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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


侯乃文 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究的主要目的,在探討財務分析師對公司盈餘宣告的反應情型。因為台灣近年來愈來愈重視財務分析師的預測資料,但先前之研究大多論文提要。   在探討影響財務分析師預測準確度之因素,尚未有研究探討財務分析師對公司盈餘宣告的反應情形,本研究基於此點原因,探討此問題,希望能更深入了解臺灣財務分析師的預測資料,讓使用財務分析師預測資料者做出更正確的決策。本研究依據文獻探討及延伸,採用四個研究模型探討財務分析師對公司盈餘宣告的反應情形。研究期間是從78年至82年,研究的對象為財訊月刊內的研究分析人員在財訊上所發表的盈餘預測值。資料蒐集是來自臺灣經濟新報社的資料庫。   實證結果顯示,台灣的財務分析師對公司的盈餘宣告有反應不足的情形存在。除此之外,台灣財務分析師對公司盈餘宣告的反應情形會因年度、產業別和公司大小不同而不同。

管理當局能力與分析師盈餘預測之關聯性—基於中國A股上市公司的實證分析 / The relationship between Managerial Ability and Financial Analysts' Earnings Forecasts

譚宇浩, Tan, Yu Hao Unknown Date (has links)
本研究以中國2007年至2012年的A股上市公司為研究對象,探討管理當局能力與分析師盈餘預測行為的關係,預測行為迴歸模型以分析師追蹤人數、分析師盈餘預測準確性及預測離散程度三種特性進行分析。 研究結果發現,管理當局能力與分析師追蹤人數、盈餘預測精確度皆呈現顯著正相關,與預測離散程度則為負相關,但并不顯著。這表示經理人能力較好,則分析師對該公司之追蹤意願較高,且盈餘預測誤差與預測離散度較低。本研究藉此結果推論,管理當局能力愈佳之企業,經理人愈會提供品質良好、具可靠性的財務報導,故分析師將愈信賴該公司所提供之資訊,並可幫助分析師做出更精確之盈餘預測,並降低彼此間之預測誤差。 / This study examines the relation between managerial ability and financial analysts’ earnings forecast behaviors in China from 2007 to 2012. We use several analysts’ attributes: number of analysts following, forecasts error, and forecasts dispersion. According to the empirical results, in general, analysts tend to follow firms with more ability of managers, and managers with superior ability might decrease analysts’ forecast errors and the dispersion of analysts’ earnings forecasts.


管紹博 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究欲探討分析師推薦對管理當局所釋出資訊量之關聯性,當分析師越強力推薦公司時,公司的管理當局將願意提供較多的資訊給分析師做為預測的依據,則分析師對公司盈餘的預測也越準確。研究結果發現給予公司較佳推薦的分析師,預測準確性確實比給予公司較差推薦的分析師高。 之後再利用台灣證券暨期貨市場發展基金會設立的資訊揭露評鑑系統,探討資訊較為透明的公司,因為管理當局自願提供較多的資訊,即便分析師強力推薦,可能也無法得到額外的資訊,所以分析師推薦的效果應比資訊揭露較不透明的受評公司差。實證結果發現資訊揭露較透明的受評公司,分析師的推薦效果確實比資訊訊揭露較不透明的受評公司差。 / This thesis examines directly whether that managers provide more (less) information to analysts with more (less) favorable stock recommendations, based on the Barron et al. model (1998). Prior study documents the relative forecast accuracy of analysts before and after a recommendation issuance under the assumption that increases (decreases) in management-provided information will increase (decrease) analysts’ relative forecast accuracy. In contrast, this paper directly measure amount of information based on Barron et al. model (1998), and examine whether amount of information varies between pre- and post- a recommendation. Contrary to our prediction, the results show no significant difference in amount of information after and before recommendation issuance. However, we do find that analysts issuing more favorable recommendations experience a greater increase in their relative forecast accuracy compared with analysts with less favorable recommendations. In addition, we also find that the association is smaller for firms with higher information transparency than those with lower information transparency. The information transparency is measure by whether firms are listed in Taiwan Securities & Futures Information Center’s Information Disclosure and Transparence Ranking System (therefore TSFIC).


王姿婷, Wang, Tzu Ting Unknown Date (has links)
本研究探討分析師在進行盈餘預測時是否會考慮會計師的審計品質。不同於過去文獻,本研究除了測試「品牌層級」的審計品質(brand-name level audit quality)與「事務所層級」(firm level audit quality)的審計品質外,利用我國簽證制度進一步檢視分析師盈餘預測之品質是否因會計師個人層級之審計品質 (individual-level audit quality) 的差異而有所不同。本研究以Heckman (1979) 之兩階段模型來控制會計師選擇內生性的問題,進行實證分析。實證結果顯示:(1) 四大會計師事務所對於分析師預測準確度具有正面影響,但侷限於小規模公司,呈現顯著正相關。(2) 四大事務所彼此之審計品質對於分析師預測準確度與離散程度之影響,並無顯著之差異,但整體來說,資誠會計師事務所之表現最佳,而小規模公司中,安永之表現較差;大規模公司中,勤業眾信之表現較差,此與一般市場所認知者不同。(3) 當分析師盈餘預測之對象為小規模公司時,審計品質最差的個別會計師會降低(提高)分析師預測準確度(離散程度)。反之,測試對象為大規模公司時,審計品質最佳的個別會計師會降低分析師預測準確度但,審計品質最差者,與本研究預期不符。結果顯示我國之分析師在進行盈餘預測時,會考量個別會計師之審計品質。 / This paper investigates the association between audit quality and properties of analysts’ earnings forecasts. Three levels of audit quality are identified and examined: brand-name level (proxied by a dummy Big 4), firm level (proxied by four dummies DT, PWC, KPMG, and EY), and individual-level (proxied by the average of the absolute values of discretionary accruals for all companies audited by the same auditor, grouped by quartiles). After separating sample companies into big, medium, and small sizes, the empirical results document several important findings. When audit quality is measured at the brand-name level, Big 4 improve analysts’ forecast accuracy for small companies only. However, Big 4 do not decrease analysts’ forecast dispersion. When the audit quality is measured at the firm level, analysts seem to regard EY and DT as of relatively low audit quality when small and big companies are the forecast targets, respectively. When the audit quality is measured at the individual level, auditors who are deemed to have the lowest audit quality (i.e., in the fourth quartile) are associated with less forecast accuracy and greater forecast dispersion in small companies. In contrast, auditors who are deemed to have the highest audit quality (i.e., in the first quartile) are associated with lower forecast dispersion in big companies. Taken together, the empirical results indicate that audit quality affects analysts’ forecast properties. More importantly, analysts are able to identify individual auditor’s audit quality and react accordingly.

法人說明會資訊內容與分析師盈餘預測 / Conference Calls and Financial Analysts' Earnings Forecasts

許佩琪 Unknown Date (has links)
法人說明會為近年來企業最常使用的自願性揭露方式之一,已逐漸成為企業管理當局與投資人溝通的重要管道,然而法人說明會之參加人員通常僅限於法人股東與財務分析師,因此財務分析師在企業管理當局與投資人之間扮演了一個重要的資訊傳遞角色。本研究以台灣高科技產業上市(櫃)公司為研究對象,探討法人說明會資訊揭露之豐富度,對分析師盈餘預測之樂觀程度、預測準確度以及預測離散性之影響,以及不同國籍券商獲取法人說明會資訊對其預測之影響。研究結果發現,分析師在資訊豐富性高的法人說明會後所做的盈餘預測會偏向樂觀預測,亦容易出現樂觀偏誤的現象,且資訊越豐富,分析師盈餘預測之離散性越低。若進一步分析券商國籍對盈餘預測之影響,可以發現本國券商在資訊豐富性高的法人說明會後所做的盈餘預測會偏向樂觀預測,外國券商則無此現象,表示相較於外國券商,本國券商獲取法人說明會資訊對其盈餘預測之影響較大。 / Nowadays,conference calls are one of the most often used voluntary disclosures by firms, and have become an important way of communication between management and investors.However,participants of conference calls are often institutional shareholders and financial analysts.As a result,financial analysts play an important role as an information communicator between management and investors.Based on a sample of publicly listed firms in Taiwan,this study explores whether the extent to which the richness of the content of conference calls affect the optimism,bias and dispersion of financial analysts' earnings forecasts,and whether the nationality of brokers causes different effects when they acquire the information of conference calls.We find that analysts' earnings forecasts become more optimistic and biased if conference calls contain richer information,and the dispersion of forecasts also becomes lower.Furthermore,domestic brokers' forecasts are more optimistic after conference calls which contained rich information,while there is no such phenomenon for foreign brokers.This indicates that conference calls have a greater impact on domestic than foreign brokers in making earnings forecasts.

分析師特性與公司投資效率關係之研究:來自中國上市公司的證據 / The Relation between Analyst Characteristics and Investment Efficiency : Evidence from China

劉細君, Liu, Xi Jun Unknown Date (has links)
本文探討分析師追蹤行為及分析師特性對其客戶投資效率的影響,並進一步研究分析師對國有與非國有企業的不同影響。本文以2007-2016年中國滬深證交所上市公司為樣本。實證結果發現,分析師追蹤及有較多的分析師追蹤,明星分析師追蹤及有較多的明星分析師追蹤,分析師預測公司數量較多都能提高其追蹤的上市公司的投資效率。本文進一步研究發現,分析師預測公司家數越多,其追蹤的國有企業的投資效率要高於非國有企業;並且,在分析師追蹤下,地方企業的投資效率要高於中央企業。然而,並沒有顯著證據能夠證明在分析師的追蹤下,非國有企業的投資效率高於國有企業。總結上述,分析師在資訊傳遞方面扮演著重要的角色,有助於降低企業資訊不對稱,從而對企業投資效率產生正面的影響。 / The objective of this thesis is to examine the association between forecasts behaviors and the covered firms’ investment efficiency. Using a sample of Chinese listed firms from 2007 to 2016, the empirical results can be summarized as follows. The presence of analyst following improves the investment efficiency of listed companies; the effect increases with the number of analysts following. Second, my results are stronger for firms with star analysts following than those without such analysts; more star following leads to greater improvement in investment efficiency. Thirdly, the effect of the number of analysts is more pronounced for stated-owned enterprise (SOE) than non-stated-owned enterprise (non-SOE). Further analyses indicate that for SOE, the presence of analysts following on investment efficiency is stronger for local SOE than for central SOE.

券商研究報告目標價預測及影響因素探討 / A Study on the Target Price Forecast

楊庭杰 Unknown Date (has links)
本文主要探討影響券商分析師所發布的研究報告目標價預測誤差的因素,以及了解券商目標價預測誤差是否會在不同的情況下有所不同,如券商國籍、分析產業。本文研究期間為2008年至2014年,目標價預測總共有效樣本有39,585筆,資料來源為CMoney,其中外資券商發布百分比共有30.16%,本土券商發布百分比有69.84%。電子業占總樣本百分比有63.21%,非電子業占總樣本百分比有36.79%。從分析師發布研究報告的趨勢來看,分析師把較多的資源以及心力在台灣電子業,因此本文亦想了解台灣分析師對於電子業的目標價預測能力使否顯著優於非電子業。此外,1998年全球大型投資銀行及專業券商因台股成交量日益龐大,大舉進入台灣市場,而外資券商所發布的研究報告,主要提供給三大法人,其買賣動向往往是市場中的焦點,因此外資券商目標價預測是否有比本土券商來的高,也是一門有趣的課題值得我們在本文探討。 本文利用Bonini et al.(2010)方法並加以修正,重新定義目標價預測誤差,差別在於本文所探討的目標價預測誤差為根據分析師所發布目標價,在一定的投資期間內與真實股價最接近的時點的誤差程度。最後從實證結果發現以下幾點結論:(一) 目標價的時效性在超過發布三個月後逐漸消失;(二) 電子業的目標價預測誤差大於非電子業;(三) 外資券商分析師目標價預測誤差大於本土券商;(四) 外資持股比重越高,會使目標價預測誤差縮小;(五) 動能表現會影響到分析師的目標價之判斷,且二者呈反向關係。


黃玲俐 Unknown Date (has links)
企業環境競爭之日趨白熱化及證券投資市場之蓬勃發展,使得「預測性資訊」於投資者之決策過程中,扮演著愈來愈顯重要的角色,尤其是兼具客觀性及正確性的分析師盈餘預測資訊更是如此。財務分析師成為證券市場之代言人,隱含著兩層意義:一為財務分析師將成為會計資訊的重要(直接)使用人;另一為投資人之投資績效將與財務分析師之預測績效息息相關,因而吾人有必要對財務分析師之決策過程及其產品(盈餘預測資訊)獲致更進一步的了解。 基於上述理由,故本研究擬站在會計資訊產出者和投資人的立,場就財務分析師對期中報告之應用情形及其盈餘預測之修正決策,予以探討。本研究之研究主題有二:(一)財務分析師盈餘預測修正之時間特性為何?主要係在調查財務分析師是否傾向於期中報告發佈後修正盈餘預測,又財務分析師於各季財務報告發佈後之修正頻率是否相當;(二)財務分析師於期中報告發佈後修正盈餘預測之決定因素為何?主要在探討影響分析師對期中報告之相對依賴程度的因素究竟為何,及財務分析師於評估已發佈之盈餘預測時,所依據的指標為何,在此主題下,本研究提出之決定因素有四,分別為非預期盈餘之大小、非預期盈餘之符號、公司規模大小、及盈餘變異水準。 經由實證研究結果,本研究獲致如下的結論: (一)在時間特性方面,發現財務分析師於期中宣告後之盈餘預測修正頻率明顯地多於年度內其他時間;又財務分析師於第二季及第三季盈餘宣告後之修正頻率亦顯著地多於第一季,然第二季與第三季間卻無明顯差異。所以大致而言,分析師對於期中報告之依賴程度相當高,尤其是第二季及第三季。 (二)在決定因素方面,則發現財務分析師於期中報告發佈後修正盈餘預測之決定因素包括為非預期盈餘大小,該項因素和財務分析師於期中宣告後之盈餘預測修正行為係呈顯著正相關。

景氣循環與分析師預測偏差程度之關係 / none

蔡佳臻 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究探討分析師盈餘預測偏差程度是否受到景氣循環的影響。首先以美國股市大盤指數的漲跌趨勢判定景氣循環的高峰時點,並藉此區分景氣循環由上往下反轉與否之依據。其次,探討當景氣由上往下反轉時,分析師盈餘預測的偏差程度是否有明顯增加的現象。最後,探討預測該公司之分析師人數、公司盈餘變動程度、公司發生損失及分析師盈餘預測的分散程度與分析師盈餘預測偏差程度之相關性,於景氣由上往下反轉時期與景氣穩定成長時期是否會有顯著差異。 實證結果顯示:(1)分析師盈餘預測偏差程度的確會受到景氣循環的影響。當景氣由上往下反轉時,分析師未能掌握景氣循環的脈動,立即修正其盈餘預測,而是傾向發佈具樂觀性偏差的盈餘預測。(2)處於景氣由上往下反轉時期,預測該公司之分析師人數、公司發生損失及分析師預測盈餘分散程度對分析師盈餘預測的偏差程度之影響會產生強化效果。然而,本研究並無充足證據顯示,公司盈餘變動程度與分析師盈餘預測偏差程度之相關性會受到景氣由上往下反轉而有所不同。 / This study investigates whether business cycle affects bias in analysts’ earnings forecasts. Based on NASDAQ market index, an economic sudden slump is selected for examining whether the bias in analysts’ earnings forecasts is more obvious during the period of the economic slump. On top of this, the association between the bias in analysts’ earnings forecasts and some economic factors including number of analysts following, change in earnings, firm loss and forecast dispersion in the economic sudden slump is also explored. The empirical results show that business cycle in analysts’ earnings forecasts indeed influences bias. When the economic sudden slump happens, analysts are not aware of business cycle’s fluctuation in time to revise their earnings forecasts; instead they trend to issue optimistic bias in earnings forecasts. In the economic sudden slump, the number of analysts following, firm loss and forecast dispersion deeply affect bias in analysts’ earnings forecasts. However, this study does not find sufficient evidence that the association between change in earnings and bias in analysts’ earnings forecasts is more obvious during the period of economic sudden slump.


范忻, FAN, SHIN Unknown Date (has links)
證券分析師是美國投資人接近資本市場之重要媒介,長期受到資本市場及投資大眾之信任。然而在2000年網路公司泡沫化後,證券分析師的預測紛紛失去準頭。他們對行情和股票的錯誤判斷,導致投資人損失,其原因,被直指與利益衝突有關。本論文主要探討賣方分析師在投資銀行所扮演的角色與利益衝突的議題。 賣方分析師所服務之投資銀行本身就是建立在一個利益衝突架構上的商業機構。投資銀行收入通常來自經紀、自營與投資銀行(承銷)這三大塊業務,每一塊業務都會為賣方分析師帶來利益衝突。本論文分析在華爾街普遍存在之賣方分析師利益衝突形成原因,並介紹美國對證券分析師的改革措施。 美國所發生之分析師利益衝突事件,使得全球如英國、日本等國的證券主管機關,均已開始檢視其現行有關證券分析師及投資銀行關係的相關規範。近年來,我國主管機關一方面對金融業務採取更開放之態度,另一方面也積極加強金融業發揮中介機構之角色。因此,如何督促業者自律,遵守應有之規範,為防止與有效管理利益衝突之重點。本文藉著對美國、英國、日本等國因應之道的討論,盼能對國內現有制度有所啟發與建議。

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