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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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最適仿冒品查緝率的制定 / Establishment of the optimal enforcement rate of counterfeit

陳盈竹 Unknown Date (has links)
在這多元化社會,資訊及科技的高度發展除了帶給全民便利以及更充足完整的資訊外,卻也帶來了侵權與犯罪。本文根據王智賢與楊敦雅 (2008) 一文做進一步的延伸,採用 Grossman and Helpman (1994) 的菜單式拍賣模型,探討當智慧財產權等無形資產為外國正版商所擁有時,外國正版廠商、國內仿冒商,以及國內部份消費者所組成的團體,三者的利益分配相互衝突時,本國政府將如何制定國內的仿冒查緝率。此外,我們將模型設定了外生變數查緝率下限以盼能更貼近現實社會,透過本研究我們可以發現在增加查緝率下限後,雙方共同遊說之下均衡查緝率可能由原先的零大幅提高至仿冒商品剛好可以生存的門檻,並且在均衡時只會有一方願意提供給本國政府政治獻金。 / In this multiple society, although highly developing information and technology not only make all the people more convenient but also earn more sufficient information, it has brought the tort and crime as well. In this essay, we extend the essay written by Jue-Shyan Wang & Tun-Ya Yang (2008) and adapt a simple framework based on the Menu-auction Model of Grossman and Helpman (1994). Discussing about how a domestic government decides optimal enforcement rate of counterfeit when intellectual property is held by a foreign company and foreign company、domestic consumers and domestic illegally copied company had a conflict between their benefit distribution. Furthermore, we are going to add a lower bound of enforcement rate as an external variable to close reality. After this study, we found that under the lobby of both foreign company and domestic consumers, the equilibrium of enforcement rate may change from zero to the entry barrier; what’s more, only one of the sides will be willing to pay political contributions to domestic government under equilibrium.

從「知識菁英」到「實務官僚」:陳之邁及其早期外交(1944-1955) / From intellectual to diplomat: Chen Chih-Mai and His Early diplomatic life (1944-1955)

林品秀, Lin, Pin Hsiu Unknown Date (has links)
陳之邁生於1908年之中國,時當西力東漸,救亡迫切感與啟蒙企圖心交織,留學風氣正熾之階段。陳氏上承家學淵源,又得兼視中西之乃父調教,年少便負笈美國,並於時代氛圍激盪下,造就其以承擔國族提升為己任之知識菁英素質。 1928年北伐完成,中華民國政局進入由中國國民黨建立之國民政府主導階段。在國政發展由軍政進入訓政時期後,為積極推動國家建設大業,國民政府廣納各領域專業菁英投身公職,並由此帶動一股從「知識菁英」到「實務官僚」之風潮。陳之邁自美國哥倫比亞大學留學歸國後,在清華大學短暫任教5年,便被延攬進入行政院任職。其後更因緣際會,被派往駐美使館擔任參事,從而開始其長達35年之外交生涯。 本論文係以尚未全面開放之《陳之邁檔案》為主,佐以其他相關檔案與論著寫成。除介紹陳之邁早年成學經歷,及其對身處時代之觀察,尤著重鋪陳其於1944–1955年駐美時期之外交作為。 陳氏於1944年赴駐美使館任職,時值二戰尾聲,大局漸明,許多戰後復員工作陸續展開。由於許多新興國際組織都以美國作為據點,陳之邁因地利之便,時常奉派擔任相關組織之中國代表,諸如聯合國善後救濟總署、聯合國糧農組織等。除參與各國際組織運作,為戰後中國爭取物資外,1949年中華民國代表團於聯合國推動《控蘇案》之文本,也出自陳氏手筆。 達成在各國際組織階段性任務後,陳之邁才得以專注於其駐美使館本職,秉持堅定之反共信念,展開一連串對美宣傳工作。其間,陳氏致力於拓展在美國政界與輿論界之人際網絡,透過其苦心經營之人脈,向美國政府爭取奧援。然由於陳之邁相對傾向美國共和黨之活動路線,也使其於「中國遊說團」風波中,一度成為美國輿論界質疑抨擊之對象,甚且於駐美使館內引發矛盾。 政府遷臺後,陳之邁再獲高層倚重,受託經辦美國記者團訪臺事宜。此事曾引起美國輿論界對臺灣之關注,是為中美關係低迷時期一項頗具正面意義之外交成果。 駐美時期之陳之邁,其職銜或只達公使,然面對中華民國政府對美外交之關鍵時期,陳之邁不避艱困,穿梭於美國政界與輿論界,積極進行反共宣傳,力爭中華民國國際生存空間。透過陳氏遺留之檔案與資料,筆者期待能藉由探討其學人從政之歷程,為勾勒出一部更完整之中美關係史,略作貢獻。

利益團體遊說策略模式--台灣經驗研究 / Lobbying Strategy Models for Taiwan Interest Groups

蔣念祖, Chiang,Nien-Tsu Unknown Date (has links)
一國之國會運作可謂民主進步的原動力,其運作之良善更有賴社會大眾有力之監督,利益團體在遊說時出現盲點,甚至抓不到遊說程序的重點,就會陷入「事倍功半」的窘境,很難期待行政官員或立法委員能夠支持,甚至願意挺身而出為政策執行或立法盡一份心力。 本研究自文獻參考中整理出一「台灣利益團體遊說」研究模型,然後自1993年-2005年十三年間,從中挑選了二十個案例,以具體交叉分析該等利益團體在遊說過程時所須注意或引用之各項因素,透過質化分析,探討利益團體其策略運作情形及優缺點;並且套用策略管理學上所常用的SWOT分析模式,試圖找出利益團體遊說之台灣經驗模式。 研究發現,遊說不管是公益性組織或私利性組織,清楚知道本身的遊說目的、遊說的方法固然重要,亦必須考慮遊說的外在環境以及遊說主體本身的性質問題,若太過偏重於遊說行動策略的單向思考,而忽視外在環境的現實問題以及操作主體實力的優劣勢分析,易於產生僵化式的遊說策略模式。 所以有心進行遊說之組織均應洞悉和操作方式,但操作之前亦必須先充分掌握遊說之外在環境和操作主體的優劣勢後,再視輕重緩急、量力而為,並適時做調整,以達到截長補短、前景預測的最佳狀態,以利遊說目的圓滿成功。 關鍵詞:利益團體、遊說、倡議、國會運作、策略、SWOT / The Congress operation functions as the driving force for a country to progress towards democracy. The operational performance of the Congress depends upon powerful supervision by the general public. Sometimes the interest groups may fall into the “fruitlessness” dilemma in the event that they run into a blind spot, or even when they fail to hit the nail on the head. In turn, they can hardly win support from government officers or congressmen. They will come forward to defend the executive or legislative performance. Through literature review, this research designs a model and applies it to analyze the performance of 20 interest groups in Taiwan selected between 1993 and 2005. In particular, this model analyzes the pros and cons of different strategies employed by these interest groups. In addition, this model also uses the SWOT analysis developed from strategic management to generalize the behavior patterns of selected interest groups. This research finds out that the external environment and the nature of issues are also important factors affecting the lobbying results. If an interest group focuses only on the lobbying strategies but ignores the external environment or relative strength between the subject and others, it may generalize rigid lobbying strategies. Therefore, the success of lobbying depends on an interest group’s assessment of external environment and relative strength before operation, as well as the lobbying strategies and adjustments during operation. Key words: Interest groups, Lobby, Advocacy, Congressional operation, strategies, SWOT

以色列對美國公眾外交政策:納坦雅胡政府時期案例研究(2009-2013) / The Israeli Public Diplomacy Policy toward the United States of America: A Case Study of the Netanyahu Period (2009-2013)

張維軒, Chang, Wei Hsuan Unknown Date (has links)
公眾外交在世界各地逐漸受到重視,本文試圖藉由研究以色列這個強敵環伺下的國家對其盟國美國的公眾外交政策,觀察這兩個同盟國家之間的軟實力外交關係。 本文從以色列對美國公眾外交的歷史實踐中證明,美國對以色列友好的原因除了硬實力外,公眾外交等軟實力因素也有重要影響力。其次,本文認為影響以色列對美國之外交策略的內外要素主要包含衝突、宗教、民主和政府態度等要素。最後,本文介紹納坦雅胡(Benjamin Netanyahu)政府時期,以色列對美國的兩大公共外交利基:「新媒體」和「族裔外交」,分別以「點對點外交」及「美國以色列公眾事務委員會」(the American Israel Public Affairs Committee, AIPAC)的機會與阻礙作為主軸。 / Public Diplomacy’s value is gradually increasing around the world. This thesis focuses on Israel and its Public Diplomacy policy toward its ally, the United States of America, in order to observe the soft power diplomatic relationship between the two. This thesis proves that besides Hard Power, Soft Power is also a crucial factor that improves the relations between Israel and the U.S. Also, this thesis states that “conflicts,” “religion,” “democracy,” and “the attitude of domestic leaderships” are the main factors that influence Israel’s diplomatic strategy toward the U.S. Finally, by describing “the Peer-to Peer Diplomacy,” and “the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC),” this thesis introduces the two main “Niches” in Israel’s Public Diplomacy Policy towards the U.S.: “New Media,” and “Diaspora Diplomacy.”

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