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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


顏雅玲 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究首先從韓劇發光發熱的現象中,反思台灣電視劇近幾年來的發展,發現台灣電視劇產業面臨諸多窒礙與難題,然在政府推動文化創意產業之際,電視劇實是相當具有外銷潛力的文化產品。要加強外銷,首先要作的便是提升本土自製電視劇產品與品質。   因此,本研究援用文化經濟的理論角度剖析具文化特質的電視劇,包含文化投資心態、文化產業政策之擬定、文化經濟具有之特質等,透過理論的分析,深入了解電視劇的文化與經濟價值。   研究方法方面,本研究以文獻分析及深度訪談雙重研究方法,對台灣電視劇發展進行多元且深入的解析。   有鑒於韓劇在亞洲市場獲得極大的成功,本研究希冀從韓劇發展模式中獲得啟發,因此,藉由比較分析台灣與韓國電視劇之電視生態、節目製播法規、文化產業政策、節目特色與經濟效益等,發掘台灣電視劇發展之困境與難題,並找尋可向韓劇取經之處。   而為求能更深入了解台灣電視台業者經營電視劇之實際狀況,研究者以深度訪談的方式訪問電視台從業人員以獲得內部資訊。   結合韓劇的發展經驗與訪談電視台從業人員的結果,本研究提出革新我國電視劇之建議,包含提升我國自製電視劇產量與品質,及促進節目出口。最重要的是需要產、官、學、民四者的搭配,政府單位必須打造適合產業發展的環境、擬定促進產業發展的條例;學術界也必須與產業合作,進行戲劇節目產銷相關之研發工作、培育產業需要的人才;民間也需要支持本土戲劇節目、投入產業價值鏈的操作、活絡產業資金。 / Due to Korean culture content industry produces huge amount of values, and Korean drama is one of the most important culture products exported, so this study would analyze the policy of culture content development in Korea in order to capture some guides that we can learn how to improve Taiwan TV producing and marketing from their experiences. This study would focus on how to raise the amount and quality of Taiwan self-produced television drama. The study-method used are literature-analyzing and profound interview of Taiwan TV personnel. We find that Korean dramas were produced in rational competition structure. And Korean government have well-designed producing-marketing policy. So, not only the competition structure but also the government protection policy, both lead Korean drama develop well. Moreover, the genre of Korean drama has high cultural correlation with other Asian countries, it is also the key success factor. By profound interview of Taiwan TV personnel, this study finds that there are many problems in producing and marketing our TV drama. Like limited producing cost, the lack of original script, the lack of enough professional personnel, the lack of program survey, etc. In order to create cultural economics by TV drama, this study combines the analysis of Korean drama and profound interview of Taiwan TV personnel, and advocates advises to reform Taiwan self-produced TV drama. These advices are proposed below. In raising the amount and quality of Taiwan self-produced TV drama: search more gateways to increase producing expenses、enlarge the script space and theme of TV drama、institute performing arts education、establish related regulations by government、further program survey、quality control of program-producing organization. In pushing programs exported: capture the critical juncture of increasing needs of Asian cultural goods and grasp the cultural proximity with other Asian countries、increase international media cooperation、establish Taiwan drama brand and position, etc. The most important is that government、industry、academic community、general public should struggle together because the benefit created by TV drama would spread all.

韓流的崛起及其對兩岸之影響研究 / The Emergence of the Korean Wave and its implications for Mainland China and Taiwan

業寶玉 Unknown Date (has links)
韓國的連續劇、電影、音樂等流行文化在1990年代開始大量湧入華文地區,先後在臺灣、香港和中國等地釀成一股熱潮,1999年,華文傳媒首次使用「韓流」(Korean Wave,韓語稱한류, Hallyu)一詞來形容這股韓國文化熱。韓流已經成為隨著三星、LG、現代等大型跨國公司的發展而崛起的韓國經濟的代名詞。 韓流為文化全球化的一個典型案例, 它是韓國的國家文化政策的擴散和實踐的一種象徵,藉由促進創新和創意產業的擴張,來增進韓國的全球經濟競爭力。從韓流在世界各地之現象觀察發現,其威力來得突然且全面,具系統規模且有策略,且其文本意識大膽,更挑戰傳統觀念,並具獨特的文化藝術特質,不僅在韓國國內受到企業和影視界關注與支持,韓流所形成的世界風潮,其崛起的因素及所帶來的效應更引發各國政府和學術界的熱烈討論,尤其聚焦於韓流是否為暫時的效應抑或是長期趨勢。 韓流現象在亞洲各國普遍存在,其中以中國大陸、日本、香港、台灣,以及東南亞越南、泰國、馬來西亞、新加坡及菲律賓等國最為明顯,並擴及印度、中東、中亞和俄羅斯各國,甚至在亞洲以外包括美國、拉丁美洲國家、歐洲、澳洲、非洲等地區逐漸發展。韓劇及韓國流行音樂(以下簡稱K-POP)的流行已經成為一種世界性現象,它以獨特的文化藝術魅力成功地實現了跨文化傳播,使吾人不禁想瞭解韓流何以會成功的關鍵因素,如韓國政府如何推動文化政策?如何運用整合行銷傳播策略?本計畫除進一步探究外,擬針對韓國影視文化產品一旦跨越國界,在亞洲及世界各地如何被消費?如何與當地文化產生互動和交融?甚至產生對經濟的影響及反韓流的效應等進行探討。 「韓流」所帶來對亞洲普及文化現象的反思值得我們深思研究,由於文化接近性,韓流在兩岸的擴散及影響最巨,本論文主要研究目的擬就所探討韓流崛起的背景因素,來分析論述「韓流」流行文化對兩岸的影響及韓國政府如何因應反韓流現象,最後總結研析結果,針對以下重點進行分析,第一,韓流形成的成功關鍵因素及其對國際關係的意義為何?第二,韓流所帶動的經濟效益為何?第三,韓流究竟是短期效應或是長期效應的現象?由於韓流已在一些國家產生反韓流的現象,對當地文化與產業究造什麼樣的衝擊等,進而盼能做為我國推動文化創意產業政策之省思與參考。 研究發現,韓國政府推動文化全球化策略,促使韓流席捲全世界,韓國人展現的企圖心令人心生傚尤之心。韓流對於促進國際關係有著深遠的意義,進而構建亞洲文化的認同,更形塑東亞區域化的作用,但審視東亞流行文化實踐中所發生複雜的互動關係,韓國政府如何維繫韓流及降低反韓流所帶來的負面影響,實為韓國政府應努力的重要課題。

歐膩都是這樣穿- 台灣都會女性對韓劇置入商品的解讀 / Eonni Looks:A study of Taiwanese metropolitan females' interpretation toward the product placement in Korean drama

楊崴馨, Yang, Wei Hsin Unknown Date (has links)
本研究採焦點團體及網路文字訪談方式,以閱聽人的解釋與詮釋等心理層面探討,透過13位受訪女性閱聽人的韓劇收視經驗及風格剖析,試圖理解她們對於韓劇置入商品的接收、解讀以及個人消費間的關聯性,藉此建構出置入性行銷的影響因素與輪廓,作為未來台灣戲劇製作單位或廣告主在置入性行銷實務運用上的參考。 研究發現,身處在商業社會的都會女性早已熟悉「置入性行銷」的手法,她們對於隱性的置入較顯性的方式具有好感度,同時,她們也認為韓劇的高品質與時尚感和大量高端品牌的置入有關。對於都會女性來說,韓劇善用明星魅力包裝置入的商品,透過閱聽人理想學習典範以及大量的流行符號建構,淺移默化地影響台灣都會女性閱聽人對於韓系商品的認同。此外,本研究認為戲劇相關的部落格或影劇消息等次文本,將再次形塑置入商品對於閱聽人的影響力,並助於置入商品的再次擴散。未來有關置入性行銷策略,建議可將置入的商品或品牌融入劇情之中,以風格的營造取代品牌商標出現的頻次,同時運用高端品牌的置入商品提升其他商品的符號價值。 / This research adopts qualitative methodology to explore audience perception of product placements in Korean Drama. Upon considering the audience’s perspective, this study intends to discover cognitive activities about how placed products affect their awareness and consumption behaviors. In particular, the purpose of this study is to assist Taiwanese media practitioners and marketing planers in developing future marketing communication strategies for the practice of product placement. The results of this study indicate that 1) Female audiences in the business environment are familiar with product placement. Their attitudes toward implicit placements are more positive than explicit placements. Furthermore, they feel the volume of high fashion brands placed in Korean Drama improves the quality of the show. 2) Korean Drama is good at portrayal management, which develops affective commitment and purchase intention to the placed brands via building popular drama characters and trendy identifications. Meanwhile, the related subtexts, such as blogs, entertainment/celebrity news, are evidenced to trigger product placement effects. 3) As a marketing strategy, this study suggests integrating the placed product or brand into the storyline, to create a trend rather than using repeated appearance of brand logos in the show. In addition, the study also suggests the use of high fashion brand placements to enhance the value of the unknown products in the show.


江佩蓉, Jiang,Pie-Roung Unknown Date (has links)
全球化時代下的跨文化消費活動已深植日常生活之中,使得遠地與本地間的差異日益難以明確區別。本文以本地韓國流行文化的消費行為為主要研究範疇,藉由閱聽人深度訪談方式,以瞭解韓國流行文化行為是如何在本地實踐,與本地社會論述間如何進行對話。 本文以為,所謂「韓流」的在地呈現包含了積極享樂與消極對抗兩股力量,而韓物的在地消費情況是由次等而主流漸次推移的。韓國流行文化的在地推展,相較於他國流行文化遭遇更多反對聲浪,而這份反韓情緒除了展現在本地影視產業從業者身上外,更展現在韓國流行文化消費者自身。本地的哈韓/恐韓/拒韓症,更深層的文化意義,恐怕是來自本地文化認同上的混亂局勢,使得本地韓國流行文化消費者在消費韓國流行文化的過程中,不斷發現自身文化的焦慮,形成愈消費愈恐慌的情形,並因而有了拒斥的心態,使得所謂「哈韓族」的存在有了應當被質疑處。 / Under the globalization time cross cultural expense activity has deeply planted during the daily life, causes difference between the distant place and this locality with difficulty is clear about day by day distinguishes. This article take the local South Korean pop culture expense behavior as the main research category, which is usually called “Korean wave,” begin with korean drama at late 1990s.It affiliation by the depth interviwe way, try to understand how the South Korean pop culture behavior is in local does practice, how elaborates with the local society carries on the dialogue. The South Korean pop culture promotes in the place, compares opposes the voice much to other country pop culture bitter experience, but this counter- Han mood besides unfolds on the local film and television industry being employed body, unfolds in South Korean pop culture consumer oneself. Local breathes out Han(哈韓)/to fear Han(恐韓)/to resist Han (拒韓)sickness, the in-depth cultural significance, perhaps is comes from the local cultural approval in the chaotic situation. Causes the local South Korean pop culture consumer in to expend the South Korean pop culture in the process, unceasingly discovers own cultural the anxiety. Forms expends a more panic situation, and thus had the point of view which repels, enables so-called "breathes out the Han race" the existence to have has had by the question place.

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