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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Den ekonomiska nettoeffekten av mottagna flyktingar i enskild kommun : fallet Karlstad / The net economic impact of refugees received in an individual municipality : case study of Karlstad

Bruhn, David, Modén, Sara January 2013 (has links)
Flyktingmottagande är en viktig och högst aktuell fråga idag. Flyktingströmmarna till Sverige ökar då oron i andra länder ökar. Detta leder till att frågor uppstår kring mottagandet och de effekter detta skapar.   I Sverige förhandlar Länsstyrelserna på uppdrag av staten med kommunerna om hur många flyktingar respektive kommun ska ta emot. I dessa förhandlingar uppstår frågor kring effekterna av mottagandet och vissa frågor är svåra, om inte omöjliga att besvara. Frågan kring vilka ekonomiska nettoeffekter flyktingmottagandet skapar kunde inte länsstyrelserna besvara. Detta visade sig svårt att reda ut då forskning på området var svår att hitta.   Denna uppsats försöker undersöka den ekonomiska nettoeffekten av flyktingmottagandet men undersöker också några särskilt intressanta faktorer som påverkar antalet flyktingar en kommun väljer att ta emot. Författarna har utgått från forskning som undersöker nationella nettoeffekter av flyktingmottagandet och försökt anpassa denna forskning till kommunala förhållanden. Den nationella forskningen har sedan använts för att försöka besvara frågan om kommuner kan förvänta sig positiva eller negativa ekonomiska nettoeffekter av mottagandet.   Statistik förs på vissa nivåer men inte i en tillfredsställande omfattning vilket ger en skev, om inte direkt missvisande bild av hur det faktiskt ser ut i kommunerna. Därför har författarna valt att inte uppskatta en totalsiffra på de nettoeffekter som uppstår. Uppsatsen tar dock hänsyn till de ersättningar kommunerna får från staten för mottagandet men också de effekter som uppstår i kommunala utjämningssystemet. För att kunna förklara effekterna som uppstår till följd av utjämningssystemet har systemet förklarats utförligt.   Uppsatsen försöker således bena ut de direkta ersättningar kommunerna erhåller från staten för mottagandet, de största utgiftsposterna en kommun väntas ha samt vilka effekter som uppstår i det kommunala utjämningssystemet till följd av mottagandet. / The reception of refugees is an important and highly current topic today. Refugee flows to Sweden increases as unrest in other countries increases. This leads to that issues arise around the refugee reception and the effects it create.   In Sweden, the county administrative boards (länsstyrelser) are negotiating on behalf of the state with municipalities on how many refugees each municipality are prepared to welcome. In these negotiations, questions arise regarding the impact of the reception and some issues are difficult, if not impossible to answer. The county administrative boards were unable to answer the question about what net economic impact arises, as an effect of the refugee reception. And, because of lack of research it proved difficult to answer the question even when doing research for this thesis.   This thesis tries to explore the net economic effects, but also some particularly interesting factors that affect the number of refugees a municipality chooses to welcome. The authors have based this thesis on research that investigates the national net impact of refugee reception, and tried to adapt the research to local conditions. National research has been used to try to answer the question whether municipalities can expect positive or negative net economic impact of the reception   Statistics are kept on some levels but not to a satisfactory extent resulting in a skewed, if not outright misleading picture, of how it actually looks in the municipalities. Therefore, the authors have chosen not to estimate a total figure on the net effects that arise. The thesis does, however, discuss the benefits municipalities receive from the state for the reception. Furthermore the thesis discusses the effects that arise in the municipal equalization system. In order to explain the effect caused by the municipal equalization system, this system has been explained fairly detailed.   This thesis thus tries to sort out the direct payments the municipalities receive from the state for the reception, as well as the largest expenditures the municipalities is expected to have. Also the effects in the municipal equalization system is sorted out.

The Effect of Macroeconomic Variables on Market Risk Premium : Study of Sweden, Germany and Canada

Tahmidi, Arad, Sheludchenko, Dmytro, Allahyari Westlund, Samira January 2011 (has links)
ABSTRACT Title The Effect of Macroeconomic Variables on Market Premium. Study of Sweden, Germany and Canada Authors Samira Allahyari Westlund Arad Tahmidi Dmytro Sheludchenko Supervisor Christos Papahristodoulou Key words Macroeconomic, market risk premium, GDP, inflation, money supply, primary net lending and net borrowing, regression analysis. Institution Mälardalen University School of Sustainable Development of Society and Technology Box 883, SE-721 23 Västerås Sweden Course Bachelor Thesis in Economics (NAA 301), 15 ECTS Problem statement Risk premium value is of great interest to the financial world, since this value represents the extra return that investors receive considering the risk from investing in financial markets. The fluctuations in stock markets are believed to be influenced by changes in macroeconomic variables. Purpose The purpose of this paper is to analyze the effect of macroeconomic variables on and their relation to market risk premium in Canada, Sweden and Germany in the years 1992 – 2007. Method Multiple Regression Analysis, Ordinary Least squares (OLS) Result Forecasted Growth in real GDP is the only macroeconomic variable which has significant relation with market risk premium. The effect of money supply was found to be insignificant. Net lending and net borrowing had significant negative effect on market risk premium in Canada, whereas in Germany and Sweden the relationship was not significant.

Improving reusability with Web Services

Persson, Anders January 2006 (has links)
<p>This master’s thesis discusses the evolution of DataPartner’s application "Inventera". Inventera is designed to do inventory of stock on handheld computers and integartes with SPCS Administration. Inventera is enhanced with a wireless connection and the SPCS API is wrapped with Web Services. The theoretical part of this thesis examines diffrent possibilities to increase reusability by using web service technology when developing software. A case study of the SPCS API is used in order to study differences between using no Web Services at all, static web services or dynamic web services.</p>

Netzverluste in Niederspannungsnetzen

Mehlhorn, Klaus 05 April 2006 (has links) (PDF)
Die Berechnung der Netzverluste in Niederspannungsnetzen kann nur über Umwege erfolgen, da viele Netzbetreiber keine digitalisierten Daten ihrer Netze besitzen. Hier wird ein Ansatz zur Ermittlung der technischen Verluste anhand vorhandener Netzdaten beschrieben. / The major part of network operator of low voltage nets do not have digitised data of their nets. That’s why net losses must be calculated indirectly. This article describes an approach for getting results in a direct way.

Lietuvių kalbos semantinių požymių lentelės valdymo programinė įranga / Lithuanian language semantic attributes tables ruling software

Boiko, Irena 11 June 2004 (has links)
The purpose of this paper covered execution of one stage of semantic analysis compiuterization by development of a software able to improve the guality of automated translation. Such software "Lexes", the browser and editor routine of Lithuanian words and related to such words semantic attributes.

Programinio kodo statinės analizės taisyklių kūrimas ir tyrimas / Design And Analysis Of Custom Static Code Analysis Rules

Gečiauskas, Ramūnas 25 August 2010 (has links)
Šiame dokumente aprašytas darbas susideda iš trijų dalių. Pirmoje dalyje atlikome inžinerinę programinio kodo valdymo sistemos „SourceHQ“ analizę ir projektavimą. Palyginome rinkoje esančius analogus, jų privalumus ir trūkumus. Glaustai pateikėme architektūrą ir aprašėme pasirinktus realizavimo sprendimus. Dokumento antroje dalyje ištyrėme jau egzistuojančias statinės kodo analizė taisykles ir pasiūlėme jas išplėsti naujomis. Aprašėme analizei naudojamus įrankius, jų veikimo principus ir pateikiamus rezultatus. Paskutinėje darbo dalyje ištyrėme ir eksperimentiškai išbandėme naujai realizuotas mūsų pasiūlytas taisykles. Palyginome testų rezultatus programų veikimo našumo charakteristikos aspektais. Įrodėme mūsų programinio kodo statinės analizės taisyklės privalumus. / This final master’s thesis consists of three major parts. The first section covers engineering aspects of source code management system called “SourceHQ” that we developed, including its analysis and design details. We will provide key details and basis of chosen technologies, business analysis, and design decisions as well as discuss system functionality and its future prospects. The second part is dedicated to testing and ensuring system quality, which led us to design and develop custom static source code analysis rules. We will formulate and explain their potential use and benefits. We will describe additional tools and methods being used and provide main results of static source code analysis. In the final part of our work we go deeper into static source code analysis. We perform experiments based on our designed and developed custom rules on various .NET Framework applications and systems. We cover major performance benefits and drawbacks of every rule separately and display how this approach lets developers optimize their source code in an early development stage. We provide research data based on extensive experiments and conclude how using FxCop tool provided with our improved custom code analysis rules can automatically discover and suggest improvements in CIL code.

Fojejjo : Ett designverktyg för funktionscontainrar

Nilsson, Johan January 2013 (has links)
Projektets syfte har varit att utveckla ett dataprogram för design och konstruktion av så kallade funktionscontainrar. En funktionscontainer är en stor container som inrymmer utrustning såsom arbetsbänkar, svetsar och dokumentskåp och som ska kunna användas under militära operationer. Datorstödd design är vanligt förekommande och företaget som har efterfrågat det utvecklade dataprogrammet ville gå över från papper och penna till datorstödd design. För att styra projektet framåt har den så kallade ccd-metoden använts. Dataprogrammet heter Fojejjo och det har skrivits i C# .NET. Grafikmotorn som används är Ogre 3D med Mogre som C#-wrapper. Data sparas mellan programkörningarna i en MS Access-databas. Fojejjo är uppdelat i flera delar: databas, grafik, användargränssnitt och logik. Databasdelen hanterar all data om moduler och containrar och trafiken till och från databasen. Grafikdelen hanterar visualisering av containern och dess innehåll. Användargräns-snittsdelen hanterar programmets användargränssnitt, men även filhantering. Logikdelen hanterar kontroll att containerns innehåll är placerat på ett giltigt sätt. It-etiska aspekter redogörs för och gjorda ställningstaganden och bedömningar beskrivs. Sju av kravspecifikation-ens arton punkter har blivit helt implementerade och ytterligare två har blivit delvis implementerade. Största anledningen till att inte fler krav blev uppfyllda var tidsbrist. Projektets syfte har inte uppnåtts fullt ut. Mer arbete behövs för att Fojejjo ska vara riktigt användbart. En viktig aspekt av programutveckling är tillgänglighet för personer med funkt-ionsnedsättning, något som inte diskuterats i detta projekt. Nivån av tillgänglighet har utvärderats och tydliga tillgänglighetsbrister har hittats, främst för personer som har svårt att använda en datormus. Vidareutvecklingsmöjligheterna är stora. Förslag på områden är grafik, användargränssnitt, logik och tillgänglighet. / The purpose of this project has been to develop software for designing and constructing so called functional containers. A functional container is a large container that holds equipment such as workbenches, welds and file cabinets, and that could be used for military operations. Com-puter aided design is common-practice and the company that requested this software wanted to transition from pen and paper to computer aided design. For the planning of this project, a method called CCD was used. The application is called Fojejjo and it's written in C# .NET. The graphics engine used is Ogre 3D with Mogre as wrapper for C#. Data is stored between sessions in a MS Access database. Fojejjo is built around several parts: database, graphics, user interface and logics. The database part handles all data about containers with equipment as well as the traffic to and from the software. The graphics part handles the visualiza-tion of the container and its equipment. The user interface part handles the user interface, but also file management. The logics part handles controlling that all the equipment is placed correctly. Seven of the eighteen points in the requirements specification has been fully imple-mented, and two more has been partially implemented. The main reason for not implementing more requirements was shortage of time. The purpose of this project hasn't been fully met. There has to be more work for Fojejjo to be really useful. One important aspect of software development is accessibility for people with disabilities, something that wasn't discussed for this project. The level of accessibility has been evaluated and obvious accessibility issues were found, most notably for people that have difficulties using a computer mouse. Opportunities for further development are plenty. Suggested areas are graphics, user interface, logics and accessibility.

Development, validation and application of advanced neuroimaging analysis tools for in vivo neuroreceptor studies /

Cselényi, Zsolt, January 2005 (has links)
Diss. (sammanfattning) Stockholm : Karol. inst., 2005. / Härtill 5 uppsatser.

Sitting with The Fisherman

Chartsiri, Chamaikarn Pai January 2015 (has links)
The scene of a local motorcycle taxi driver hand-knitting a small fishing net at his stand next to a canal will never fade away from my childhood memory. It was the first time I saw the life behind the fishing net. Throughout my textile practice, I’ve reconsidered the fishing net with curiosity and nostalgia. Behind its mesh and diamond shaped structure, I see craftsmanship and the story of its creation. I would like to preserve and encourage these precious values in the net with my Master project Sitting with The Fisherman. The fishing net is reinterpreted to everyday life with a trace of stories within it. The net becomes a tool to gather people together like the fishing net does in the fisherman village. This project will be a pilot idea to others in different contexts, to preserve their precious traditional craftsmanship, to keep it alive by transforming the skill and technique to a new interpretation.

Determinação do momento proximal resultante e da força proximal resultante no ombro em exercícios de reabilitação com três diferentes situações de carga

Toledo, Joelly Manhic de January 2008 (has links)
Este estudo teve como objetivo determinar os picos de momento proximal resultante (MPR) e força proximal resultante (FPR) no ombro em alguns exercícios de reabilitação (elevação no plano escapular, flexão e abdução) em três diferentes situações de carga: sem carga (SC), com peso livre (HA) e com resistência elástica (RE). Participaram do estudo 21 indivíduos do sexo masculino, destros e sem histórico de lesão no ombro direito. Para análise cinemática foram utilizadas cinco câmeras digitais conectadas a cinco microcomputadores e, para análise cinética na situação de carga com RE, foi utilizada uma célula de carga. Cada indivíduo realizou cinco repetições de cada movimento com as três situações de carga em uma ordem randomizada, totalizando a participação em nove situações para análise. Um modelo matemático tridimensional foi utilizado para o cálculo do MPR e da FPR, a partir dos eixos: póstero-anterior (x), caudal-cranial (y) e médio-lateral (z). Na análise estatística dos dados a normalidade dos dados foi confirmada por meio do teste de Shapiro-Wilk. Os dados de pico de MPR e FPR e ângulo de ocorrência desses picos nas três situações de carga e nos três diferentes movimentos foram comparados entre si em relação às suas magnitudes por meio do teste ANOVA two-way com um post hoc de Bonferroni (nível de significância de p< 0,05). Os resultados mostram que no eixo x e no z houve diferença estatisticamente significativa para todas as variáveis analisadas nos dois fatores. Já no eixo y o ângulo de ocorrência dos picos da FPR no fator movimento não apresentou diferença estatística. Houve interação dos fatores para o ângulo de ocorrência dos picos do MPR no eixo x e para o pico do MPR no eixo y. Os exercícios de reabilitação que apresentaram maior pico da FPR no eixo x e no eixo y foram o de elevação e flexão, e no eixo z o de abdução e os que apresentaram maior pico do MPR nos eixos x e y foram o de abdução, e no eixo z o de flexão e elevação. As situações de carga que apresentaram maior pico da FPR no eixo x foram a HA e a RE, e nos eixos y e z foi a HA. A situação de carga que apresentou maior pico do MPR nos três eixos foi a HA. / The objective of this study was to determine the proximal net moment (PNM) and proximal net force (PNF) peaks of the shoulder in some shoulder rehabilitation exercises (elevation, flexion and abduction) with three different load situations: without load (WL), with free load (FL) and with elastic resistance (ER). Twenty-one male subjects, right-handed and without right shoulder injury history participated in the study. For kinematics analysis, five digital cameras connected to five computers were used and, for kinetic analysis for the ER load situation, a strain gauge was used. Each subject carried out five repetitions of all movements with the three load situations in a randomized order and, therefore, participated of nine situations of analysis. A three-dimensional mathematic model was used to calculate the PNM and PNF and the axes used are: posterior-anterior (x), inferior-superior (y) and medio-lateral (z). In the data statistic analysis, data normality was confirmed by Shapiro-Wilk test. The data of PNM peak, PNF peak and angle which these peaks occur in the three different situation loads and in the three different movements were compared using a two-way repeated measures analysis of variance (ANOVA) with Bonferroni post hoc test (significance level of 0,05). The results show that in the x and z axes there is significant statistical difference for all variables analised in the two factors. However, in the y axis the angle where the peak PNF occur does not reveals statiscal difference in the movement factor. With regard to factors interaction, there are just two significants for PNF peak angle in the x axis and for PNF peak in the y axis. In conclusion, the exercises that have the greater PNF peak in the x and y axes were elevation and flexion, and in the z axis was abduction. The exercises that have the greater PNM peak in the x and y axes was abduction and in the z axis were flexion and elevation. The load situations that presented the greater PNF peak in the x axis were FL and ER and in the y and z axes was FL. The situation load that has the greater PNM peak in all axes was FL.

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