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運用開放源碼軟體於地籍圖加值應用之研究 / The research on cadastral map value-added application using open source software陳祖瑜, Chen,T.Y Unknown Date (has links)
本研究蒐集臺北市信義區之地籍圖、圖根點及都市計畫中心樁位坐標成果,以開放源碼GIS (Quantum GIS)進行地籍資料加值之建置及處理,建置完成後之成果,可於Quantum GIS中進行定位查詢、套圖展示等操作,並可依需求製作客製化地籍圖,產製地籍圖及圖根點成果KML檔,供民眾下載後加值應用,對提升為民服務有極大助益。 / The “Taipei City Multi-purpose Cadastral Map System” can be used to search and identify location. However, it lacks of functions provided by GIS (Geographic Information Systems) such as analysis and statistics, hence its utility is limited. Since the “Supplementary Control Point Management System for City and County Government” of the researcher's institute was developed in a very early year, due to its limitation, the software is incompatible with the other software which needs large memory. In addition, multi-purpose cadastral map is currently provided to the public in paper copy, thus it cannot be integrated with other GIS data established by government or private institutions. If the cadastral map conforms to the Open Geodata Interoperability Specification (OpenGIS), it can improve the quality of service provided by the government to the public because value-added applications can be developed. As both the aforementioned systems are not sufficient to meet the needs, there is great demand for developing a new system. However, the development of new functions or systems is often restricted by the original developer, budget, and procurement procedure, hence it is not efficient for the urgent need.
The Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC) has defined a set of open interfaces based on the OpenGIS. Most of the open source software that conforms to OpenGIS has the advantages of free of charge, cross platform, modulized data, and data interchangeability. It is free and easy for users to obtain open source software. Academia Sinica also provides several GIS application software for free download. By using open source GIS software to provide functions such as searching, identification, overlaying, and producing maps for cadastral maps and supplementary control points, it will enhance the value of cadastral map data in GIS applications.
This research collected data of the Xinyi District of Taipei City, including cadastral maps, supplementary control points, and central piles’ coordinates for urban planning. An open source GIS (Quantum GIS) was used to process cadastral maps, and the results can be used for location searching, and overlaying maps. Moreover, customized cadastral maps can be produced on demand, and the cadastral maps and supplementary control points can be converted to KML (Keyhole Markup Language) file format, which can be downloaded by the public for value-added applications. The results is expected to greatly improve services for the public.
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運用OpenGIS及免費軟體輔助國有公用不動產管理之研究 / Application of OpenGIS and free software for management of state-owned real estate陳志清, Chen, Chih Ching Unknown Date (has links)
自從1960年代加拿大地理資訊系統(CGIS)開始運作至今,雖然已有50年之歷史,但在早期,主要工作平台均為價錢昂貴之工作站電腦,其軟硬體價位極高,只有政府或大型研究機構才能負擔,所以GIS始終定位在專業用途,小老百姓一直無緣享受到GIS的好處。不過在近十年來的發展,使用者介面及軟硬體功能均已有長足進步,目前國際標準組織(ISO)與OGC (Open Geospatial Consortium)分別致力於地理資訊系統相關標準制定,迄今已分別推出許多與地理資訊描述與應用之相關標準。且我國對於國土資訊系統(NGIS)之開發整合及流通亦已投注相當心力,種種跡象均顯示GIS之開發門檻已逐漸降低中,且其資料之流通性亦提昇許多,因此本研究將嘗試探討如何利用開放式地理資訊架構(OpenGIS)、免費軟體(Free Software)及開放源碼軟體(Open Source Software),結合Google Earth涵蓋廣闊之地理資源平台,用最經濟且符合實際需求之方式,以地籍圖、地形圖及現況照片,結合既有國有土地及建物的管理屬性資料及相關地理圖形資料,如臺灣基本圖及地形圖等,以GIS的圖形及地理分析功能,輔助國有土地及建物管理之運用。 / With the advance of technology, the management of the state-owned property has been shifted from using map and book to information-based management for some time. However, the property management system today can only get hold of the management of cadastral property information and property registration of producing agencies, yet the cadastral map is not able to integrate with the current land utilization and other spatial data to illustrate the location and to analyze spatial distribution of the lands or buildings. And the fact that cadastral maps cannot be updated in time to grasp the latest alterations has resulted in ineffective management and utilization of state-owned land and arbitrary occupation was not uncommon.
It has been fifty years since the operation of the Canadian Geographic Information System (CGIS) in 1960s. However, in the early stage, the working platform were mainly expensive workstation computers, and the prices of hardware and software were so expensive that only the government or large research institutions could afford. Therefore, GIS had been used only for special purposes; the pubic had no access to enjoy the benefits of GIS. However, from the development of the past decade, user interface as well as the function of hardware and software has made a great progress. At present, International Organization for Standardization (ISO) and Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC) are separately dedicated to developing geographical information standards and they have launched many standards regarding the description and application of geographical information respectively.
Much effort on the integration and the circulation of our National Geographic Information System (NGIS) sees that the threshold of GIS development has been reducing and its circulation of data also has considerably raised. Therefore, this research attempts to combine OpenGIS, Free Software and Open Source Software with Google Earth, a platform that covers a wide geographical resource, with the most economical and realistic approach to integrate cadastral maps, topographic maps and present-day photos with the data of land and building management, and related geospatial data such as base map and topographic maps, etc. By using graphics and geographic analysis functions of GIS, it can support the management of state-owned land and buildings.
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應用開放源碼WebGIS於社區資源管理之研究 / Application of open source WebGIS in community resources management單勇恩 Unknown Date (has links)
國內許多社區擁有豐富的自然及人文資源,為了有效促進經濟發展與促使遊客了解社區環境資源,部分組織體系較完整的社區,已陸續展開社區發展規劃工作,鼓勵社區民眾共同參與社區林業經營與環境資源管理等工作。對於社區資源管理方面,如何將社區內各項資源進行有效地規劃與適當地呈現,以及與其他不同社區之間的資源資料整合,皆為當前主要面臨的課題之一。為考量社區的經濟條件限制,本研究利用低成本的開放源碼(Open Source)軟體如Django和QGIS (Quantum GIS),及網路上提供的免費軟體Google Earth,搭配空間資訊科技輔助資料蒐集,建構出社區資源之地理空間資料庫,並建立一套完整的網際網路地理資訊系統WebGIS (Web-based GIS)平台,提供使用者可經由操作網頁方式進行資料分享、管理及分析等服務。並結合MapServer、Google Maps API (Application Programming Interface)、Openlayers API與JavaScript設計動態網頁,讓社區和一般使用者可以透過地圖互動方式與相關地理資料的多樣化呈現以了解社區之各項資源,且促使社區管理者更有效進行資源規劃及提高生態旅遊之效益;同時融入公眾參與地理資訊系統(Public Participation Geographic Information Systems, PPGIS)的理念,鼓勵共同參與資源管理,於網站上加入討論與分享機制,進而擴大居民參與社區資源規劃討論的空間。研究成果顯示,利用GPS軌跡記錄器可於低成本的條件下,幫助環境資源等資料的收集;本研究舉辦數次的教育訓練以及觀察社區居民的學習情形,證實利用WebGIS平台的簡易操作,能促使社區中不同的使用者願意分享各自擁有的資料,發揮自發性地理資訊(Volunteered geographic information, VGI)的精神。且藉由公眾參與的方式,將能獲得更多不同來源的圖資或社區資源相關資料,以強化系統的資料庫內容。此外,透過各種豐富圖資瀏覽與空間分析工具,更有利於社區資源管理與決策分析之應用。 / Many local communities have a wealth of natural and humanistic resources. In order to effectively promote economic development and let more tourists know the environmental resources of the community, some more well-organized communities have launched community development planning to encourage local people to participate in community forestry and environmental resources management work. For community resources management, the most important issue is how to manage and present various community resources effectively, and to integrate resource data collected by different communities. Considering the economic constraint of community, this study used low-cost open source software such as Django and QGIS (Quantum GIS), and free software such as Google Earth, and spatial information technologies to collect data and establish geospatial database of community resources. Moreover, a WebGIS (Web-based GIS) platform was built to provide users with various services including data sharing, management, and analysis. By combining MapServer, Google Maps API (Application Programming Interface), Openlayers API, and JavaScript dynamic web pages, the system let users understand the resources of the community through a diverse display of interactive electronic maps and related geographic information. It also enables the community manager to carry out resource planning more effectively, and promotes benefits of ecotourism. In addition, the system incorporates the concept of PPGIS (Public Participation Geographic Information Systems) by adding functionalities of discussion and information sharing so as to encourage public involvement in resource management, and facilitate residents to participate in the discussion of resource planning. The results show that, GPS tracking devices can assist in collecting community resources data with low cost and high efficiency. By observing the activities of community residents after several training workshops, this research proves that WebGIS platform can facilitate different users of the community to voluntarily share their own data, which conforms to the spirit of VGI (Volunteered geographic information). With public participation, the geodatabase can effectively incorporate more data about the community resources from different sources. Furthermore, the geodatabase and spatial analysis tools will be helpful for decision-making on community resources management.
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