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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Study and Implementation of a Web GIS with Flash

li, Hsin-cheng 20 January 2011 (has links)
Google announced Google Maps Service on June 2005, and they developed and used many technologies to solve performance balance issue that long existing in client-server GIS system, including Ajax, map data pre-processing, and browser's cookies system. OGC defined this mechanism as WMS-C. However, Ajax is a technology based on HTML and javascript, when processing mass spatial data, it could be the bottleneck of performace. Therefore, using browser plugin to improve performance on data processing is necessary. This paper discuss on WebGIS related technologies, including CGI, Java Applet, Ajax, Flash, and compare their weakness and strength, then we focus on analyzing Java Applet, Ajax, Flash. Flash provides better graphics processing abilities, smooth interactive operation, fast display performance, make it suitable to be a WebGIS platform. Flash also support multi-platform and multi-browser, and it can be deployed with the same programming code. So this study chooses Flash and it's language Action Script to develop WebGIS client, backend with Mapserver to publish map data. We also use TileCache to pre-process aerial images of National Sun Yat-sen University into image tiles. Also it is overlaid with Kaohsung district map as vector data. The actionscript in the WebGIS core library include classes like Map, View, Layer, TMSLayer, FeatureLayer. It is fully implemented as a Flash based WebGIS system. Lastly, we compare the Flash-based MapServer system with MapServer only regarding to there performance and interactivity. On loading vector data, flash performance is nearly equal to Mapserver. When vector panned, flash performs better because flash uses pre-loading image tiles, but Mapserver renders repeatly after every move. On interactivity, flash can directly zoom the map with mouse wheel, and it can shorten user¡¦s operating time. And flash can also dispaly animations like fade in, out, etc. After removing one single layer, the map still preserve the other layers, so users can handle the map information more precisely, and can reduce the loading of servers.

Reconfiguração de redes primárias de distribuição de energia elétrica utilizando sistemas de informações geográficas. / GIS - based primary distribution feeder reconfiguration.

Crispino, Ferdinando 19 December 2001 (has links)
Este trabalho apresenta um sistema de informações geográficas (SIG) como ferramenta de analise da reconfiguração de redes de distribuição de energia elétrica, juntamente com a evolução e tendências para os sistemas SIG. É utilizado um banco de dados relacional para armazenar dados geográficos e não geográficos e resultados de cálculo de fluxo de potência. A região em estudo é visualizada em forma de mapa sobrepondo a rede primária e os seus elementos elétricos. A simulação do novo estado da rede é feita, intuitivamente com o mouse, a partir dos elementos gráficos. O aplicativo apresenta graficamente os resultados de simulações de manobras na rede de distribuição e os valores resultantes do fluxo de potência para suas principais grandezas elétricas. / This work describes the implementation of a Geographical Information System (GIS) based reconfiguration system, aimed at primary distribution feeders (13.8 kV), together with an overview on the evolution and future trends of GIS applications. A relational database stores both spatial and non-spatial data, which are shown on the screen as a map on top of which all elements of the electrical system are displayed. An intuitive user interface, through the use of the mouse and graphical resources, allows the state of protective/switching devices to be easily changed (from closed to open and vice-versa). A load-flow routine can be executed at any time, allowing the evaluation of the impact of a particular operation. Simulation results are presented in two forms: graphical data shown directly on the screen and alphanumeric reports for later analysis.

Reconfiguração de redes primárias de distribuição de energia elétrica utilizando sistemas de informações geográficas. / GIS - based primary distribution feeder reconfiguration.

Ferdinando Crispino 19 December 2001 (has links)
Este trabalho apresenta um sistema de informações geográficas (SIG) como ferramenta de analise da reconfiguração de redes de distribuição de energia elétrica, juntamente com a evolução e tendências para os sistemas SIG. É utilizado um banco de dados relacional para armazenar dados geográficos e não geográficos e resultados de cálculo de fluxo de potência. A região em estudo é visualizada em forma de mapa sobrepondo a rede primária e os seus elementos elétricos. A simulação do novo estado da rede é feita, intuitivamente com o mouse, a partir dos elementos gráficos. O aplicativo apresenta graficamente os resultados de simulações de manobras na rede de distribuição e os valores resultantes do fluxo de potência para suas principais grandezas elétricas. / This work describes the implementation of a Geographical Information System (GIS) based reconfiguration system, aimed at primary distribution feeders (13.8 kV), together with an overview on the evolution and future trends of GIS applications. A relational database stores both spatial and non-spatial data, which are shown on the screen as a map on top of which all elements of the electrical system are displayed. An intuitive user interface, through the use of the mouse and graphical resources, allows the state of protective/switching devices to be easily changed (from closed to open and vice-versa). A load-flow routine can be executed at any time, allowing the evaluation of the impact of a particular operation. Simulation results are presented in two forms: graphical data shown directly on the screen and alphanumeric reports for later analysis.

Avaliação da integração entre Sistemas de Informações Geográficas e Sistemas Gerenciadores de Bancos de Dados com extensões espaciais

Maria Thorpe Chalegre, Amália 31 January 2011 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-06-12T16:31:41Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 2 arquivo7544_1.pdf: 1762671 bytes, checksum: 747232b1fcd48716dcf03e222c25adbd (MD5) license.txt: 1748 bytes, checksum: 8a4605be74aa9ea9d79846c1fba20a33 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2011 / A pesquisa tem como objetivo analisar a integração entre Sistemas de Informações Geográficas (SIG) e Sistemas Gerenciadores de Bancos de Dados (SGBD) com extensões espaciais, em relação à interoperabilidade de dados geográficos vetoriais. Apoiada na recomendação do governo brasileiro sobre adoção de programas computacionais livres nas soluções de Tecnologias da Informação (TI) e na idéia de que, fortalecer esse conhecimento no ambiente acadêmico é uma forma de disseminá-lo, apenas SGBD e SIG enquadrados nessa categoria foram incluídos na pesquisa. Ressalta-se ainda que esses SGBD respeitam, parcial ou integralmente, as especificações do OGC - Open Geospatial Consortium. Na realização do estudo, inicialmente foram definidos os critérios para seleção dos programas e os aspectos a serem avaliados. O critério utilizado para escolha dos SGBD com extensões espaciais foi que tivessem o uso consolidado no gerenciamento de dados alfanuméricos. A escolha dos SIG, baseada no resultado de outras pesquisas, levou em consideração o tempo de maturação do programa, a qualidade do suporte disponível, a possibilidade de ser suportado por mais de um Sistema Operacional, o nível de complexidade para utilização e a velocidade de processamento. Os aspectos considerados na avaliação foram relativos às estruturas gráficas vetoriais integradas aos atributos alfanuméricos e o compartilhamento de dados pelos SIG, através do uso de SGBD com extensões espaciais. Trabalhou-se com dois SGBD, três SIG e o mesmo conjunto de dados. O resultado é um conjunto de considerações sobre a integração entre os SIG e os SGBD e recomendações que podem apoiar a seleção desses programas quanto aos aspectos estudados


柯景騰, Ko, Ching-Teng Unknown Date (has links)
台灣因地理位置、氣候與地形等因素,孕育了豐富的森林資源。林務局廣設永久樣區以瞭解森林資源之分布與蓄積情形,永久樣區每隔五年進行全面性調查,調查所得資料繁多,惟永久樣區之植物資源調查資料僅記錄樣區之坐標位置與樣區內植物之分布情形,並未建立相關圖面資料,以至於無法與其他圖籍資料進行套疊分析。 本研究以MapServer、Zope等自由軟體與自行開發之軟體工具,處理圖形與相關屬性資料,以建構符合OGC(Open Geospatial Consortium)提出之網路地圖服務(Web Map Service,WMS)與網路圖徵服務(Web Feature Service,WFS)規格的WebGIS伺服端系統,並且整合各項森林資源表簿調查資料與圖籍資料,建構一包含森林永久樣區與樣木之空間與屬性資料的森林資源調查管理系統,以提供管理者經營管理與規劃之良好工具。 / There are plentiful forest resources in Taiwan because of the unique geographic location, climate and terrain. In order to acquire the information of distribution and storage of forest resources, the Forest Bureau sets up a lot of sample plots, and these sample plots will be fully surveyed every five years. Numerous data were collected, however only the coordinates of sample plots and the distribution of vegetation within those sample plots were recorded. It is not possible to perform map overlay analysis with the other map data because of lacking spatial data of sample plots. In this research, a WebGIS (web-based GIS) system was developed entirely from free software including MapServer, Zope, Apache and PostgreSQL/PostGIS. This WebGIS system is based on the OGC OpenGIS architecture (WMS and WFS), therefore it is easy to share geospatial data with the other GIS systems for various applications. Furthermore, a forest resources management system was established, which integrates the attribute data from field investigation and generates spatial data of sample plots and sample trees automatically.

運用OpenGIS及免費軟體輔助國有公用不動產管理之研究 / Application of OpenGIS and free software for management of state-owned real estate

陳志清, Chen, Chih Ching Unknown Date (has links)
隨著時代科技之進步,國有財產管理由圖簿管理邁向資訊化管理已行之有年,惟現今之財產管理系統僅能掌握地籍屬性資料及管理機關的產籍資料,單張地籍圖無法與土地使用現況等空間資料結合,以圖形顯示土地及建物的位置及其空間分佈的分析,並且隨時掌握最新異動情形,導致國有土地未能獲得有效管理運用,被占用情形屢見不鮮。 自從1960年代加拿大地理資訊系統(CGIS)開始運作至今,雖然已有50年之歷史,但在早期,主要工作平台均為價錢昂貴之工作站電腦,其軟硬體價位極高,只有政府或大型研究機構才能負擔,所以GIS始終定位在專業用途,小老百姓一直無緣享受到GIS的好處。不過在近十年來的發展,使用者介面及軟硬體功能均已有長足進步,目前國際標準組織(ISO)與OGC (Open Geospatial Consortium)分別致力於地理資訊系統相關標準制定,迄今已分別推出許多與地理資訊描述與應用之相關標準。且我國對於國土資訊系統(NGIS)之開發整合及流通亦已投注相當心力,種種跡象均顯示GIS之開發門檻已逐漸降低中,且其資料之流通性亦提昇許多,因此本研究將嘗試探討如何利用開放式地理資訊架構(OpenGIS)、免費軟體(Free Software)及開放源碼軟體(Open Source Software),結合Google Earth涵蓋廣闊之地理資源平台,用最經濟且符合實際需求之方式,以地籍圖、地形圖及現況照片,結合既有國有土地及建物的管理屬性資料及相關地理圖形資料,如臺灣基本圖及地形圖等,以GIS的圖形及地理分析功能,輔助國有土地及建物管理之運用。 / With the advance of technology, the management of the state-owned property has been shifted from using map and book to information-based management for some time. However, the property management system today can only get hold of the management of cadastral property information and property registration of producing agencies, yet the cadastral map is not able to integrate with the current land utilization and other spatial data to illustrate the location and to analyze spatial distribution of the lands or buildings. And the fact that cadastral maps cannot be updated in time to grasp the latest alterations has resulted in ineffective management and utilization of state-owned land and arbitrary occupation was not uncommon. It has been fifty years since the operation of the Canadian Geographic Information System (CGIS) in 1960s. However, in the early stage, the working platform were mainly expensive workstation computers, and the prices of hardware and software were so expensive that only the government or large research institutions could afford. Therefore, GIS had been used only for special purposes; the pubic had no access to enjoy the benefits of GIS. However, from the development of the past decade, user interface as well as the function of hardware and software has made a great progress. At present, International Organization for Standardization (ISO) and Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC) are separately dedicated to developing geographical information standards and they have launched many standards regarding the description and application of geographical information respectively. Much effort on the integration and the circulation of our National Geographic Information System (NGIS) sees that the threshold of GIS development has been reducing and its circulation of data also has considerably raised. Therefore, this research attempts to combine OpenGIS, Free Software and Open Source Software with Google Earth, a platform that covers a wide geographical resource, with the most economical and realistic approach to integrate cadastral maps, topographic maps and present-day photos with the data of land and building management, and related geospatial data such as base map and topographic maps, etc. By using graphics and geographic analysis functions of GIS, it can support the management of state-owned land and buildings.

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