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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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韓少功「後新時期」創作論 / A Study of Han Shaogong's Creation in Post-new Period

蘇怡如, Su, Yi Ju Unknown Date (has links)
韓少功是八0年代崛起的知青小說作家、尋根文學先鋒,於西方文學對大陸文壇浸漬漸廣背景下,明確提出關注本土文化、文學傳統的理念。這樣的思考路數以更複雜的呈現方式貫穿於他「後新時期」的創作裡,且表現在他的「打破文體」嘗試中。 本論文第一章說明為何以韓少功「後新時期(一九八九年起)」的創作為主要研究對象。選擇「後新時期」作為概要的研究時間範圍,是因從八0年代末尾開始的「後新時期」無論在文學或政治上,都開始了一連串重要的轉變,韓少功亦明顯意識到文學政治環境的不同而有相應的創作實踐。   論文第二章全面探討韓少功研究中罕為人系統論述的散文創作,韓少功「後新時期」以來減少中短篇小說的創作而轉向更多「散文」創作,乃和九0年代前期的「人文精神論爭」及後期的「新左派與新自由主義」之爭對他的思想刺激密切相關,散文中的重要主題皆意在回應論爭中的焦點概念。   論文第三章分析「後新時期」韓少功雖減產但仍傾注關懷的中短篇小說。這些文本中無論是對文革創傷或革命化記憶、知識份子啟蒙角色或知識菁英醜態,都以諧謔反諷風格淋漓解剖,但一代人的理想消失與沉痛恆在隱然其間。   論文第四章析論《馬橋詞典》如何以傳統文學中「筆記」形式結構小說,用以呈現駁雜紛繁的民間生活,顛覆以往文藝政策對「真實」的規範。此外,析述文本如何以對「小說語言」重要性的強調取代對小說思想標準的強調,融古漢語、方言、歐化普通白話、大眾化政治話語於一爐以進行思考,借此思考漢語如何現代化、並達到抵抗西方文藝主導權的意圖。   第五章分析長篇小說《暗示》裡如何對文革經典象符、現代化媒象進行解讀,以瓦解革命意識形態及進步主義迷思。其次,析論《暗示》如何仿擬九0年代盛行於大陸的「文化研究」策略,由此形構出《暗示》擷取文化象符以進行拆解的文本結構特色。   第六章探討長篇散文《山南水北》如何承《馬橋詞典》的「筆記」實錄風格,記錄遷居湖南八溪鄉後鄉土生活種種,其次,探討文本如何對比城鄉生存處境、又如何重新觀照傳統文化、展現與大自然對話的意圖,以此與中國的鄉土文學傳統及當代鄉土寫作對話。

現代性/民族性:韓少功、莫言、阿來長篇鄉 土小說中的認同政治 / Modernity/Nationalism : Identity Politics of Han Shao-Gong, Mo Yan and A-Lai’s Native-soil Fictions

郭澤樺, Kuo, Tse-Hua Unknown Date (has links)
鄉土文學作為一種文學類別,源出於作家們對前現代、傳統文化與土地關係的關懷。隨著時代變遷,鄉土文學被賦予更多的功能。不再只是再現吾人現代性精神危機的烏托邦救贖,也不單純只是對逝去的純美人情的哀悼,更不僅被當作現代性的對立面。從五四時期以來的鄉土文學至今,已然發展出全然不同的面貌,唯一不變的是,鄉土文學的核心價值依舊是以「人與土地」為主軸,從人與土地的關係出發,思考不同階段的社會轉型與文化衝擊。在持續的現代化與全球化的當下,鄉土文學必然受到衝擊,在現代化與高度資本主義的社會環境中,都市文學與大眾娛樂文化的雙重夾擊下,鄉土文學成為一種艱難的文類,在世代差異之下,鄉土文學必然喪失其影響力與活力。 此外,中國特殊的政治體制與其制度,使得鄉土文學產生不同的變化,轉型成為一種彈性的文類,將鄉土視為全球化的在地資本,再者,因中國快速的全面轉型,使得新舊文化被雜揉於同一時期。新與舊、現代與傳統、都市與鄉村就這樣被濃縮在同一時期裡。因此鄉土文學在中國,除了因疆域廣大,現代化程度的普及性仍有一定限度外,最重要的是,當今中國的中堅世代,都是歷經高度文化衝擊下的一員,在他們身上仍舊保留傳統文化的親歷性,也同樣對現代化的利弊具有深刻理解,作家們依循自己的生命經驗試圖理解當代中國與世界。 本研究先以中國當代文化語境與鄉土文學之發展脈絡為背景,再以三位50後作家韓少功、莫言、阿來之專章,討論其鄉土小說中的身分認同。此三位作家皆完整經歷中國當代劇烈的社會變遷,並循著自身的「鄉土經驗」,重新審視中國現代性如何擺盪在現代性與民族性之間,並展現其中的文化能動性,以多元的鄉土文體形式來界定主流政治。 自新時期以來,中國作家與主流政治共同自「鄉土」汲取文化動能,建構屬於自身獨特的話語形式(discourse)回應中國新時期的後革命論述。 / As a literary category, the native-soil literature was originated from the care that the writers had on the relationship between pre-modern, traditional culture and the land. With the changing times, the native-soil literature has been given more functions. It is no longer just to re represent the utopian salvation of our modern spiritual crisis, or just the mourning for the passed-by beautiful interpersonal affection, or only be viewed as the opposite of modernity. Since the May Fourth period, the native-soil literature has now developed a completely different appearance. The only constant is that the core value of the native-soil literature remains to be centered around the “people and the land”, rooting from the relationship between people and the land to think about the different stages of social transformation and cultural impact. Under the ongoing modernization and globalization, the native-soil literature is bound to be impacted. In the modern and highly capitalist social environment and under the double attacks of urban literature and mass entertainment culture, the native-soil literature has become a difficult genre. Due to the generation differences, the native-soil literature will inevitably lose its influence and vitality. In addition, the special political framework and system of China cause the native-soil literature to have different changes, transforming into a flexible genre and viewing the “native soil” as the globalized local capital. Moreover, due to rapid and comprehensive transformation of China, the old and new cultures were rubbed into the same period. The concepts of new and old, modern and traditional, and urban and rural were all condensed into the same period as well. Therefore, while the native-soil literature of China has been somewhat limited in terms of degree of modernization and popularity due to the vast territory, the most important thing is that the backbone generation in China today all went through high cultural impact, and they still retain the traditional cultural experiences while having deep understandings about the pros and cons of modernization. The writers try to understand the contemporary China and the world through their own life experiences. This study uses the development processes of Chinese contemporary cultural context and native-soil literature as background, and then discuss the identity identification within the native-soil novels through dedicated chapters of three writers who were born after 1950 – Han Shao-gong, Mo Yan and Alai. All three writers went through dramatic social changes of contemporary China, and with their “native-soil experiences”, they re-examined how China's modernity swung between the modernity and nationality, displayed the cultural motility therein, and defined the mainstream politics in the form of multivariate native-soil literature. Ever since the new era, writers and mainstream politics in China have all been drawing cultural energies from the “native-soil” to construct their own unique discourse forms, so as to respond to the post-Revolution discourse of China’s new era.

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