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Contrôle génétique et épigénétique des transitions du cycle de vie chez l'algue brune Ectocarpus sp. / Genetic and epigenetic control of life cycle transitions in the brown alga Ectocarpus sp.Bourdareau, Simon 27 March 2018 (has links)
L’algue brune Ectocarpus présente un cycle de vie haplo-diploïde avec l’alternance de deux générations multicellulaires : un gamétophyte haploïde et un sporophyte diploïde. Deux mutants présentent un changement homéotique entre les programmes de développement des générations sporophyte et gamétophyte. Les mutants réitèrent le programme de développement du gamétophyte à la place du sporophyte. Ces mutants, appelés ouroboros (oro) et samsara (sam), sont affectés dans deux gènes différents codant pour des facteurs de transcription à homéodomaine de classe TALE. Ma thèse porte sur la caractérisation des deux facteurs de transcription ORO et SAM ainsi que sur les dynamiques chromatiniennes sous-jacentes. Cette thèse présente les phénotypes des deux mutants oro et sam ainsi qu’une comparaison du transcriptome des mutants avec celui du gamétophyte et sporophyte. L’interaction entre ORO et SAM a été également testée et a lieu au niveau de chaque homéodomaine. Les préférences de liaison à l’ADN des deux facteurs de transcription ont été évaluées in vitro. Un criblage par double-hybride de levure a permis d’identifier deux sous-unités C de la famille de facteurs de transcription Nuclear Factor Y interagissant avec ORO. Cette thèse a également permis des avancées importantes dans l’étude de la régulation de la chromatine notamment en mettant au point un protocole d’immunoprécipitation de la chromatine. Ainsi, les profils de six modifications post-traductionnelles d’histones sur l’ensemble du génome ont été établis. Ce travail est pionnier dans la compréhension de la reprogrammation de la chromatine et la régulation de voies de développement majeures chez les algues brunes. / The brown alga Ectocarpus exhibits a haploid-diploid life cycle with an alternation between two multicellular generations : a haploid gametophyte and a diploid sporophyte. Two mutants exhibit homeotic switching between the sporophyte and gametophyte programs, reiterating the gametophyte program instead of switching to the sporophyte. These mutants, called ouroboros (oro) et samsara (sam), carry mutations into two different genes that code for TALE homeodomain transcription factors. This thesis aimed to characterize these two transcription factors and the chromatin dynamics associated with the alternation of generation in Ectocarpus. This thesis presents the characterisation of the oro and sam mutants and a transcriptomic comparison of the mutants with the sporophyte and gametophyte. DNA-binding preferences of the two transcription factors were evaluated using in vitro methods. ORO and SAM are able to heterodimerise via their respective homeodomains and a yeast two-hybrid screen showed that two C subunits of the Nuclear Factor Y family are able to interacting with ORO. This thesis also presents major advances in the study of chromatin regulation in the brown alga. A chromatin immunoprecipitation protocol was established and used to obtain genome-wide profiles for six histone modifications. Taken together, the data presented here suggests that ORO and SAM may be involved directly in chromatin reprogramming at generation-biased genes via an association with the NF-Y complex. The work presented represents a pioneer analysis of brown algal transcription factors and chromatin reprogramming events involved in the regulation of developmental pathways.
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Children of Holocaust Survivors on Middle-Age: A Phenomenological InquiryRosenberg, Elizabeth 01 January 2016 (has links)
Children of Holocaust survivors are vulnerable to experiencing secondary trauma which typically manifests in emotional and psychological difficulties. Despite,their exposure to a traumatized family environment, many children of Holocaust survivors do not develop emotional or adaptive difficulties. Some demonstrate psychological resilience, reflected by their ability to adapt,to adversity and problems. The purpose of this study was to gain insight into how well-adjusted,middle aged children of Holocaust survivors developed and maintained resilience.In line with resilience theory,which explains how an individual bounces back from negative circumstances, the research questions for this study examined the factors that the participants used to develop and maintain tesilience. The sample for this study included 13 middle aged children of Holocaust survivors who described themselves as well-adjusted. The researcher collected data by conducting in-depth interviews and qualitatively analyzed the data using the modified van Kaam method of phenomenological analysis. Results showed that well-adjusted children of Holocaust survivors managed and maintained resiliency through middle age by incorporating lessons learned from their parents, including the notion that nothing can keep a person down. These findings contributed to the body of knowledge on trauma prevention and may be useful to social service providers and organizations that seek to aid individuals' development of resiliency in the,wake of traumatic experiences.
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Epigénétique et cancer de la prostate : Rôles de la déméthylase JMJD3 et de la méthyltransférase EZH2 / Epigenetics and prostate cancer : Roles of demethylase JMJD3 and methyltransferase EZH2Daures, Marine 04 June 2018 (has links)
En France comme dans la majorité des pays développés, le cancer de la prostate est le plus fréquent chez l’homme. Il est clairement établi que les altérations génétiques et épigénétiques sont des événements communs dans les cancers de la prostate, se traduisant par l’expression aberrante de gènes critiques. La méthylation des histones participe à la régulation de l’expression des gènes dans la cellule. La marque épigénétique H3K27me3 est associée à la répression génique et se trouve dérégulée dans les cancers de la prostate. Ses niveaux sont déterminés par l’équilibre entre les activités de la méthyltransférase d’histone EZH2 et de la déméthylase d’histone JMJD3. Afin de comprendre le mécanisme de dépôt de H3K27me3 dans la tumorigenèse prostatique, le travail de cette thèse s’est orienté sur l’évaluation simultanée de l’impact de JMJD3 et de EZH2. Dans un premier temps, les niveaux d’expression de JMJD3 et de EZH2 ont été montrés augmentés simultanément dans le cancer de la prostate. Cette augmentation est corrélée à un enrichissement de ces deux protéines sur le promoteur des gènes RARβ2, ERα, RGMA, AR et PGR. Dans un deuxième temps, une analyse transcriptomique a permis d’identifier une signature génique corrélée avec le niveau d’agressivité de la tumeur. L’utilisation des « épidrogues » GSK-J4 et DZNeP ciblant JMJD3 et EZH2 permettent de moduler l’expression de ces gènes. L’ensemble de ces résultats caractérise JMJD3 et EZH2 comme des facteurs clés dans le processus de tumorigenèse prostatique. Le panel de gènes identifié devrait permettre de développer de potentiels marqueurs de diagnostic mais également de pronostic dans le cancer de la prostate et sa modulation par les « épidrogues » permettra de développer de nouvelles stratégies thérapeutiques. / In France like in majority of developed countries, prostate cancer is the most common cancer in men. It has been clearly established that genetic and epigenetic alterations are common events in prostate cancer resulting in aberrant gene expression. Histone methylation are involved in gene expression of cells. The H3K27me3 epigenetic mark is a repressive mark and it is deregulated in prostate cancer. H3K27me3 levels are determined by the balance between histone methyltransferase EZH2 and histone demethylase JMJD3 activities. In order to understand the mechanism of H3K27me3 deposition in prostatic tumorigenesis, this thesis focused on the simultaneous assessment of the impact of JMJD3 and EZH2.Firstly, expression levels of JMJD3 and EZH2 were shown to be simultaneously increased in prostate cancer. The increase is correlated to both protein enrichments on RARβ2, ERα, RGMA, AR and PGR gene promotors. Secondly, transcriptomic analysis identified gene signature correlated with tumor aggressiveness. The utilization of GSK-J4 and DZNeP epidrugs targeting JMJD3 and EZH2 allowed us to modulate gene expressionOur results characterized JMJD3 and EZH2 as key factors in prostatic tumorigenesis process. The identified gene panel would be able to develop potential diagnostic and prognostic markers in prostate cancer and their modulation by epidrugs would make new therapeutic strategies.
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The role of material stereotypic behaviour on developmental outcomes in piglets / O papel do comportamento estereotipado materno no desenvolvimento de leitõesTatemoto, Patricia 23 November 2018 (has links)
Stereotypic behaviour is considered an indicator of compromised welfare. We have conducted studies to test the controversial hypothesis that stereotypic behaviour helps animals to cope with challenges. We proposed that animals that do not express stereotypies could be under more compromised welfare, than the ones showing the behaviour, when exposed to difficult situations. Rather than asking to the animal if stereotypies are indicating good welfare, we assessed the effects on foetal programming. This study investigated the outcomes of stereotypies measured in sows (Sus scrofa) during gestation in shaping their offsprings phenotype measuring both behavioural and physiological indicators of welfare. Environmental enrichment is an efficient protocol, acting in the causal factors of stereotypies, such as motivational systems, to reduce repetitive, invariant behavioural patterns, defined as stereotypies. We demonstrated that stereotypies in pregnant sows are related with a reduction in fear indicators in their offspring. Then, we showed that environmental enrichment, in the last third of gestation, improved the welfare of sows and also the welfare in their offspring. Comparing the brain of the offspring of sows kept in enriched and non-enriched environments and comparing non-enriched sows performing stereotypies with non-enriched sows not showing stereotypies, we identified eight genes related with neuroplasticity and psychiatric diseases, which were differentially methylated. The main contribution of this study is that maternal stereotypic behaviour during gestation decreases fear indicators and alters the neuroepigenome of the limbic system of the offspring. As far as we know, this is the first evidence showing that stereotypies expressed by the mother during gestation did affect offsprings emotionality, in which the mechanism were epigenetic changes in the brain. / O comportamento estereotipado é considerado um indicador de comprometimento do bemestar. Nós conduzimos estudos para testar a controversa hipótese de que o comportamento estereotipado ajuda os animais a lidar com desafios. Propusemos que animais que não expressam estereotipias possam estar sob um bem-estar mais comprometido do que aqueles que demonstram o comportamento, quando expostos a situações difíceis. Ao invés de perguntar ao animal se as estereotipias estão indicando um bem-estar adequado, avaliamos os efeitos na programação do feto. Este estudo investigou os resultados de estereotipias em fêmeas suínas (Sus scrofa) durante a gestação no fenótipo da prole, acessando indicadores comportamentais e fisiológicos. O enriquecimento ambiental é um protocolo eficiente, atuando nos fatores causais de estereotipias, como os sistemas motivacionais, para reduzir padrões comportamentais repetitivos e invariantes, definidos como estereotipias. Nós demonstramos que estereotipias em suínas prenhes estão relacionadas com uma redução nos indicadores de medo na prole. Em seguida, mostramos que o enriquecimento ambiental, no último terço da gestação, melhorou o bem-estar das porcas e também o bem-estar de seus filhos. Comparando o cérebro da prole de porcas mantidas em ambientes enriquecidos e não enriquecidos e comparando porcas não enriquecidas realizando estereotipias com porcas não enriquecidas sem estereotipias, foram identificados oito genes relacionados com a neuroplasticidade e doenças psiquiátricas, que foram diferencialmente metilados. A principal contribuição deste estudo é que o comportamento estereotipado materno durante a gestação diminui os indicadores de medo e altera o neuroepigenoma do sistema límbico da prole. Até onde sabemos, esta é a primeira evidência mostrando que estereotipias expressas pela mãe durante a gestação afetaram a emocionalidade da prole, na qual o mecanismo era uma mudança epigenética no cérebro.
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Étude des mécanismes chromatiniens dans l’adaptation des plantes à la lumière. / Study of chromatin mechanisms in plant adaptation to light.Fiorucci, Anne-Sophie 30 September 2014 (has links)
Les plantes sont des organismes sessiles qui présentent plusieurs caractéristiques leur permettant de s'adapter rapidement aux variations de conditions environnementales. En particulier la lumière représente une source d’information essentielle utilisée tout au long du cycle de vie pour ajuster leur développement. Cette thèse avait pour objet l’étude de l’impact des mécanismes chromatiniens dans la régulation de l’expression des gènes pouvant influencer l’adaptabilité des plantes aux variations de signaux lumineux, à travers deux types de réponses caractérisées par des échelles de temps différentes chez la plante modèle Arabidopsis thaliana. La première étude portait sur des processus chromatiniens dynamiques participant à la régulation de l’expression génique, et utilisait comme modèle le dé‐étiolement. La triméthylation de la lysine 4 de l’histone H3 (H3K4me3), une modification posttraductionnelle généralement associée à un état transcriptionnel actif a été plus particulièrement étudiée. Afin de mieux connaître cette voie, le gène SWD2‐Like b (S2Lb) a été caractérisé. Il s’agit d’un nouveau partenaire de complexes COMPASS‐like et un déterminant important du niveau global de H3K4me3. L’analyse de plantes dans lesquelles ce gène est inactivé a montré qu’un défaut d’accumulation de H3K4me3 corrélait avec une induction plus faible de gènes de réponse à la lumière au cours du dé‐étiolement. Ces résultats et les nouveaux outils obtenus constituent une base solide pour étudier l’influence de cette marque et des facteurs associés sur la modulation fine de l’expression génique en relation avec d’autres marques chromatiniennes. La seconde étude cherchait à déterminer l’impact des variations épigénétiques sur la capacité des plantes à induire un syndrome d’évitement de l’ombre, une réponse adaptative à des conditions de lumière défavorables produites par des compétiteurs. Un phénotypage à grande échelle dans deux conditions de lumière induisant des réponses opposées a été réalisé sur une population de lignées recombinantes inbred (epiRIL), dans laquelle les variations épigénétiques (méthylation de l’ADN) sont maximisées mais les variations de séquence nucléotidique sont minimes. Une plus grande variation phénotypique ainsi qu’une plus grande amplitude dans la capacité de réponse à l’ombre ont été observées dans la population epiRIL. De plus, une cartographie QTL a permis d’identifier une région au début du chromosome 3 spécifiquement associée à la réponse d’évitement de l’ombre. Bien qu’une caractérisation plus fine soit nécessaire, le locus impliqué pourrait correspondre à une première description de QTL « épigénétique » influençant la plasticité phénotypique des plantes en réponse à une variation des conditions de l’environnement. / Plants are sessile organisms that successfully face variations of the environment by taking advantage of their ability to adapt their physiology and morphology. In particular, light perception constitutes an essential source of information used throughout their life cycle to fine‐tune development. The work presented was aimed at studying the role of chromatin‐associated mechanisms on adaptive responses to light cues at two different timescales in the model plant species Arabidopsis thaliana. In a first part, the role of chromatin dynamics in the regulation of gene expression was assessed during de‐etiolation, a developmental transition of seedlings that is triggered upon the first perception of light. It focused mainly on the trimethylation of histone H3 at lysine 4 (H3K4me3), a post‐translational modification associated with transcriptionally active states. To gain new insights into this pathway, the SWD2‐Like b (S2Lb) gene was characterized and shown to represent a new partner of plant COMPASS‐like complexes and a major determinant of H3K4me3 in A.thaliana. Loss‐of‐function plant lines for the S2Lb gene revealed that a default in H3K4me3 enrichment correlates with impaired inducibility of several light‐responsive genes during de‐etiolation. The findings described here set the bases to investigating how this mark and the associated factors influence the modulation of gene expression in relation with other chromatin marks. The second part of this thesis was aimed at assessing the impact of epigenetic variation on the capacity of plants to undergo the shade‐avoidance response (SAR), an adaptive developmental response to unfavorable light conditions produced by competitors. A population of epigenetic Recombinant Inbred Lines (epiRILs), in which epigenetic variation (DNA cytosine methylation) is maximized and nucleotidic sequence variation is minimized, was used for a large‐scale phenotyping under two light conditions triggering opposite responses. The epiRIL population exhibited larger amplitude of phenotypic variation than wild‐type parents in each condition as well as a wider range of response to shade. A region at the beginning of chromosome 3 was identified by QTL mapping to specifically associate to the SAR. Though it remains to be characterized, the locus involved may represent a first “epigenetic QTL” influencing phenotypic plasticity in response to environmental changes.
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Identification and Validation of Small Molecules Inhibiting Human Adenovirus ReplicationSaha, Bratati 01 October 2019 (has links)
Human adenovirus (HAdV) mainly causes minor illnesses, but can lead to severe disease and death in both immunocompromised and immunocompetent patients. In such cases, the current standards of treatment often do not improve disease outcome and no approved antiviral therapy against HAdV exists. Since HAdV relies on cellular machinery to assist in the progression of the virus lifecycle, we hypothesized that small molecules targeting certain cellular proteins/pathways, without severely affecting cell health, may serve as effective anti-HAdV compounds. Thus, we aimed to identify novel inhibitors of HAdV, and investigate the molecular mechanism to determine new therapeutic targets for intervention in HAdV infection. We first examined the antiviral properties of pan-histone deacetylase (HDAC) inhibitor SAHA and found that the drug affects multiple stages of the HAdV lifecycle, resulting in significant reductions in virus yield. SAHA was effective in decreasing gene expression from clinically relevant HAdV serotypes. Subsequent investigations on the role of HDACs in HAdV infection led us to determine that class I HDAC activity, mainly HDAC2, is necessary for optimal viral gene expression. Using a wildtype-like HAdV reporter construct that allows us to monitor virus replication by fluorescence microscopy, we then designed an efficient system for screening small molecules to identify novel HAdV inhibitors. We screened over 1300 small molecules, and the screen was sensitive enough to detect compounds with both robust and modest antiviral activity. Several positive hits were validated to reduce HAdV gene expression and yield from infected cells. Further investigation on the efficacy of these compounds and the mechanism behind their inhibition of HAdV can lead to the discovery of new pharmacological targets and the development of more effective antivirals.
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Epigenetic changes in breast cancerHinshelwood, Rebecca, Garvan Institute of Medical Research, UNSW January 2009 (has links)
Changes in the epigenetic landscape are widespread in neoplasia, with de novo methylation and histone repressive marks commonly occurring in association with gene silencing. However, understanding the dynamics of epigenetic changes is often hindered due to the absence of adequate in vitro model systems that accurately reflect events occurring in vivo. Human mammary epithelial cells (HMECs) grown under standard culture conditions enter a growth arrest termed selection, but a subpopulation is able to escape from arrest and continue to proliferate. These cells, called post-selection cells, have many of the hallmarks seen in the earliest lesions of breast cancer, including transcriptional silencing and hypermethylation of the p16INK4A tumour suppressor gene. The overall aim of my thesis was to use post-selection HMECs as model system to identify and dissect the mechanism involved in early epigenetic aberrations. Firstly, using a microarray approach, I found that multiple members of the TGF-β signalling pathway were concordantly suppressed in post-selection cells, and this was associated with functional disruption of the TGF-β pathway. Interestingly, concordant gene suppression was not associated with aberrant DNA methylation, but with repressive chromatin remodelling. Secondly, to further understand the mechanism underpinning epigenetic silencing, I demonstrated using laser capture technology, that p16INK4A silencing is a precursor to DNA methylation and histone remodelling. Thirdly, I found that individual post-selection HMEC strains during the early passages shared a common 'wave' pattern of regional-specific methylation within the p16INK4A CpG island. Interestingly, the 'wave' pattern of early de novo methylation correlated with the apparent footprint of nucleosomes within the p16INK4A CpG island. Lastly, to further characterise the properties of the HMEC culture system, I demonstrated that post-selection cells do not possess a natural tumour-inducing property when transplanted into the mammary fat pad of immunocompromised mice. However, post-selection HMECs were associated with high expression of a variety of stem/progenitor markers, as well as stem/progenitor associated polycomb genes, thus demonstrating that these cells share some common features of stem/progenitor cells. The research presented in this thesis demonstrate that epigenetic changes occur early in the growth of post-selection HMECs and many of these changes are common in breast cancer.
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Genetic and Epigenetic Variation in the Human Genome : Analysis of Phenotypically Normal Individuals and Patients Affected with Brain TumorsDe Bustos, Cecilia January 2006 (has links)
<p>Genetic and epigenetic variation is a key determinant of human diversity and has an impact on disease predisposition. Single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) and copy number polymorphisms (CNPs) are the main forms of genetic variation. The challenge is to distinguish normal variations from disease-associated changes. Combination of genetic and epigenetic alterations, often together with an environmental component, can cause cancer. In paper I, we investigated possible alterations affecting the transcriptional regulation of PDGFRα in patients affected with central nervous system tumors by characterizing the haplotype combinations in the <i>PDGFRA</i> gene promoter. A specific over-representation of one haplotype (H2δ) in primitive neuroectodermal tumors and ependymomas was observed, suggesting a functional role for the ZNF148/PDGFRα pathway in the tumor pathogenesis. In paper II, 50 glioblastomas were analyzed for DNA copy number variation with a chromosome 22 tiling genomic array. While 20% of tumors displayed monosomy 22, copy number variations affecting a portion of chromosome 22 were found in 14% of cases. This implies the presence of genes involved in glioblastoma development on 22q. Paper III described the analysis of copy number variation of 37 ependymomas using the same array. We detected monosomy in 51.5% of the samples. In addition, we identified two overlapping germline deletions of 2.2 Mb and 320 kb (the latter designated as Ep CNP). In order to investigate whether Ep CNP was a common polymorphism in the normal population or had an association with ependymoma development, we constructed a high-resolution PCR product-based microarray covering this locus (paper IV). For this purpose, we developed a program called <i>Sequence Allocator</i>, which automates the process of array design. This approach allowed assessment of copy number variation within regions of segmental duplications. Our results revealed that gains or deletions were identical in size and encompassed 290 kb. Therefore, papers I-IV suggest that some SNPs and CNPs can be regarded as tumor-associated polymorphisms. Finally, paper V describes variation of DNA methylation among fully differentiated tissues by using an array covering ~9% of the human genome. Major changes in the overall methylation were also found in colorectal cancer cell lines lacking one or two DNA methyltransferases.</p>
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Genetic and Epigenetic Variation in the Human Genome : Analysis of Phenotypically Normal Individuals and Patients Affected with Brain TumorsDe Bustos, Cecilia January 2006 (has links)
Genetic and epigenetic variation is a key determinant of human diversity and has an impact on disease predisposition. Single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) and copy number polymorphisms (CNPs) are the main forms of genetic variation. The challenge is to distinguish normal variations from disease-associated changes. Combination of genetic and epigenetic alterations, often together with an environmental component, can cause cancer. In paper I, we investigated possible alterations affecting the transcriptional regulation of PDGFRα in patients affected with central nervous system tumors by characterizing the haplotype combinations in the PDGFRA gene promoter. A specific over-representation of one haplotype (H2δ) in primitive neuroectodermal tumors and ependymomas was observed, suggesting a functional role for the ZNF148/PDGFRα pathway in the tumor pathogenesis. In paper II, 50 glioblastomas were analyzed for DNA copy number variation with a chromosome 22 tiling genomic array. While 20% of tumors displayed monosomy 22, copy number variations affecting a portion of chromosome 22 were found in 14% of cases. This implies the presence of genes involved in glioblastoma development on 22q. Paper III described the analysis of copy number variation of 37 ependymomas using the same array. We detected monosomy in 51.5% of the samples. In addition, we identified two overlapping germline deletions of 2.2 Mb and 320 kb (the latter designated as Ep CNP). In order to investigate whether Ep CNP was a common polymorphism in the normal population or had an association with ependymoma development, we constructed a high-resolution PCR product-based microarray covering this locus (paper IV). For this purpose, we developed a program called Sequence Allocator, which automates the process of array design. This approach allowed assessment of copy number variation within regions of segmental duplications. Our results revealed that gains or deletions were identical in size and encompassed 290 kb. Therefore, papers I-IV suggest that some SNPs and CNPs can be regarded as tumor-associated polymorphisms. Finally, paper V describes variation of DNA methylation among fully differentiated tissues by using an array covering ~9% of the human genome. Major changes in the overall methylation were also found in colorectal cancer cell lines lacking one or two DNA methyltransferases.
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Epigenetic Regulation of Gene Transcription in Hematopoietic TumorsTshuikina Wiklander, Marina January 2008 (has links)
Epigenetic modifications were shown to play an essential role in tumorigenesis. Epigenetic mechanisms can alter transcription in several ways, through DNA methylation and/or through histone modification. DNA methylation at the TSS (transcriptional start site) has been implicated in tumor development and gene silencing. However, several examples of atypical methylation were shown. In Paper I we present the ICSBP/IRF8 gene that belongs to the IRF family and has characteristics of a tumor suppressor gene. The ICSBP/IRF8 is fully methylated in the promoter and TSS regions in U-937 and despite high expression of the gene. Presence of positive histone marks suggests that methylated DNA can be overridden by histone modification. In Paper II a panel of 13 MM (multiple myeloma) cell lines and 9 primary patient tumors were analysed for methylation status of the ICSBP/IRF8 gene. In most cell lines (8/13) the gene was partially or fully methylated and partial methylation was also observed in 1/9 primary tumors. In vitro methylation analysis and treatment with 5-aza-2’deoxycytidine (DAC) proved that the ICSBP/IRF8 gene is silenced by methylation and may be associated with the malignant phenotype. In Paper III and IV the NFκB signalling pathway was analysed and the role of ATRA and TNFα induction. In Paper III the data shows that activation of the NFκB pathway is essential in ATRA-induced terminal differentiation in the U-937 cell line and IκBα (S32A/S36A) inhibits ATRA-induced differentiation and G1 cell cycle arrest. This was accompanied by delayed down-regulation of several cyclins (A and E) and up-regulation of p21WAF1/CIP1 (CDKN1A) and p27KIP1 (CDKN1B). TNFα alone did not induce expression of RA-induced genes analysed in Paper IV. However, ATRA in combination with TNFα showed enhanced activation of RA-induced genes. TNFα triggers demethylation of H3K9me3/H3K9me2 and H3K4me3 at RAR/RXR target genes, which were not accompanied by changes in the level of H3K9-ac. This decrease in H3 methylation by TNFα may pave way for the later ATRA-induced gene transcription.
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