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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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融入知識翻新教學對國小學童閱讀理解和閱讀動機之影響 / Effects of knowledge building on elementary school students’ reading comprehension and reading motivation

黃姿瑋 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在探討融入知識翻新(knowledge building)教學能否提升國小學生的閱讀理解和閱讀動機。研究對象為新北市某國小兩班三年級學生:其中一班為實驗組(n=24人),另一班則為控制組(n=27)。前者採用知識翻新原則進行教學,並輔以知識論壇(Knowledge Forum)線上學習平台;後者則採傳統講述教學。實驗時間共計18週。 本研究的研究目的在瞭解經過二種不同教學方式後,兩組學生的閱讀動機和閱讀理解表現是否具有差異。資料來源包含:(1)PIRLS閱讀測驗前後測成績;(2)平台討論貼文內容;(3)平台參與活動量(包括貼文數、回文數等量化資料);及(4)閱讀動機量表前後測分數。資料分析採質性內容分析、單因子共變數分析、相依樣本t檢定、卡方檢定等方式。除探討二種教學之不同外,本研究並進一步探討實驗組學生在平台上的活動情形。 研究結果顯示:(1)基於知識翻新教學的平台討論活動,有助於提升學生高層次閱讀理解想法的討論,但討論內容缺乏深度;(2)知識翻新教學有助於提升學生閱讀理解能力;(3)學生參與閱讀理解討論之程度和品質皆與閱讀理解進步程度有正相關;(4)知識翻新教學對於學生閱讀動機並無顯著提升,但其閱讀動機提升程度與平台活動的參與程度具有正相關。根據研究結果,本研究提出相關討論與建議,以供後續閱讀教學及研究之參考。 / The aim of the study was to investigate whether engaging students in a computer supported collaborative knowledge building environment can help them improve their reading comprehension and reading motivation. Participants in this study were 51 third-grade students from two classes in an elementary school in New Taipei City. Of the two classes, the experimental class has 24 students, and the control class has 27 students. The students taking part in the experimental course received knowledge building pedagogy with Knowledge Forum (an online multimedia platform) being used for students to collaboratively construct their reading comprehension of the textbook articles online. The duration of the study was 18 weeks. The main purpose of this study was to investigate the differences of the instructional effects between the two classes in terms of the reading comprehension and motivation. Data mainly came from: (1) pre-post PIRLS (Progress in International Reading Literacy Study) test that investigated students’ reading comprehension; (2) the idea and discussion content contributed to Knowledge Forum; (3) participants’ interaction records automatically documented in the Knowledge Forum data (e.g., number of students’ notes contributed or built on); and (4) the pre-post MRQ (i.e., the Motivation for Reading Questionnaire) scores that measured students’ reading motivation. Both quantitative and qualitative data analyses were conducted. For quantitative data, one-way ANCOVA, paired t-test and chi-square were used to examine students’ reading comprehension and reading motivation; for qualitative data, content analysis was used to evaluate the quality of students’ ideas and discussion. The main findings were as follows: (1) knowledge building pedagogy were conducive to promoting the kind of online discussion that supports higher-level reading comprehension, but were unable to deepen the depth of discussion; (2) knowledge building pedagogy was conducive to enhancing reading comprehension; (3) both the degree of participation and the quality of discussion were found correlated with the degree of students’ advancement in reading comprehension; and (4) knowledge building pedagogy did not enhance students’ reading motivation; however, there was a correlation between pre-post change scores in reading motivation and the degree of online participation. Based on the results, some suggestions and implications were discussed.


周代玲 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究以讀者研究為研究取徑,藉由國中女學生讀者的發聲,來探討國中女學生閱讀羅曼史小說的動機、閱讀行為,與閱讀影響。並希望經由此項研究,能夠對學校行政單位針對兩性平權教育,與性教育等相關教育內容與活動的規劃上,提出研究發現與建議;並提供給教師在教學設計上的參考。 本研究以深度訪談為蒐集研究資料的主要方法。在隨機選擇一所台北縣的國民中學後,就對其國中三年級的女學生進行羅曼史小說閱讀行為的問卷調查。並依調查的結果,篩選出本次研究的四位受訪者參與研究。本研究獲致的主要結論如下: 一、受訪者閱讀羅曼史小說的動機,與個人特質有很大的相關性;主要可分為六項:對愛情的渴望、情慾好奇的滿足、現實戀情的指導書、休閒娛樂與壓力紓緩、充實自我的課外書,與創作的需求。隨著生活經歷的不同,受訪者的閱讀動機亦隨之改變。 二、在問卷調查中發現,高達78.7%的國中女學生,有閱讀羅曼史小說的經驗。影響其閱讀頻率的主要因素在於,考試及課業的壓力。而受訪者本身的自制力,是閱讀行為能否影響學校課業的主要原因。 三、受訪者開始閱讀羅曼史小說的年齡,多在剛步入青春期之時。而同儕多為其閱讀羅曼史小說的首位介紹者。 四、受訪者父母對其閱讀行為並無特別的要求,而老師的管理方式則沒有相應的成效。 五、受訪者閱讀討論的對象除了女性的好朋友外,也會與自己的男朋友,或氣質較接近女性的男同學討論。 六、受訪者在羅曼史小說的閱讀喜好選擇上,與自己個人的特質和背景,有相當密切的關係。而其中情慾的部分,則得到四位受訪者最多的喜愛。 七、因個人特質與社會背景的不同,受訪者在閱讀選擇與影響上,亦有不同的相應內涵。對羅曼史小說的內容也產生傾向式解讀、協商式解讀與對抗式解讀的不同解讀方式。但受訪者都認同羅曼史小說中刻板的性別角色安排。 八、受訪者都認同羅曼史小說中的有關性愛情節與性暴力的描寫。小說中有關性愛描寫的部分,成為受訪者本身性幻想,與異性間性嬉戲的媒介。 九、四位受訪者都反對利用羅曼史小說成為兩性教育的輔助教材,以及反對羅曼史小說實施圖書分級制。而受訪者的其他休閒閱讀,仍以愛情故事為主要的選擇因素。 最後,根據本研究之結論,對少女的父母、學校教育、政府有關當局,以及未來的相關研究等方面,提出建議。

政令宣導刊物讀者研究:以「高雄畫刊」主動索閱者閱讀動機與滿意程度試析 / A study of the Uses & Gratifications of the part of the Kaoh siung Pictorial active readers

宗靜萍, Ping, Tzung Ching Ping Unknown Date (has links)
在昔日資訊缺乏的年代裡,政令宣導刊物曾經是民眾獲得有關政府訊息的 重要管道。但隨著時代的演進及傳播媒介的多樣化,閱聽眾獲得資訊的管 道及種類亦隨之增加。以往以消息來源為主、採單向傳播、未能確實了解 閱聽眾需求及掌握閱聽眾特性的政令宣導刊物,面對重視行銷策略的的各 型雜誌,因應之道即是找出目標閱聽眾,然後根據其需要重新加以設計訊 息內容,並形成獨特的風格。本研究以高雄市政府新聞處發行之「高雄畫 刊」主動索閱者為研究對象,以郵寄問卷的方式收集資料,然後以單因子 變異數分析、T 考驗、相關等統計方法,分析主動索閱者的人口變項、接 觸「高雄畫刊」行為、親身傳播行為及政治心理取向的不同是否對閱讀 「高雄畫刊」的動機與閱讀後的滿意程度有顯著差異。

上課閱讀圖畫故事書對台灣國中生的效益 / Pleasure reading: the effect of reading picture books in class on junior high school students in Taiwan

黃銀梅, Huang, Yin Mei Unknown Date (has links)
悅讀是指讀者自己挑選有趣的書籍,自發性地廣泛閱讀。本研究是要探討悅讀對國中生的閱讀動機,閱讀能力,和寫作能力的影響。本實驗邀請台北市某所國中61位的八年級生參加,分為實驗組(悅讀組)和對照組(傳統閱讀組)。本實驗共為期23週,在學生的英文閱讀課進行,每週一次,每次45分鐘。實驗期間, 實驗組在上閱讀課時只專心於閱讀自己所選的圖畫故事書,而對照組則繼續原來由老師所主導的傳統閱讀課程。實驗進行前後二組學生都接受全民英檢的閱讀和寫作能力測驗及閱讀動機評量。這些測驗資料由電腦進行量化處理與分析,個別訪談結果則用來輔助說明結果與討論。 結果顯示,經過悅讀的實驗,學生的整體閱讀動機提升了。此外,多面向的動機顯示,參與者的閱讀自信和閱讀成就與目地深受悅讀課程所影響,尤其是參與者從悅讀中產生很強的愉悅感,也增強了自信心。此結果證明了悅讀的最大功能—增進愉悅感。但是此研究並未發現悅讀能有效地改進參與者的閱讀和寫作能力。 因為小樣本及有限的資料,本實驗結果只能提供建議性而非決地性的結果,不過本實驗還是能提供一些教育性的建議。如悅讀能納入學校課程當作正規英文課的輔助。學校每天的早自習是讓學生悅讀的最佳時間。另外,賦予不同程度的學生不同的閱讀目標與配合適當的閱讀活動能增進他們的英語能力。爲了更深刻了解悅讀對國中生的效益,最好從校內全體的七年級生開始進行為期三年的悅讀課程,最後以高中入學的基本學力測驗英文科成績來檢驗其成效。期待面對繁重課業壓力的國中生能透過悅讀快樂地並有效地學習英文。 / Pleasure reading refers to any reading in which self-motivated readers pick up books they are interested in and engage themselves in those books. Pleasure reading has long been recognized as a powerful tool for fostering reading interest and enhancing literacy development. This study aimed to investigate the impacts of pleasure reading on EFL junior high school students’ reading motivation, reading comprehension, and writing ability. Sixty-one eighth graders in a junior high school in Taipei were divided into the experimental group (pleasure reading group) and the control group (traditional reading group). This program was carried out during the English Reading class, once a week with 45 minutes for each period. During the 23-week reading program, the experimental group only focused on reading self-selected picture books without any instructions while the control group still received the skill-based reading approach. Before and after the program, their reading and writing ability were examined by the reading and writing tests of General English Proficiency Test (GEPT) and their reading motivation was measured by the Motivation for Reading Questionnaire (MRQ). The data collected were analyzed quantitatively and the interview data were utilized to interpret and support the findings. The results revealed that the experimental group participants’ overall reading motivation was enhanced significantly after the program. As for the multifaceted motivation, the results showed that the participants’ “reading self-efficacy” and “reading achievement values and goals” were influenced strongly by pleasure reading. Among the 12 reading dimensions, “enjoyment” was the most significant factor. All the findings confirmed the main value of pleasure reading-- reading for enjoyment, and such enjoyment promoted students’ reading motivation very positively. With respect to the participants’ reading and writing ability, the results did not show significant improvement. Pleasure reading did not influence the participants’ language proficiency positively. However, both groups made some progress in the posttest in the gain score. Therefore, pleasure reading appeared to be at least as effective as the traditional reading approach. Pleasure reading was more interesting and enjoyable for junior high students. Although the results may not be taken as conclusive because of limited data and small samples, this study still provides some pedagogical implications and suggestions. Pleasure reading can be implemented into school curriculum as a counterpart of regular English class, a kind of skill-based English class. The school’s morning session is a good time for students to read self-chosen materials. Moderate tasks should be set for students with different language levels to conquer. Appropriate reading activities can be integrated to help stimulate students’ reading. To get a clear picture of its effect on junior high level students, it is necessary to conduct the program for a longer duration and with larger samples. Therefore, it is suggested that further study can start with all the seventh graders in junior high schools and the study should last for three years. The entrance exam of senior high school, the Basic Competence Test can be adopted as the measurement of language proficiency. It is expected that junior high students under academic pressure can learn English happily and effectively.


林士郁 Unknown Date (has links)
知識經濟時代的來臨,身負創意和創新能力的人將躍升為主角,多元的生活經驗與豐富的知識是創意者所必備的,閱讀是主要的途徑或管道,且需從小養成閱讀的習慣,以學習累積相關知識。相關研究指出讀得多、讀得有方法的人,其「閱讀動機」也會較高,而國小五年級學生是否會在守門人 — 父母的引領下,養成其個人的閱讀動機,成為一位喜好閱讀、讀得多、讀得勤且讀得有方法的創意新世代,是本研究的研究旨趣。   本研究對抽取自台北市、台中縣、台南市與台東縣的487名國小五年級學生,以「閱讀動機問卷」、「父母創意教養量表」、「父母閱讀教養調查問卷」、「閱讀行為調查問卷」、「閱讀策略量表」與「創意生活經驗量表」等六項研究工具進行調查研究。主要研究結果發現:(1)父母的創意教養方式、父母的閱讀教養方式對學生的閱讀動機有顯著正相關。(2)當學生知覺到父母實施較多創意教養方式、正向的閱讀教養方式,和自己擁有較高的閱讀動機時,則其個人為課業、為自己興趣而閱讀的天數較多、一天中的閱讀時間較長、一星期中閱讀書本數也較多,和一個月中為自己興趣閱讀而購買或借閱的書本數也比較多,且擁有較常使用閱讀策略和表現創意的經驗。   依據研究結果對家長提出「增強子女閱讀的內在動機」、「家中設置閱讀環境,與塑造閱讀文化」、「要求兒童動手做的行為,以利兒童產生較高層次的行為表現」、「從多元的管道接觸知識,培養兒童批判思考的能力」與「鼓勵並增進兒童的創意生活經驗」等具體建議,並對學校教師與未來相關研究亦提供數點建議。

點讀筆支援紙本繪本閱讀對於兒童閱讀動機、情緒、注意力與理解成效之影響研究 / A study on digital pen-supported picture books for improving children’s reading motivations, emotions, attention and comprehension

陳冠雯, Chen, Kuan Wen Unknown Date (has links)
隨著科技的進步,兒童繪本不再侷限於傳統由印刷文字及靜態圖片組成的紙本繪本,而是逐漸發展為多種數位媒體整合之電子繪本,電子繪本具有優於傳統紙本繪本的互動性及多媒體元素,較能吸引兒童的閱讀興趣。但電子繪本也存在過多動畫可能使兒童沈迷於感官刺激,分散其閱讀注意力的疑慮。此外,電子繪本對兒童的視力可能造成傷害,紙本仍較適合長時間的閱讀,但紙本繪本在支援閱讀上的模式較為單調。因此,近年來可搭配紙本閱讀的數位點讀筆興起,並已發展出可同時融合聽、說、讀、寫的多元閱讀模式,具有融合紙本且具有多媒體與互動功能的優勢。本研究採用腦波注意力偵測技術及心跳變異情緒感知技術,基於預測策略,探討包括傳統紙本繪本、電子繪本及點讀筆輔助紙本繪本閱讀對於兒童閱讀動機、閱讀情緒、閱讀注意力與閱讀理解成效的影響。此外,也針對文字型和圖像型不同認知風格以及不同性別的兒童,探討採用上述三種不同閱讀模式進行閱讀時的閱讀動機、閱讀情緒、閱讀注意力與閱讀理解成效是否具有顯著差異。 研究結果發現:(1)運用點讀筆輔助閱讀紙本繪本搭配預測策略的兒童,在閱讀動機提升上顯著優於閱讀紙本繪本與閱讀電子繪本搭配預測策略的兒童;(2)運用點讀筆輔助閱讀紙本繪本搭配預測策略的兒童在閱讀注意力上顯著優於閱讀紙本繪本搭配預測策略的兒童,但與閱讀電子繪本搭配預測策略的兒童則無顯著差異;(3)閱讀電子繪本與運用點讀筆輔助紙本繪本搭配預測策略的閱讀模式在閱讀理解成效上均優於傳統紙本閱讀搭配預測策略,並且兩種閱讀模式具有相同的閱讀理解成效;(4)閱讀電子繪本搭配預測策略的兒童中在負面情緒上,女性顯著高於男性;(5)閱讀傳統紙本繪本搭配預測策略的兒童,在閱讀理解成效上女性顯著優於男性;(6)男性兒童採用點讀筆輔助紙本繪本搭配預測策略閱讀,在閱讀注意力上顯著優於傳統紙本繪本搭配預測策略閱讀;(7)男性兒童採用電子繪本閱讀與運用點讀筆輔助紙本繪本搭配預測策略閱讀,在閱讀理解成效上優於傳統紙本繪本搭配預測策略閱讀;(8)圖像型兒童採用傳統紙本繪本搭配預測策略閱讀,在負面情緒上顯著高於採用電子繪本閱讀與運用點讀筆輔助紙本繪本搭配預測策略閱讀;(9)文字型兒童採用電子繪本閱讀與點讀筆輔助紙本繪本搭配預測策略閱讀,在閱讀理解成效上顯著高於傳統紙本繪本搭配預測策略閱讀;(10)兒童以傳統紙本繪本閱讀、電子繪本閱讀與點讀筆輔助繪本閱讀三種模式進行閱讀學習,其閱讀動機、閱讀情緒、閱讀注意力與閱讀理解成效彼此之間不具有關聯性 最後,根據研究結果,本研究亦提出對父母、教師、相關推動兒童閱讀單位以及未來研究的建議,希望能對兒童的閱讀能力提升產生助益。 / With the progress of information technology, children picture books have no longer be restricted to traditional paper picture books composed of printed texts and static pictures; instead, various digital media integrated electronic picture books are gradually developed. Electronic picture books present the advantages of better interactivity and multimedia elements than traditional paper picture books and could better attract children’s reading interests. Nevertheless, electronic picture books also exist in excessive animation causing children indulging in sensory stimulation and diverting the reading attention. Moreover, electronic picture books could damage children’s visual acuity. Thus, paper picture books are considered more suitable for long-term reading. However, paper picture books show dull model on supporting reading. The combination of digital pens with paper-reading is therefore emerged in the past years and the plural reading model integrating listening, speaking, reading, and writing has been developed because integrating digital pen with paper reveals the advantages of multimedia and interactive functions. Based on prediction strategy, this study applies brain-wave attention detection system and heart rate variability emotion sensing technology to discussing the effects of traditional paper picture books, electronic picture books, and digital pen assisted paper picture books on children’s reading motivation, reading emotion, reading attention, and reading comprehension performance. Furthermore, the effects of on children with visualizer and verbalizer cognitive styles and different genders on reading motivation, reading emotion, reading attention, and reading comprehension performance when reading with the above reading models are also explored. The findings of the study are summarized as below. (1) Children applying digital pen supported paper picture books and prediction strategy present better reading motivation than the ones reading paper picture books and electronic picture books with prediction strategy. (2) Children utilizing digital pen supported paper picture books with prediction strategy reveal better reading attention than the ones reading paper picture books with prediction strategy, but do not appear significant difference from the others reading electronic picture books with prediction strategy. (3) Reading electronic picture books and digital pen supported paper picture books with prediction strategy shows better reading comprehension performance than traditional paper reading with prediction strategy, and such two reading models appear the same reading comprehension performance. (4) Female children reading electronic picture books with prediction strategy present higher negative emotion than males do. (5) Female children reading traditional paper picture books with prediction strategy reveal better reading comprehension performance than males do. (6) Male children applying digital pen supported paper picture books with prediction strategy show better reading attention than reading traditional paper picture books with prediction strategy. (7) Male children using electronic picture books and digital pen supported paper picture books with prediction strategy present better reading comprehension performance than reading traditional paper picture books with prediction strategy. (8) Visualizers utilizing traditional paper picture books with prediction strategy appear higher negative emotion than applying electronic picture books and digital pen supported paper picture books with prediction strategy. (9) Verbalizers using electronic picture books and digital pen supported paper picture book with prediction strategy show significantly higher reading comprehension performance than reading traditional paper picture books with prediction strategy. (10) The reading models of traditional paper picture books, electronic picture books, and digital pen supported picture books do not appear correlations on reading motivation, reading emotion, reading attention, and reading comprehension performance. Finally, the study also proposes several valuable suggestions for parents, teachers, children reading promotion units, and future researchers, tending to provide benefits in enhancing children reading abilities.

臺北市公立國中生課外閱讀行為之研究 / The Study on the Reading Behavior of Taipei Municipal Junior High School Studnets

陳明來, Chen, Ming-Lai Unknown Date (has links)
閱讀行為是人類古老的活動之一,即使邁入資訊時代,閱讀能力仍是學習型社會的指標之一,更是現代公民不可或缺的素養。因此,近來政府相關單位如火如荼地推動閱讀運動,培養民眾閱讀風氣。所謂「知己知彼,百戰百勝」,政府在推動閱讀風氣前,民眾閱讀行為研究則為必備的先導工作,然而綜觀國內閱讀行為相關研究,研究對象大多鎖定在兒童,其次是成人、大專生及高中生,針對國中的研究可說是鳳毛麟爪。本研究以問卷調查法為研究架構,並以質性訪談法輔助蒐集研究資料,分析臺北市立公立國民中學學生的課外閱讀行為、態度、動機、興趣及其影響閱讀之因素。希望本研究結果可作為相關單位規劃、推動國中生閱讀運動參考之用。 本研究發現,在課外閱讀興趣與動機方面,台北市公立國中生閱讀課外讀物的主因是打發時間;導致很少閱讀課外書刊的情況以沒時間居多;經常閱讀的課外讀物類型以「漫畫」居多,其次是「圖書」;各種閱讀方式的使用情況以「閱讀印刷紙本式的書」比例最高;對於同一課外讀物,最喜歡的閱讀方式仍是「閱讀印刷紙本的書」;不同類別主題的課外讀物喜歡程度,前五高者依序是漫畫、推理偵探小說、幽默笑話、冒險小說及電影連續劇原著;進一分析得知性別、課外閱讀態度影響課外閱讀動機有關係,而年級、學業成就不會影響到課外閱讀動機;性別、學業成就及課外閱讀態度會影響到國中生在不同類別主題的課外讀物喜愛程度,而年級則否。在課外閱讀態度方面,整體而言,台北市公立國中生的課外閱讀態度是屬於積極的態度,進一步分析得知性別、學業成就及平均每天課外閱讀時間會影響到國中生課外閱讀態度,而年級則不會影響到國中課外閱讀態度。在課外閱讀行為方面,台北市公立國中生平均每天課外閱讀時數在1小時以內;從事課外閱讀活動的地點以自己家裡居多;從事課外閱讀活動的時間大多是在放學後在家時間及星期假日;課外讀物的來源以自己和父母兄姊購買為主;閱讀課外讀物時通常自己一個人;選擇課外閱物的因素,以「書本內容主題」、「師友家人的推薦」及「原著改拍成電視劇或電影」為前三高;現階段國中教育,以國文課最常進行課外閱讀指導活動;上一個學期及平均一個月閱讀課外讀物之數量分別為13.50本及4.56本;家裡有訂閱報紙的比例高於訂閱雜誌的比例;無法取得想看的課外讀物前三原因是「買(租)不到」、「沒錢買(租)」、「捨不得買」;對於父母或老師反對的課外讀物,多數學生會以理性態度處理;平時從事的休閒活動以「看電視」、「聽音樂(廣播)」及「閱讀課外書刊」為前三項;進一步分析得知年級及課外閱讀態度會影響國中生每天課外閱讀時數,而學業成就則否;年級、學業成就及課外閱讀態度均不會影響到國中生閱讀課外讀物的數量;不同性別、學業成就及課外閱讀態度學生平時從事課外閱讀活動之比例有差異,而不同年級的學生則否。 根據研究結果,從四方面提出十六點建議,做為國內相關單位推動國中課外閱讀活動之參考。在學校圖書館媒體中心方面:(1)加強學校圖書館館藏基本建設;(2)擬定館藏發展政策,並進行讀者需求調查分析;(3)與學校教師配合,共同推動校園課外閱讀風氣;(4)漫畫書是否納入館藏,應重新檢視;(5)定期舉辦主題書展,並提供優良課外讀物資訊;(6)舉辦閱讀相關競賽活動。在學校及學校教師方面:(1)善用學校自習時間,推廣課外閱讀活動;(2)學校應為每一班級訂閱一份報紙;(3)運用不同方式,推廣課外閱讀活動;(4)成立班級讀書會;(5)學校教師應積極推荐優良課外讀物。在學生家長方面:(1)協助就讀國中的子女選擇優良的課外讀物;(2)配合政府推動親子共讀活動,成立家庭讀書會。在出版社及書店業者方面:(1)一般圖書及漫畫出版品應建立圖書分級制;(2)針對青少年的閱讀興趣,出版適合青少年學生閱讀的書刊;(3)配合資訊科技的應用,推廣電子書出版品。

標註系統輔助提昇文言文閱讀學習成效之研究 / A study on promoting learning performance of literary Chinese reading using reading annotation system

林雅婷, Lin, Ya Ting Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在探討運用合作式數位閱讀標註系統輔助文言文閱讀學習,是否有助於提昇高中生文言文閱讀理解成效與文言文學習動機;以及瞭解在合作式數位閱讀標註系統輔助文言文學習模式下,不同標註能力之高中生的文言文閱讀理解成效差異;以及閱讀標註行為與閱讀理解成效之間是否具有相關性。研究結果歸納如下: 一、採用合作式數位閱讀標註學習系統或者傳統紙本閱讀標註進行文言文閱讀學習,具有相同的學習成效。 二、合作式數位閱讀標註系統對於提昇實驗組學習者不同認知層次的閱讀理解上,優於對照組學習者採用的傳統紙本閱讀標註。 三、運用合作式數位閱讀標註系統進行文言文閱讀學習,在提昇整體文言文閱讀動機、文言文閱讀社會,以及降低文言文閱讀逃避上,顯著優於傳統紙本閱讀標註學習。 四、採用合作式數位閱讀標註系統進行文言文閱讀學習,可以顯著提昇學習者的文言文閱讀效能、文言文閱讀投入與文言文閱讀社會。 五、實驗組不同標註能力學習者的文言文閱讀理解成效並不具顯著差異。 六、實驗組學習者的閱讀標註行為與文言文閱讀理解成效不具有顯著相關。 七、多數文言文學習者使用最頻繁的是釋譯類型的標註,也認為釋譯類型標註最有助於提昇文言文的文意理解。 八、高中生學習抒情類文言文時需要較多元的閱讀策略。 九、文言文閱讀動機高組學生與標註能力最高者對於合作式數位閱讀標註系統的接受度比較高。 最後依據研究結果提出具體建議,供學校國文教師進行文言文教學與未來研究方向之參考。 關鍵字:閱讀標註、國文教學、文言文、閱讀理解、閱讀動機 / Abstract This study aims at exploring if the utilization of Knowledge-based Annotation Learning System in assisting the reading comprehension of Literary Chinese can upgrade the achievements of Literary Chinese reading comprehension as well as Literary Chinese learning motiviation of senior high school students. Under the mode of Knowledge-based Annotation Learning System assisting Literary Chinese learning, the achievement difference of Literary Chinese reading comprehension for senior high school students with different annotation abilities as well as if there is any correlation between the annotation behavior in reading and the achivements of reading comprehension were also explored. The results of the study are listed as below: 1.Adopting Knowledge-based Annotation Learning System or tradtional paper-based reading annotation results in the same achievements in Literary Chinese reading comprehension. 2.In the respect of upgrading the reading comprehension of different cognition levels, the learners in experimental group who utilize Knowledge-based Annotation Learning System have achieved better results than those in the control group who adopt traditional paper-based reading annotation. 3.Utilizing Knowledge-based Annotation Learning System in Literary Chinese reading comprehension shows significant advantages than traditional paper-based reading annotation in the respects of upgrading overall Literary Chinese Reading Motivation, Literary Chinese Reading Society and reduction of Literary Chinese Reading Work Avoidance. 4.Adoption of Knowledge-based Annotation Learning System in Literary Chinese reading comprehension can significantly upgrade the Reading Efficacy, Reading Involvement and Reading Society of Literary Chinese. 5.Learners with different Annotation Abilities in the experimental group have no significant difference in the achivements of Literary Chinese reading comprehension. 6.There are no significant relationships between the annotation behavior in reading and the achievements of reading comprehension for learners in the experimental group. 7.For most Literary Chinese learners, the most frequently used type of annotation is Interpretation Type. They also deem that it is most helpful to upgrading the comprehension of the Literary Chinese. 8.Senior high school students need multiple reading strategites in learning lyric Literary Chinese. 9.The learners with high motivation in reading Literary Chinese and high Annotation Ability are more acceptable to the Knowledge-based Annotation Learning System. Finally, suggestions were put forward as references for Literary Chinese teaching and future researches. Keywords: Reading annotation, Chinese teaching, Literary Chinese, Reading comprehension, Reading motivation

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