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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

1-10 klasių moksleivių tarpusavio smurto kriminologinė analizė / Criminological analysis of violence among 1-10 form students

Marčenkovienė, Lina 28 January 2009 (has links)
Moksleivių tarpusavio smurtas viena aktualiausių šiandienos problemų Lietuvos mokyklose. Psichologinis ir fizinis smurtas yra dažniausios moksleivių tarpusavio agresyvaus elgesio formos, neįtraukiamos į jokią statistiką. Tyrimai rodo, kad šeimos problemos, sunkumai mokykloje bei priklausomybė nuo naujųjų technologijų smarkiai įtakoja moksleivių adaptacijos, bendravimo bei elgesio sunkumus. Šio darbo tikslas buvo išsiaiškinti, ar moksleivių smurtinis tarpusavio elgesys išplitęs ir pradinėse klasėse bei nustatyti, kas daro lemiamą įtaką tokio elgesio apraiškoms tarp moksleivių. Tuo tikslu buvo tirti 1-10 klasių moksleiviai, jų laisvalaikio ypatumai bei santykiai su tėvais. Tyrimo metu nustatyta, kad moksleivių tarpusavio smurtinį elgesį labiausiai įtakoja kovinių filmų dažnas žiūrėjimas bei prasti santykiai su tėvais. Tokie vaikai turi daugiau emocinių, elgesio ir bendravimo sunkumų, kurie apsunkina jų socialinę adaptaciją. Jiems būdingas nesugebėjimas užmegzti ilgalaikio produktyvaus kontakto su bendraamžiais. Teisinių dokumentų bei anketinės apklausos analizė atskleidė, kad smurto tarp moksleivių prevencijos problemą reikia spręsti kompleksiškai. Sėkmingą prevencijos įgyvendinimą lemia ne tik naujų teisės aktų, draudžiančių visų rūšių smurtą išleidimas, bet ir visos visuomenės sąmoningumas. / Violence among school students is one of the most acute problems in Lithuanian schools nowadays. Psychological and physical violence are the most frequent forms of aggressive behaviour among pupils that are not included in any statistical reports. It is shown that family problems, difficulties at school and addiction to modern technologies have negative outcomes on school students and also result in difficulties of their adaptability, development and interaction. The aim of this study was to ascertain whether the aggressive behaviour is common among primary school students as well as that among senior pupils and also to dwell on the determinant factors of violent behaviour. To reach this goal we questioned pupils of 1-10th forms and analysed the peculiarities of their pastimes and relationship with their parents. The research showed that violent behaviour among school students is mostly influenced by frequent watching of fighting films and bad parent-children relationship. These children have more emotional, behavioural and communicative difficulties, which complicate their social adaptation. Moreover, their ability to create long-term contacts with students of their age is limited. The analysis of legal documents and pupils’ questionnaire revealed the fact that the problem of prevention violence among school students should be dealt with complex solution. The issue of new laws providing against violence of all kinds would not be sufficient without the society awareness.

Socialinio darbuotojo vaidmuo eliminuojant agresiją šeimoje / Social workers' role in eliminating aggresive behaviour in the family

Bliujienė, Rita 02 July 2010 (has links)
Magistro darbas susideda iš įvado, 3 skyrių, išvadų, rekomendacijų. Jį rašant išanalizuoti 46 literatūros šaltiniai lietuvių ir užsienio kalbomis. Darbą sudaro 64 puslapiai (be priedų). Darbas papildytas 4 priedais. Gauti rezultatai pateikiami 1 lentelėje ir iliustruojami 24 paveikslais. Darbui atlikti iškelti trys uždaviniai. Jų siekiant buvo naudoti šie tyrimo metodai: teoriniai – mokslinės ir metodinės literatūros analizė. Sociometrinio tyrimo metodai – anketinė apklausa. Taip pat atliktos Statistikos departamento duomenų ir Nusikalstamų veikų žinybinio registro duomenų antrinės analizės. Matematiniai duomenų skaičiavimai atlikti kompiuterine programa SPSS. Rezultatai išreikšti procentais (proc.). Aprašomaisiais metodais buvo aprašomi, analizuojami ir interpretuojami tyrimo rezultatai. Remdamasi empirinio tyrimo rezultatais, autorė analizuoja socialinių darbuotojų veiklą ir būdus, kuriuos jie taiko spręsdami šeimose kilusius agresijos proveržius. Tyrimas atskleidė, kad agresija šeimose pasireiškia dėl tam tikrų priežasčių, t. y. alkoholizmo, bedarbystės, narkomanijos. Nuo šio reiškinio nukenčia ne tik šeimos nariai, bet ir jiems norintys padėti socialiniai darbuotojai. Tyrimo metu paaiškėjo, kad dažniausiai apie agresyviai besielgiančius asmenis šeimose, socialiniai darbuotojai sužino iš trečių asmenų, o jų pagalbos efektyvumą užtikrina geras profesinis išsilavinimas ir kvalifikacijos kėlimas. Socialiniai darbuotojai, norėdami eliminuoti agresiją šeimoje, taiko įvairius... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Work conists of Introduction, 3 chapters, conclusion and recomendations. 46 literature sources in Lithuanian and foreign languages were analized in the progress. The work consists of 69 pages (exluding additions). It is supplemented by 3 additions. The received results are presented in table 2 and illustrated with 24 pictures. To do the work 3 tasks were raised. In achieving them these research methods were used: theoretical – scientific and methodical literature analysis. Social research methods – questionnaire inquest. Also the secondary analysis of the department of Statistics data and Criminal action departamental registry data. Mathematical data calculations were done using SPSS software. The results are expressed in per cents. In descriptive methods the reserch results were described, analized and interpreted. On behalf of empirical research result, the author is analyzing social workers activity and nature which they apply in resolving agrresive breakthrough happening in the family. Research shows that agrresion in the family arrises for specific reasons i.e. alkohol, unemployment, drugs. Not only family members but also willing to help social workers suffer from this occurrence. During research it became clear that ususally social workers find out about agresively behaving family members from third parties and that the effectivenes of their help is ensured based on their good profesional education and raising qualifications. Social workers use various methods to... [to full text]

Development and Validation of the Perceived Victimization Measure

Sasso, Thomas 27 August 2013 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to develop a measure to understand victimization in the workplace, defined as the degree to which individuals perceive themselves as being hurt by an aggressive act that was deemed to be intentional. The definition is based on a review of the workplace aggression literature. The study followed a multi-phase procedure to develop this measure. Items were developed using a deductive process based on the construct definition. Subject matter experts reviewed the developed 30 items to assess content validity. Two independent samples were used to reduce the measure to the most appropriate and representative items to reflect the construct of perceived victimization. The construct validity of the final eight-item perceived victimization measure was examined against a theoretical nomological network. Findings suggest reliability and preliminary validity evidence for the perceived victimization measure, which may be used in research and applied settings. / Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council

Agresyvumo ypatumai jaunimo subkultūrose: Šiaulių m. forsų atvejis / Aggressive peculiarity at young people subculture: Šiauliai city chev case

Palionytė, Vaida 02 September 2013 (has links)
Forsai - sportinio stiliaus jaunuoliai, paplitę didžioje dalyje Lietuvos miestų. Pagrindiniai miestai Kaunas ir Panevėžys. Forsas - žodis atkeliavęs iš anglų kalbos (force - jėga.). Šios subkultūros amžius labai įvairus - svyruoja nuo 12 iki 30 metų. Lietuvai dar esant Sovietų Sąjungos sudėtyje, forsų subkultūra buvo viena iš ryškesnių subkultūrų. Forsų subkultūros stilius pradėjo plisti ne tik Lietuvoje, bet ir visame pasaulyje. Forsų subkultūra, jų elgesys, gyvenimo būdas, agresijos raiška – yra būdingi ir daugeliui Lietuvos gyventojų, kurie nėra tiksliniai šios subkultūros atstovai, tačiau jų bendravimas, elgesys, manieros dažnai primena ir byloja glaudų ryšį tarp subkultūros ir asmens. Jaunimo agresyvumas yra įtakojamas šeimoje matomų elgesio pavyzdžių, tėvų auklėjamųjų nuostatų. Žiniasklaidoje publikuojami smurtiniai vaizdai, didelė emocinė įkrova straipsniuose agresyvumo tematika, iššaukia destruktyvų jaunimo elgesį. Visuomenėje susidariusi nuomonė, kad forsų subkultūra tendencingai naudoja smurtą bei agresiją aplinkinių atžvilgiu, kas ir skatina ištirti ir įvertinti forsų subkultūros agresyvumo ir smurto veiksnius bei atlikti susijusias išvadas. / Forss - a sporty young people in a great spread in Lithuanian cities. Main cities Kaunas and Panevezys. Forsas - the word came from the English language (force - the force.). These subcultures ever so varied - ranging from 12 to 30 years. Lithuania was still the Soviet Union, forss subculture was one of the most distinct subcultures. Forss subculture began to spread not only in Lithuania but also throughout the world.Youth aggressiveness is influenced by family behavior visible examples of parents adopting educational provisions. The media published images of violent, high emotional charge Articles aggressive subjects, leads to destructive behavior in youth. In a society perceived as chev subculture tends to use violence and aggression against surrounding who and promotes study and evaluate forss subculture of violence and aggression factors and make findings.

Sexual aggression and victimization among college students in Brazil : prevalence and vulnerability factors

D'Abreu, Lylla Cysne Frota January 2013 (has links)
Despite the increased attention devoted to sexual aggression among young people in the international scientific literature, Brazil has little research on the subject exclusively among this group. There is evidence that sexual aggression and victimization may start early. Identifying the magnitude and factors that increase the chance for the onset and persistence of sexual victimization are the first steps for prevention efforts among this group. Using both cross-sectional and prospective analyses, this study examined the prevalence of, and vulnerability factors for sexual aggression and victimization in female and male college students (N = 742; M = 20.1 years) in Brazil, of whom a subgroup (n = 354) took part in two measurements six months apart. At Time 1, a Portuguese version of the Short Form of the Sexual Experiences Survey (Koss et al., 2007) was administered to collect information from men and women as both victims and perpetrators of sexual aggression since the age of 14. The students were also asked to provide information on their cognitive representations (sexual scripts) of a consensual sexual encounter, their actual sexual behavior, use of pornography, and experiences of child abuse. At Time 2, the same items from the SES were presented again to assess the incidence of sexual aggression in the 6-month period since T1. The overall prevalence rate of victimization was 27% among men and 29% among women. In contrast, perpetration rates were significantly higher among men (33.7%) than among women (3%). Confirming the hypotheses, cognitive (i.e., risky sexual scripts, normative beliefs), behavioral (i.e., pornography use, sexual behavior patterns) and biographical (i.e., childhood abuse) risk factors were linked to male sexual aggression and to male and female victimization both cross-sectionally and longitudinally with the path models analyses demonstrating good fit with the data. The results supported: a) the role of the sexual script for a first consensual sexual encounter as an underlying factor of real sexual behavior and sexual victimization or perpetration; b) the role of pornography as “inputs” for sexual scripts, increasing indirectly the risk for victimization, and directly and indirectly the risk for perpetration; c) the direct and indirect link between childhood experiences of (sexual) abuse and male sexual aggression and victimization mediated by sexual behavior; and d) the direct link between child sexual abuse and sexual victimization among women. Few gender differences were found in the victimization model. The findings challenge societal beliefs that sexual aggression is restricted to groups with low socio-economic status and that men are unlikely to be sexually coerced. The disparity between male victimization and female perpetration rates is discussed based on traditional gender roles in Brazil. This study is also the first prospective investigation of risk factors for sexual aggression and victimization in Brazil, demonstrating the role of behavioral, cognitive and biographical factors that increase the vulnerability among college students. / Apesar do aumento da atenção dedicada ao fenômeno da agressão sexual entre jovens na literatura científica internacional, o Brasil tem pouca pesquisa no assunto exclusivamente neste grupo. Há evidências de que a agressão e vitimização sexual podem começar precocemente. A identificação da magnitude e dos fatores que aumentam a chance do surgimento e persistência de agressão sexual são os primeiros passos para a prevenção do problema. Usando delineamento transversal e prospectivo, o presente estudo investigou a prevalência e fatores de risco para a agressão e vitimização sexual em estudantes universitários de ambos os sexos (N = 742; M = 20,1 anos) no Brasil, dos quais um subgrupo (n = 354) participou em dois momentos separados por um intervalo de seis meses. Na primeira coleta (T1), uma versão em Português de Short Form of the Sexual Experiences Survey (SES) (Koss et al. / 2007) foi aplicada para obter informações sobre experiências de vitimização e agressão sexual em homens e mulheres desde os 14 anos de idade. Os estudantes também foram convidados a fornecer informações sobre suas representações cognitivas de um encontro sexual consensual (scripts sexuais), seu comportamento sexual real, o uso de pornografia e experiências de abuso na infância. Na segunda coleta (T2), os mesmos itens de SES foram apresentados para investigar a incidência de agressão sexual no período de seis meses desde T1. Os resultados mostraram que a taxa de prevalência de vitimização foi de 27% entre os homens e 29% entre as mulheres. Em contraste, as taxas de perpetração foram significativamente maiores entre os homens (33,7%) do que entre as mulheres (3%). Confirmando as hipóteses, variáveis cognitivas (scripts sexuais e aceitação normativa de risco), comportamentais (uso da pornografia e padrões de comportamento sexual) e biográficas (história de abuso na infância) constituíram fatores de risco para agressão sexual masculina e vitimização sexual feminina e masculina, tanto transversal quanto prospectivamente. Os resultados demonstram: a) o papel dos scripts sexuais como um fator subjacente ao comportamento sexual real e à vitimização ou perpetração sexual; b) o papel da pornografia como "input" para os scripts sexuais, aumentando, direta e indiretamente, o risco de perpetração e, indiretamente, o risco para vitimização; c) a ligação direta e indireta entre as experiências de abuso (sexual) infantil na agressão e vitimização sexual masculina mediada pelo comportamento sexual e d) a ligação direta entre o abuso sexual infantil e vitimização sexual entre as mulheres. Poucas diferenças de gênero foram encontradas no modelo de vitimização. Os resultados desafiam crenças de que a agressão sexual é restrita a grupos com baixo nível sócio-econômico e que homens não estão susceptíveis à coerção sexual. A disparidade entre as taxas de vitimização masculina e perpetração feminina é discutida com base nos papéis tradicionais de gênero no Brasil. Este estudo é o primeiro com delineamento prospectivo a investigar o papel de fatores comportamentais, cognitivos e biográficos na etiologia da agressão sexual no Brasil.

"You meant to do that:" Examining reactive and proactive aggression and their relations to social and emotional correlates

Bender, Stephanie Unknown Date
No description available.

The impact of aggressive parental disciplinary strategies implemented in childhood on externalizing and internalizing problem behaviour in early adulthood

Taillieu, Tamara L. 18 January 2011 (has links)
Parental use of aggressive discipline, specifically corporal punishment (CP) and psychological aggression (PA), has been shown to increase the risk of problem behaviours in children and adolescents. A major gap in the research concerns our lack of understanding regarding how CP and PA contribute to adverse development in adulthood. Because these techniques do not occur in isolation, a number of protective factors were also considered. Both CP and PA were associated with lower levels of parental warmth/support and responsiveness, and more inconsistency in discipline; whereas high induction was associted with more frequent CP and PA. CP predicted later partner violence, and PA predicted anxiety and lower self-esteem in adulthood, even after the effects of positive parenting were considered. These findings suggest that not only do CP and PA tend to occur within environments that are less conducive to positive development, but also predict problematic outcomes in adulthood even after protective factors are considered.

Dvikovos sporto šakų atstovų, jaunių ir jaunučių, agresijos raiška / The expression of aggression in combat sport of youngster and youth

Gediminas, Nerijus 05 July 2011 (has links)
Mokslinė problema yra tai jog sportinė veikla yra vienas socialinių reiškinių, kur pasireiškia agresyvūs veiksmai, ypač tai siejama su dvikovos sporto šakomis. Todėl keliamas probleminis klausimas, kokia dvikovos sporto šakų atstovų jaunučių ir jaunių agresijos raiška. Tyrimo probleminis klausimas, leido suformuluoti hipotezę. Dvikovos sporto šakų atstovų jaunių vaikinų požiūris į agresiją yra palankesnis nei jaunių merginų ir jaunučių. Darbo tikslas: išanalizuoti dvikovos sporto šakų atstovų jaunučių ir jaunių agresijos raišką Uždaviniai: 1. Atskleisti dvikovos sporto šakų jaunučių ir jaunių agresiją ir jos pasireiškimo formas lyties aspektu. 2. Atskleisti dvikovos sporto šakų jaunučių ir jaunių agresiją ir jos pasireiškimo formas amžiaus aspektu. 3. Atskleisti ir palyginti dvikovos sporto šakų jaunučių ir jaunių agresijos pasireiškimo formas (dirgliojo ir impulsyviojo) charakterio akcentuacijų aspektais. Tyrimo objektas: dvikovos sporto šakų atstovų jaunučių ir jaunių agresija. Tyrimo metodai: A. Buss - A. Durkee metodika, kuri leidžia nustatyti agresiją ir jos formų pasireiškimą. Charakterio nukrypimams tirti naudotas G. Šmišeko testas, kuriuo buvo nustatyti dirglaus ir impulsyvaus charakterio akcentuacijas turinčių dvikovos sporto šakų atstovai jaunučiai ir jauniai. Analizuojant tyrimo rezultatus, buvo nustatyta jog dvikovos sporto šakų merginų ir vaikinų bendrai agresija nesiskiria (p>0,05). Tačiau analizuojant skirtingas priešiškumo formas, buvo nustatyta, kad dvikovos... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / The scientific problem is the fact that sporting activity is a social phenomenon, which gets aggressive actions, particularly related to combat sports. Therefore, the difficulty posed by the question of what a combat sport, youth and juniors, expression of aggression. The study problematic question let to formulate a hypothesis. Youth’s boy’s attitude towards aggression is more favorable than the youngsters combat sport athletes. Aim: To analyze youths and youngsters the combat sport athlete’s expression of aggression Objectives: 1. Reveal combat sports youths and youngster’s aggression and its manifestation of gender 2. Reveal combat sports youths and youngster’s aggression and its manifestation of the age dimension 3 Detect and compare youths and youngster’s aggression and the manifestation of irritable and impulsive accentuations aspects of character The object of research: The aggression of combat sport athletes, youths and youngster’s. Research methods: A. Buss - A. Durkee methodology, which enables the aggression and its forms of manifestation and the character used to investigate deviations G. Šmišeko test, which was set irritable and impulsive character accentuations with youths and youngster’s sports representatives of the combat. The analysis of the results, it was found that the combat sports girls and boys generally do not differ in aggression (p> 0.05). However, analysis of different forms of hostility, it was found that a combat sport for boys is more... [to full text]

Socialinių pedagogų požiūris į delinkventinį paauglių elgesį skatinančias televizijos programas / Social educator's approach to televizion programs whith promote the delinquent behaviour of adolescents

Balčiūnaitė, Renata 02 August 2011 (has links)
Šiuolaikiniame informacijos amžiuje išsiplėtė žiniasklaidos erdvė, kuri daro poveikį nepilnamečiams. Paaugliai labiau pasiduoda televizijos laidų įtakai, dėl nepakankamai stabilios vertybių sistemos, dažnai tapatinamos gyvenimiškosios realybės ir meninės kūrybos. Stebėdami filmų herojų agresiją, paaugliams gali formuotis polinkis delinkventiniam elgesiui, kurį vėliau gali naudoti tarpusavio santykiuose srityje: bendraujant su pedagogais, bendraamžiais, kitais visuomenės nariais. Siekiant mažinti delinkventinio elgesio formavimosi apraiškas socialiniai pedagogai naudoja įvairius socialinio darbo metodus (individualus, grupinis, darbas su šeima) ir formas (pokalbis, žaidimai, diskusijos ir pan.). Probleminiai klausimai – koks socialinių pedagogų požiūris į televiziją, kaip paauglio delinkventinės elgsenos formavimo veiksnį? Kokius delinkventinės elgsenos prevencijos metodus ir formas taiko socialiniai pedagogai savo profesinėje veikloje? Tyrimo objektas – socialinių pedagogų požiūris į televiziją, kaip delinkventinį paauglių elgesį skatinantį veiksnį ir prevencinio darbo galimybes. Tyrimo tikslas – atskleisti socialinių pedagogų požiūrį į televiziją kaip delinkventinį paauglių elgesį skatinantį veiksnį ir taikomus prevencinės veiklos metodus ir formas. Tyrimo metodai. Atliktas kokybinis tyrimas, duomenys rinkti naudojant interviu. Kokybinio tyrimo duomenys apdoroti turinio analizės būdu. Tyrime buvo naudojamas ekspertavimo metodas, siekiant nustatyti tyrimo rezultatų... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / In today's age of information the media space has expanded together with its minors affects. Adolescents are more pervious to the television impact, due to an insufficiently formed system of values, at the same time identifying life reality and artistic creation. Watching the aggression of movie heroes, adolescents may develop a tendency to delinquent behavior and than use it in real life: interacting with teachers, their peers, other members of society. In order to reduce the formation of delinquent behavior of social educators uses various methods (individual, group and work with family) and forms (chat, games, discussions, etc.) of social work. Research problem - what is the approach of social educators to programs, which can potentially form delinquent behavior? What preventative methods and forms of delinquent behavior are applied by social educators in their professional activities? Research object – The approach of social educators to television programs as a delinquent behavior forming premise and their opportunities in preventive work. The aim of the research – to reveal the attitudes of social educators to television programs as a delinquent behavior forming premise and their opportunities in preventive work. Methods of the research. The qualitative study, data was collected using interviews. Qualitative survey data were processed by the content analysis. The study used expert method to determine the validity of research results. Sample of the research... [to full text]

Paauglių dziudo sportininkų agresijos raiška / The expression of aggression of young judo athletes

Žebrauskienė, Neringa 10 September 2013 (has links)
Tyrimo tikslas - Nustatyti ir palyginti paauglių dziudo sportininkų agresijos raišką lyties ir amžiaus aspektu. Tyrimo objektas – Paauglių dziudo sportininkų agresijos raiška. Uždaviniai: 1. Nustatyti ir palyginti paauglių dziudo sportininkų agresijos raišką lyties aspektu. 2. Nustatyti ir palyginti paauglių dziudo sportininkų agresijos raišką amžiaus aspektu. Hipotezė – paauglių dziudo sportininkų agresija skiriasi lyties ir amžiaus aspektu. Rezultatai: Tyrimas atskleidė, kad 10–15 metų amžiaus dziudo sportininkėms (mergaitėms) labiausiai būdinga agresijos forma buvo fizinė agresija (20,07 balo), mažiau pasireiškė verbalinė agresija (18,40 balo) ir pyktis (17,87 balo). 10 – 15 metų amžiaus dziudo sportininkams (berniukams) labiausiai būdinga agresijos forma taip pat buvo fizinė agresija (23,47 balo), mažiau pasireiškė verbalinė agresija (19,97 balo) ir pyktis (18,63 balo). Mažiausiai būdinga agresijos forma mergaitėms ir berniukams buvo priešiškumas. Išvados: 1. Analizuojant dziudo sportininkų agresijos raišką lyties aspektu statistiškai reikšmingas skirtumas nustatytas tik fizinės agresijos rodikliuose (p< 0,05): berniukų fizinė agresija didesnė nei mergaičių. Verbalinės agresijos, pykčio ir priešiškumo raiška lyties aspektu reikšmingai nesiskyrė, tačiau visose agresijos raiškos formose berniukų rezultatai nežymiai buvo didesni. 2. Analizuojant dziudo sportininkų agresijos raišką amžiaus aspektu, nustatyta, kad labiausiai išreikšta fizinė agresija 14-15 metų dziudo... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / The aim of research: to identify the expression of aggression of young judo athletes according to their age and gender. The object: the expression of aggression of young judo athletes. The tasks: 1) To identify and compare the expression of aggression of young judo athletes according to their gender. 2) To identify and compare the expression of aggression of young judo athletes according to their age. Hypothesis: the aggression of young judo athletes are different looking at their gender and at their age. Results: The research revealed that the most typical form of aggression to young judo girls‘(age 10 – 15 years) was physical aggression (score 20, 07), verbal aggression (score 18, 40) and anger (score (score17, 87). The most typical form of aggression to boys of judo (age 10 – 15 years) was physical aggression (score 23, 47), verbal aggression (score 19, 97) and anger (score 18, 63). Least typical form of aggression for boys and girls of judo was hostility. Conclusions: 1) According to analysis, aggression of judo athletes looking to their gender, ascertained just in the indicators of physical aggression (p<0.05): physical aggression of boys are major than girls. According to their gender the verbal aggression, anger and animosity of young athletes are quite similar between boys and girls. 2) According to analysis, aggression of judo athletes looking to their age, ascertained that major physical aggression is between 14 – 15 years athletes (p<0.05).

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