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建構論之超文本(Hypertext)教學設計研究 / The application of constructivism on Hypertext mediated instructional design許惠美, Hsu, Hui-Mei Unknown Date (has links)
本研究首先透過對於媒體的探討,重申近來做為教學科技的媒體不僅式侷限於以往傳輸資訊的功能,此外更進一步協助學習者監控、調節認知活動,並使得學習者主動投身於深度的資訊處理過程,當媒體能夠符合以上的敘述時,其本身即是一種認知工具(cognitive tool),而超文本即具備這樣的潛能。認知工具是必須奠基於建構論的基礎上,才能夠有效地促進學習,因此在學習理論上進一步廓清建構在哲學知識論及學習理論上的意涵,做為從事教學設計時的理論基礎。之後,從教學設計的歷史發展,澄清建構論教學設計之適當性問題,主要從 Merrill 等人所倡導之第二代教學設計,與建構論教學設計之衝突上著手,並且從一個教學者的立場提出建構式教學應有的策略及其可能的限制。最後提出一個教學系統的雛形以供未來發展之用。 / The research contains three main subject matters; they are learning theory, medium and insturctional design. By analyzing constructivism, hypertext and instructional design, the researcher wants to make the topic clear, the application of constructivism on hypertext mediated instructional design.
Concerning the research methods, the researcher adopts document analysis to analyze and interpret the thesis. In addition, a simple instructional model is provided for the realization of theory.
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跨文類網絡與媒體整合:以狄更斯及其作品為例 / Transgeneric Network and Media Hybridization: A Case Study of Charles Dickens and His Works陳徵蔚, Chen, Zheng wei Unknown Date (has links)
狄更斯小說的跨文類網絡提供了一個具體而微的跨媒體網絡模型,透過此模型,我們可以更清楚地觀察媒體整合與演進的歷程,並觀察其不斷回歸的螺懸。近年來文學研究日漸偏向科際整合、媒體整合的文化研究發展,然而也因此不免陷入了自我定義的危機。狄更斯的跨媒體現象足以提供文學研究者一個未來文學與文類發展的可能方向,並於此機械複製的時代,為文學的發展提出可能的解答。 / Media never really innovate; they actually restore the natural balance of human eyesight and earshot with the hybridization of various perceptive elements. For instance, cinema was regarded as an invention in the late nineteenth century, but it only reflected the natural environment people observed with their pre-wired biological perceptions. Cyberspace may appear innovative to us, yet the “Virtual Reality” is still the duplication, amplification or transformation of the nature. The Internet optimists had once dreamt about immense possibilities; the real application of blog, video sharing and podcast, however, merely hybridizes the existent audio and video media. The most sophisticated technologies always aim to approximate the natural mode of human perception, which makes the evolution of media more a spiral that constantly returns to the natural habits than a linear progress into the future.
Similarly, literature co-evolves with media to restore the most natural elements — the oral tradition, primary or secondary as it may be, is thus perennial in all literary genres. The evolution seems to advance in a linear pattern; it, nevertheless, revolves around the center of orality and progresses in an anthropotropic spiral, where the classic motifs in various works are sucked and hybridized. Although the canonical transition from drama, poetry to novel sacrifices the natural oral-aural environment to the stable storage in words, the twentieth-century literary representation on radio, film, television and the Internet eventually restore the classic contents in the audio-visual environment. Such a spiral invites us to speculate an essential question: the technological innovation may not be the only dynamic to propel the evolution; instead, it is the restoration of the human-friendly environment that validates the value of the new media.
Similar restoration and hybridization can also be observed in the transformation of Charles Dickens’s works into various genres. Dickens is not only an outstanding novelist but also a brilliant performer and an influential magazine entrepreneur. The vitality of his works transcends varieties of literary genres and is absorbed into innumerable modern media as the technology advances. Dickens’s transgeneric network provides a model to observe the transition of media hybridization when the modern technology restores the human natural communication. This dissertation aims to analyze the delicate relationship between Dickens’s novels and the continuous consolidation of human sensory perceptions in various media. My research will be divided into four main categories:
First, it will study Dickens’s indebtedness to the tradition of theater and the nineteenth-century melodramatic adaptation of his works to see how the contents of the classic literature oscillate between the pure written form (novels) and the residual of the oral performance (melodrama). The study of such a complicated relationship helps clarify Dickens’s transgeneric metamorphosis profoundly influenced by the social milieu and the mass entertainment in the Victorian period.
Second, the success of Dickens’s Public Readings not only epitomizes the audience’s craze for the audio-visual performance but also suggests the author’s endeavors to seek more creative possibilities besides the writing format. More importantly, this singular phenomenon represents the social collective unconsciousness, though repressed by the dominant culture of typography, to return to the ancient tradition of minstrels and bards. Through meticulous editing and intensive rehearsal, Dickens was able to perform with more improvisation and higher accuracy. Furthermore, with a series of symbols onstage, he strategically maintained his identity as a cultural elite and meanwhile enjoyed the ecstasy of orality. Dickens’s unique strategy to reach the equilibrium between orality and literacy will also be analyzed in the dissertation.
Third, several film and television adaptations of Dickens’s works will be examined to show the modern transition of his stories from the written genre to the audio-visual media. Dickens directly influenced many cinematic forerunners, and the film fulfills the imagination of the author, which could not be realized on the written page. Furthermore, the cooperation of the novelist and the illustrators in the Victorian magazine serialization will also be analyzed to see how the illustrations inspire the later design of movies on screen. However, the “un-represented” may more often than not be more pregnant with meanings than the explicit representation on screen. Therefore, it will be an important issue to re-consider the meaning of recollecting the natural environment in the literary creation.
The final analysis concentrates upon Dickens’s works in the cyberspace, monitoring his afterlife in this cutting-edge medium. Besides the websites that contain the scholarly resources, the old radio clips that recite Dickens’s works and the hypertext reproduction of the novels are all juxtaposed in the virtual space. Moreover, many personal blogs provide their own video adaptations, and the other productions such as the podcast become popular on the Internet. The reincarnation of Dickens’s works in the cyberspace represents the novelist’s unique status as the “cultural modem” that bridges the gaps separation the past, present and future. His works epitomize a clear lineage of the technological transition that endeavors to recollect the most instinctive pattern of human cognition.
The transformation of Dickens’s works into so many genres forms a transgeneric network that could help envision the hybridization of media in the literary history. When literature tends to include all media into its field of study, it sometimes undergoes a severe crisis of self-definition. Dickens’s model may provide some clues to envisage the future development of the literary genres in the age of mechanic reproduction.
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全球資訊網論述表現初探-以反國民卡行動聯盟網站為例林智惟 Unknown Date (has links)
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超媒體模態對閱讀行為及理解的影響 / The effects of modality on hypermedia navigation behavior and comprehension曾育慧 Unknown Date (has links)
影片在網路內容中的比重日益增加,但超文本閱讀理解研究卻很少探討影片元素。本研究以實驗法探討超文本內容以不同表達模態(影片結合文字呈現、純文字呈現) 對理解及超文本大綱瀏覽行為的影響。
實驗以科普內容做為素材,招募81位大學生,隨機分配到實驗組及控制組:網頁影片結合文字組、網頁純文字組、紙本組三組,並要求受試者閱讀後以自由回憶(free recall)、概念圖寫下所看到的內容。接著,以Kintsch(1998)的建構-整合模式為基礎,建立文本中的巨觀命題與情境模式,並以命題分析法比對三組讀者回憶內容的差異。同時,也記錄網頁組二組受試者的瀏覽行為及時間。
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墨梭超文本小說《勝利花園》中遊牧敘述與複調競衡研究 / A Study of the Nomadic Narrative and Polyphonic Politics in Stuart Moulthrop's Hyperfiction Victory Garden陳徵蔚, Charles Chen, Zheng-Wei Unknown Date (has links)
本論文分為四章,第一章專論超文本定義與演進;第二、三章試從「介面」與「情節」兩方面切入,分析墨梭超文本小說《勝利花園》如何實現德勒斯遊牧敘述與巴赫汀複調理論。最後則就當前超文本研究發展,提出未來展望。 / The history of human writing is a continual process of decomposition and re-permutation, and the process reached its climax after the application of hypertextual technology in the late twentieth century. Hypertext is not the simple transplantation of text from page to screen but an innovative technology which is fragmentary, interconnected, nonlinear and multidirectional. It provides an environment of incomparable textual malleability and further fulfills many deconstructive hypotheses about text.
In 1962, Jorge Luis Borges suggested a fragmentary, chaotic, nonlinear and multidirectional narrative for the novel. In 1987, Gilles Deleuze presented the theory of nomadism and suggested the a-centered, non-hierarchic and randomly permuted structure. It was impossible, however, to create such a “Garden of Forking Paths” in the printed novel. The thoroughly decomposed text is nothing more than a heap of contradictory segments of paper. It is Stuart Moulthrop who successfully consolidated the fragmentary lexias with the hypertextual links and created a genuine “garden of forking paths” in Victory Garden. The fragmentary structure of Victory Garden helps the characters in the novel articulate themselves equally and independently, and the reader, the formerly auditor of the dialogue, can participate in the hyperfiction, too.
This thesis is divided into four chapters. The first chapter introduces the rationale and the history of hypertext. The second and third concentrate upon the interface and the “plots” of Victory Garden respectively to see how it better fulfills Deleuze’s nomadism and Bakhtin’s theory of polyphony. In the final chapter, the future of hypertextual studies are discussed.
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