligare redovisning än många andra certifieringssystem för vilka avvägningar och beslut som gjorts. Genom sina indikatorer definierar certifieringen stadsutvecklingens roll i ett hållbart samhälle, både generellt i hela Sverige och i den platsspecifika kontexten. / <p>QC 20191220</p>

Hållbarhet i urbaniseringens tid : En jämförelse av Nackas och Huddinges stadsplanering

Axelsson, Johanna, Halvdansson, Linnea January 2020 (has links)
Urbanization is a global trend that is constantly increasing. In Sweden, there are similar patterns where both population and urbanization are expected to increase significantly in the future, wherein cities contribute to several environmental problems, but can also account for many of the solutions. Increasing globalization makes sustainable urban development an important and urgent issue, which Sweden emphasizes the importance of through the national environmental goal "A Good Built Environment". In the mission to create a sustainable urban environment, the local level and thus the municipalities constitute an important part. To study and compare how Nacka and Huddinge municipalities plan for and prioritize sustainable urban development in their comprehensive plans, a qualitative content analysis has been performed. The results of the content analysis have been analyzed through the framework “Sustainable urban planning development framework'' developed by AlQahtany et al. (2013), where this essay has used the framework's four dimensions (environment, social, economy, planning) to answer the problem statements. The results show that the two researched municipalities have an integrated environmental work where all dimensions of the framework are represented in both municipalities’ comprehensive plans, and almost all categories although the distribution of them was usually uneven. The planning dimension was most commonly represented, followed by the social dimension, the environmental dimension and the economic dimension in both municipalities. The main differences between the municipalities' planning were that Nacka municipality had a greater focus on the social dimension compared to Huddinge municipality which had a greater focus on all the other dimensions. / Urbaniseringen är en global trend som konstant ökar och i Sverige återfinns samma mönster där både befolkningsmängd och urbaniseringen förväntas öka avsevärt framöver. Den ökande globaliseringen gör hållbar stadsutveckling till ett viktigt och angeläget problem, eftersom städer bidrar till flera miljöproblem, samtidigt som de även står för många av lösningarna. Även Sverige betonar vikten av hållbar stadsutveckling genom det nationella miljömålet “God bebyggd miljö”. I uppfyllnaden av en hållbar stadsmiljö utgör den lokala nivån och således kommunerna en viktig del. För att undersöka och jämföra uttryck av och prioriteringar inom hållbar stadsutveckling i Nackas och Huddinges översiktsplaner har en kvalitativ innehållsanalys utförts. Resultatet av innehållsanalysen har sedan analyserats utifrån ramverket “Sustainable urban planning development framework” utvecklat av AlQahtany et al. (2013), där uppsatsen har utgått ifrån ramverkets fyra dimensioner (miljö, social, ekonomi, planering) för att besvara frågeställningarna. Resultatet visar att kommunerna har ett integrerat miljöarbete där samtliga dimensioner av ramverket finns representerade i båda kommunernas översiktsplaner, och nästintill alla kategorier, även om fördelningen av dem oftast var ojämn. I båda kommunernas översiktsplaner var planeringsdimensionen mest förekommande, följt av den sociala dimensionen, miljödimensionen och den ekonomiska dimensionen. De främsta skillnaderna mellan kommunernas planering var att Nacka kommun hade större fokus på den sociala dimensionen än vad Huddinge kommun hade, samt att Huddinge hade större fokus på övriga dimensioner.

Evaluer les éco-quartiers : analyses comparatives internationales / Assessing sustainable neighborhoods : international comparative analysis

Doussard, Claire 01 December 2017 (has links)
Les éco-quartiers contribuent, depuis la fin du XXe siècle, à l'essor d'un modèle de ville durable à travers le monde. Cependant, si les grands principes théoriques du développement durable font relativement consensus à l'échelle internationale, les modalités de leur application au niveau local sont multiples et diverses. Suite à ce constat, de nombreux acteurs déploient dès la fin des années 2000 des référentiels de suivi et d'évaluation des éco-quartiers. Ces derniers permettent d'orienter la conception et la construction des quartiers durables tout en justifiant les choix retenus, et ce grâce à la mesure de leur performance selon plusieurs critères consensuels et mesurables dans le temps. Ces référentiels, conçus à l'échelle locale et souvent standardisés, sont en outre susceptibles d'être exportés à l'international, indépendamment du milieu naturel et culturel dans lequel ils s'appliquent. Ceci représente un paradoxe vis à vis du concept de développement durable qui promeut l'intégration des projets à un territoire spécifique. Aussi, le travail de thèse interroge l'impact des référentiels d'évaluation sur l'intégration territoriale des éco-quartiers au travers de l'analyse de trois études de cas en France, aux Etats-Unis et au Brésil: Clichy Batignolles localisé à Paris et labellisé EcoQuartier, Melrose Commons développé à New York et certifié LEED-ND, et llha Pura construit à Rio de Janeiro à la fois certifié LEED-ND et AQUA -HQE-A. Notre étude examine également succinctement un quatrième cas, le quartier de Vinhomes Riverside ayant reçu le prix de l'architecture ve1te du Vietnam et construit à Hanoï, dont l'étude n'a pu être complètement aboutie faute d'accès à des données essentielles à notre analyse. Nous énonçons le postulat qu'il existe des divergences entre les objectifs de performance fixés par le référentiel, ceux exigés par les acteurs du projet menant à une évaluation donnée, et enfin la réalité de l'éco-quartier une fois construit au sein d'un territoire plus large. Ces divergences sont particulièrement fortes en cas d'export du référentiel. Elles sont en outre mesurables et témoignent de différences de niveau d'intégration. Aussi, notre recherche s'appuie sur la comparaison des cas selon trois phases à savoir: 1) le choix du référentiel 2) l'évaluation du projet d'éco-quartier par le référentiel dont il estime la performance, et enfin 3) le résultat opérationnel, c'est à dire l'éco­quartier construit. La méthodologie de recherche est multidisciplinaire et déploie des outils associés aux statistiques, à l'ingénierie du territoire, à la géographie, mais aussi à l'analyse architecturale, urbaine et paysagère. Nous observons que les référentiels s'appuient sur diverses stratégies relatives à la sélection et à la mesure d'indicateurs permettant de planifier l'intégration du quartier au sein d'un territoire donné. Cette intégration est néanmoins extrêmement variable non seulement en fonction des critères et des échelles d'analyse choisis, mais aussi des jeux d'acteurs qui adaptent leur démarche aux spécificités d'un site. Les référentiels d'évaluation occultent alors la complexité, et sous-estiment la richesse de la diversité des éco-quartiers contemporains. / Since the end of the 20th century, eco-neighborhoods have contributed to the international development of a sustainable city paradigm. However, while the concept of sustainable development is today the result of an international consensus, its urban applications at the local level are multiple and diverse. Following this observation, many stakeholders have designed neighborhood sustainability assessment tools (NSAT) in the past ten years. The latter contribute to the design and construction of sustainable neighborhoods while justifying stakeholders choices. Those tools also measure the eco-neighborhood performance, using several consensual and measurable criteria over time. Moreover, NSA T which are locally designed and often standardized, are likely to be exported internationally. However, internationally exporting a NSAT designed locally is paradoxical, in relation to sustainable development principles. Our research examines the impact of NSAT on eco-neighborhoods' territorial integration. It analyses three case studies located in France, the United States and Brazil. Clichy Batignolles was developed in Paris and received the EcoQuartier label. Melrose Commons was built in New York and is LEED-ND certified. Ilha Pura is located in Rio de Janeiro, and is both LEED-ND and AQUA-HQE-A certified. Our study also briefly examines a fow1h case. Vinhomes Riverside was built in Hanoi, and received the Vietnam Green Architecture Award. However, our analysis could not be completed due to the Jack of access to essential data. From the data we do have, we extrapolate that there are discrepancies between the objectives set by the NSA T, those requested by the project's stakeholders leading to a given assessment, and finally the reality of the built eco­neighborhood. These discrepancies are more important when the NSA T has been exported. They are also measurable, and enlighten different levels of projects' territorial integration. Our research is based on the comparison of the cases. This comparison is following three steps: 1) analyzing the chosen NSA T 2) studying the eco-neighborhood performance score and 3) analyzing the built project. Our methodology is multidisciplinary and uses tools related to statistics, territorial engineering, geography, and architectural, urban and landscape analysis. We conclude that NSAT use various strategies related to the selection and measurement of indicators to integrate a neighborhood within a given territory. However, this integration is extremely variable. This is not only due to criteria and scale selection, but also to stakeholders who adapt their strategies to their territory. Finally, NSAT conceals urban complexities, and underestimates the diversity of contemporary eco-neighborhoods.

Crescimento populacional e sustentabilidade das cidades : em busca de um modelo conceitual para o planejamento urbano

Dall'Asta, Érica January 2014 (has links)
A população mundial aumenta a cada dia e, somado aos movimentos populacionais, a ocupação do território urbano tem crescido a taxas cada vez maiores. O Brasil segue a mesma tendência, já que quase dobrou sua população em pouco mais de trinta anos, essa se estabeleceu predominantemente nas cidades. O mundo está próximo de atingir níveis populacionais jamais imaginados e as pessoas estão migrando para os grandes centros urbanos, que crescem de forma descontrolada, causando impactos diversos, desde ambientais até relacionados ao bem-estar físico e mental de seus ocupantes. Como resultado, as cidades são os locais onde as maiores desigualdades sociais e impactos ao ambiente natural acontecem. Diante desse contexto, as estratégias de planejamento correntes estão fadadas ao fracasso, pois repetem estratégias utilizadas em séculos anteriores, e não estão preparadas para as demandas que surgem com o desenvolvimento humano e urbano do século XXI. Pesquisadores divergem sobre a forma de crescimento da cidade, são sugeridas soluções, que vão desde o controle do espalhamento da área urbana, incentivo à cidade compacta e até o incentivo à verticalização. Ao mesmo tempo, as cidades se espalham no território e verticalizam. A lacuna verificada foi determinada a partir da constatação da escassez de trabalhos que considerassem de forma sistêmica as características e os possíveis impactos de cada uma das formas de crescimento urbano, a falta de vinculação dessas informações aos princípios de desenvolvimento sustentável, tão preconizado, e a fragmentação dos temas relacionados ao desenvolvimento urbano sustentável. O entendimento sobre como as cidades crescem, e quais são os impactos das formas urbanas resultantes, e quais são as demandas para um crescimento sustentável pode se tornar a base para auxiliar os planejadores no processo de tomada de decisão. O desenvolvimento sustentável é um desafio a ser considerado nos ambientes consumidores, poluidores e opressores em que se transformaram as cidades. Este trabalho tem o objetivo de buscar um modelo conceitual para o planejamento sustentável do crescimento urbano. Por se tratar de uma proposta que procura atender uma demanda real, a melhoria nas práticas tradicionais de planejamento urbano, e contribuir com a construção do conhecimento sobre o assunto, através da organização das informações, foi adotada como estratégia a pesquisa construtiva. Para tanto, foi realizada na primeira etapa, de compreensão, ampla busca de referencial teórico para auxiliar na estruturação do trabalho. Na segunda etapa, na fase de desenvolvimento, foram propostos os resultados, organizados a partir de um modelo conceitual formado a partir de constructos relacionados ao crescimento urbano e ao planejamento urbano sustentável. O modelo foi complementado por uma sequência de etapas para a futura implementação em contextos reais (método). O modelo ainda foi avaliado por especialistas da área de sustentabilidade. Por fim, na etapa de reflexão foram definidos os avanços práticos, avanços teóricos, replicabilidade e possibilidades de pesquisas futuras. Através do desenvolvimento deste trabalho constatouse que, apesar da complexidade, é possível trabalhar de forma sistêmica com o planejamento do crescimento urbano, contemplando-se as metas para o desenvolvimento sustentável em todas as suas dimensões: social, econômica, ecológica, espacial e cultural. / The world population is increasing each day and, in addition to population movements, the occupation of urban territory has grown at rates ever higher. Brazil follows the same trend, almost doubled its population in little more than thirty years that has been established mainly in the cities. The world is approaching population levels never imagined before and people are migrating to the large urban centers, which grow in an uncontrolled manner, causing different impact, since environmental until related to physical and mental well-being of its occupants. As a result, cities are the places where the greatest social inequalities and impacts on the natural environment happen. In this context, the planning strategies are doomed to fail, because repeat strategies used in previous centuries, and are not prepared for the demands that arise with urban and human development of the 21st century. Researchers differ on the way to the city's growth, suggesting solutions, ranging from the control of the sprawl of the urban area, encouraging the compact city and until the incentive to vertical city. At the same time, the cities spread across the territory and get taller. The gap was determined from the observation of the scarcity of studies that consider in a systematic way the characteristics and the potential impacts of each of the forms of urban growth, the lack of binding of these information to the principles of sustainable development, as recommended, and the fragmentation of topics related to sustainable urban development. The understanding of how cities grow, what are the impacts of urban forms resulting from, and what are the demands for a sustainable growth can become the basis for helping the planners of the decision-making process. The sustainable development is a challenge that must be considered in consumer, polluters and oppressors environments that became the cities. This work has the objective to seek a conceptual model for the sustainable planning of urban growth. This is a proposal that seeks to meet a real demand, improving the traditional practices of urban planning, and contribute to the construction of knowledge on the subject, through the organization of the information, was adopted as a strategy the constructive research. For both, was performed in the first step, of understanding, broad search of theoretical framework to assist in structuring the work. In the second stage, the stage of development, were proposed results, organized from a conceptual model formed from constructs related to urban growth and urban planning sustainable. The model was complemented by a sequence of steps for the future implementation in real contexts (method). The model has been evaluated by experts in the area of sustainability. Finally, the reflection phase were defined the practical developments, theoretical advances, replicability and possibilities for future research. Through the development of this work it was found that, despite the complexity, it is possible to work in a systematic way with the planning of urban growth, contemplating the goals for sustainable development in all its dimensions: social, economic, ecological, spatial and cultural.

Crescimento populacional e sustentabilidade das cidades : em busca de um modelo conceitual para o planejamento urbano

Dall'Asta, Érica January 2014 (has links)
A população mundial aumenta a cada dia e, somado aos movimentos populacionais, a ocupação do território urbano tem crescido a taxas cada vez maiores. O Brasil segue a mesma tendência, já que quase dobrou sua população em pouco mais de trinta anos, essa se estabeleceu predominantemente nas cidades. O mundo está próximo de atingir níveis populacionais jamais imaginados e as pessoas estão migrando para os grandes centros urbanos, que crescem de forma descontrolada, causando impactos diversos, desde ambientais até relacionados ao bem-estar físico e mental de seus ocupantes. Como resultado, as cidades são os locais onde as maiores desigualdades sociais e impactos ao ambiente natural acontecem. Diante desse contexto, as estratégias de planejamento correntes estão fadadas ao fracasso, pois repetem estratégias utilizadas em séculos anteriores, e não estão preparadas para as demandas que surgem com o desenvolvimento humano e urbano do século XXI. Pesquisadores divergem sobre a forma de crescimento da cidade, são sugeridas soluções, que vão desde o controle do espalhamento da área urbana, incentivo à cidade compacta e até o incentivo à verticalização. Ao mesmo tempo, as cidades se espalham no território e verticalizam. A lacuna verificada foi determinada a partir da constatação da escassez de trabalhos que considerassem de forma sistêmica as características e os possíveis impactos de cada uma das formas de crescimento urbano, a falta de vinculação dessas informações aos princípios de desenvolvimento sustentável, tão preconizado, e a fragmentação dos temas relacionados ao desenvolvimento urbano sustentável. O entendimento sobre como as cidades crescem, e quais são os impactos das formas urbanas resultantes, e quais são as demandas para um crescimento sustentável pode se tornar a base para auxiliar os planejadores no processo de tomada de decisão. O desenvolvimento sustentável é um desafio a ser considerado nos ambientes consumidores, poluidores e opressores em que se transformaram as cidades. Este trabalho tem o objetivo de buscar um modelo conceitual para o planejamento sustentável do crescimento urbano. Por se tratar de uma proposta que procura atender uma demanda real, a melhoria nas práticas tradicionais de planejamento urbano, e contribuir com a construção do conhecimento sobre o assunto, através da organização das informações, foi adotada como estratégia a pesquisa construtiva. Para tanto, foi realizada na primeira etapa, de compreensão, ampla busca de referencial teórico para auxiliar na estruturação do trabalho. Na segunda etapa, na fase de desenvolvimento, foram propostos os resultados, organizados a partir de um modelo conceitual formado a partir de constructos relacionados ao crescimento urbano e ao planejamento urbano sustentável. O modelo foi complementado por uma sequência de etapas para a futura implementação em contextos reais (método). O modelo ainda foi avaliado por especialistas da área de sustentabilidade. Por fim, na etapa de reflexão foram definidos os avanços práticos, avanços teóricos, replicabilidade e possibilidades de pesquisas futuras. Através do desenvolvimento deste trabalho constatouse que, apesar da complexidade, é possível trabalhar de forma sistêmica com o planejamento do crescimento urbano, contemplando-se as metas para o desenvolvimento sustentável em todas as suas dimensões: social, econômica, ecológica, espacial e cultural. / The world population is increasing each day and, in addition to population movements, the occupation of urban territory has grown at rates ever higher. Brazil follows the same trend, almost doubled its population in little more than thirty years that has been established mainly in the cities. The world is approaching population levels never imagined before and people are migrating to the large urban centers, which grow in an uncontrolled manner, causing different impact, since environmental until related to physical and mental well-being of its occupants. As a result, cities are the places where the greatest social inequalities and impacts on the natural environment happen. In this context, the planning strategies are doomed to fail, because repeat strategies used in previous centuries, and are not prepared for the demands that arise with urban and human development of the 21st century. Researchers differ on the way to the city's growth, suggesting solutions, ranging from the control of the sprawl of the urban area, encouraging the compact city and until the incentive to vertical city. At the same time, the cities spread across the territory and get taller. The gap was determined from the observation of the scarcity of studies that consider in a systematic way the characteristics and the potential impacts of each of the forms of urban growth, the lack of binding of these information to the principles of sustainable development, as recommended, and the fragmentation of topics related to sustainable urban development. The understanding of how cities grow, what are the impacts of urban forms resulting from, and what are the demands for a sustainable growth can become the basis for helping the planners of the decision-making process. The sustainable development is a challenge that must be considered in consumer, polluters and oppressors environments that became the cities. This work has the objective to seek a conceptual model for the sustainable planning of urban growth. This is a proposal that seeks to meet a real demand, improving the traditional practices of urban planning, and contribute to the construction of knowledge on the subject, through the organization of the information, was adopted as a strategy the constructive research. For both, was performed in the first step, of understanding, broad search of theoretical framework to assist in structuring the work. In the second stage, the stage of development, were proposed results, organized from a conceptual model formed from constructs related to urban growth and urban planning sustainable. The model was complemented by a sequence of steps for the future implementation in real contexts (method). The model has been evaluated by experts in the area of sustainability. Finally, the reflection phase were defined the practical developments, theoretical advances, replicability and possibilities for future research. Through the development of this work it was found that, despite the complexity, it is possible to work in a systematic way with the planning of urban growth, contemplating the goals for sustainable development in all its dimensions: social, economic, ecological, spatial and cultural.

Crescimento populacional e sustentabilidade das cidades : em busca de um modelo conceitual para o planejamento urbano

Dall'Asta, Érica January 2014 (has links)
A população mundial aumenta a cada dia e, somado aos movimentos populacionais, a ocupação do território urbano tem crescido a taxas cada vez maiores. O Brasil segue a mesma tendência, já que quase dobrou sua população em pouco mais de trinta anos, essa se estabeleceu predominantemente nas cidades. O mundo está próximo de atingir níveis populacionais jamais imaginados e as pessoas estão migrando para os grandes centros urbanos, que crescem de forma descontrolada, causando impactos diversos, desde ambientais até relacionados ao bem-estar físico e mental de seus ocupantes. Como resultado, as cidades são os locais onde as maiores desigualdades sociais e impactos ao ambiente natural acontecem. Diante desse contexto, as estratégias de planejamento correntes estão fadadas ao fracasso, pois repetem estratégias utilizadas em séculos anteriores, e não estão preparadas para as demandas que surgem com o desenvolvimento humano e urbano do século XXI. Pesquisadores divergem sobre a forma de crescimento da cidade, são sugeridas soluções, que vão desde o controle do espalhamento da área urbana, incentivo à cidade compacta e até o incentivo à verticalização. Ao mesmo tempo, as cidades se espalham no território e verticalizam. A lacuna verificada foi determinada a partir da constatação da escassez de trabalhos que considerassem de forma sistêmica as características e os possíveis impactos de cada uma das formas de crescimento urbano, a falta de vinculação dessas informações aos princípios de desenvolvimento sustentável, tão preconizado, e a fragmentação dos temas relacionados ao desenvolvimento urbano sustentável. O entendimento sobre como as cidades crescem, e quais são os impactos das formas urbanas resultantes, e quais são as demandas para um crescimento sustentável pode se tornar a base para auxiliar os planejadores no processo de tomada de decisão. O desenvolvimento sustentável é um desafio a ser considerado nos ambientes consumidores, poluidores e opressores em que se transformaram as cidades. Este trabalho tem o objetivo de buscar um modelo conceitual para o planejamento sustentável do crescimento urbano. Por se tratar de uma proposta que procura atender uma demanda real, a melhoria nas práticas tradicionais de planejamento urbano, e contribuir com a construção do conhecimento sobre o assunto, através da organização das informações, foi adotada como estratégia a pesquisa construtiva. Para tanto, foi realizada na primeira etapa, de compreensão, ampla busca de referencial teórico para auxiliar na estruturação do trabalho. Na segunda etapa, na fase de desenvolvimento, foram propostos os resultados, organizados a partir de um modelo conceitual formado a partir de constructos relacionados ao crescimento urbano e ao planejamento urbano sustentável. O modelo foi complementado por uma sequência de etapas para a futura implementação em contextos reais (método). O modelo ainda foi avaliado por especialistas da área de sustentabilidade. Por fim, na etapa de reflexão foram definidos os avanços práticos, avanços teóricos, replicabilidade e possibilidades de pesquisas futuras. Através do desenvolvimento deste trabalho constatouse que, apesar da complexidade, é possível trabalhar de forma sistêmica com o planejamento do crescimento urbano, contemplando-se as metas para o desenvolvimento sustentável em todas as suas dimensões: social, econômica, ecológica, espacial e cultural. / The world population is increasing each day and, in addition to population movements, the occupation of urban territory has grown at rates ever higher. Brazil follows the same trend, almost doubled its population in little more than thirty years that has been established mainly in the cities. The world is approaching population levels never imagined before and people are migrating to the large urban centers, which grow in an uncontrolled manner, causing different impact, since environmental until related to physical and mental well-being of its occupants. As a result, cities are the places where the greatest social inequalities and impacts on the natural environment happen. In this context, the planning strategies are doomed to fail, because repeat strategies used in previous centuries, and are not prepared for the demands that arise with urban and human development of the 21st century. Researchers differ on the way to the city's growth, suggesting solutions, ranging from the control of the sprawl of the urban area, encouraging the compact city and until the incentive to vertical city. At the same time, the cities spread across the territory and get taller. The gap was determined from the observation of the scarcity of studies that consider in a systematic way the characteristics and the potential impacts of each of the forms of urban growth, the lack of binding of these information to the principles of sustainable development, as recommended, and the fragmentation of topics related to sustainable urban development. The understanding of how cities grow, what are the impacts of urban forms resulting from, and what are the demands for a sustainable growth can become the basis for helping the planners of the decision-making process. The sustainable development is a challenge that must be considered in consumer, polluters and oppressors environments that became the cities. This work has the objective to seek a conceptual model for the sustainable planning of urban growth. This is a proposal that seeks to meet a real demand, improving the traditional practices of urban planning, and contribute to the construction of knowledge on the subject, through the organization of the information, was adopted as a strategy the constructive research. For both, was performed in the first step, of understanding, broad search of theoretical framework to assist in structuring the work. In the second stage, the stage of development, were proposed results, organized from a conceptual model formed from constructs related to urban growth and urban planning sustainable. The model was complemented by a sequence of steps for the future implementation in real contexts (method). The model has been evaluated by experts in the area of sustainability. Finally, the reflection phase were defined the practical developments, theoretical advances, replicability and possibilities for future research. Through the development of this work it was found that, despite the complexity, it is possible to work in a systematic way with the planning of urban growth, contemplating the goals for sustainable development in all its dimensions: social, economic, ecological, spatial and cultural.

The Role of Smart City Concept in Sustainable Urban Planning from Policy Perspective- Case Study of Malmö

Alavibelmana, Maryam, Fazekas, Robert January 2018 (has links)
Smart city as a concept or term is the contemporary buzzword which is referred as a means to deliver urban sustainability. In recent years, different smart city initiatives have emerged worldwide, which are advocated increasingly by the private and public sectors. However, there has been a considerable amount of critiques by social and urban scholars who question the current understanding and practice of the smart city, raising doubt if the current smart city is sustainable. The most frequently mentioned critiques indicate that the current smart city which does not have a common definition and theoretical foundation is intensively dominated by technical perspective and the role of private sector. This thesis aims to find out how this current understanding and application of smart city concept affect the urban planning practices and urban policy-making. By taking Malmö as a case study and conducting policy analyses, the research shows that this trend leads to the project-based practices which in the absence of strategic and holistic vision toward the smart city as a concept might not fulfil sustainability criteria, cannot be a beneficiary means for sustainable urban planning, and is a poor concept for social sustainability. It shows that although private sector is an integral part of smart city practices, public sector -municipality -needs to take a leadership position in defining smart city based on the real city’s demand and integrate it into the urban planning strategies.

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