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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Arterial Response to Local Mechanical Variables: The Effects of Circumferential and Shear Stress

Wayman, Brian H. 09 April 2007 (has links)
Arteries respond to changes in global mechanical parameters (pressure, flow rate, and longitudinal stretching) by remodeling to restore local parameters (circumferential stress, shear stress, and axial strain) to baseline levels. Because a change in a single global parameter results in changes of multiple local parameters, the effects of individual local parameters on remodeling remain unknown. This study uses a novel approach to study remodeling in organ culture based on independent control of local mechanical parameters. The approach is illustrated by studying the effects of circumferential and shear stress on remodeling-related biological markers. Porcine carotid arteries were cultured for three days at a circumferential stress of 50 kPa or 150 kPa or, in separate experiments, a shear stress of 0.75 Pa or 2.25 Pa. At high circumferential stress, matrix synthesis, smooth muscle cell proliferation, and cell death are significantly greater, but matrix metalloproteinase-2 (MMP-2) and pro-MMP-2 activity are significantly less. In contrast, biological markers measured were unaffected by shear stress. Applications of the proposed approach for improved understanding of remodeling, optimizing mechanical conditioning of tissue engineered arteries, and selection of experimentally motivated growth laws are discussed.

Novel culture and organoid technologies to study mammalian kidney development

Saarela, U. (Ulla) 19 March 2018 (has links)
Abstract Kidney diseases affect an increasing number of people worldwide, and there is a growing demand to develop new treatments and increase the number of transplantable organs. New treatments can be designed when new knowledge is gained by studying the details of kidney development. The ex vivo culture techniques have been used for over a century to study the development of kidneys, but they are not optimal for long-term imaging and following the nephrogenesis process over time. Kidney organoids, which are cellular aggregates resembling the in vivo kidney, together with intact embryonic kidneys, present a platform for these studies. However, there are limitations when working with primary embryonic kidney cells. Primary embryonic metanephric mesenchymal cells are usually low in number and lose the ability to undergo nephrogenesis rapidly. New ways to culture, biobank, and transfect cells can offer ways for functional testing of the effects of different genes on the nephrogenesis. This study presents new tools for studying nephrogenesis. Time-lapse imaging of organ development may be enhanced by using a Fixed Z-direction (FiZD) culture system where the kidney explant is grown in a restricted 70μm space. The technique enables the segmentation of the individual cells in a two-dimensional image and a dynamic analysis of the time-lapse data. This study also presents a technique of dissociation and reaggregation of the uninduced kidney metanephric mesenchyme (MM). With this novel method of culturing the dissociated MM cells in a growth factor medium for 24 hours, the cells can keep their competence for nephrogenesis. This technique allows the genetic manipulation of the MM cells before the induction to form nephrons, allowing functional testing of genes in the metanephric mesenchyme. This study further presents different techniques for gene editing of MM cells and introduces biobanking of primary kidney cells. It is shown here that the MM and ureteric bud (UB) cells have the capability to remember their fates and build nephron-like structures or continue branching after the cryopreservation in the liquid nitrogen. The methods introduced here provide new ways to create kidney organoids, manipulate their genome, and biobank the primary embryonic kidney cells. The developed FiZD culture system enhances the imaging of kidney development compared to the previously used culture methods. Using this method, the morphogenesis of the developing kidney can be followed more precisely, even in a single cell level. This culture method may also be used to culturing other organs, such as ovary, and may help provide insights into the development of other tissues as well. / Tiivistelmä Munuaissairauksiin sairastuvien määrä on lisääntynyt maailmanlaajuisesti, ja se on aikaansaanut tarpeen uusien hoitokeinojen sekä siirtoelimien kehitykseen. Näiden kehittämiseksi tarvitsemme uutta tietoa munuaisen kehityksestä ja toiminnasta. Munuaisen kehitystä on tutkittu ex vivo -viljelyn avulla jo yli vuosisadan ajan, mutta nykyiset elinviljelytekniikat eivät ole kuitenkaan optimaalisia pitkäkestoiseen time-lapse-kuvaukseen. Tässä työssä käytetään munuaisen kehityksen tutkimiseen hiiren alkion munuaisia sekä munuaisorganoideja, jotka ovat munuaissoluista koostuvia ja aitoa munuaista mallintavia soluaggregaatteja. Primaaristen munuaissolujen käyttöön sisältyy rajoitteita, ja tämä luo tarpeen uusien organoiditekniikoiden kehitykseen ja optimointiin. Primaarisia munuaissoluja on yleensä käytettävissä pieniä määriä, ja ne eivät myöskään sovellu pitkäkestoiseen kasvatukseen, koska ne menettävät nopeasti kykynsä muodostaa nefroneita. Uusien tekniikoiden avulla voidaan parantaa näiden solujen kasvatusta, säilytystä ja transfektointia ja edistää eri geenien vaikutuksia tutkivat funktionaaliset testaukset. Tässä tutkimuksessa esitetään uusia työkaluja nefrogeneesin tutkimiseen. Elinten kehitystä seuraavan time-lapse-kuvauksen laatua voidaan parantaa käyttämällä tässä työssä esitettyä FiZD-kasvatusmenetelmää, jossa munuaiseksplantti kasvaa rajoitetussa 70μm:n tilassa. Kuvat ovat korkealaatuisia, ja se mahdollistaa 2D-kuvan yksittäisten solujen segmentoinnin ja solujen liikkeiden dynaamisen analyysin. Lisäksi tässä tutkimuksessa esitetään ei-indusoidun munuaismesenkyymin käsittelyyn kehitetty dissosiaatio- ja reaggregaatiomenetelmä. Munuaisen kehityksen alkuvaiheessa on mahdollistaerottaa nefroneja muodostava metanefrinen mesenkyymi (MM) sekä munuaisen kokoajaputkiston muodostava ureterin silmu. Metanefrinen mesenkyymi voidaan hajottaa yksisolususpensioksi, säilyttää 24 tuntia kasvutekijämediumissa ja tämän jälkeen reaggregoida ja indusoida muodostamaan nefroneita. Tämä tekniikka mahdollistaa MM-solujen geneettisen muokkauksen, ennen kuin munuaisen kehitys alkaa. Tämä tekniikka mahdollistaa myös dissosioitujen MM solujen geneettiset muokkaukset. Geenien yliekspression tai hiljentämisen avulla voidaan tehdä funktionaalisia kokeita näiden muutosten vaikutuksesta nefrogeneesiin. Lisäksi tässä työssä esitetään munuaisprogenitorisolujen säilömistä syväjäädytyksellä. Munuaisprogenitorisolut voidaan säilöä nestetyppeen, minkä jälkeen ne ovat edelleen kykeneviä muodostamaan nefronirakenteita tai haarautumaan. Tässä väitöskirjatyössä esitettyjen menetelmien avulla on tulevaisuudessa mahdollista saada lisätietoa munuaisten kehitysprosessista. Kehitetty FiZD-kasvatusmenetelmä parantaa munuaisen kehityksen kuvantamista ja mahdollistaa yksittäisten solujen seuraamisen. Tämä kasvatusmenetelmä sopii myös muiden elinten, kuten munarauhasten, ja kudosten kasvatukseen, ja sen avulla voidaan saada tietoa myös niiden kehityksestä.

Avaliação da mudança na expressão gênica em tumores de mama após tratamento com rapamicina / Rapamycin induced transcriptional profile of breast cancer mantained in organ culture

Grosso, Stana Helena Giorgi 19 September 2008 (has links)
A via AKT/PI3K apresenta-se geralmente alterada nos diversos tipos de cânceres humanos e a alteração dos componentes desta via ocorre através da ativação de oncogenes ou inativação de genes supressores tumorais levando a transformações celulares que podem promover a tumorigênese. No câncer de mama a via AKT/PI3K pode ser ativada por Erb-B2, receptores dos fatores de crescimento de insulina (IGF), receptores de estrógeno e perda da expressão do gene PTEN. mTOR (proteína alvo da rapamicina em mamíferos) é uma serina treonina quinase, membro da via AKT/PI3K que se encontra envolvida em múltiplas funções biológicas como controle da tradução, transcrição, degradação protéica e biogênese ribossomal. A ativação desta proteína resulta na fosforilação e ativação de seus principais substratos 4EBP1 e S6K1, requeridos para a biossíntese ribossomal e tradução de RNAms importantes para controle e progressão no ciclo celular. A rapamicina é uma droga com propriedades fungicidas, imunossupressoras e anticancerígenas que atua na inibição de mTOR afetando a expressão de genes envolvidos no metabolismo e síntese protéica. No nosso estudo avaliamos os elementos da via do AKT através de análise imunoistoquímica em fatias de tumores mantidos em cultura de órgão antes e depois do tratamento com rapamicina. A cultura de órgão mantém uma interação entre o epitélio mamário e estroma podendo-se preservar o microambiente que reconstitui o comportamento da célula tumoral. Nesta análise imunoistoquímica observamos uma diminuição significativa de 4EBP1 nas fatias dos tumores tratados com rapamicina em relação aos casos controles. Além disso, fizemos uma avaliação da mudança no perfil da expressão gênica nestas fatias tumorais sub-divididas em Erb-B2 positivos e negativos através da análise por microarray e observamos que a maioria dos genes afetados estavam envolvidos com as funções de transcrição e tradução celulares. Para confirmarmos os resultados obtidos por microarray fizemos uma análise por RT-PCR dos genes WWOX, EXT1 e GTF2E2 em amostras independentes e escolhidos aleatoriamente, conseguindo validá-los em 60% dos casos. Conclusão: A cultura de órgão representa um método simples para determinação dos efeitos da rapamicina. Utilizamos uma estratégia de análise do perfil gênico e novas proteínas que poderiam servir como possíveis marcadores de resposta aos inibidores da proteína mTOR foram identificadas / The AKT/ PI3K pathway are frequently disturbed in many human cancers and the alteration of the components of this pathway occurs through activation of oncogenes or inactivation of tumor suppresors leading to cellular transformation that can promove tumorigenesis. In breast cancer the AKT/PI3K pathway can be activated by ERb-B2, the insulin like growth factor (IGF), estrogen receptors and PTEN loss. mTOR (mammalian target of rapamycin) is a serine threonine kinase, member of the AKT/PI3K pathway, which is involved in multiple biologic functions such as transcription, translation, protein degradation and ribosome biogenesis. The activation of this protein results in phosphorilation and activation of S6K1 and 4EBP1, two downstream signaling elements that are required for ribosomal biosynthesis and mRNAs translation, which is important for cell cycle control and progression. Rapamycin is a potent fungicide, immunossupressive and anticancer agent that inhibits mTOR affecting the expression of genes involved in metabolism and protein synthesis. In the present study we examined some elements of AKT pathway by immunohistochemistry analysis in samples of breast cancer mantained in organ culture before and after treatment with rapamycin. The organ culture maintain an interaction between the mammary epithelium and stroma preserving the micro-environment and restoring the tumor cell behavior. In this immunohistochemistry analysis we noticed a significative decrease of 4EBP1 in the samples of tumors treated with rapamycin compared with the control cases. Besides this, we determined the variation of gene expression profile through microarray analysis in these samples subdivided in positive and negative Erb-B2 and we have identified that most part of the affected genes were mainly involved in cellular transcription and translation.To confirm the results obtained through microarray technique, we have performed the RT-PCR analysis of WWOX, EXT1, GTF2E2 genes and we were able to validate them in 60% of our cases. Conclusion: The organ culture represents a simple method to determine the effects of rapamycin. Using a strategic analysis of the gene profile, news proteins that possibly could be used as markers to the mTOR inhibitors were identifyied

The origin and early development of the intrinsic innervation in the foetal mouse lung

Tollet, Cecilia Jenny January 2003 (has links)
In this study, the origin and development of the intrinsic innervation in the foetal mouse lung is described and experimental evidence is provided to support the involvement of glial cell line-derived neurotrophic factor (GDNF) in the guidance of nerves and neuronal precursors in the developing lung. Antibodies were used to stain for neuronal precursors, neurones, nerve fibres, primordial epithelium and smooth muscle. These structures were revealed in whole mounts of foetal mouse lungs by immunofluorescence and confocal microscopy, and their spatial and temporal distribution was mapped from the onset of lung development and through the pseudoglandular period. The results showed that neuronal precursors, positive for neural crest cell markers, were present in the vagal tract of the foregut at embryonic day 10 (E10), the time of the evagination of the lung buds. These neural crest-derived cells (NCC) migrated into the lung at E11, along nerve processes directed from the vagus to the smooth musclecovered trachea and emerging lobar bronchi. During E11-E14, a network of nerves and ganglia became established along the dorsal trachea, and large ganglia formed a plexus at the ventral hilum. Nerve trunks issued from these ganglia, travelled along the smooth muscle-covered bronchi, providing a pathway for migrating NCC. To investigate the role of GDNF in the innervation of the lung, an in vitro model of left lung lobes was established. Lung growth and tubule branching was comparable to that in vivo, and neural tissue and smooth muscle continued to grow and thrive. A significant increase in nerve growth occurred when explants were cultured with GDNF compared to controls. Nerves extended, and NCC migrated towards GDNF-impregnated beads suggesting that GDNF may be the molecule guiding nerve fibres and NCC in the lung. The migrating NCC were negative for GDNF-family receptor α1 (GFRα1) during their migration into the lung while the nerves were positive. Since GDNF needs to be associated with its binding receptor, GFRα1, for cellular signalling, GDNF may induce the migration of the NCC if they migrate along the GFRα1-positive nerve fibres. It is concluded that neural tissue and smooth muscle become integral components of the lung shortly after the onset of lung development. The results show that the migration of neural crest-derived cells into the lung and the establishment of the innervation requires coordinated cross-talk between NCC, nerves and smooth muscle throughout development.

Avaliação da mudança na expressão gênica em tumores de mama após tratamento com rapamicina / Rapamycin induced transcriptional profile of breast cancer mantained in organ culture

Stana Helena Giorgi Grosso 19 September 2008 (has links)
A via AKT/PI3K apresenta-se geralmente alterada nos diversos tipos de cânceres humanos e a alteração dos componentes desta via ocorre através da ativação de oncogenes ou inativação de genes supressores tumorais levando a transformações celulares que podem promover a tumorigênese. No câncer de mama a via AKT/PI3K pode ser ativada por Erb-B2, receptores dos fatores de crescimento de insulina (IGF), receptores de estrógeno e perda da expressão do gene PTEN. mTOR (proteína alvo da rapamicina em mamíferos) é uma serina treonina quinase, membro da via AKT/PI3K que se encontra envolvida em múltiplas funções biológicas como controle da tradução, transcrição, degradação protéica e biogênese ribossomal. A ativação desta proteína resulta na fosforilação e ativação de seus principais substratos 4EBP1 e S6K1, requeridos para a biossíntese ribossomal e tradução de RNAms importantes para controle e progressão no ciclo celular. A rapamicina é uma droga com propriedades fungicidas, imunossupressoras e anticancerígenas que atua na inibição de mTOR afetando a expressão de genes envolvidos no metabolismo e síntese protéica. No nosso estudo avaliamos os elementos da via do AKT através de análise imunoistoquímica em fatias de tumores mantidos em cultura de órgão antes e depois do tratamento com rapamicina. A cultura de órgão mantém uma interação entre o epitélio mamário e estroma podendo-se preservar o microambiente que reconstitui o comportamento da célula tumoral. Nesta análise imunoistoquímica observamos uma diminuição significativa de 4EBP1 nas fatias dos tumores tratados com rapamicina em relação aos casos controles. Além disso, fizemos uma avaliação da mudança no perfil da expressão gênica nestas fatias tumorais sub-divididas em Erb-B2 positivos e negativos através da análise por microarray e observamos que a maioria dos genes afetados estavam envolvidos com as funções de transcrição e tradução celulares. Para confirmarmos os resultados obtidos por microarray fizemos uma análise por RT-PCR dos genes WWOX, EXT1 e GTF2E2 em amostras independentes e escolhidos aleatoriamente, conseguindo validá-los em 60% dos casos. Conclusão: A cultura de órgão representa um método simples para determinação dos efeitos da rapamicina. Utilizamos uma estratégia de análise do perfil gênico e novas proteínas que poderiam servir como possíveis marcadores de resposta aos inibidores da proteína mTOR foram identificadas / The AKT/ PI3K pathway are frequently disturbed in many human cancers and the alteration of the components of this pathway occurs through activation of oncogenes or inactivation of tumor suppresors leading to cellular transformation that can promove tumorigenesis. In breast cancer the AKT/PI3K pathway can be activated by ERb-B2, the insulin like growth factor (IGF), estrogen receptors and PTEN loss. mTOR (mammalian target of rapamycin) is a serine threonine kinase, member of the AKT/PI3K pathway, which is involved in multiple biologic functions such as transcription, translation, protein degradation and ribosome biogenesis. The activation of this protein results in phosphorilation and activation of S6K1 and 4EBP1, two downstream signaling elements that are required for ribosomal biosynthesis and mRNAs translation, which is important for cell cycle control and progression. Rapamycin is a potent fungicide, immunossupressive and anticancer agent that inhibits mTOR affecting the expression of genes involved in metabolism and protein synthesis. In the present study we examined some elements of AKT pathway by immunohistochemistry analysis in samples of breast cancer mantained in organ culture before and after treatment with rapamycin. The organ culture maintain an interaction between the mammary epithelium and stroma preserving the micro-environment and restoring the tumor cell behavior. In this immunohistochemistry analysis we noticed a significative decrease of 4EBP1 in the samples of tumors treated with rapamycin compared with the control cases. Besides this, we determined the variation of gene expression profile through microarray analysis in these samples subdivided in positive and negative Erb-B2 and we have identified that most part of the affected genes were mainly involved in cellular transcription and translation.To confirm the results obtained through microarray technique, we have performed the RT-PCR analysis of WWOX, EXT1, GTF2E2 genes and we were able to validate them in 60% of our cases. Conclusion: The organ culture represents a simple method to determine the effects of rapamycin. Using a strategic analysis of the gene profile, news proteins that possibly could be used as markers to the mTOR inhibitors were identifyied

Protease-Triggered Release of Stabilized CXCL12 from Coated Scaffolds in an Ex Vivo Wound Model

Spiller, Sabrina, Wippold, Tom, Bellmann-Sickert, Kathrin, Franz, Sandra, Saalbach, Anja, Anderegg, Ulf, Beck-Sickinger, Annette G. 08 May 2023 (has links)
Biomaterials are designed to improve impaired healing of injured tissue. To accomplish better cell integration, we suggest to coat biomaterial surfaces with bio-functional proteins. Here, a mussel-derived surface-binding peptide is used and coupled to CXCL12 (stromal cell-derived factor 1α), a chemokine that activates CXCR4 and consequently recruits tissue-specific stem and progenitor cells. CXCL12 variants with either non-releasable or protease-mediated-release properties were designed and compared. Whereas CXCL12 was stabilized at the N-terminus for protease resistance, a C-terminal linker was designed that allowed for specific cleavage-mediated release by matrix metalloproteinase 9 and 2, since both enzymes are frequently found in wound fluid. These surface adhesive CXCL12 derivatives were produced by expressed protein ligation. Functionality of the modified chemokines was assessed by inositol phosphate accumulation and cell migration assays. Increased migration of keratinocytes and primary mesenchymal stem cells was demonstrated. Immobilization and release were studied for bioresorbable PCL-co-LC scaffolds, and accelerated wound closure was demonstrated in an ex vivo wound healing assay on porcine skin grafts. After 24 h, a significantly improved CXCL12-specific growth stimulation of the epithelial tips was already observed. The presented data display a successful application of protein-coated biomaterials for skin regeneration.

Clinical and ex-vivo studies on the thymotropic properties of the somatotrope growth hormone (GH) / insulin-like growth factor 1 (IGF-1) axis

Kermani, Hamid 16 February 2011 (has links)
The objective of this thesis was to investigate the effects of the somatotrope GH/IGF-1 axis upon the thymus. This work included two parts: 1. Translational research study: Thymus function in adult GH deficiency (AGHD) with and without GH treatment Background: Despite age-related adipose involution, T cell generation in the thymus (thymopoiesis) is maintained beyond puberty in adults. In rodents, growth hormone (GH), insulin-like growth factor-1 (IGF-1), and GH secretagogues reverse agerelated changes in thymus cytoarchitecture and increase thymopoiesis. GH administration also enhances thymic mass and function in HIV-infected patients. Until now, thymic function has not been investigated in adult GH deficiency (AGHD). The objective of this clinical study was to evaluate thymic function in AGHD, as well as the repercussion upon thymopoiesis of GH treatment for restoration of GH/IGF-1 physiological levels. Methodology/Principal Findings: Twenty-two patients with documented AGHD were enrolled in this study. The following parameters were measured: plasma IGF-1 concentrations, signal-joint T-cell receptor excision circle (sjTREC) frequency, and sj/b TREC ratio. Analyses were performed at three time points: firstly on GH treatment at maintenance dose, secondly one month after GH withdrawal, and thirdly one month after GH resumption. After 1-month interruption of GH treatment, both plasma IGF-1 concentrations and sjTREC frequency were decreased (p,0.001). Decreases in IGF-1 and sjTREC levels were correlated (r = 0.61, p,0.01). There was also a decrease in intrathymic T cell proliferation as indicated by the reduced sj/b TREC ratio (p,0.01). One month after reintroduction of GH treatment, IGF-1 concentration and sjTREC frequency regained a level equivalent to the one before GH withdrawal. The sj/b TREC ratio also increased with GH resumption, but did not return to the level measured before GH withdrawal. Conclusions: In patients with AGHD under GH treatment, GH withdrawal decreases thymic T cell output, as well as intrathymic T cell proliferation. These parameters of thymus function are completely or partially restored one month after GH resumption. These data indicate that the functional integrity of the somatotrope GH/IGF-1 axis is important for the maintenance of a normal thymus function in human adults. 2. Fundamental study: intrathymic expression of members of the GH/IGF-1 axis and effects of GH on T-cell differentiation in murine fetalthymic organ cultures (FTOC). We here address the question of expression and role of GH/IGF axis in the thymus. Methods: Using RT-qPCR, the expression profile of various components of the somatotrope GH/IGF axis was measured in different thymic cell types and during thymus embryogenesis in Balb/c mice. Effect of GH on T-cell differentiation was explored through thymic organotypic culture. Results: Transcription of Gh, Igf1, Igf2 and their related receptors predominantly occurred in thymic epithelial cells (TEC), while a low level of Gh and Igf1r transcription was also evidenced in thymic T cells (thymocytes). Gh, Ghr, Ins2, Igf1, Igf2, and Igfr1, displayed distinct expression profiles depending on the developmental stage. The protein concentration of IGF-1 and IGF-2 were in accordance with the profile of their gene expression. In fetal thymus organ cultures (FTOC) derived from Balb/c mice, treatment with exogenous GH resulted in a significant increase of double negative CD4-CD8- T cells and CD4+ T cells, with a concomitant decrease in double positive CD4+CD8+ T cells. These changes were inhibited by concomitant treatment with GH and GHR antagonist pegvisomant. However, GH treatment also induced a significant decrease in FTOC Gh, Ghr and Igf1 expression. Conclusion: These data show that the thymotropic properties of the somatotrope GH/IGF-1 axis involve an interaction between exogenous GH and GHR expressed by TEC. Since thymic IGF-1 is not increased by GH treatment, the effects of GH upon T-cell differentiation could implicate a different local growth factor or cytokine.

Exogenous modulation of embryonic tissue and stem cells to form nephronal structures

Sebinger, David Daniel Raphael 04 July 2013 (has links) (PDF)
Renal tissue engineering and regenerative medicine represent a significant clinical objective because of the very limited prospect of cure after classical kidney treatment. Thus, approaches to isolate, manipulate and reintegrate structures or stimulating the selfregenerative potential of renal tissue are of special interest. Such new strategies go back to knowledge and further outcome of developmental biological research. An understanding of extracellular matrix (ECM) structure and composition forms thereby a particularly significant aspect in comprehending the complex dynamics of tissue regeneration. Consequently the reconstruction of these structures offers beneficial options for advanced cell and tissue culture technology and tissue engineering. In an effort to investigate the influence of natural extracellular structures and components on embryonic stem cell and renal embryonic tissue, methodologies which allow the easy application of exogenous signals on tissue in vitro on the one hand and the straight forward evaluation of decellularization methods on the other hand, were developed. Both systems can be used to investigate and modulate behaviour of biological systems and represent novel interesting tools for tissue engineering. The novel technique for culturing tissue in vitro allows the growing of embryonic renal explants in very low volumes of medium and optimized observability, which makes it predestined for testing additives. In particular, this novel culture set up provides an ideal opportunity to investigate renal development and structure formation. Further studies indicated that the set is universally applicable on all kinds of (embryonic) tissue. Following hereon, more than 20 different ECM components were tested for their impact on kidney development under 116 different culture conditions, including different concentrations and being either bound to the substrate or dissolved in the culture medium. This allowed to study the role of ECM constituents on renal structure formation. In ongoing projects, kidney rudiments are exposed to aligned matrix fibrils and hydrogels with first promising results. The insights gained thereof gave rise to a basis for the rational application of exogenous signals in regenerative kidney therapies. Additionally new strategies for decellularization of whole murine adult kidneys were explored by applying different chemical agents. The obtained whole matrices were analysed for their degree of decellularization and their residual content and composition. In a new straight forward approach, a dependency of ECM decellularization efficiency to the different agents used for decellularization could be shown. Moreover the capability of the ECM isolated from whole adult kidneys to direct stem cell differentiation towards renal cell linage phenotypes was proved. The data obtained within this thesis give an innovative impetus to the design of biomaterial scaffolds with defined and distinct properties, offering exciting options for tissue engineering and regenerative kidney therapies by exogenous cues.

Immunomodulatory effects of novel therapies for stroke /

Hall, Aaron A. January 2009 (has links)
Dissertation (Ph.D.)--University of South Florida, 2009. / Includes vita. Includes bibliographical references. Also available online.

Electric Stimuli as Instructive Cues to Guide Cellular Differentiation on Electrically Conductive Biomaterial Substrates in vitro

Greeshma, T January 2015 (has links) (PDF)
Directing differential cellular response by manipulating the physical characteristics of the material is regarded as a key challenge in biomaterial implant design and tissue engineering. In developing various biomaterials, the influence of substrate properties, like surface topography, stiffness and wettability on the cell functionality has been investigated widely. However, such study to probe into the influence of substrate conductivity on cell fate processes is rather limited. The need for such an understanding is based on the fact that specific tissues in the body are electrically active in nature, such as in brain, heart and skeletal muscle. These tissues make use of electrical conductivity as an effective cue for tissue homeostasis, development, regeneration and so on. Moreover, understanding the importance of underlying conductivity in basic biological processes is essential in developing electrically conductive biomaterials with the ability to simulate normal electrophysiology of the body by interfacing with bioelectric fields in cells and tissues. Electrical stimulation and charge conduction can regulate numerous intracellular signalling pathways, can interact with cytoskeleton proteins to modulate the morphology, increase protein synthesis and on the more can favor the ECM protein conformational changes. On these grounds, the present dissertation illustrates that persistent electrical activation influences the multipotency of hMSCs and acts like a promoter towards selective differentiation of hMSCs into neural/cardiomyogenic or osteogenic lineage. Besides, continual exposure to electric field stimulated conducting culture environments lead to growth arrest while enhancing differentiation. In total, this dissertation suggests the dominant role of conductivity in inducing my oblast differentiation and hMSc lineage commitment that involves EF stimulated in vitro culture conditions. Also, a knowledge base with qualitative and quantitative understanding of stem cells and their response to substrate physical properties and external field effect was developed through this comprehensive study. Such an improved understanding of the ability of hMSCs in sensing electrical conductivity may lead to the development of culture additives/conditions that better induce directed stem cell differentiation.

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