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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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曾咸超 Unknown Date (has links)
內政乃國家政治之基石,而警政更是內政的重心,基於警察機關有任務基層化之特性與職位結構關係,員警處於政府與民眾接觸的最基層,而刑事警察職司政府執行治安工作之第一線,從事犯罪偵查工作人員更肩負各地區治安良窳,其服務態度、工作績效攸關政府治安政策推行與落實的成敗。本研究嘗試藉由從影響刑事警察人員工作滿意因素之探討與分析出發,逐步建立起刑事警察人員工作滿意衡量之重點、變項、因素及整體衡量架構。透過此一架構的建立,作為衡量刑事警察人員工作滿意及績效之基礎,並針對工作滿意與績效進行問卷調查。 本研究主要目的有三:(一)探討影響刑事警察局人員工作滿意之內涵。(二)分析研究不同人口變項的刑事警察局人員在工作滿意、工作績效之差異及關聯性。(三)對現行警察機關績效評比制度運作缺失檢討。(四)提高刑事警察機關工作滿意度之建議。 本研究採用之研究方法為「問卷調查法」及「深度訪談法」。在量化研究方面,以刑事警察局所屬人員(含刑事警察局人員及未具警察官任用資格之一般行政及技術人員)二分之一進行問卷抽樣調查,計發放438份問卷,回收有效問卷391份,資料回收後透過平均數、標準差、因素分析、信度分析、獨立樣本t檢定及單因子變異數分析等方法進行資料分析。在質性研究方面,以刑事警察業務、犯罪偵查人員各2人、爆炸物處理、刑事鑑識及其他業務人員各1人,合計7人,進行深度訪談分析與比較。 本研究以「機關行為」、「個人行為」等二個因素來建構工作滿意,並探討刑事警察局人員整體工作滿意與績效之關聯性。由研究結果發現:(一)在工作滿意各面向與工作績效二變項間的相關係數均達顯著水準,表示各面向與工作績效間有顯著相關,且均為低、中等以上相關;另工作壓力相關係數值為負向外,其餘各面向相關係數值均是正向,亦即主管領導、薪資福利愈好、社會支持愈高、個人人格特質愈積極與工作壓力愈少者,則其工作績效也會愈高;(二)整體工作滿意情形與工作績效二變項間的相關係數達顯著水準,表示整體工作滿意情形與工作績效之間呈現中、高等相關,且因相關係數值是正向,所以整體工作滿意愈高,其工作績效也會愈高。 綜上,本論文依研究目的、文獻探討、問卷調查及深度訪談所得資料,以「機關行為」、「個人行為」等面向來建構工作滿意,並探討刑事警察局人員整體工作滿意與績效之關聯性,考量刑事警察組織沿革及目前體制之困境,提出具體可行之警察政策建議,以及提供後續研究者的參考。 / The internal affairs of a nation are cornerstone of its politics. In particular, the police administration is the central piece of the internal affairs. Due to the characteristic of the police organization that its tasks are community-oriented and the hierarchy within the organization, a policeman is playing the most fundamental role as the contact point between the government and the citizens. In contrast, the criminal police are at the front line as the government carries out its policy on the public security. Moreover, the safety of a local community strongly depends on the police force who is in charge of the crime investigation. Therefore, the service attitude of the criminal police and its efficiency at solving crimes would be the key factors in deciding whether the public security policy of a government can succeed or not. In this research, we start our study by analyzing the causes of affecting the job satisfaction of the criminal police. We then attempt to develop a rating system to determine the job satisfaction of criminal police. To achieve this, we introduce the key elements, the variables and the factors of such a rating system and its overall structure. By establishing such a structure, we lay down the foundation for criminal police to rate their job satisfaction and performance. The rating would be carried out in the form of the questionnaire survey. There are four major goals in our research. First, we would like to have a deeper understanding on the deciding factors of the job satisfaction level at the Criminal Police Bureau. Second, we analyze the difference and the correlation on the job satisfaction and performance among the staff at the Criminal Police Bureau, who have different population variables. Third, we examine flaws of the operation of the current rating system in police organizations. Lastly, we present our suggestions on how to raise the job satisfaction level at the criminal police organizations. The methodologies used in our research are “the questionnaire survey procedure” and “the interview-in-depth method”. In quantitative research, we randomly select half of the staff at the Criminal Police Bureau to answer our questionnaire. The staff being surveyed includes the administrative staff and the technicians who do not meet the requirements of being a police officer. Out of 438 questionnaires we handed out, 391 of them were collected. The data analysis was performed through various methods including the mean value, the standard deviation, the factor analysis, the reliability analysis, the Independent-Samples Test and One-Way ANOVA. For qualitative research, we interviewed 7 staff at various positions for in-depth analysis and comparison: 2 from criminal police administrative staff, 2 from crime investigation department, 1 from explosive special force, 1 from forensic science, and 1 from other administrative staff. Our study determines the job satisfaction based on two factors: “the institutional behavior” and “the individual behavior”. We also investigate the correlation between the overall job satisfaction and the job performance at the Criminal Police Bureau. We found: (1) the correlation coefficient between each perspective of the job satisfaction and the job performance reaches a noticeable level, indicating that there is a tie between each perspective of the job satisfaction and the job performance. The correlation is above the low to medium level. Other than the job stress, all perspectives are positively correlated to the job performance. That is, any of the following conditions would lead to better job performance: the better the senior management is, the better the compensation and the benefits are, the more the support from the society, the more self-motivated the person is, or the less the job stress is. (2) The correlation between the overall job satisfaction and the job performance reaches the pronounced level, as it is medium to high level. Since they are positively correlated, the higher the overall job satisfaction is, the higher the job performance is. In summary, the thesis is to develop a rating system of job satisfaction based on the goal of the research, the review of the past studies, the questionnaire survey and the in-depth interview, along with two different perspectives: “the institutional behavior” and “the individual behavior”. We also study the correlation between the overall job satisfaction and the job performance of the staff at the Criminal Police Bureau. Given the history of the organization and the difficulties encountered by the current system, we proposed the specific and feasible suggestions on the police policy, as well as providing the reference for the future studies. Key word: Criminal police, job satisfaction, job performance, criminal police organization


王輝傑 Unknown Date (has links)
危機不是單一的獨立社會事件,危機管理的邏輯觀念也非單純的「危機發生--危機計畫--危機處理--危機結束」直線過程。相反的,在社會的現實面,危機管理的思考面向是非常多元、跨層面的。當社會危機事件發生後,管理者除了必須解決危機本身的問題外,還必須因應來自媒體、國會、民眾、壓力團體、監察或司法機關等對危機的關切,同時管理者還要兼顧機關首長個人理念、意志貫徹等因素,種種的壓力與要求均凸顯出危機所牽涉的複雜層面。 警察是維護社會治安極為重要的角色,但往往因為發生風紀案件,讓多數辛勤犧牲奉獻的同仁蒙羞,也嚴重傷害警察尊嚴,不論破獲再多的刑案或從事更多為民服務,都難以獲得民眾的諒解和信賴。 本研究發現風紀問題是嚴重的警政危機,層出不窮的警察違法犯紀事件,知法犯法的行為,不只是一再斲喪警察團體的形象與全體警察的尊嚴,更是破壞民眾對政府的公信力,而且影響深遠,此種「紀律危機」已屬第一級的危機,嚴重影響組織的生存發展,應列為最優先處理解決的危機問題。 本研究建議: 一、現階段應發揮現有風紀內控機制功能:建立危機管理專責組織,並掛牌運作,以增強危機管理形式上與實質上的功能;整合社會保防情報反應系統與勤務社區化策略,使危機監測外控機制更強化。 二、日後則應催生各級警察組織普設政風室,希冀由未具警察身分政風人員,本於更客觀超然立場,益收肅貪防弊功效。 三、未來則以全民拼治安的理念推動各級政府成立全民治安申訴調查委員會,使民眾因參與而產生警民同夥關係的歸屬感,降低緊張關係,形成互信,進一步創造出警民互動的良性循環,建立警察風紀危機的外控體制。


何達仁 Unknown Date (has links)
作為行政組織法之警察法,乃是規範警察組織應有之狀態、所掌事務及其分配、相互間之關係等事項之法律。鑑於警察行政經常與國民具有直接深切之關係,從而,基於警察法所建構之警察制度,理應解明警察之特質,配合組織之法理,促進行政機能之適正發展及效率化營運,確保警察組織得以適切有效地達成其所擔負之職責。 我國警察法係於大陸時期由內政部草擬,自1953年(民國42年)6月15日公布施行迄今已逾53年。在國家整體行政中,警察之任務、警察機關之定位及在警察領域上中央與地方之關係等,歷經多年之發展演變,已有很大程度之不同。然而,整部警察法及相關警察制度,卻未能與時俱進而少有修改,以致在運作上顯現諸多問題,警察法逐漸喪失其所應具備之功能,亟須因應時代潮流而重新檢討修正,乃係當今我國警察法學之重要課題。 日本戰後警察制度之建制,針對舊警察法在運作上所產生之缺失,透過新警察法全面修正,以及現行警察法因應犯罪或治安現象之變化暨行政改革,再經過多次檢討修正之歷程,就中不論是該國所發生過之問題,抑或是對應解決之警察法所採基本構想、相關規範內容等,與我國警察法及警察制度亟待解決之問題點,有諸多可供對照參採之處。本文爰主要以日本警察法之變革為借鏡,就如何改進我國警察法,加以深入研究。 本論文共計八章,其主要內容如次: 第一章緒論:首先提出現行警察法及相關法制在規範警察任務、警察組織、檢警關係、地方警察官任免、地方警察機關經費負擔及警察教育訓練等六大面向所產生之問題;其次說明日本警察法變遷之歷程及主要內容;再接續論述本文之研究範圍及研究方法。 第二章警察任務之檢討:主要比較德國、日本等先進國家之警察任務內容,提出改進我國警察任務規定之道,兼論警察任務規範之性質與警察活動之關係。 第三章警察組織改造:針對我國政府部門對中央警察組織改造重要主張之日本公安委員會制度存在意義、整體制度內容與問題點、日本各團體對該制度之改革構想,深入探討;並就我國引進該制度之可行性,詳加分析。 第四章檢警關係規範之商榷:考察日本檢警關係法制之演變發展,參照警察在犯罪偵查之任務定位,針對我國現行警察法及刑事訴訟法有關檢警關係之規範內容,提出改正芻議。 第五章地方警察官人事任免權歸屬:主要探究日本所設置之地方警務官制度內容、建立理由,檢討我國中央與地方警察人事任免權責,並提出具體可行之建議。 第六章地方警察機關經費支出責任:析論日本在地方分權與國家要求下,對於都道府縣警察所需經費由國家支付之制度作法,提出我國處理中央與地方警察預算經費之改進建議。 第七章警察教育訓練制度:針對現行警察教育訓練作法,未能契合考訓用合一及多元化取才之警察進用體制,引述日本警察官之進用教養方式、制度內容等,對改革我國警察教育訓練制度,提供具體建議。 第八章結論與今後之課題:綜合前開各章之研究結論,分從「定位及其他法律之關係」、「修正原則」、「具體修法芻議」及「其他法律之相應調整」等方面,提出修正我國警察法之立法設計與建議,並展望未來之課題。

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