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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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臺灣地籍圖重測調查指界法制之研究 / Study on the Legal System of Boundary Investigation for Cadastral Map Resurvey in Taiwan

吳鴻銘, Wu,Hong-Ming Unknown Date (has links)
臺灣之地籍圖,乃係承襲自1903年日治時期所測製完成而以人工方式謄繪的地籍副圖,經國民政府於1945年接收後,由本省各地政事務所延續使用迄今,其齡高達103歲,為我國現今以圖籍記錄人民財產權範圍的唯一原始依據。 / 但日治土地調查規則早於1898年7月的前清時期即已制定,而土地法及其施行法係國民政府在1936年3月訓政時期所令頒施行的產物,兩者法制規範相隔達40年之遙,何以在不同政體下各所依據之法理卻能取得一致?否則臺灣地籍圖依法即無立錐之地。由於歷史承接,混沌不明,以致成為謎樣的年代,相關研究普遍缺乏深入分析,本文為使原貌重現,填補歷史影像,故為論述傾注重心。 / 臺灣省行政長官公署在光復初期,認為:日治時期臺灣省地籍測量與地籍調查之程序與精度符合我國土地法規定,故免予重辦地籍測量,並以局部改正之「修補」方式替代「整理」地籍,一舉完成臺灣土地總登記。 / 事實上,透過我國土地法典分析,雖然日治地籍測量外觀上之「程序」符合土地法第44條之規定,但深入剖視後,其「實體」部分則完全無法見容於我國地籍測量法制規範,縱使1945年5月間存置於臺灣總督府之日治地籍原圖未遭炸燬滅失,仍不能治癒其在法制上之闕失病症。 / 臺灣光復後未及數載,圖籍病態逐漸接踵浮現,已難再掩飾其症,非重新「改測」無以回春。惟臺灣省政府自民國45年度起實施地籍圖修正測量至64年度止之試辦地籍圖重測,在長達二十年間的臺灣圖籍重建工作,竟係處於無法律明文依據之情況下所進行,除明顯未臻妥適之外,更不符「法律保留」原則。 / 迨1975年7月間修正土地法,增訂第46條之1、第46條之2、第46條之3等三個條文,始為臺灣地籍圖重測建構法制根基。但由於立法層面思慮不盡周全,形成重大缺漏,非僅未能有效釐整地籍,反因重測地籍調查指界衍生出更進一步的爭議。諸如:到場指界者顯然逾越至毗鄰未到場之土地所有權支配範圍、抑或毗鄰未登記土地時,剝奪私有地之指界權,但公有土地則自成免疫系統排除法規範約制、甚至限縮各土地共有人依法均得單獨指界之權利及義務、…等多項法制闕失,主管機關仍縱任三十年而未正視,與憲法保障人民財產權意旨似相背違。 / 由於臺灣省猶有高達400萬筆以上之土地,亟待實施地籍圖重測,仍須面對上述各項法律疑義癥結;因此,歸結本研究結果,提出改進方向及相關條文之修法建議,為未來地籍圖重測,尋覓出賡續發展之經營脈絡。 / The Taiwan Cadastral map adopts basically the code of Japanese statutes, which is a manually drawn copy of the cadastral map of a cadastral surveying project completed in 1903 under the Japanese statutes. Since the time it was received by the R.O.C. central government in 1945, it has been used by the various local offices of land administration ever since. It is 103 years old and is now the only original foundation being used as the map document recording the scope of people’s property right. / But the land survey regulations under the Japan statutes was enacted back in July 1898 during the period of the Ching Dynasty, while the land law and its implementation regulation were enacted in March 1936 during the period of political tutelage. There were 40 years between the times of enactment of the two laws, but how could the bases of law principles under different political entities be coinciding? Otherwise, the Taiwan Cadastral map would have no ground to stand. Because of the historical transitions, information and data are indefinite, which was a time of ambiguity. Besides, the related researches are generally lack of in-depth analyses. In order to reappear the original look and to supplement historical images, this writing places great emphases on the studies. / In the early stage of the retrocession, the administrative chief office of Taiwan province deemed that the procedure and accuracy of the Taiwan cadastral survey and cadastral investigation under the Japan statutes were in compliance with the regulations of our country’s land law. Therefore, a second cadastral survey was not needed, and took the way of partial “supplement” instead of “overhaul” of the land file, thus the general Taiwan land registration was completed with a single blow. / In fact, through an analysis of land law of this country, though the “procedure” of cadastral survey under the Japan statutes is in compliance with the regulation of article 44 of the land law; when it is paid an important examination, its “entity” is completely unacceptable to the regulations of our cadastral survey law. Although the original cadastral map of the Japan statutes placed in the Taiwan Viceroy office did not destroyed or damaged by the bombing in May 1945. it would not cure the diseases of the legal system. / In a few years after the Taiwan retrocession, the flaws of the land file began to emerge. It is impossible to cover any more the defects, and the only way to get its healthy condition back was a new “corrective survey.” However, the Taiwan Provincial Government implemented a trial new cadastral survey from 1956 to 1975 for a corrective survey. During the 20-year long Taiwan cadastral reconstruction operations, it was inappropriately conducted under a condition without a legal written basis, which is obviously improper and let alone the principle of “Gesetzesvorbehalt.” / It was not until July 1975 when the Land Law was amended with the addition of Article 46.1, Article 46.2, and Article 46.3, the reconstruction of Taiwan Cadastral map was established. Nevertheless, the considerable flaws were resulted due to the incomplete planning and research in the legislate area beforehand. Not only the operations of survey and reconstruction were not effectively performed, but also more controversial issues were produced. For instance, the present landmark indicator obviously goes beyond the boundary to the neighbor land ownership control scope of the absent one; or to deprive the landmark indicating right of private property while the neighbor scope is not property registered. On the contrary, the public property with what is called immune system, is free of the legal constraint of regulations and rules, and further to limit or minimize the legal rights and obligations of single landmark indicating of joint tenants, etc. Such numerous lawful defects are intentionally ignored by the responsible authorities for as long as thirty years, which is apparently against the purpose of protect the people’s property right of the Constitution. / There are more than 400 million land cases in Taiwan demanding a second cadastral survey, with the objective to resolve the above-mentioned crucial problems. To summarize the research result, a correct direction for future development and improvement, as well as some suggestions for amendment of related articles and clauses are consequently presented, with the objective to perform continuous advancement and operation of prospective cadastral survey.


陳慶芳 Unknown Date (has links)
我國係承認私有財產制之國家,土地財產權自為憲法所保障,其方式首需建立地籍制度,透過測量與登記二大程序,調查土地「質」與「量」之真實狀況,建立圖籍,予以動態管理,使財產權明確化,財產權人對於土地所具有之地位,在此制度中得到確保,任何人可由外部確認其土地之狀態,並足以排除他人之侵害,俾減少交易風險,提升社會整體經濟福利,亦使財產權於特別犧牲時的補償更為確實,從而「仁政必自經界始」,土地財產權,需要透過法律制度明確界定其標示、屬性與權利,使地籍內容與現實相符,始有保障之功能可言。 台灣的地籍圖源自於日治時期所測繪,原圖已因戰禍毀滅,留存之副圖因年久破損、伸縮誤差、地形變更等等原因,致圖、地、簿常有不符,爰生地籍圖重測之必要,自民國六十四年土地法確立重測之法律依據以來,雖辦理效益卓著,然而進度緩慢,面積及界址爭議仍不間斷,如能研究改進,不僅有助於重測之進度成效,更可進一步便利土地利用及落實財產權保障。而重測之性質,乃在利用地籍調查、樁位清理等方法認定地籍界址後,透過測量技術再完整反應於地籍圖,是以關於界址認定,包括地籍調查所認定之所有權界址及樁位清理所認定之逕為分割界址,其認定結果對於面積、所有權範圍、土地屬性的影響皆鉅,是為本文研究之重心。 本研究進行之方向,不做測量理論與技術的闡釋,而係注重財產權人之權益,從行政面、法規面予以探討。研究發現,重測法令尚稱健全,惟部分規定有逾越法律授權範圍之虞。關於樁位界址之認定,須符合財產權保障之信賴、平等、比例等基本原則,且不能違反規劃原意及逾越法定誤差範圍,並應進一步將樁位、地籍與都市計畫圖整合。在地籍調查之界址認定上,建議不動產糾紛調處委員會,應修正利益迴避條款,而有關未到場指界者不得申請異議複丈之規定,有違比例原則,亦應予修正。 本研究從財產權保障的觀點出發就重測之意涵及其與財產權保障之關係做探討,以明白界址認定於財產權保障的重要性。次就重測之整體法制情形及界址認定之程序、法令規定加以探討,就歷史源由與現實需要,釐清界址認定之本質。最後,針對實務上問題,從財產權角度分析相關做法與疑義,並提出制度上應改進之道及後續研究方向,期能促使重測作業更臻完善,落實土地財產權保障。


廖慶安 Unknown Date (has links)
鑒於政府業務委外蔚為風潮,政府經費不足及人事組織精簡,為加速辦理地籍圖重測,自民國86年起將重測工作委託民間測量公司辦理,惟推動迄今委外成效始終不彰。影響重測委外制度成效之層面甚廣,本研究嘗試從制度執行面分析,爰由代理理論觀點,以重測委外制度背景及相關規範差異為基礎,探討重測委外制度之內部關係-包含政府委託受託測量公司重測之外部代理,至政府與受託執行官員之內部代理,於該內、外部代理下,各參與者間不同角色互動過程所產生之代理問題,及其對制度執行之影響與關連,以探究何以在內政部93年訂定「重測委託辦理作業規範」,以健全重測委外制度與解決過去推動所遭遇之問題後,至今推行成效仍舊不彰之因,並進而提出本研究之建議。 本研究發現,於缺乏有效誘因與監督衡量執行官員行為、績效之機制下,執行官員未能徹底落實規範內容,致受託測量廠商於重測委外過程中亦便宜行事,換言之,在雙方目標函數衝突下,基於自利與理性選擇,導致政府以消極態度推動重測委外,重測委外計畫始終處於只聞樓梯響階段;在風險態度差異上,受託測量公司於風險分擔、獲利基礎疑慮下,對投標的態度趨於保守,反之,政府為達如期重測公告而對風險忽略,進而影響重測成果品質。此外,因投標廠商不具市場競爭性及無法建立有效濾查廠商資訊機制,於資訊不對稱下,「逆選擇」問題仍舊無法有效解決;加以廠商實際從事重測工作人員依舊良莠不齊或缺乏經驗,不論舊地籍圖描繪及套繪分析、實地進行界址測量或地籍調查,均無法避免「道德危機」之發生。肇因於該等代理問題,導致重測委外相關制度規範與實際執行上有所落差,重測委外成效未彰亦屬可期。 藉由代理問題解決機制運用,本研究建議,在代理人篩選機制上,透過政府建立公私部門測量人力相互派遣管道,增加重測經驗交流學習,並持續推動地籍測量人員培訓計畫,以累積民間重測業者能量,並建立評鑑評等制度,於大環境成熟時,增加選擇性招標方式;在誘因激勵上,應制訂具體長期之重測委託辦理計畫、放寬重測委外期程與區域限制,與釋放地所常態性地籍測量業務委外,並就委外所節省之經費,提撥一部分作為激勵獎金;在監督控制機制上,初期政府應派專人專責進駐工作站輔導及監督,並僅將成果易於檢驗查核之技術性重測工作項目委外,待市場成熟後,配合評鑑評等制度確實落實第三人查核機制以降低監督成本。

早期農地重劃地籍圖精度探討-以新竹縣為例 / Precision of the Early Farm Land Consolidation of Cadastral Map in Taiwan - Hsinchu County as a Case of Study

闕啟華, Chi-Hua Chueh Unknown Date (has links)
全臺早期農地重劃區約占27.8萬公頃;本研究以新竹縣為例,由理論推估法及實測比較法分析其地籍圖精度,同時了解差額地價問題,冀作為複丈或釐整地籍之參考。 本研究通過釐清測繪當時所使用之方法、程序及其精度規範,由誤差傳播定律,推估其理論精度;並以實地經界及原重劃規劃、分配之設計邊長,逐筆推求出實驗區內2,593筆宗地界址點之實地坐標後,按位置、邊長及面積三方面與數化地籍圖比較,探討其實際精度。 研究結果顯示,早期農地重劃地籍圖實際精度與理論推估結果差距甚大,無法符合複丈之精度要求,建議儘速採重測手段釐整;而面積增減及差額地價問題,並非難以處理,無庸過於顧忌。此外,另歸納出許多對於複丈或釐整地籍有所幫助的資訊。 / There were about 278,000 hectares of farm land consolidations early in Taiwan. The theoretical inference method and field check method were used to analyze the precision of cadastral maps in the research and Hsin-Chu county was chosen as a case study region. The differential land values were also accounted and hopefully that can be cited as inferences of land revision or cadastral survey. The theoretical accuracy was estimated with the method of error propagation after verifying the methods and procedures of measurement used and the regulations for precision requirement. In the mean time, the coordinates of 2,593 ground boundaries were obtained in the study region by considerations of the principle of consolidation, re-distribution regulations and real ground boundaries. The coordinates of the boundaries of parcel in analog cadastral map were also obtained by digitizing. The two types of coordinates were compared each other in the location, side length and area of the parcel. It is very obvious that there were large differences between cadastral maps and theoretical estimations in the region. It also cannot meet the requirements of land revision in precision and it is necessary to cadastral resurvey completely. The problems of the differences in area of parcel and the differential land values can be solved with compensation supported by the foundation of farm land consolidation and will not be an obstruction in the progress. In addition, some useful methods for land revision and cadastral survey were generalized.

運用開放源碼軟體於地籍圖加值應用之研究 / The research on cadastral map value-added application using open source software

陳祖瑜, Chen,T.Y Unknown Date (has links)
臺北市多目標地籍圖系統可提供查尋定位功能,惟並無分析、統計等一般地理資訊系統(GIS)具有的功能,使得地籍資料無法發揮更大功效,同時筆者服務機關既有之『縣市圖根管理系統』因開發較早,受限於原開發程式限制,無法與需高記體之其他軟體相容,另一方面,民眾申請多目標地籍圖,目前仍以紙本方式供應,亦無法發揮與其他政府機關或民間開發建置之地理資訊系統(GIS)圖資整合應用之功能,若能提供符合開放地理資訊編碼標準之地籍圖資,民眾可自行加值應用,將可大幅提升政府為民服務品質。由於臺北市多目標地籍圖系統功能不足,以及既有之『縣市圖根管理系統』無法正常使用,亟需開發新系統,然而,當欲增加功能時,又常受限於原開發廠商、預算編列及招標程序,導致緩不濟急。 開放式地理資訊系統聯盟製定了開放式地理資料跨平台規格書,依此規格書開發之開放源碼軟體常具有免費、跨平台、資料模組化、資料交換方便等優點,讓使用者能免費的取得軟體;同時中央研究院亦提供了許多GIS應用軟體工具供人下載使用,因此若能藉由開放源碼軟體之輔助,將地籍圖資加值應用,提供地籍圖查詢定位、套圖展示以及產製符合開放地理資訊編碼標準之地籍圖、圖根點檔,將可提高地籍資料於GIS之應用。 本研究蒐集臺北市信義區之地籍圖、圖根點及都市計畫中心樁位坐標成果,以開放源碼GIS (Quantum GIS)進行地籍資料加值之建置及處理,建置完成後之成果,可於Quantum GIS中進行定位查詢、套圖展示等操作,並可依需求製作客製化地籍圖,產製地籍圖及圖根點成果KML檔,供民眾下載後加值應用,對提升為民服務有極大助益。 / The “Taipei City Multi-purpose Cadastral Map System” can be used to search and identify location. However, it lacks of functions provided by GIS (Geographic Information Systems) such as analysis and statistics, hence its utility is limited. Since the “Supplementary Control Point Management System for City and County Government” of the researcher's institute was developed in a very early year, due to its limitation, the software is incompatible with the other software which needs large memory. In addition, multi-purpose cadastral map is currently provided to the public in paper copy, thus it cannot be integrated with other GIS data established by government or private institutions. If the cadastral map conforms to the Open Geodata Interoperability Specification (OpenGIS), it can improve the quality of service provided by the government to the public because value-added applications can be developed. As both the aforementioned systems are not sufficient to meet the needs, there is great demand for developing a new system. However, the development of new functions or systems is often restricted by the original developer, budget, and procurement procedure, hence it is not efficient for the urgent need. The Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC) has defined a set of open interfaces based on the OpenGIS. Most of the open source software that conforms to OpenGIS has the advantages of free of charge, cross platform, modulized data, and data interchangeability. It is free and easy for users to obtain open source software. Academia Sinica also provides several GIS application software for free download. By using open source GIS software to provide functions such as searching, identification, overlaying, and producing maps for cadastral maps and supplementary control points, it will enhance the value of cadastral map data in GIS applications. This research collected data of the Xinyi District of Taipei City, including cadastral maps, supplementary control points, and central piles’ coordinates for urban planning. An open source GIS (Quantum GIS) was used to process cadastral maps, and the results can be used for location searching, and overlaying maps. Moreover, customized cadastral maps can be produced on demand, and the cadastral maps and supplementary control points can be converted to KML (Keyhole Markup Language) file format, which can be downloaded by the public for value-added applications. The results is expected to greatly improve services for the public.

土地複丈面積不符處理之探討 / Investigation of the Incorrect Areas from the Land Revision

李忠憲, Li,chung hsien Unknown Date (has links)
臺灣光復初期,政府受限於人力、物力,並未重新實施地籍測量,即沿用日治時期既有之地籍圖冊辦理地籍管理,惟歷年來既存圖簿面積不符之課題,今日為民眾所放大檢視,其衍生之疑義已持續擴張、浮現;而因應現實環境之需所制定的法規,於時、空間的變遷及人民產權意識的高漲,亦日趨模糊,致難以適從。 本文同時就圖解複丈辦理之疑義及更正登記遭遇之課題等考量,由臺灣地籍的演進,先行釐清面積不符之肇因,次就錯誤型態的認定以及補償制度的研擬,而為處理程序之建構,最後經由實務上之個案分析進一步研擬對策,並律定標準作業程序;另針對地籍測量實施規則第232條規定之測量錯誤更正沿革加以深論,並歸納研究結果,提出修法建議,以化解民眾的質疑及不信任。 經研究發現,既存面積不符之錯誤,於複丈或重測前難以先行釐正,乃因現行更正規定未臻明確,恐有逾越法律授權範圍。故由處理程序之建構,得以對其錯誤型態之認定能有所區分,並從補償面向的先行考量,以減少事後賠償之紛爭。另外,除循修法方向強化現行更正規定之意涵外,經由標準化作業程序之律定,至少可達至程序正當性的要求,使類似情事得以按部就班順利進行,不再各自摸索自謀解決,避免其他問題衍生。 / At the early period after Taiwan Restoration, due to the limited human resource and material resource, Taiwan government implemented cadastral management based on the cadastral maps produced during Japanese colonization rather than carry out new cadastral surveys. The issue of existed incorrect land area has been magnified today, and the extended doubts constantly emerged. Regulation, which should be made by real need, becomes blurred and hard to follow as temporal and spatial changes and property rights rises. This paper discusses the doubts of land revision with digitalized map and the registration corrections. First, clarify the causes of incorrect land area through the cadastral maps revolution, and then construct process procedures based on the identification of land error type and development of compensation system. Finally, create standard process procedures through real case analysis. Moreover, to reduce public doubts and distrust as well as to avoid go to law easily, this article deals with the past history of corrections of cadastral survey on Article 232 Directions for Implementation of Cadastral Survey, and conclude research results and propose suggestions for amendments to relative articles. The results show that the existed incorrect land area is hardly to correct before cadastral resurveys because of the unclear regulations of corrections. However, land error type can be identified by applying process procedures. It is suggested to put compensation on priority consideration to decrease possible disputes. In addition, except for strengthen current regulation by law modification; the creation of process procedure could at least achieve legitimacy. The similar cases can follow it step by step and avoid extended problems.

運用OpenGIS及免費軟體輔助國有公用不動產管理之研究 / Application of OpenGIS and free software for management of state-owned real estate

陳志清, Chen, Chih Ching Unknown Date (has links)
隨著時代科技之進步,國有財產管理由圖簿管理邁向資訊化管理已行之有年,惟現今之財產管理系統僅能掌握地籍屬性資料及管理機關的產籍資料,單張地籍圖無法與土地使用現況等空間資料結合,以圖形顯示土地及建物的位置及其空間分佈的分析,並且隨時掌握最新異動情形,導致國有土地未能獲得有效管理運用,被占用情形屢見不鮮。 自從1960年代加拿大地理資訊系統(CGIS)開始運作至今,雖然已有50年之歷史,但在早期,主要工作平台均為價錢昂貴之工作站電腦,其軟硬體價位極高,只有政府或大型研究機構才能負擔,所以GIS始終定位在專業用途,小老百姓一直無緣享受到GIS的好處。不過在近十年來的發展,使用者介面及軟硬體功能均已有長足進步,目前國際標準組織(ISO)與OGC (Open Geospatial Consortium)分別致力於地理資訊系統相關標準制定,迄今已分別推出許多與地理資訊描述與應用之相關標準。且我國對於國土資訊系統(NGIS)之開發整合及流通亦已投注相當心力,種種跡象均顯示GIS之開發門檻已逐漸降低中,且其資料之流通性亦提昇許多,因此本研究將嘗試探討如何利用開放式地理資訊架構(OpenGIS)、免費軟體(Free Software)及開放源碼軟體(Open Source Software),結合Google Earth涵蓋廣闊之地理資源平台,用最經濟且符合實際需求之方式,以地籍圖、地形圖及現況照片,結合既有國有土地及建物的管理屬性資料及相關地理圖形資料,如臺灣基本圖及地形圖等,以GIS的圖形及地理分析功能,輔助國有土地及建物管理之運用。 / With the advance of technology, the management of the state-owned property has been shifted from using map and book to information-based management for some time. However, the property management system today can only get hold of the management of cadastral property information and property registration of producing agencies, yet the cadastral map is not able to integrate with the current land utilization and other spatial data to illustrate the location and to analyze spatial distribution of the lands or buildings. And the fact that cadastral maps cannot be updated in time to grasp the latest alterations has resulted in ineffective management and utilization of state-owned land and arbitrary occupation was not uncommon. It has been fifty years since the operation of the Canadian Geographic Information System (CGIS) in 1960s. However, in the early stage, the working platform were mainly expensive workstation computers, and the prices of hardware and software were so expensive that only the government or large research institutions could afford. Therefore, GIS had been used only for special purposes; the pubic had no access to enjoy the benefits of GIS. However, from the development of the past decade, user interface as well as the function of hardware and software has made a great progress. At present, International Organization for Standardization (ISO) and Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC) are separately dedicated to developing geographical information standards and they have launched many standards regarding the description and application of geographical information respectively. Much effort on the integration and the circulation of our National Geographic Information System (NGIS) sees that the threshold of GIS development has been reducing and its circulation of data also has considerably raised. Therefore, this research attempts to combine OpenGIS, Free Software and Open Source Software with Google Earth, a platform that covers a wide geographical resource, with the most economical and realistic approach to integrate cadastral maps, topographic maps and present-day photos with the data of land and building management, and related geospatial data such as base map and topographic maps, etc. By using graphics and geographic analysis functions of GIS, it can support the management of state-owned land and buildings.

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