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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


楊重正, Yang, Chung-Chang Unknown Date (has links)
企業之興衰可概分為導入期、成長期、成熟期、衰退期。本研究發現,台灣地區保全業目前處於「成熟期」。隨著微利時代之來臨,保全之傳統服務業勢必將面臨極大之挑戰,若無長遠規劃及有效興革,日後將被跨國性大保全公司所併購之可能,最後從而步入「衰退期」。因此,保全業必須重視研發與管理,方能因應市場之快速變遷與挑戰。 由於社會大眾對保全業之運作缺乏正確觀念,總以為安排保全後即無須另行安排保險保障,因此時常有保障缺漏之產生。就現況而言,保全業者素質良莠不齊,常因業務競爭而忽視風險管理之重要性,且普遍未能落實損害防阻之工作,造成保全重大事故時有所聞,甚至引發社會各界之非難與抨擊。再者,法令要求保全業必須利用保險以分散風險。然而因為認知上之差距,時常發生理賠責任界定之糾紛,造成消費者不諒解、保險業不願繼續承保之困窘,影響保全業之形象與聲譽甚鉅。 本研究主要探討台灣地區保全業風險管理與保險之相關問題,架構上係以風險管理原理為基礎,輔以實務運作現況,以求有系統地分析保全業經營管理之相關風險,並藉此歸納保全業風險管理之核心原則。其次,本研究亦針對保全業運用產物保險(保全業責任保險、銀行業綜合保險、員工誠實信用保證保險)時所衍生紛爭,以案例研究方式解析其爭議所在,期能界定消費者、保全業、保險業三方之權利義務關係。最後,根據發現與結論,本研究提出若干建議供相關單位參考,期能全面提升保全業風險管理與保險運用之水平。 / In terms of the life cycle, an enterprise may experience the following stages: introduction stage, growth stage, maturity stage and decline stage. It is observed that the security industry in Taiwan is currently situated in the maturity stage. Due to severe market competition and narrow margin of profits, the security industry is forced to meet the magnificent challenge, locally or internationally. Without a long-term planning and efficient reform, it is likely to see many security companies merged by multi-national security companies in the future. Under such a scenario, the security industry in Taiwan will eventually step into the decline stage. Misunderstanding the operation of security industry, many people ignore the necessity of insurance coverage after security protection is arranged. It leads to the leakage in protection and coverage. In practice, many security companies also take less care of risk management and loss prevention due to business competition. In addition, a security company is required to transfer its risks through insurance. Because of the perceptional gap, many claim disputes arise among the security industry, the insurance industry and the clients. Under such circumstances, all of the above have deteriorated the reputation of security industry and result in many criticisms from the general public. The main theme of this research is to explore the issues related to risk management and insurance of the security industry in Taiwan. Based on the fundamental theories of risk management and market practices, the relevant risks are systematically analyzed and core risk management principles for the industry are developed. In addition, it undertakes several case studies to examine the controversial issues of certain insurance products often associated with the security business. It is hoped to clarify these issues and define the rights and obligations among different players. In the final part, the conclusion and recommendation is submitted to relevant institutions to upgrade and enhance the risk management and insurance arrangement of the security industry.

Risk Management & Strategy: A Study of Feasibility of Protected Cell Company-The Case of Taiwan Non-Life Insurance Industry

陳祈嘉, CHEN,CHI-CHIA Unknown Date (has links)
台灣產險公司正面臨日趨多樣的核保風險,新興風險的不確定性促使保險公司經理人高度的依賴再保險機制。既然保險公司高度的依賴再保險機制,或許有人會質疑,再保險機制是否為最適的風險管理策略? 隔離資產型風險防護公司(Protected Cell Company, PCC)之運用,乃是近年來企業風險理財的重大變革之一,本文之目的即是要探討PCC之架構以及分析PCC運用於台灣產險業之可行性。 本文將分析重點放在PCC運用在租賃性專屬保險(rent-a-captive)的可行性分析上,藉由分析其風險成本,來探討PCC作為租賃性專屬保險時,是否比商業再保更具有成本效益。 藉由實證分析結果,本文發現除了巨災風險、尖端風險(peak risks)及其他具高損失幅度可能性之業務外,PCC作為租賃性專屬保險時,PCC會比商業再保更適合於產險公司。本文亦發現PCC運作的時間愈長,愈能節省其風險成本。此外,本分析亦指出在PCC為純粹專屬保險的前題下,符合監理機關的最低設立資本要求會是PCC之最適設立資本。 / Because Taiwan’s non-life insurance companies now face an increasing array of underwriting-risks, the high uncertainty may cause insurance company managers highly depend on reinsurance mechanism. One may doubt that whether reinsurance mechanism is the optimal risk management strategy although it is the most frequently utilized approach. The purpose of this paper is to explore the structure of PCC and analysis the feasibility of PCC for Taiwan’s non-life insurance industry because the use of Protected Cell Company(PCC)structure is one of the most significant developments in the world of corporate finance and risk management during the recent years. This paper will focus on the feasibility of PCC when it is used as Rent-A-Captive, based on the analysis of cost of risks, to study whether PCC has better cost efficiency than reinsurance mechanism. The finding of this research shows that PCC as rent-a-captive is more suitable than commercial reinsurance for non-life insurance company except catastrophe risks, peak risks, and high loss severity business. It also finds the longer we use PCC as rent-a-captive, the more we can save its cost of risks. Besides, the analysis indicates that paid-up capital of PCC which just meets the minimum capital required by the regulation will be optimal in case PCC is a pure captive.


陳春玲 Unknown Date (has links)
本文主要就懲罰性賠償金制度所產生之法律爭議及企業經營者、使用他人智慧財產權者等應採行之風險管理措施作一研究。 懲罰性賠償金雖源自於英國,但在美國蓬勃發展,故本文首先就美國懲罰性賠償金制度之內容及其發展過程中所衍生之爭論加以探討;其次,再將我國懲罰性賠償金制度予以定位,並對目前之相關立法加以說明,最後再就該制度實施後所引發之法律爭議---是否違憲?是否造成民事法與刑事法體制之紊亂?過失行為得否課與懲罰性賠償金?懲罰性賠償金是否具可保性等問題加以討論。 懲罰性賠償金制度雖基於保障消費者、智慧財產權所有者、投資大眾、防杜內部交易並確保公平競爭,而對於不法行為人課與懲罰性賠償金,來達到懲罰及嚇阻之效果,但此亦加重了企業經營者或其他個體之責任風險;因此,本文依循風險管理之步驟,逐一就我國現行懲罰性賠償金之立法提出損害防阻、損失抑制及風險理財等風險管理措施以資因應。

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