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對C<sub>n</sub>⊕S<sub>m</sub>圖形的優美標法 / A Graceful Labeling for C<sub>n</sub>⊕S<sub>m</sub>蔡振華, Cai, Zhen Hua Unknown Date (has links)
優美圖是圖論中較有趣的研究課題。在本文中,我們將對C<sub>n</sub>⊕S<sub>m</sub>的圖形提供一套優美的標法。 / Graceful graph is a more interesting research problem in the graph theory. In this paper, we will give a graceful labeling to the gragh C<sub>n</sub>⊕S<sub>m</sub>.
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主幹導引式最短路徑搜尋演算法 / A Heuristics shortest path algorithm by backbone orientation林啟榮, Lin, Chi Jung Unknown Date (has links)
A*(A-Star)演算法透過啟發函式,以減少路徑搜尋過程中所需要計算的網路數量,SMA*(Simplified Memory Bounded A-Star)為A*之變形,目前最廣泛被應用於GPS導航系統之路徑規劃的演算法。尋找路徑的計算過程中,A*與SMA*演算法利用中間節點與目的地的方向(直線距離)作為啟發函式,以預估中間節點到目的地之路徑長度挑選優先搜尋的路段,而SMA*則因記憶體的限制會排除預估長度較長的路段,以減少搜尋的路段數量與記憶體之使用量。當起點與終點中存在障礙地形時或路段較崎嶇時,以方向導引路徑搜尋之準確度便大幅降低,導致A*與SMA*之搜尋數量增加,SMA*甚至會得到較差的路徑。
主幹導引式最短路徑搜尋演算法(Backbone Orientation)以骨幹路徑導引路徑之搜尋,在障礙地形或道路崎嶇的情況下,可有效避免SMA*之缺點,效能較佳。主幹導引式最短路徑搜尋演算法分為二階段,先由原始路網中提取骨幹路網,並計算出最佳骨幹路徑,再利用骨幹路徑引導路徑的搜尋,在骨幹路徑的一定範圍內搜尋最短路徑。
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Path Bandwidth Calculation for QoS Support in Wireless Multihop Networks / 支援無線多跳接網路服務品質之路徑頻寬計算劉姿吟, Liu, Tzu-Yin Unknown Date (has links)
行動資訊服務環境的理想,是要提供一個無所不在的資訊環境,讓使用者可以在任何地方、任何時間,利用各種有線或無線的傳輸網路去存取可用資源。行動通訊與行動計算的飛越發展使得行動資訊服務的理想指日可待。而無線網路要支援一些即時多媒體通訊傳輸,服務品質便成為很重要的課題,頻寬計算更是其中最關鍵的議題。除了現有IEEE 802.11無法有效支援多跳接網路使之達到服務品質的保證外,也由於Ad Hoc網路移動性及流量多變性的特性,要在這樣的無線環境下支援服務品質便成為一個困難的挑戰。由於我們參考的論文皆在TDMA的環境下探討頻寬保證的問題,但是這在無線多跳接網路下十分複雜且受限制。因此我們針對此問題提出一個簡單的頻寬計算方法來估算網路現有頻寬,用於頻寬繞徑演算法上以支援無線網路服務品質。實驗結果顯示我們的方法比過去的頻寬計算方法更簡單、誤差少、適用於各種MAC層的通訊協定,也容易與現有頻寬繞徑演算法結合以執行允入控制機制。透過我們的方法,可以有效地支援無線多跳接網路服務品質。 / The idea of mobile computing service is to provide a ubiquitous information environment. However, the present mobile ad hoc networks still can’t support real-time transmission very effectively. In other words, the capability of supporting QoS guarantee has become a very important issue. IEEE 802.11 PCF adopts the polling scheme to provide time-bounded traffic services, which is not suitable in multi-hop networks. Moreover, due to mobility and traffic dynamics, the network resource management is more difficult. Thus, QoS support in such an environment is a challenge. Specifically, path bandwidth calculation is the first key element. All the bandwidth routing papers we referenced were using TDMA. However, they are restricted in TDMA systems and somehow complicated in path bandwidth calculation. We propose a simple path bandwidth calculation solution that can be used whatever MAC protocol is. It is also easy to implement call admission control and to combine with bandwidth routing algorithms. The simulation results illustrate that the statistical error rates of our path bandwidth calculation are within an acceptable range. By path bandwidth calculation, bandwidth routing algorithm is also developed to achieve the objective of supporting QoS in wireless multihop networks effectively.
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一個二項等式的對射證明 / A Bijective Proof of a Binomial Identity羅富僑, Lo, Fu Chiao Unknown Date (has links)
因以MathType編輯方程式,部份內容無法顯示,故全文請參閱論文電子檔 / 因以MathType編輯方程式,部份內容無法顯示,故全文請參閱論文電子檔
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一個有關開票的問題 / About A Ballot Problem楊蘭芬 Unknown Date (has links)
本篇論文主要在討論兩個人參選時的開票情況,研究「n+m人投票且無人投廢票的情況下,其中一人至少得n票且一路領先的開票方法數等於此人得n票的所有開票方法數」 ,第一章介紹研究動機及他人所使用的方式,使用路徑的方法證明一人得n票,另一人得m票,n≥m,得n票的人一路領先且勝出的方法數等於 C_n^(m+n)-C_(n+1)^(m+n)=C_m^(m+n)-C_(m-1)^(m+n),再用計算相消的方式算出,此人至少得n票且一路領先的開票方法數等於此人得n票的所有開票方法數。
論文最後,提出一個猜想:若參選人數為三人時,其中一位參選人一路領先且勝出的開票方法數,應該可以用立體空間的方塊圖之路徑來證明。本篇論文,雖然沒有繼續討論這個有趣的問題,但也留下一個新的研究方向。 / The theme of this thesis is mainly to discuss of situation of counting and announcing the ballots in an election with two candidates. In explaining the contents of the "Total n+m votes, there’s no invalid vote. One candidate wins at least n votes and lead all the way. Under this circumstance this number of the way will be equal to all numbers of the way for these n votes of this candidate.” At first, we will introduce the methodology of the other adopt, the methodology of previous path of way proves one candidate known to have n votes, another candidate has m votes, the method of candidate with n votes who leads all the way and won will be equal to C_n^(m+n)-C_(n+1)^(m+n)=C_m^(m+n)-C_(m-1)^(m+n), and then result of calculating cancellation will prove this candidate will have at last n votes and leads the way to victory will be equal to all the methodologies of counting and announcing the ballots in this election.
A method of flip the path will be introduced in the second chapter.
Corresponding to the road map of ballot counting for the candidate who has n votes and lead the way to victory, the road map of same one with n votes without leading the way through a step-ping, flip the way of origami will be mathematically proves such reflect of the way will be reflect one to one and onto. By means of the discrete method is able to prove this result and the method to verify availability
Finally, I would like to propose a surmise: If the number of candidates increased to 3, the methodology of the one who leads all the way should be able to use three-dimensional space of a block diagram of the path to prove. Although this thesis does not to continue pondering the interesting question, but also left a new research direction.
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有關凸多邊形的三角化羅國少 Unknown Date (has links)
本篇文章是針對「凸多邊形的三角化」和「正方形街道中,好路徑的方法」(正方形街道中走 步 向右, 步 向上,且沿途中 不超過 的捷徑走法)兩者之間的對應關係的探討。
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IEEE 802.16j網路中基於樹狀拓樸的路徑選擇機制 / Tree Topology based Path Selection for IEEE 802.16j Network廖國淵, Liao, Guo Yuan Unknown Date (has links)
IEEE 802.16相關標準已經發展出像是已經成熟的802.16d、支援移動性的802.16e還有支援Multihop Relay (MR)的802.16j。802.16j的特點就是多了可以轉傳資料的Relay Station (RS),藉由RS可以擴大網路覆蓋範圍(coverage extension)並提升系統傳輸效能(throughput enhancement),不過也因此使得802.16j的topology不同於以往,變成類似Tree的架構,傳輸路徑也不再是單純的single hop,有可能變成two hop甚至multihop的方式,也因此產生了新的多重路徑(multipath)問題:BS和MS中間的路徑不再唯一,因此路徑也需適時的配合改變,否則可能會嚴重的影響效能。
本文以連線的QoS(Quality of Service)要求為標準,依照系統中delay需求順序建立連線BS與RS間的連線,最後建構出系統的tree topology並依此進行傳送。目的在讓高QoS連線與BS間的Hop數降低,達到降低delay並穩定jitter的目標,並提供congestion control。最後利用NS-2網路模擬器對不同的網路環境進行模擬,測試所產生的效能並進行評估,以驗證此方法的實際可行性。
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研發網絡、信任關係與廠商績效 / The effect of trust on firm performance in r&d network王宜婷 Unknown Date (has links)
據此,本研究以生物技術產業為例,探討生技研發網絡內廠商間信任建立與廠商績效之影響關係,藉以了解生技產業中信任所扮演的重要角色。本研究以研發合作之問卷設計,對台灣地區的生技廠商作問卷調查,並以因素分析與結構方程模式作為資料分析方法。實證結果得知,生技廠商的研發合作乃需透過信任建立方能正面影響廠商績效。 / Facing an era of globalization of industry, the product manufacturing process gradually formed tight links between firms due to specialization .And the industry links based on R&D and innovation as the main purpose are known as R&D network. Great deal of technical knowledge flows in R&D network, and a major share among the members is the costs and risks of innovative technology development, while helping to improve the members on learning. However, these knowledge exchange and resource sharing are based on technical confidential information leakage and misappropriation hazards. At this point, the establishment of trust between firms can reduce high uncertainty of R&D, and prevent partners from doing opportunistic behavior, thereby enhancing R&D cooperation between firms. Therefore, the trust among the partners is an important factor of the impact of R&D network and firm performance.
Accordingly, the study takes the biotechnology industry for example, and the purpose of this paper is to examine the relationship of trust and firm performance among R&D cooperation in biotechnology R&D network, and explore that trust plays an important role in biotechnology. In research method, the questionnaire was designed for R&D cooperation between biotechnology firms in Taiwan for survey. Both factor analysis and structural equation modeling were used to analyze for the study. Empirical results show that the R&D cooperation of biotechnology firms should be established through the trust to effect the firm performance positively.
Keywords: R&D Network, Trust, Firm Performance, Path Analysis
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樹形圖具有對稱相似性 / Symmetric Similarity of Trees龔英一, GONG,YING-YI Unknown Date (has links)
圖論上,定義兩點相似(similar ):若a ,b 是圖G 上的兩點,且存在一個定義於
V (G )的某排列φ,滿足:(1)φAut(G)及(2)φ(a)=b,則稱G 之a,b
兩點相似。由定義吾人固然知必有一φ Aut(G),滿足φ(a)=b,如果G 之a,b
兩點相似的話。然而,有人不禁會問:若G 上任二點a,b相似
,則是否存在一φ Aut(G),同時滿足φ(a)=b且φ(b)=a呢?( 本文稱G 為
對稱相似(symmet-rically similar),若答案為真時。)
ite tree)皆具備此特性。
本文共分二章四節。首先,吾人知:任意樹形圖乃一不具環路的聯結圖(acyclic c-
onnected graph),且任二不同點a ,b 僅可決定出唯一的(a-b)路徑( path )
本文先針對此路徑觀察出二項特性:(1)當(a-b)為偶路徑,m 為其中點,且φ
(a)=b,φ Aut(G)時,φ作用在m,n之後對調(即φ(m)=n且φ(n )= m
Aut(G),同時滿足φ(a)=b且φ(b)=a,此處G 為一樹形圖。
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線上廣告訴求與認知需求對消費者購買決策的影響 / Effects of Online Advertising Appeal and Cognitive Need on Consumer’s Purchase Decision張杰 Unknown Date (has links)
因為先前針對推敲可能性模型的決策路徑主要都是以推論為主,本研究設計了一個測量中央及邊陲路徑的問卷,藉此了解受測者實際感受到的決策路徑。而整體的問卷透過一個網路實驗收集資料,結果發現廣告訴求對思考路徑有顯著的關係,理性的廣告訴求會使消費者傾向於使用中央路徑;感性的廣告訴求則會使消費者傾向於使用邊陲路徑,而認知需求會對這個關係有交互作用的影響。同時也發現思考路徑對於購買意願會有顯著影響,不同的產品類型會對於這個關係有交互作用的影響。 / Social media and the Internet are inseparable elements of modern human life. Online advertising becomes a popular method for vendors to access their consumers. Advertising appeals are important in attracting consumers’ attention of products and services. In this study, we investigate the effect of online advertising appeals on consumer’s purchase decision using the Elaboration Likelihood Model (ELM) that proposes a central-peripheral dual-route persuasion mechanism. We designed an instrument to measure the perceived route in decision processes and applied it in an online experiment to examine how different appeals affect the central and peripheral routes in consumers’ decision processes. The results indicate that advertising appeals have significant effect on decision routes. Cognitive needs are found to have interaction effects. Decision through different routes also have significant effect on consumers’ decision, while product types have moderation effects.
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