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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The 'Jesus nut': A study of New Zealand military chaplaincy

Tagg, Mary Alison January 2000 (has links)
Since the earliest days of the Christian Church, ordained ministers and priests have accompanied soldiers into battle. The religious presence in the war machine has been the subject of many debates, particularly those involving the conflict of ethics presented by the representation of a gospel of peace and love participating in a profession of violence and killing. New Zealand is a secular country with a relatively well-developed system of secular pastoral care services. However the New Zealand Defence Force continues to request the churches' involvement in the military and those churches which respond continue to participate in work which appears contrary to their teaching. This study examines the relationship of church and military. It investigates the place of the church in the New Zealand Defence Force through an examination of the appropriate literature and other relevant information, and an empirical survey of the work and views of current, and some retired, chaplains. The global military scenario has changed in recent years with the development of war technology. The New Zealand military focus is now largely directed towards policing New Zealand's economic zone and the preservation of independence of smaller neighbouring island states, while its active service role is one of participation in international peace-enforcement and peacekeeping. This thesis considers these changes and looks at the possible effects they may have on the future of military chaplaincy within the secular, multicultural context of the New Zealand state. The study concludes with a rationale for the presence of the Christian Church in the New Zealand Defense Force and presents issues which the current chaplaincy-providing churches need to consider if they wish to continue to provide effective chaplaincy for the military.

The 'Jesus nut': A study of New Zealand military chaplaincy

Tagg, Mary Alison January 2000 (has links)
Since the earliest days of the Christian Church, ordained ministers and priests have accompanied soldiers into battle. The religious presence in the war machine has been the subject of many debates, particularly those involving the conflict of ethics presented by the representation of a gospel of peace and love participating in a profession of violence and killing. New Zealand is a secular country with a relatively well-developed system of secular pastoral care services. However the New Zealand Defence Force continues to request the churches' involvement in the military and those churches which respond continue to participate in work which appears contrary to their teaching. This study examines the relationship of church and military. It investigates the place of the church in the New Zealand Defence Force through an examination of the appropriate literature and other relevant information, and an empirical survey of the work and views of current, and some retired, chaplains. The global military scenario has changed in recent years with the development of war technology. The New Zealand military focus is now largely directed towards policing New Zealand's economic zone and the preservation of independence of smaller neighbouring island states, while its active service role is one of participation in international peace-enforcement and peacekeeping. This thesis considers these changes and looks at the possible effects they may have on the future of military chaplaincy within the secular, multicultural context of the New Zealand state. The study concludes with a rationale for the presence of the Christian Church in the New Zealand Defense Force and presents issues which the current chaplaincy-providing churches need to consider if they wish to continue to provide effective chaplaincy for the military.

The 'Jesus nut': A study of New Zealand military chaplaincy

Tagg, Mary Alison January 2000 (has links)
Since the earliest days of the Christian Church, ordained ministers and priests have accompanied soldiers into battle. The religious presence in the war machine has been the subject of many debates, particularly those involving the conflict of ethics presented by the representation of a gospel of peace and love participating in a profession of violence and killing. New Zealand is a secular country with a relatively well-developed system of secular pastoral care services. However the New Zealand Defence Force continues to request the churches' involvement in the military and those churches which respond continue to participate in work which appears contrary to their teaching. This study examines the relationship of church and military. It investigates the place of the church in the New Zealand Defence Force through an examination of the appropriate literature and other relevant information, and an empirical survey of the work and views of current, and some retired, chaplains. The global military scenario has changed in recent years with the development of war technology. The New Zealand military focus is now largely directed towards policing New Zealand's economic zone and the preservation of independence of smaller neighbouring island states, while its active service role is one of participation in international peace-enforcement and peacekeeping. This thesis considers these changes and looks at the possible effects they may have on the future of military chaplaincy within the secular, multicultural context of the New Zealand state. The study concludes with a rationale for the presence of the Christian Church in the New Zealand Defense Force and presents issues which the current chaplaincy-providing churches need to consider if they wish to continue to provide effective chaplaincy for the military.

The 'Jesus nut': A study of New Zealand military chaplaincy

Tagg, Mary Alison January 2000 (has links)
Since the earliest days of the Christian Church, ordained ministers and priests have accompanied soldiers into battle. The religious presence in the war machine has been the subject of many debates, particularly those involving the conflict of ethics presented by the representation of a gospel of peace and love participating in a profession of violence and killing. New Zealand is a secular country with a relatively well-developed system of secular pastoral care services. However the New Zealand Defence Force continues to request the churches' involvement in the military and those churches which respond continue to participate in work which appears contrary to their teaching. This study examines the relationship of church and military. It investigates the place of the church in the New Zealand Defence Force through an examination of the appropriate literature and other relevant information, and an empirical survey of the work and views of current, and some retired, chaplains. The global military scenario has changed in recent years with the development of war technology. The New Zealand military focus is now largely directed towards policing New Zealand's economic zone and the preservation of independence of smaller neighbouring island states, while its active service role is one of participation in international peace-enforcement and peacekeeping. This thesis considers these changes and looks at the possible effects they may have on the future of military chaplaincy within the secular, multicultural context of the New Zealand state. The study concludes with a rationale for the presence of the Christian Church in the New Zealand Defense Force and presents issues which the current chaplaincy-providing churches need to consider if they wish to continue to provide effective chaplaincy for the military.

The 'Jesus nut': A study of New Zealand military chaplaincy

Tagg, Mary Alison January 2000 (has links)
Since the earliest days of the Christian Church, ordained ministers and priests have accompanied soldiers into battle. The religious presence in the war machine has been the subject of many debates, particularly those involving the conflict of ethics presented by the representation of a gospel of peace and love participating in a profession of violence and killing. New Zealand is a secular country with a relatively well-developed system of secular pastoral care services. However the New Zealand Defence Force continues to request the churches' involvement in the military and those churches which respond continue to participate in work which appears contrary to their teaching. This study examines the relationship of church and military. It investigates the place of the church in the New Zealand Defence Force through an examination of the appropriate literature and other relevant information, and an empirical survey of the work and views of current, and some retired, chaplains. The global military scenario has changed in recent years with the development of war technology. The New Zealand military focus is now largely directed towards policing New Zealand's economic zone and the preservation of independence of smaller neighbouring island states, while its active service role is one of participation in international peace-enforcement and peacekeeping. This thesis considers these changes and looks at the possible effects they may have on the future of military chaplaincy within the secular, multicultural context of the New Zealand state. The study concludes with a rationale for the presence of the Christian Church in the New Zealand Defense Force and presents issues which the current chaplaincy-providing churches need to consider if they wish to continue to provide effective chaplaincy for the military.

Amour, gloire et divinisation : étude de «Pour que l’homme devienne Dieu» de François Brune

Gendron, Sébastien 12 1900 (has links)
Dans son livre Pour que l’homme devienne Dieu (1983), le théologien français François Brune relève, à partir du mystère trinitaire et du témoignage des mystiques d’Occident, la radicalité de la vocation humaine à l’amour. De même que l’incarnation lie indissociablement le créé et l’Incréé en Jésus Christ, tout le genre humain partage avec lui une commune nature humaine et participe à la divinité, selon la doctrine patristique et orthodoxe de la divinisation et le concile de Chalcédoine (451). La notion de personne établit la nécessité d’une participation libre de chacun-e à la vie rédemptrice du Christ. La compénétration des deux natures humaine et divine du Christ et leur déconnection sélective selon le concept de kénose, rend compte de l’existence réellement humaine de Jésus Christ, à la fois souffrante et glorieuse, qui a supporté d’un amour indéfectible les tentations humaines et les conséquences du mal, mais sans jamais y prendre personnellement part. Suite aux réflexions de Brune sur l’être et le devenir en Dieu et sa critique de la christologie de Teilhard de Chardin, nous établirons dans notre perspective critique une interrelation entre les trois modalités (divinisation, amorisation et rédemption) de l’économie unique de glorification de l’humanité et du monde en tant qu’image du dynamisme interne de la divinité Une et Trine. / In his book Pour que l’homme devienne Dieu (1983), the French theologian François Brune notices, from the trinitarian mystery and the testimony of the Western mystiques, the radical aspect of the human appeal to love. According to the Chalcédoine Council, as the incarnation indissociably connects what is created and non-created in Jesus Christ, the whole human gender shares with him a common human nature and takes part in the divinity, according to the patristic and orthodox divinization doctrine. The notion of person establishes the necessity of the free participation of every human being to the salvatory life of Christ. The compenetration of both human and divine natures of Christ as well as their selective deconnection, according to the kénose concept, reveals a really human existence, both suffering and glorified depending on the circumstances, supporting with a sustaining love the human temptations and the consequences of evil. Following Brune’s reflections on the being and becoming in God and his critic of Theilhard de Chardin’s christology, we will establish within our critical perspective an interrelation between the three modes (divinization, amorisation and salvation) of the unique glorification plan of the humanity and the world as an image of the intern dynamism of the Une and Trine divinity.

L'intergénération et la place du thème de la responsabilité dans sa dimension religieuse

Dansereau, Paul 04 1900 (has links)
Mémoire numérisé par la Direction des bibliothèques de l'Université de Montréal. / Ce mémoire porte sur l'Intergénération. J'ai tenté d'y définir ce qu'est l'Intergénération et ce qui pourrait se cacher sous cette appellation singulière qui regroupe une diversité d'activités ou de pratiques dites intergénérationnelles. Qu'est-ce que l'Intergénération? Quels en sont les desseins? Quels types de valeurs et de religiosité y sont-ils véhiculés ? Voilà les principales questions qui ont animé ma recherche. Cet objectif de démontrer ce qu'il y a de religieux dans l'Intergénération est lié aux impressions que m'a laissé le phénomène et aux fortes assises morales qui semblent le fonder. J'ai découvert, dans le cadre de mes fonctions de coordonnateur d'un forum national sur les rapports de générations, que celles et ceux qui font la promotion des rencontres intergénérationnelles ont souvent des objectifs qui vont au-delà de la réunion des générations. Ces objectifs, ces buts ne sont pas toujours les mêmes mais sont teintés pour la plupart d'un sens religieux. J'ai emprunté partiellement la méthode praxéologique et ainsi cet essai se divise-t-il en deux grandes parties. Alors que j'ai consacré la première partie à l'observation du phénomène intergénérationnelle dans ses origines comme dans ses manifestations concrètes, j'ai interprété dans la seconde, à l'aide de référents théologiques, certaines dimensions religieuses qui caractérisent l'Intergénération. L'interprétation de mes observations s'est fondée sur une hypothèse centrale, à savoir que le thème de la responsabilité joue un rôle prépondérant dans rengagement des individus dans des projets intergénérationnels. De différentes manières mais toujours en mettant en jeu des questions morales, ce thème profondément religieux est à mon avis à la base l'Intergénération. Pour étayer cette hypothèse, j'ai mis en relief trois facettes du thème de la responsabilité, soit le sentiment de responsabilité, l'appel à la responsabilité, ainsi que le procès des responsables, trois facettes qui m'ont semblé habiter avec une acuité variable les partisans de l'Intergénération. J'ai démontré en quoi elles trouvent des échos dans une spiritualité ontologique (avec les auteurs Lévinas et Jonas), dans la morale judéo-chrétienne (avec La Bible) ainsi que dans un modèle religieux ancestral (avec René Girard). Enfin, ce parcours m'a mené à conclure que les signes de cette religiosité qui émane de l'Intergénération aident à la compréhension de ce néologisme et au phénomène qui s'y rattache tout en requestionnant la place du religieux au cœur des rapports sociaux à l'aube du 21e siècle.

Définition de la pastorale de la Création en tant que nouveau ministère dans l’Église catholique du Québec

Lévesque, Norman 12 1900 (has links)
Cette recherche tente de définir la pastorale de la Création afin qu’elle soit reconnue en tant que ministère dans l’Église catholique au Québec. J’emprunte la méthode de praxéologie pastorale, inspirée des sciences humaines, afin de rendre cette pratique à la fois efficace sur le terrain et fidèle à l’Évangile de Jésus-Christ. L’objet d’analyse est la pratique elle-même, c’est-à-dire les activités en paroisse sur le thème de l’environnement. J’ai observé quelques activités pertinentes, dont une formation donnée à des animateurs de pastorale. Ensuite, j’ai interprété ces observations à la lumière de la tradition chrétienne en puisant dans la Bible, quelques référents théologiques et des déclarations ecclésiales. J’ai préparé une nouvelle intervention en organisant une nouvelle formation pour le personnel pastoral, le projet d’un guide pratique et le plan de cours universitaire sur la pastorale de la Création. Finalement, la prospective m’a permis d’imaginer cette pratique à long terme afin d’assurer une Église durable… dans tous les sens du terme. / This research attempts to define Creation Care so that it is recognized as a ministry in the Catholic Church in Quebec. I followed the method of pastoral praxeology inspired by the humanities so that this practice is both effective in the field and faithful to the Gospel of Jesus Christ. The object of analysis is the practice itself, specifically the parish activities on the theme of the environment. I closely observed some relevant activities, including a training session given to pastoral assistants. Then I interpreted these comments in light of the Christian Tradition by drawing on the Bible, several theological references and Church statements. After this reflection, I improved this practice by organizing a new training for the Church staff, the project of a practical guide and the outline of a course on Creation Care Ministry to be given in universities. Finally, the prospective allowed me to imagine in the long-term how the practice will ensure a sustainable church ... in every sense.

Aspects de la vie spirituelle d’aînés hémodialysés en situation de perte

Lefebvre, Serge 09 1900 (has links)
Notre projet de mémoire consistait à valider auprès de personnes qui vieillissent et qui ont subi des pertes l’hypothèse de recherche suivante : « Comment l’intégration de grandes théories sur la vie spirituelle à l’outil du bilan de vie (à son questionnaire) aide l’aîné qui subit des pertes à trouver un sens à sa vie? » Notre projet de mémoire consistait à valider auprès de personnes qui vieillissent et qui ont subi des pertes l’hypothèse de recherche suivante : « Comment l’intégration de grandes théories sur la vie spirituelle à l’outil du bilan de vie (à son questionnaire) aide l’aîné qui subit des pertes à trouver un sens à sa vie? » Dans ce mémoire, nous nous intéressons à la problématique du vieillissement, notamment dans le cadre québécois, à ce vieillissement plus spécifique des aînés hémodialysés en situation de pertes. Cela dit, dans l’introduction, nous esquisserons le contexte général derrière le projet. Le mémoire est présenté selon les quatre étapes prévues par la méthode de la praxéologie pastorale, à savoir l’observation, l’interprétation, l’intervention et la prospective. Dans la première étape, nous introduirons les paramètres de notre observation en milieu pastoral. Nous chercherons ainsi à clarifier le problème rencontré, à partir des questions convenues en praxéologie pastorale: le qui, le quoi, le où, le quand, le comment et le pourquoi. Dans la seconde étape, nous tenterons de faire rencontrer des interprétations théoriques en vue de trouver une compréhension nouvelle du drame qui se joue. Ainsi, nous soulignerons que nous sommes redevables à quatre grandes théories sur la vie spirituelle quant au cadre de référence de notre recherche, à savoir Oser, Gmünder et Ridez; Vasse; Breton et Liébanas. La troisième étape se voudra une sorte d’évaluation des changements à apporter à la pratique, leurs impacts, les stratégies pour les mettre en place et les résistances qui ne manqueront pas de se manifester à leur égard. Dans la dernière étape, nous nous interrogerons sur les visions inconscientes du monde et de l’être humain véhiculées par l’intervention dans le but de se réajuster. Dans ce mémoire, nous avons identifié, à l’aide de l’outil du bilan de vie, six aspects de la vie spirituelle d’un aîné hémodialysé en situation de pertes, soit les représentations ou les images de Dieu, le sens du péché commis, les signes de l’existence du péché, l’antériorité de l’amour de Dieu par rapport au péché, les voies d’entrées à la vie spirituelle, les indications pour cheminer spirituellement et les effets de vie et de mort. / Our thesis project is to validate with aging people who have suffered loss, the following research hypothesis: « How the integration of major theories on the spiritual life to the life story tool (in the questionnaire) for the seniors who suffers loss help on the sens which people make of their life?» In this study, we are interested in the problems of ageing, in particular within the Québec framework, specifically regarding the ageing of elders within hemodialysis process in situation of a loss. In the introduction, we will outline the general context behind the project. The report is presented according to the four stages laid down by the method of pastoral praxeology, namely the observation, interpretation, the intervention and the prospective. Firstly, we will introduce the parameters of our observation in our pastoral milieu. We will thus seek to clarify the encountered problem, starting from the questions agreed in pastoral praxeology: the which, the what, the where, the when, the how and the why. Secondly, we will try to meet theoretical interpretations in order to find a new understanding of the drama which is played. Thus, we will stress out that we are indebted to four great theories on the spiritual life as for the framework of reference of our research, namely Oser, Gmünder and Ridez; Vasse; Breton and Liébanas. The third step will be a sort of evaluation of changes to implement in real life, their impacts, the strategies to implement them and the unavoidable resistances generated by them. Lastly, we will wonder about the unconscious visions of the world and human being conveyed by the intervention with an aim of being refit. In this study, we have identified, using the tool of the life story, six aspects of the spiritual life of an elder in a hemodialysis process in situation of a loss, which are the representations or the images of God, the meaning of sin, the signs of the existence of the sin, the anteriority of the love of God compared to the sin, the ways of entry to the spiritual life as well as the indications to grow spiritually and the effects of life and death.

Transcendance et immanence chez Karl Rahner : échanges avec la philosophie de Gilles Deleuze

Richard, Luc 06 1900 (has links)
La question qui traverse toute l’œuvre de Karl Rahner continue de se poser : comment rendre crédible et croyable la révélation de Dieu en Jésus aux gens d’aujourd’hui? Cette question doit être pensée sans cesse à nouveau dans la réalité concrète de la vie humaine. Au temps de Rahner, on mettait l’accent sur la transcendance de Dieu. Depuis ce temps, la culture occidentale s’est transformée : au début du 21e siècle, elle présente de façon marquée les traits du matérialisme, du consumérisme, de l’individualisme, du relativisme et du sécularisme. Conséquemment, on a aujourd’hui tendance à évacuer la transcendance divine. Notre recherche consiste en l’effectuation d’échanges entre la théologie de Karl Rahner et la philosophie de Gilles Deleuze, dans le but d’établir des conditions de possibilités d’un croire chrétiennement aujourd’hui. La philosophie de Deleuze nous introduit dans un processus créatif avec lequel nous pouvons penser radicalement Dieu comme à la fois transcendant et immanent. Notre démarche construit huit hybrides conceptuels qui aident à penser Rahner autrement et à ouvrir la possibilité d’un croire chrétiennement aujourd’hui. Notre recherche ouvre également la perspective d’une théologie de la rencontre entre des mondes théologiques, philosophiques, artistiques et scientifiques. Enfin, elle aide à éclairer la réalité de la nouvelle évangélisation en Occident chrétien. / The question which moves throughout Karl Rahner’s work continues to lay down a principle: how can one make believable and convincing the revelation of God in Jesus to the people of today? This question must be considered again unceasingly in a practical reality of human life. In Rahner’s time, emphasis was placed into the transcendence of God. Since then, occidental culture was transformed: in the beginning of the 21st century, is showed a very obvious tendency of materialism, consumerism, individualism, relativism and secularism. Consequently, there is a tendency to evacuate the divine transcendence. Our research consists in exchanges between Karl Rahner’s theology and Gilles Deleuze’s philosophy, with the purpose of establishing possible conditions of Christian belief today. Deleuze’s philosophy introduces us into a creative process through which we can think radically of God as being at the same time transcendent and immanent. Our approach is developed with eight conceptual hybrids which help understand Rahners’s theology in another perspective and leads to the possibility of a Christian belief for today. Our research opens as well onto the perspective of theology meeting between the theological, philosophical, artistic and scientific worlds. Finally, it helps to enlighten the reality of the new evangelization in Christian Occident.

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