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網路媒體的諺語變體形式蔡君婷 Unknown Date (has links)
隨著電子網路媒體的發展及個人電腦的普及化,網路已經成為一個新的溝通及交際媒體,並且走進我們的日常生活和我們發生日益密切的關係.我們可以透過網路收發郵件、瀏覽新聞、聊天,甚至可以在網路上發表自己的作品,這一切都是通過網路語言來進行的.網路語言是一個新的語言載體,與書本報章雜誌等相比較,網路語言更為快捷、自由、及方便且具開放性、多樣性等,載體的變化往往會使得語言產生了變化,形成了社會語言的新變體.由於語言載體的不同,使得諺語的變體範圍擴大, 所以我們以在俄文網站上所搜集的諺語變體為研究對象,探討這些新的諺語變體的變體分類法則。
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文體批評視野下的明清杜詩學——以創造力為研究角度 / Ming and Qing’s Du Fu poetics in the view of stylistic criticism:an observation on creativity王冠懿 Unknown Date (has links)
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韓愈之古文變體研究謝敏玲 Unknown Date (has links)
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正體之變-魏晉四言詩承衍探析 / The research of the changes and development of Four-Word Poetry in Wei and Jin Dynasties楊君儀, Yang, Chun I Unknown Date (has links)
四言詩歌在魏晉時期與五言詩歌同時並存,其間的消長遂成為當時詩歌流變的脈絡。本文參酌以五言詩為對象進行之討論與其建立的魏晉時期五言詩歌譜系,透過對魏晉時期四言詩脈絡進行詳細歸納整理,並且藉由對四言詩歌作品完整且細密的分類,以嚴謹架構出當時四言詩歌的內在質素。此外,從類型由來與區分的探究中,進一步剖析四言詩之所以被形塑為「正體」依據的緣由,以深入探勘魏晉時期所闕漏的四言詩歌討論,希冀確立四言詩在詩歌史之定位。本研究並在四言詩歌類型的篩選與討論上,透過量化分析方式,藉由創作類型比例的高低作為另一客觀的討論基礎,同時依憑數據化的討論,揭示、呈現四言詩歌在魏晉時期完整且確然的狀態。 / In Jin and Liang Dynasties, Zhi Yu (摯虞) and Liu Xie (劉勰) both defined four-word poetry as " Zheng Ti" (Classical Form). Actually, the form of four-word poetry was called "Zheng Ti" until Zhi Yu. Why those critics called the four-word poetry with classical form? What could we figure out the special type and cultural level of "Zheng Ti"? And the thought of classical form compared what kind of imagination in the four-word poetry during Wei and Jin Dynasties? In this paper, the reasons why four-word poetry associated with "Zheng Ti" were discovered through the Southern Dynasties poetry discussion with variation in prosody.
The four-word and five-word poetry both coexist in the Wei and Jin Dynasties. The growth and decline between the two forms composed of the poetry changed at that time. In this paper, the four-word poetry classifications system was established and the qualities were found through the researches about five-word poetry classifications and the system of five-word poetry in Wei and Jin Dynasties.
Besides, the research through screening and discussion of four-word poetry, based on quantitative analysis, the proportion of every type in the classifications system from high to low could be an objective basis for discussion. Relied upon a discussion of the data, this paper will render the complete and mature condition of four-word poetry, and fill up the lake of discussion in four-word poetry history of positioning in Wei and Jin Dynasties.
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標準語音與日常語音的距離─以台灣華語為例 / The difference between standard pronunciation and ordinary pronunciation: the case of Taiwan Mandarin胡維庭 Unknown Date (has links)
華語由中國大陸引入台灣數十年後,因為政治上的阻隔、語言接觸的影響和語言實踐的結果,已經產生了顯著的變化。在發音、詞彙和語法等各個層面上,無論和引入台灣之前於中國大陸訂定的「標準國語」或是中國現行的「普通話」相比,都具有明顯的差異,語言學界將目前台灣通行的華語稱為「台灣華語」(Taiwan Mandarin)
最後,本研究從大眾傳媒的角度切入,探討「台灣華語」的最大公約數。認為「台灣華語」中許多成份已趨穩固,為絕大多數的台灣人所接受,也對全世界的華語人口具有相當的影響力。「台灣華語」的發音和繁體字、台灣式的辭彙與注音符號一樣應可視為「台灣華語」的重要成份,而能夠進入教學殿堂,作為外籍學生學習的對象。 / This study discusses the role of 'Taiwan Mandarin' in the field of teaching Mandarin as a second language. Results of the study indicate that Taiwan Mandarin is commonly disregarded, due to its association with other Taiwanese languages and the method in which it was introduced to the Taiwanese community.
Decades after its introduction to Taiwan, Mandarin has evolved as a result of political and geographical separation from its origin in China, language contact, and local usage. This new variant, known as ‘Taiwan Mandarin’, has marked differences in terms of phonology, lexicon and syntax, and is viewed as a independent variant, different from ‘Guoyu’ or 'Putonghua' by many linguists. Although Taiwan Mandarin is, in practice, the most commonly used language by the Taiwanese people, it has been rejected by many language teachers and those who compile teaching materials for foreign learners. Language teachers are expected to teach an accent that is different from that of most Taiwan Mandarin speakers.
This study investigates the standardization of modern Mandarin, and how it has developed in Taiwan. It shows that the enforcement of Chinese nationalism and identity is closely related to the popularaization of Mandarin in Taiwan. After reviewing related studies, regulation of teaching proficiency tests, and interviewing language teachers, it has been demonstrated that Chinese nationalism has also influenced the teaching of Mandarin as a second language in Taiwan. Taiwanese Mandarin phonology is commonly associated with the result contaminated by other Taiwanese languages such as Holo and Hakka by language teachers, and hence only the Beijing dialect is considered standard and desirable.
Based on the findings of previous studies and interviews, this study suggests that the commonly accepted Taiwan Mandarin phonology can be gained through the language used in Taiwanese media, due to its steadiness and popular standing amongst Mandarin speakers world wide. Its unique phonology should be considered an important feature of Taiwan Mandarin, along with traditional characters, Taiwanese lexicon and phonetic symbols (注音符號), and it should be accepted in teaching methodology.
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現代俄語中的英語仿造成語研究 / Phrasal Calques from English to Russian王上豪 Unknown Date (has links)
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