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懲罰與責任:教師專業倫理之辯證 / Punishment and Responsibility:Dialectic of the Ethics of Teachers’ Profession.李真文, Li,Chen Wen Unknown Date (has links)
最後,也別忘了批判教育學與Foucault給我們的忠言。懲罰是一個事件。整個處理學生行為的始末過程是身教的示範,也是教育得以展現善意的最佳時機。同時,懲罰者的動機若不具善意,則任何形式的懲罰,那怕是輕柔的,都可能是支配關係而存在。那麼,懲罰學生即使是盡了教育者的責任,也變得不符合教師專業倫理了! / The aim of the dissertation is to clear out the concepts between “punishment” and “responsibility” beyond the discourses of education in Taiwan. It is proposed five main questions here, the core of all the questions is to answer the ethics for professionals in education, especially for teachers.
The first question to be discussed is how is it thought justified of punishment in theories. Generally speaking, there are three kinds of theories of punishment offering justification acknowledged. They are retributive theory, deterrent theory, and reformative theory. Punishment is justified in response to offenders’ desert, or to threat offenders from doing again, or as a means to re-educate people, in these three different visions of theories. There is no disagreement on these three theories that the assumption that rules are authorized and those who break the rules should be punished without excuses.
In the context of (post-)modern times, though the justification of punishment were wildly accepted, we must notice the construction of punishment-rule, authority and pain is need to be reexamined. For Foucault, according Discipline and Punish, punishment is in the same sense of discipline, namely without discipline there is no punishment neither.
Critical theorists begin with the premise that people are unfree and inhabit a world life with contradictions and asymmetries of power and privilege. Under such context of real life, punishment is the means of hegemony without doubt.
The advocates of human rights see punishment as violence. It is mistaken to think that corporal punishment accepted in education. Children should be raised up and educated in atmosphere filled of dignity and respects, not the treatment of punishment (especially physically).
All these views challenge the rules governed punishment, question the authorized power to exert punishment, and reject the pain on the human bodies. The evidence shown here is that justification of punishment theories have to be rectified.
Furthermore, we have recalled the context why punishment used throughout in schools in Taiwan. It seems reasonable to conclude: teacher professionalism in Taiwan did not prepare our teachers well to reform the phenomenon of punishment abuse.
We also offered some alternatives to educators for teaching without punishment. We drew attention to the ethics of “care”, in contrast to the traditional ethics of “justice”, meet the needs of education well. Some real examples and useful thoughts were shown that the preparation and in-service training of teacher professionals need to be reformed too.
Finally, we come to a conclusion of punishment and responsibility of teachers. It needs to be recognized as part of ethics of educators.
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嚇阻戰略之研究--以中華民國軍事安全政策為例吳恩德 Unknown Date (has links)
關鍵字:嚇阻 ,戰略 ,防衛 ,威懾 ,懲罰 ,阻卻
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食品安全之商品責任---從實務判決所遇困境出發 / Product liability of food safety吳奕璇 Unknown Date (has links)
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LASSO與其衍生方法之特性比較 / Property comparison of LASSO and its derivative methods黃昭勳, Huang, Jau-Shiun Unknown Date (has links)
本論文比較了幾種估計線性模型係數的方法,包括LASSO、Elastic Net、LAD-LASSO、EBLASSO和EBENet。有別於普通最小平方法,這些方法在估計模型係數的同時,能夠達到變數篩選,也就是刪除不重要的解釋變數,只將重要的變數保留在模型中。在現今大數據的時代,資料量有著愈來愈龐大的趨勢,其中不乏上百個甚至上千個解釋變數的資料,對於這樣的資料,變數篩選就顯得更加重要。本文主要目的為評估各種估計模型係數方法的特性與優劣,當中包含了兩種模擬研究與兩筆實際資料應用。由模擬的分析結果來看,每種估計方法都有不同的特性,沒有一種方法使用在所有資料都是最好的。 / In this study, we compare several methods for estimating coefficients of linear models, including LASSO, Elastic Net, LAD-LASSO, EBLASSO and EBENet. These methods are different from Ordinary Least Square (OLS) because they allow estimation of coefficients and variable selection simultaneously. In other words, these methods eliminate non-important predictors and only important predictors remain in the model. In the age of big data, quantity of data has become larger and larger. A datum with hundreds of or thousands of predictors is also common. For this type of data, variable selection is apparently more essential. The primary goal of this article is to compare properties of different variable selection methods as well as to find which method best fits a large number of data. Two simulation scenarios and two real data applications are included in this study. By analyzing results from the simulation study, we can find that every method enjoys different characteristics, and no standard method can handle all kinds of data.
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加權範數最小變異數投資組合之實證應用:以台灣股市為例 / The Empirical Study of Weighted-Norm Minimum Variance Portfolios in Taiwan Stock Market莊丹華, Jhuang, Dan-Hua Unknown Date (has links)
結果發現本研究所選取之台灣市場資料在運用加權範數最小變異數投資組合下,確實可以打敗其他大部分投資組合以及台灣50基金,並且在以下兩論點與過往文獻之敘述一致:加入報酬限制條件無法改善績效、使用替代參數亦可提供相稱績效。 / The asset allocation problem has always been an important issue on which investors concern. It is easier and more efficient for investors to manage their assets through constructing their portfolios in different methods to find the most optimized weight of assets. This essay explores a special portfolio, Weighted-Norm Minimum Variance Portfolio (WNMVP), which can minimize the risks of investment, and use Taiwan stock market data to undertake empirical study.
The research measured the performance of WNMVP, other three benchmark portfolios, and Taiwan Top 50 ETF (0050) by using ten indicators, bringing three findings. First, WNMVP performs better than most of other portfolios do. Second, adding estimated mean return vector into the WNMVP does not improve performances. Third, three alternative norm penalties provide comparable performance as parameters in WNMVP do. The second and third findings are consistence with previous literature.
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論懲罰性賠償金之法律爭議與風險管理陳春玲 Unknown Date (has links)
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分析師預測與市場反應之關聯性研究莊秩瑋, Chuang Chih-Wei Unknown Date (has links)
(2)在控制未預期盈餘(unexpected earnings)的幅度之下,當公司超出分析師預測時,市場獎勵公司的程度,是否更甚於當公司未達分析師預測時,市場懲罰公司的程度?
本研究係以在台灣證券市場上市公司為研究對象,研究期間為民國77年至民國90年共計14年。研究方法分別使用Pooled regression與Annual regression兩種迴歸模式分別對樣本觀察值進行複迴歸。共計三個迴歸模型,六個迴歸結果。
然而,非一致性超出的未預期盈餘部分(非系統因子),相較於其他未能持續一致超出分析師預測之公司,市場則亦不一定予以實質肯定並給予其超額獎勵。意即因非系統超出之部分所得到的市場獎勵,並不一定大於未能持續一致超出分析師預測的公司。 / This study investigates whether the market rewards(penalizes)firms for beating(missing)analysts’ earnings forecasts. Specifically, we examine the market response to positive and negative forecast errors. In addition, we examine whether the sensitivity of stock prices to positive or negative forecast errors is affected by the firms’ history of consistently beating or missing analysts’ forecasts. In this paper, we provide empirical evidence on three issues: (1) is there a differential market response to the level of unexpected earnings for firms that beat analysts’ forecasts versus those that do not? (2) does the market respond to whether firms beat or miss analysts’ forecasts independent of the magnitude of the forecast error? (3) whether the market gives rewards or penalties for firms with a historical tendency to report positive / negative forecast errors?
The results indicate that the earnings multiple applied to positive unexpected earnings is not significantly greater than for negative unexpected earnings. However, we find that after controlling for the magnitude of the forecast error, the market penalty for missing forecasts is significantly greater in absolute terms than the response to beating forecasts. Finally we find that for the firms that consistently beat analysts’ forecasts, the market doesn’t give penalties to the systematic component of the forecast error, and doesn’t give excess rewards to the unsystematic component. But for the firms that consistently miss analysts’ forecasts, the market gives penalties to the systematic component of the forecast error, and doesn’t give excess penalties to the unsystematic component.
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跨國企業移轉計價-動態最適化模型 / Multinational Firm Transfer Pricing Under Dynamic Optimization謝孟釗, Hsieh,Meng-Chao Unknown Date (has links)
臺灣現有移轉計價之規範未有明確的罰則(Penalty),因而衍生許多稅負規避的問題。本文採用動態最適化(Dynamic Optimization)的模型來觀察跨國企業移轉計價的行為,在面臨懲罰與兩國稅差時企業會如何利用移轉價格及數量來進行獲利移轉以規避稅負,進而分析政府調降稅率以降低稅差並吸引獲利移轉的稅率政策對企業移轉計價的影響,最後再探討罰則在法規制定上的必要性。結果顯示,預料到的稅率政策在長期能有效減少企業從事移轉價格操弄(Transfer Price Manipulation),但在短期﹝除了宣告那一刻之外﹞反而更助長移轉價格操弄的發生,特別是當政策宣告至執行之期間過長時更為嚴重。此外,由先前的文獻可知無罰則下的最適移轉價格為一邊界解(Boundary Solution),本文也證明了此邊界解亦可能出現於有罰則的情況下。然而,罰則的存在創造了內部解(Interior Solution)的可能性,此內部解較邊界解更趨近於常規交易價格,因此我們仍建議政府制定罰則。 / This paper employs a dynamic optimization model to determine the equilibrium price and quantity in a multinational firm (MNF) faced with a threat of a penalty. We analyze the impact on transfer pricing that arises from the unanticipated and anticipated permanent taxation policy of home country and host country. Anticipated taxation policy for reducing tax differentials can reduce transfer price manipulation in the long term. However, except for the moment of announcement, such reduction of transfer price manipulation does not occur in the short term, especially in the case of a large time lag of policy. We also show that the boundary solution is possible even though transfer price penalty exists and suggest that governments impose penalty which creates the possibility of interior solution.
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論專利侵害之損害賠償計算-─從美國、中國大陸與台灣之專利修法談起 / Damages calculation in patent infringement-perspectives of patent reforms in the United States, China and Taiwan李柏靜, Lee, Po Ching Unknown Date (has links)
為了專利法制現代化,美國、中國大陸與台灣均進行專利修法,並修訂損害賠償計算。本文試圖以三者修法目的為思考評析損害賠償計算之修訂,並類型化分析三者相關規範。本文探討美國司法實務所發展的分攤法則及整體市場價值法則,而在建立更有效率之專利制度的目標下,美國專利法第284條並不適合納入上述法則。本文歸納美國專利懲罰性損害賠償制度之三種認定故意的標準。第一,傳統的故意侵害論,Underwater Devices案「充分注意之確切義務」之標準為故意侵害設立了一個較低的門檻,比較類似過失。第二,Seagate案的故意侵害論,為客觀的輕率。第三,專利改革的故意侵害論,三種故意樣態下之客觀的輕率;但可能因此限制法官的裁量權。中國大陸在提高自主創新能力與建設創新型國家之知識產權戰略目標下,第三次專利法修正將於2009年施行。新專利法第65條將現行最高人民法院司法解釋規定的定額賠償提高到專利法層次,且提高法定額度。從訴訟成本考量,由法院定額不失為較經濟的方法;然而,此方法亦有可能會有因非根據證據而落入主觀判斷賠償數額的缺點。新專利法第65條並明訂賠償數額還應當包括權利人為制止侵權行為所支付的合理開支,惟其計量方法仍不明確。雖然新專利法沒有納入懲罰性損害賠償,於提高法定賠償額度與加重其他相關民事與行政責任之配套修改下,新專利法有提高侵權人金錢負擔的效果,應有較大的嚇阻功能,進而鼓勵創新。台灣在因應國內科技政策與國際規範發展,及配合智慧財產法院設立的背景下,提出專利法修正草案,其中建議現行專利法第85條新增「以相當於實施該發明專利所得收取之權利金數額為其損害」規定。然而,針對權利金的合理性及是否以合理權利金作為補償底限,修正草案並沒有明確規定。此外,修正草案建議刪除懲罰性損害賠償,以回歸我國民事損害賠償制度。台灣專利侵害民事訴訟的成本與賠償金額並不高,也沒有敗訴方負擔對方律師費用的規定,在專利侵害全面除罪化之後,懲罰性損害賠償對侵害人可能形成一種「實質上額外的風險」,而非「僅是一種商業上的成本」,因而有其一定的功能意義。以專利法促進產業發展的目的考量,若沒有相關配套措施,實可考慮繼續保留現行懲罰性損害賠償制度。 / For modernization of patent laws, the United States, China and Taiwan are undergoing patent reform, each amending its damages provision. This thesis categorized forms of damages calculation in three countries, and tried to analyze its amendment from the perspective of patent reform in each country. This thesis analyzed the possible impact of specifying the apportionment rule and entire market value rule in Section 284, 35 United State Code. In addition, three standards of willful infringement with enhanced damages were concluded. First, the traditional willfulness doctrine in Underwater Devices case is the affirmative duty of due care which sets a lower threshold of willing infringement that is more akin to negligence. Second, willfulness in Seagate case requires at least an objective recklessness. Third, willfulness in Patent Reform Act of 2009 requires an objective recklessness in three different conditions; such proposal may restrict the discretion of the court. With national intellectual property strategy to improve the domestic capacity of innovation and to build an innovative country, the third amendment to Patent Act of the People's Republic of China becomes in effect in 2009. Article 65 in the new Chinese Patent Act codifies the statutory damages in the range of RMB 10,000 to 1,000,000, compared to the current range of RMB 5,000 to 500,000 provided by the Supreme People’s Court judicial interpretation. In the perspective of litigation costs, statutory damages award may be a more economic approach but subjective judgment could have implication caused by lack of factual evidence for damages calculation. Article 65 also codifies that the amount of compensation shall include reasonable cost for ceasing patent infringement by the right holder, however, how to measure the reasonable cost is not clear. Although the new Chinese Patent Act does not include punitive damages, the maximum statutory damages, other related civil liability and administrative penalty are increased. Such amendments may increase the pecuniary burden of the infringer and expect to lead to more deterrent effect on patent infringement and encourage innovation. In the context of international regulation change, national technology policy change and establishment of professional Intellectual Property Court, comprehensive review of Taiwanese Patent Act is ongoing. The proposed bill adds “equivalent amount of royalty for implementing the patent invention as damages” into Article 85 of current Taiwanese Patent Act. However, it is not clearly codified that a reasonable royalty must be justified and such royalty calculation is to set a floor for damages award. The proposed bill abandons punitive damages for willful infringement. In such proposal, the result of willful infringement may not be a substantial additional risk but only a cost of doing business, because the litigation cost and damages award are not so high, and there is no attorney fee award or criminal penalty in Taiwanese patent regulation system. Hence, reconsideration of retaining punitive damages is suggested.
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女性領導者之後效懲罰行為對部屬評價與工作表現的影響:內在歸因及意圖歸因的中介效果 / The Impacts of Female Leaders’ Contingent Punishment Behaviors on Subordinate’s Evaluation and Work Performance:The Mediating Effects of Internal and Intentional Attributions陳怡廷, Chen, Yi Ting Unknown Date (has links)
隨著台灣社會對於性別平權的提倡與重視,有越來越多的女性投入職場,然而在高階領導階層的男女比例還是有明顯的差距。本研究希望以實驗法深入探討領導者在組織當中展現特定管理行為效果的性別差異,即男、女性領導者展現後效懲罰行為對部屬的影響。由於後效懲罰行為時常會伴隨生氣情緒展現,又後效懲罰與生氣情緒皆屬違反女性刻板印象行為,預期相較於男性領導者,女性領導者展現此管理行為時會受到部屬比較低的評價和工作表現。研究一透過閱讀後效懲罰短文情境並操弄領導者的性別,僅在部屬對女性領導者評價上發現些微符合預期的證據。研究二改採實際模擬互動情境,操弄領導者性別、給予的回饋並及情緒圖片,結果發現女性領導者展現後效懲罰行為時,確實較男性領導者有較低的評價及工作表現,且利用路徑分析發現內在歸因及部分正向意圖歸因的中介效果。綜合兩個研究可以凸顯女性領導者執行特定重要管理行為時所面臨的困境,並期許兩性在職場上能有更平等的發展機會。 / Despite women’s increasing worforce participation, the gender gap in organizations has not changed appreciably nowadays. Women are still underrepredented in leadership positions in Taiwan. This research reveals a delimma female leaders may face when exhibiting Contignet Punishment Behavior, which is not only an important but a counterstereotypical management behavior. Since Contignet Punishment Behavior is always accompany with anger expression, we conducted two experiments to examine whether people are biased against female leaders when they exhibited it. Although study 1 showed only a small tendency that female leader is less evaluated than male leader, we found participants did give less evaluation and work less when they received contingent punishment from female leader than male leader, and the mediating role of internal and positive intentional attribution also found in study 2. Overall, we reveal penalties for women when they display important menagment behavior which is perceived violating gender-stereotypic prescriptions. Implication and practical applications are discussed.
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