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臺灣圖書資訊學教育指南建構之研究 / Developing Guidelines for Library and Information Science Educational Programs in Taiwan蔡佳縈, Tsai, Chia-Ying Unknown Date (has links)
本研究最後所形成之圖書資訊學教育指南草案共分為圖書資訊學定義與範圍、教育任務與目標、課程、教師團隊、學生、行政管理、教學資源與設施等7大項,27小項,40個分項指標;教育指南草案適用範圍涵蓋大學部、研究所(碩士班、博士班)、專業學程與繼續教育。研究建議包括中華圖書資訊學教育學會舉辦論壇討論草案再行公佈、舉辦圖書資訊學學門意涵與教育工作坊、專案研究圖書資訊學教育評鑑制度、推動圖書資訊學教育評鑑與指南之實施。 / In 2006, the Ministry of Education commended the higher education evaluation to Higher Education Evaluation and Accreditation Council of Taiwan. Higher education evaluation divided all universities into 47 colleges, to respond to schools’ variegation and to choose the evaluation members. Higher education evaluation center only sets related guidelines according to different colleges, but doesn’t provide related standards or guidelines to professional disciplines. In addition, library and information science schools are attached to different colleges in current evaluation, and that may cause unfair assessments and impact evaluation results.
Faced with the crises above, this thesis on guidelines for library and information science educational programs in Taiwan is to make the educational evaluation of library and information science develop better, fit the professional needs, and enhance the quality of education.
This paper refers library and information science education standards and guidelines of Britain and the United States, as well as related researches in Taiwan. We used the content analysis to develop draft of guidelines for library and information science educational programs in Taiwan, and then held four focus group interviews which were aimed at different targets of the Department of Library and Information Science: teachers, directors, students and librarians, to discuss the draft of guidelines and cohere the content and elements of guidelines.
The final form of guidelines for library and information science educational programs in Taiwan is divided into 7 parts, including the definition, goals and objectives, curriculum, faulty, students, administration, and physical resources and facilities. There are 27 indicators, and 40 sub-indicators. The guidelines offered here are primarily applied to the undergraduate, graduate(Master classes and PhD), professional programs and continuing education level. Finally, we suggested that the Association of Library and Information Science Education of Republic of China should hold discussion of the guidelines, and other related associations should hold workshops on education of library and information science as well as research in evaluation system of library and information science, and promote the educational evaluation and implementation of library and information science. Read more
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會計資訊系統對資訊使用者及競爭策略影響之研究 / A Study on AIS's Effect on Information User and Competitive Strategy吳東霖, Wu, Tong-Lin Unknown Date (has links)
1. 五家受訪企業會計資訊系統電腦化皆有十年以上的歷史,能夠提供企業使用者日常業務所需要的大部份資訊。
2. 資訊使用者對於會計資訊系統不滿意之處有三:(1)系統無法滿足使用者所有的資訊需求,(2)系統開發改善速度緩慢,(3)需求的申請遭到資訊部門的拒絕。
3. 受訪人員表示,會計資訊系統能提供使用者決策之攸關資訊,對企業競爭策略之實現有幫助。 / In recent yrear, the function of AIS has been improved. AIS can provide not only financial reports, but also managerial reports.
This study empirically examines of 5 enterprises' AIS to understand the AIS in Taiwan.
The empirical results show that:
1.AIS could provide user useful information to help decision making.
2.AIS improve process is not fast enough to satisfy users' needs.
3.AIS could help enterprises' Competitive Strategy.
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影響在臺多國籍企業資訊管理績效之研究 / The Study for the Effects on the Performance of Information Management of Taiwan Branches, Factories and Subsidiaries of Multinational Companies李基永, Lee, Chi Yung Unknown Date (has links)
2.外部效益;三種角色型態對此績效構面影響有顯著差異,而「主導者」的影響則非常明顯,主要在其有整體規劃,主動積極引進資訊技術,滿足母公司及國外其他分公司的需求。 / Information Technology (IT) becomes more and more important and impacts the efficiency of organization and management, after the development of economics and changes of Industrial competi-tions. The information management is the key to manage the performance of IT applications and gets common concerns increa-singly of the company executives and scholars. This research is based on the domestic viewpoints to study the " Issues " of IT applications in Taiwan branches/Subsidiaries/Facfcories of multi-national company (MNC) ; other than the natures of "Issues" , it will also identify the characteristics of MNC,the role of compu-ter department of Taiwan branches of MNC and its performance. The selective population are those Taiwan branches of MNC with computer department setup for more than 3 years and annual reve-nue higher than 200 millions Taiwan dollars. After random selec-tion, this study has sampled 148 companies and gotten 55 respon-ses, the rate is 37.2%, however the useful samples is 44.
Having applied the statistical tools of correlation , factor analysis, cluster analysis and t-test on the collected data of questionaires, this study has concluded:
1. The Categorization
1.1 Categories of issues
1) Technique
2) Management and Administration
3) Support
4) Environment
1.2 Categories of Role of Computer Department in Using IT
1) Leader
2) Supporter
3) Follower
1.3 Categories of Performance
1) Internal performance (contributions)
2) External performance (contributions)
2. The Important Issues
1) "Data Security and Safety" is the most important issue as in both present and future.
2) The issues of "Technique" and "Management/Administraction" are more concerned than those of "Support" and "Environment".
3. Relationship of Role and Category of Issues
1) Issues of "Technique " and " Management / Administration " Those three roles have significantly different concerns, the "Leader" has the most concerns on these two kinds of issues, the "Supporter" is the next, then the "Follower".
2) Issues of "Support"
Those three roles are concerns on this kind of issues.
3) Issues of "Environment"
Those three roles are not so concerns on this kind of issues.
4. Relationship of Company Characteristics and Role of Computer Department
The role of "Leader" indicates 4 natures differently from the others:
1) Has the highest number of computer staffs
2) Has the highest level of information systems application
3) Has the highest level of computerization
4) Provides certain level of data exchanges and online services
5. Manufacturing vs. Services Industries
1) Important Issues
"Data Security and Safety" is the most important issue in both areas; as a whole, there are 7 issues simultaneously ranked as top ten of both industries.
2) Roles of Computer Department
Most of those computer departments of manufacturing act the role as " Follower " , while that of services industry run as " Leader " ; however from viewpoints of a role) "Leader" are evenly in both industries, " Supporter " and "Follower" are mostly in manufacturing.
6. Relationship of Role of Computer Department and Performance
1) Internal Performance (Contributions)
No matter which role the computer department is working , there is no significant difference in internal performance.
2) External Performance (Contributions)
The three roles of computer department have ignificantly different in external performance, especially, the "Leader has the most outstanding performance. Read more
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澎湖縣國小教師教學資訊需求 與資訊尋求行為之研究 / A Study on Teaching Information Needs and Information Seeking Behaviors of Elementary School Teachers in Penghu County潘政緯, Pan, Cheng Wei Unknown Date (has links)
研究結果提出對教育主管單位之建議為:(一)減少行政工作與無益於提升學生基本能力之活動,或增加學校員額編制減少上課時數,讓教師有更多心思專注於教學上;(二)提高設備維護經費,使教學設備更完善;(三)加強與穩定網路品質;(四)精緻化研習活動,使研習活動符合需求;(五)整合教育資源,訓練教師運用;至於對圖書館之建議為:(一)希望延長開放時間;(二)希望增加館藏及數位化資源;(三)專業圖書館人員進駐小學協助管理學校圖書館;(四)加強圖書館推廣服務。 / This study was to analyze the teaching information needs and information seeking behaviors of elementary school teachers in Penghu County. The questionnaires mailed to 40 elementary school teachers. .
This study also had in-depth interviews conducted with school teachers who have more than five years teaching experience to realize their opinions of information needs and behaviors. The results are summarized two parts.
On teaching information needs, the information needs of elementary school teachers in Penghu County were to “supply teaching materials, broaden students’ horizons, arouse students' curiosity interests in learning, and improve learning concentrated attentionion”. Especially in Social Studies, Mandarin and Natural Sscience need more additional supplements of teaching information. This additional teaching information usually used in the development of classroom activities. Most teachers were used to rely on digital audio and video types of teaching information, especially videos on YouTube.
On information seeking behaviors, the teachers were mostly using search engines on internet as their teaching information seeking channels (Google is the most popular one). The main considerations of seeking route selecting were convenient and easy to get information. On information selecting, the teachers would consider the information validity, convenience, teaching contents relevance, and understandability. The interference factors to seek teaching information were too much administrative works, traffic inconvenience, lack of bookstores in Penghu, teachers’ learning courses rarely met their real needs, and teaching equipment not good enough. The main difficulties when seeking information were "too much amount of data, and difficult to select". Most teachers’ solution was "to ask their colleagues for advice ".
Five suggestions for educational administration:
1. Reduce administrative works and profitless activities or recruit more school staffs to reduce teachers’ workload, so that teachers could have more energy to focus on teaching.
2. Increase the maintenance budget to keep teaching equipment always in a good condition.
3. Strengthen and stabilize Internet network quality.
4. Refine teachers’ learning courses to meet the real needs of teachers.
5. Integrate educational resources and train teachers how to use.
Four suggestions for the library:
1. Extend the opening hours.
2. Increase the amount of library collections and digital resources.
3. Recruit professional library personnel into primary schools to assist.
4. Strengthen the promotion of library services. Read more
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新上市公司異常報酬決定因素之實證研究林玲羽, LIN, LING-YU Unknown Date (has links)
新上市公司擁有長度不一的「蜜月期」,這個現象經由洪日爛(民68),王瑞儀(民78),賈武健(民80),顏美英(民81)和本研究可證實新上市公司的報酬高於市場報酬。且本研究發現,七十九年至八十一年間七十家新上市公司其投資報酬率接近百分之五十。針對此問題,國外亦有類似的研究,結果發現初次公開發行股票公司之原始報酬在百分之十左右(Ibbotson & Jaffe, 1975; Ritter, 1984; Chalk & Peavy,1985; Jog & Riding, 1987)。持股比例,
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現金流量增額資訊內涵之研究侯啟娉, HOU, QI-PING Unknown Date (has links)
本研究以156 家國內公開上市公司民國78年及79年的財務資料進行實證研究,實證之結果及發現如下:
二、依Bernard & Stober (1989) 及Livnat & Zarowin (1990) 所建議的兩種方法測試來自營業活動之現金流量(CFO) 與應計數(OACC)的增額資訊內涵發現:
1.OI之外,CFO 及OACC不具增額資訊內涵。
2.OI與CFO 彼此不具增額價值,而OACC之增額價值則包含在OI中。
3.分解後OI(CFO及OACC) 比OI單獨指露具有更多的資訊內涵,而且增額的解釋能力主要來自CFO 。
1.CFO 具有增額資訊內涵。
2.來自投資活動之現金流量(CFI) 亦具有增額資訊內涵。
3.來自理財活動之現金流量(CFF) 並未顯示具有增額資訊內涵。
4.揭露CFO 、CFI 及CFF 三種現金流量資訊能增進與股票報酬之關聯性。
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家電消費者資訊收集行為及其對廠商行銷策略擬訂之影響李曾宓 Unknown Date (has links)
No description available.
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資訊系統發展團隊合作之突現與疊代囚犯兩難賽局共演化策略—多重代理模擬之研究途徑楊豐松, Yang, Feng-Sueng Unknown Date (has links)
近年來環境日益複雜且快速變遷,以「團隊(Team)」為基礎的組織型態愈形廣泛且重要。因此,如何形成團隊以及有效地團隊運作,已成為重要且熱門的議。尤其是知識創造如資訊系統發展(Information Systems Development, ISD),更是以專案團隊為普遍的組織型態。影響資訊系統發展專案團隊成敗因素甚多,但團隊中成員間之互動,如合作、溝通、信任與領導等影響至為重大。傳統經濟學假設個人會採自利行為以追求最大效用與報酬;但在長期的組織與工作環境的互動下,個人採取合作、利他行為,更能達到雙贏的結果。因此,本研究以疊代囚犯兩難賽局為基礎,探討團隊組織具有特定互動結構的條件限制下,個人策略及團隊成員的演化策略;且在不同的演化控制機制,是否會促成以合作取代背叛之策略。並將其應用於資訊系統發展專案團隊之運作,探討在「技能相依」的團隊組織結構下,多組兩人(multiple two-person)互動之個人策略與團隊的組織政策之關係,進而探討促成團隊成員採取利他且合作的行為之「突現」,以提供資訊系統發展專案團隊管理之參考。故本研究之主要目的在於探討團隊中疊代囚犯兩難賽局成員之演化策略,以及資訊系統發展團隊合作之突現。
綜合以上結果顯示,在資訊系統的發展團隊組織中,可透過整體團隊績效評量方式,並做為專案團隊成員的組成與解散,以及團隊成員招募遴選的管控機制,且儘量避免增加誘導「個人式英雄」的績效評量標準,則可促成團隊成員在團隊工作中採取合作的策略;將有助於促進資訊系統發展專案團隊合作之「突現」。 Read more
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金融業資訊系統委外服務之研究 – 以外商銀行為例黃建國, Huang,,Chien Kuo Unknown Date (has links)
有鑑於近年來台灣之金融體系正進入一段積極整合與改造的階段(金融整頓,金控公司的成立) 。本研究期能以針對金融業資訊系統委外關係議題作為探討,檢視金融業在過去一段時間當中,面對整體平均資本報酬率下降的同時,仍須面對銀行競爭與企業變革的壓力,如何將企業的力量,放在核心層面上,降低經營風險, 創造最大的利潤。目前有愈來愈多的企業將公司內部的資訊系統委由專業廠商做管理,委外服務不僅可以使公司成本的支出更為有效與透明,也不會因資訊人員流動所造成的系統維護空窗期,並可將企業的硬體、軟體、相關設備及人員教育訓練等非核心部門的投資轉化為一筆可預期可控制的費用。透過企業委外服務,結合整合優秀的人才、正確的管理方法以及先進的技術,可達成幫助企業獲得最大的效率並取得競爭優勢。而資訊系統委外考量的重點,除了在於降低企業營運成本與提升經營效率之外,隨著企業國際化競爭的壓力與策略聯盟的趨勢,將非核心業務委外,以集中企業內部資源專注於發展核心能力與建立競爭優勢,是委外市場蓬勃發展的主要驅動力。
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公司治理結構、資訊透明度與股票報酬變異關聯性之研究林政衛, Lin , Cheng Wei Unknown Date (has links)
1. 控制股東的盈餘分配權愈大,資訊透明度愈高;控制股東之控制權與現金流量權偏離程度愈大,資訊透明度愈高,不符合原先預期;控制股東掌控之監察人席次愈高則資訊透明度愈低。
2. 資訊透明度之高低對股票報酬變異性有顯著負相關影響。
3. 當加入公司治理結構後,公司治理之變數對股票報酬之變異性並無顯著之影響,亦即無增額之解釋能力。 / Recently, corporate governance has become one of the most popular managerial issues, especially after the case of Enron fraud. Since then, the relationship between the company management and market investors has aggravated increasingly due to lack of trust. It is believed that if the company management can frankly and earnestly publish related information to the stakeholders, the company’s transparency and thus the investors’ trust will be promoted. This approach may be the most effective one to solve the agency problem between the owners and the company management. However the success of this approach depends on good corporate governance. Sound corporate governance will make enterprises sustainable and competitive in the long-run.
The research uses a sample of Taiwan electronic companies of 2002 to examine the effect of corporate governance factors on the transparency of the company. The corporate governance factors in the study include ownership structure, institutional investors, and independent directors and supervisors. In addition, the research also investigates the effect of transparency and corporate governance factors on the variation of stock return.
The empirical results indicate follows:
1. Controlling shareholder’ cash flow rights and the deviation of voting rights and cash flow rights have significantly positive effect on company’s transparency; the proportion of audit committee members related to controlling shareholder has significantly negative effect on company’s transparency.
2. Company’s transparency has significantly negative effect on the variation of stock return.
3. There is no incremental information content of corporate governance factors on the variation of stock returns after controlling for the effect of information transparency. Read more
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