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交通肇事逃逸罪之適用難題與違憲爭議 / The Application and the Unconstitutional Dispute in Hit and Run Offense楊駿賢 Unknown Date (has links)
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重返倫敦下層:尼爾‧蓋曼《無有鄉》中的空間與主體 / Return to London Below: Space and Subjectivity in Neil Gaiman's Neverehere林世傑, Lin, Shih-jie Unknown Date (has links)
《無有鄉》(Neverwhere, 1997)原為BBC迷你影集,後經由作者尼爾‧蓋曼(Neil Gaiman)改寫成小說,書中主角理查‧馬修(Richard Mayhew)因拯救朵兒(Door)而被迫開始探索他前所未知、無從想像的倫敦空間,也就是倫敦下層(London Below)。此倫敦空間充滿暴力混亂,顛覆理查對原有倫敦的想像,也將他帶離熟悉的畛域,雖然倫敦下層的事物希奇古怪,卻又詭異的與倫敦上層互相指涉,也使理查此旅行充滿詭異怪誕(uncanny)。此論文意旨爬梳倫敦城市空間的複寫性和其造成的詭異、探討理查馬修漫遊者(flâneur)形象以及理查結尾做出的看似自由卻又充滿侷限逃逸線(line of flight)。 / In Neil Gaiman’s first novel Neverwhere, adapted from the original namesake BBC television serial, the protagonist Richard Mayhew is a forced traveler, exploring the territory of imaginary London Below, in which Richard fails to grasp the sense. The “London Below,” the buried and repressed past by the “London Above,” is full of chaos, violence. Observing the invisible cities of the multiple other which used to escape his unitary way of seeing, Richard’s vision of the familiar/homely city gets blurred, defiant. However, events in London Below always disturb but at the same time uncannily refer to those of the London Above, which makes his journey in London Below an uncanny one. This thesis is going to discuss palimpsestic London space and the role of Richard Mayhew as flâneur and Richard’s final decision as a line of flight.
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老虎鉗下的我國外籍家事工作者勞動人權趙俊明 Unknown Date (has links)
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台灣與印尼雙邊跨境移工政策:以在台逃逸印尼勞工為例 / Coordinating Migrant Labor Policy between Taipei and Jakarta: The Case of Runaway Indonesian Workers范安曼, Faustina, Anselma Unknown Date (has links)
考慮到外籍勞工議題涵蓋的層面多元,如多方的參與者,因此本篇論文將專注於闡述與探討負責輸出勞工及輸入勞工國家的角色及政策。本篇論文主要分為兩部份,第一部分,由於台灣的移工政策對於外國勞工非常嚴格,因此台灣的移工政策造成了印尼勞工過多的負擔,第二台灣和印尼政府無效率的配合,兩國政府只專注於表面並無徹底了解並從其根本解決勞工問題,這兩項因素造成了高比率的逃逸印尼勞工問題,除此之外,本篇論文亦將包含清楚的台灣政府和印尼政府的勞工政策發展,為了更清楚了解此一議題,本篇論文也向移民署收容所作問卷調查,訪問避難所的逃逸勞工,和研究台印勞工現象的專家學者們進行團體討論,本篇分析結果來自問卷調查及訪問,並將此一結果與現有的印尼及台灣政府的政策與合作進行分析。 / As one of the most populous country in the world, Indonesia’s predominance is sending its human resources to work abroad. However, many Indonesian overseas workers encounter mistreatment during their work time which leads to several arising problems. On the other hand, Taiwan has become one of the preferred destination countries due to three reasons; higher salary, better living and working conditions, and low mistreatment cases compare to other destination countries. Despite that, Taiwan government still encounters issues in managing foreign workers. Runaway foreign worker is a major issue in Taiwan’s labor market and Indonesian workers are accounted as the highest runaway foreign workers in Taiwan.
Previous researches have been conducted to analyze the phenomenon of runaway foreign workers in Taiwan and most of them addressed Taiwanese guest worker policy as the major reason. Research on runaway Indonesian workers in particular is very limited as most of the existing researches focused on Filipinas workers.
Taking into account that foreign workers issue is a multi-faceted phenomenon which involves various actors, this thesis acknowledges the roles and policies from both sending and host states. Therefore this thesis delivers two arguments. First, Taiwan’s guest worker policy has put excessive burden on Indonesian workers as Taiwan employs highly restrictive policy towards foreign workers. Second, Indonesia and Taiwan’s ineffective cooperation is unable to address the existing runaway Indonesian workers issue as it emphasizes more on scratching the surface than dealing with the root causes. These two variables have inadvertently contributed to the high number of runaway Indonesian workers. In addition, this thesis also delivers a clear labor policy development in Indonesian and Taiwan government to understand each institution’s in-take related to labor issues. In order to provide comprehensive findings, this thesis conducts survey with the Indonesian runaway workers in Detention Center, interview with the runaway Indonesian workers in shelters, and focus group studies with Indonesian and Taiwanese experts who are dealing with such phenomenon. The analysis is drawn from the results of survey and interview, and then is connected to the current Indonesian and Taiwanese policies and cooperation in addressing particular issue.
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論駕車肇事逃逸行為之可罰性蔡建興 Unknown Date (has links)
No description available.
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Labor trafficking in taiwan: supply driven or policy driven?吳佩娟, Wu, Peichuan Unknown Date (has links)
Human trafficking has existed in various forms throughout human history, but it never drew public attention until recent years. This thesis attempts to explore the causes of labor trafficking by empirical research and provide the government with anti-trafficking measures for Taiwan.
The research comprised both quantitative and qualitative methods, in which a questionnaire survey was administered and in-depth interviews were conducted. A total of 167 illegal foreign laborers detained in the Yilan Detention Center and 7 social workers in shelters for trafficking victims participated in the study.
Results of the research showed that most runaway foreign laborers came to Taiwan with the assistance of a broker agency, and that they paid brokerage fees with bank loans, while irregular foreign laborers were assisted by friends or relatives in their homelands or in Taiwan and paid their way with personal savings or loans from friends or relatives. It is common for both runaway foreign laborers and irregular foreign laborers to be charged extra fees and to be paid less than they were told before entering Taiwan.
Labor trafficking in Taiwan is largely the result of a system of high brokerage fees without a standard and transparent mechanism. In addition, contract foreign laborers cannot change employers at will, which is also a key factor. Consequently, the government of Taiwan should actively negotiate with labor exporting nations to manage the payment of brokerage fees and modify foreign labor policy to decrease the illegality of foreign laborers and employers.
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論渥坦貝克《夜鶯之愛》中之逃逸路線 / Lines of flight in Timberlake Wertenbaker's The Love of the Nightingale何如媖, Ho, Ju Ying Unknown Date (has links)
英國女劇作家渥坦貝克(Timeberlake Wertenbaker) 筆下著名的《夜鶯之愛》 (The Love of the Nightingale) 在近年來獲得多方批評家的討論。大多數的批評家總以政治及性別的角度探討這部劇作中呈現女性如何成為男性暴力下的受害者。然而,本論文將採用德勒茲 (Gilles Deleuze) 和瓜塔里 (Félix Guattari) 的去疆域化 (deterritorialization)、生成動物 (becoming-animal)、再疆域化 (reterritorialization)、及少數文學 (the minor literature) 的理論概念,重新剖析渥坦貝克如何透過翻譯 (translation)、互文性 (intertextuality)、變形 (transformation) 書寫等寫作策略,彰顯普洛克涅 (Procne) 及菲勒美拉 (Philomele) 如何在受盡錯置及語言喪失的苦痛後,找到越界的可能性。在德勒茲和瓜塔里的理論架構之下,本論文的第一章節將先詮釋普洛克涅及菲勒美拉如何離開父系體制,並藉由逃逸路線 (lines of flight) 展開去疆域化的旅程,並在去疆域化的過程中面臨到未知的危險及機會。再者,論文中也探討普洛克涅及菲勒美拉的動物變形可以被視為她們僭越傳統意識型態束縛的証據。在經歷過生成動物 (becoming-animal) 的過程之後,普洛克涅及菲勒美拉改變了她們對於原生社會及世界的態度及看法。最後,普洛克涅及菲勒美拉的再疆域化帶領她們到另一個新的疆界,釋放女性內心的忿怒及慾望。在新的疆域中,女性們發現到另一個新的出口,重新探索流動性主體的存在,挑戰有機體式的國家體制。 / Timberlake Wertenbaker’s The Love of the Nightingale (1989) is the preeminent play of translation which calls many critics’s attention. Based on the myth of Procne and Philomele, The Love of the Nightingale is always discussed by critics from the political and sexual perspectives to show how women become the powerless victims under the male violence. However, in this thesis, I would like to use Deleuze and Guattari’s concepts of deterritorializaion, becoming-animal, and reterritorialization to analyze how Procne and Philomele find out the possibility of transgression from the suffering dislocation and dispossession of language through Wertenbaker’s dramaturgy of translation, intertextuality, and transformation. Applying Deleuze’s and Guattari’s theories to analyze The Love of the Nightingale, I would first show how Procne and Philomele obtain the chances to leave the patriarchical territory, beginning their deterritorialization to encounter unknown risks and chances via lines of flight. After the deterritorialization, Procne’s and Philomele’s physical metamorphosis could be regarded as the evidence of how they traverse the presupposed ideological system. In the process of becoming-animal, Procne and Philomele change their attitudes and perspectives toward their cultures and the world. Later, they are reterritorialized to another territory, releasing their desire and anger. In the new territory, they could find another way to search fluid identities and to challenge the state apparatus.
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