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Fear of violence and street harassment: accountability at the intersectionsLogan, Laura S. January 1900 (has links)
Doctor of Philosophy / Department of Sociology, Anthropology, and Social Work / Dana M. Britton / Feminists and anti-violence activists are increasingly concerned about street harassment. Several scholars, journalists and activists have documented street harassment during the last two centuries, and the recent development of organizations such as Hollaback! and Stop Street Harassment, as well increased attention from mainstream and feminist press, suggests street harassment is a serious social problem worthy of empirical investigation. In this dissertation, I focus on street harassment, fear of violence, and processes of doing gender. I take an intersectional approach to understand the relationships between gender, race, and sexuality, street harassment, fear, and social control. Furthermore, I investigate how accountability to being recognizably female is linked to street harassment and fear of crime for lesbians and other queer women. Drawing on semi-structured interviews with thirty white and women of color lesbians and bisexuals, I explore street harassment experiences, perceptions of fear and risk, and strategies for staying safe from the perspectives of queer women in rural, suburban, and urban locations in the Midwest. I discuss several key findings. First, there are distinct links between “doing gender” and the types of harassment these women experience, as well as links between “doing gender “and the types of assault they fear. Second, race matters - institutional violence shapes the fears and safety strategies of the queer women of color in my sample, and white privilege affects women’s willingness to consider self-defense in response to their fears. Finally, responses to fear and street harassment are shaped by the incite/invite dilemma. The incite/invite dilemma describes the predicament women face during street harassment encounters when they try to avoid responses that might incite escalated violence while also avoiding responses that might be viewed as an invitation for more aggressive harassment. This study extends research on accountability and doing gender, street harassment, fear of rape, and the gender differential in fear of crime. There are several practical implications of these findings. Chief among them is the need for activists and scholars to be attentive to the ways in which racism and racial inequality shape street harassment for women of color. In addition, feminists who work to end street harassment should broaden their focus to include a host of other pressing issues that influence the severity of and risks connected to street harassment for members of queer communities and communities of color. There are also theoretical implications for the theory of doing gender. Knowledge about accountability to sex category remains incomplete. Findings suggest the need to further investigate processes of accountability to sex category, with particular attention to diverse arrangements of orientations to sex category, presumptions about sex category, race, and queer gender identities.
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“Alem de vestir as calças do marido, ela tem que continuar de vestido” (in addition to wearing the husband’s pants, she needs to wear the dress): the process of recovery from alcohol dependency among northeast Brazilian couples / In addition to wearing the husband's pants, she needs to wear the dressBarros Abreu Gomes, Patricia Cristina Monteiro De January 1900 (has links)
Doctor of Philosophy / Department of Family Studies and Human Services / Joyce Baptist / The purpose of this study is to expand our understanding of alcohol dependency and its recovery in Northeast Brazil by exploring the lived experience of this disorder and its recovery process among couples whose husbands are seeking treatment for alcohol dependency. Culturally specific values such as patriarchy and gender roles were explored to gain insight into the recovery process. Findings from in-depth interviews conducted with couples and mental health professionals indicated that wives had a major role in the recovery process but were not included in the treatment process. Wives are expected to wait and temporarily “wear the pants” while husbands attend to their personal problems in treatment. Wives were viewed as a major support to husbands in treatment as well as the “stone in the middle of the road” that obstructed progress. The cultural values and gender norms appear to play a major role in how alcohol dependency is managed within the couple system and by mental health professionals. The use of metaphors to externalize problems and religious scripts helped couples cope. Clinical implications for systemic treatment and research implications are discussed.
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Excavating Lesbian Feminism from the Queer Public Body: The Indispensability of Women-identificationIsen, Jaclyn A. 10 July 2013 (has links)
Drawing on my own process of entry into local queer, lesbian and feminist public cultures, I argue that a powerful relationship between feminist and lesbian existence can be felt and that this sensibility bears influence on the way queer erotic and politicized identities emerge in relation to one another. These affective links remain frequently unacknowledged and/or are actively repudiated due to popular accounts of feminist genealogy whereby second wave lesbian-feminist positions are rendered fundamentally incompatible with contemporary queer/third wave feminist ones. I challenge this narrative by building on select early articulations of radical lesbian feminism to show that when affirmed consciously, the sense that lesbianism and feminism are interconnected constitutes a “woman-identified experience” and an opportunity to bear witness to the unrealized possibilities of second-wave radical feminism in the present. I conclude that politicized “lesbian” and/or “woman” identification remain indispensable strategic sites from which to observe and confront heteropatriarchy.
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Sports et masculinités : hybridation des modèles hégémoniques au sein du champClément, Xavier 11 1900 (has links)
Thèse réalisée en co-tutelle à l'Université de Montréal et de Paris Sud / Ce travail de thèse traite de la construction des masculinités par des athlètes investis dans une carrière sportive de haut niveau. Notre enquête s’appuie sur des observations ethnographiques durant les entraînements et sur des entretiens (n=48) réalisés avec des athlètes (n=38) et entraineurs (n=10) dans un Pôle Espoir de handball (n=8), de rugby (n=13) et dans un Pôle France de boxe française (n=13), de patinage artistique dans la catégorie individuelle (n=11), ainsi que dans trois clubs au Québec (n=3).
Un premier apport de cette thèse réside dans la mise en relation entre deux cadres théoriques utilisés respectivement en sociologie du sport de langue anglaise et française. Nous avons analysé nos données en utilisant les concepts — d’ordre de genre, de régime de genre et de masculinité hégémonique — développés par Raewyn Connell et ceux de — champ, d’habitus et de capital — développés par Pierre Bourdieu. Nous avons proposé de considérer que le champ sportif est régi par une forme de masculinité hégémonique. Cette dernière se définirait comme une configuration idéale d’appartenances, de dispositions et de capitaux, propice à assurer la re-productivité des agents dans le jeu social. Nous avons vu que cette forme était malléable. Il existe une pluralité de masculinités hégémoniques en relation avec le régime de genre spécifique à chaque discipline et plus précisément avec l’ordre de genre local ancré géographiquement et institutionnellement. Un deuxième apport de cette thèse réside dans l’étude du processus d’hybridation des masculinités en relation avec la multiplication des exigences institutionnelles. En rupture avec une conception essentialiste de la masculinité hégémonique, nous relevons que cette dernière se caractérise par la pluralité de ces facettes et par sa plasticité. Les athlètes les plus conformes à la forme hégémonique dans leur discipline développent une capacité à entrer dans des registres dispositionnels variés, voire contrastés. Ils sont toujours plus aptes au combat, mais plus fins dans les usages de la violence et de leur corps, qu’ils apprennent à gérer comme un capital (esthétique, hygiénique). Par ailleurs, ils mettent à distance l’expression de sexisme et d’homophobie, ce qui ne permet pas pour autant de remettre en question l’inégale valeur des sexes, des genres et des sexualités dans le champ sportif / This thesis examines the construction of masculinities by athletes invested in a high-level sporting career. Our investigation is based on ethnographic observations during sports training and interviews (n = 48) conducted with athletes (n = 38) and coaches (n = 10) in a Pole Espoir of handball (n = 8) of rugby (n = 13) and in a Pole France of french boxing (n = 13), in two Poles France of ice skating in the individual category (n = 11), and in three clubs at Quebec (n = 3).
The first contribution of this thesis lies in the linkage between the two theoretical frameworks used in Sport Sociology respectively in English and French language. We analyzed our data using the concepts - gender order, gender regime and hegemonic masculinity - developed by Raewyn Connell and those - field, habitus and capital - developed by Pierre Bourdieu. We proposed to consider that the sports field is governed by a form of hegemonic masculinity. This form would be defined as an ideal configuration of affiliations, dispositions and capital favourable to promote the re-productivity of agents in the social game. We have seen that this form was malleable. There is a plurality of hegemonic masculinities in relation to specific gender regime of each discipline and more precisely with the local gender order which is geographically and institutionally anchored. The second contribution of this thesis lies in the study of the process of masculinities hybridization in relation to the increase of institutional requirements. Contrary to an essentialist conception of hegemonic masculinity, we note that this latter is characterized by the plurality of its facets and its plasticity. The athletes, who are the most conform to the hegemonic form in their discipline, develop a capacity to enter into a variety or mixed dispositional uses. They are always more "fit for fighting", but more subtle in the uses of violence and their bodies, that they learn to manage as a capital (aesthetic, hygienic). In addition, they put away the expression of sexism and homophobia, which still does not really allow reconsidering the unequal value of sexes, genders and sexualities in sports field.
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Reformation and Revelry: The Practices and Politics of Dancing in Early Modern England, c.1550-c.1640Winerock, Emily Frances 08 January 2013 (has links)
This study examines the cultural and religious politics of dancing in late sixteenth- and early seventeenth-century England. Although theologically dance was considered morally neutral, as a physical, embodied practice, context determined whether each occurrence was deemed acceptable or immoral. Yet, judging and interpreting these contexts, and thus delineating the boundaries between appropriate and inappropriate behaviour, was contested and controversial. Advocates argued that dance enabled controlled, graceful movement and provided a harmless outlet for youthful energy. Opponents decried it as a vain, idle, and lascivious indulgence that led to illicit sexual liaisons, profanation of the sabbath, and eternal damnation.
The first chapter introduces early dance fundamentals, describing steps, genres, and sources. The chapter also discusses venues in which people danced, times of day and seasons that were most popular, and demographic details for dancers in western England. Chapter 2 demonstrates how, by varying details of their performance, dancers could influence a dance’s appropriateness, as well as express aspects of identity, such as gender and social rank. Chapter 3 examines how clergymen and religious reformers addressed and tried to undermine pro-dance arguments through their treatment of biblical dance references in sermons and treatises. Chapters 4 and 5 feature case studies of parochial clergymen and lay persons whose opinions about dancing became flashpoints for local controversies. They explain why prosecutions for dancing were so sporadic and geographically scattered: dancing practices rarely entered the historical record unless a “perfect storm” of community tensions and personal antagonisms created irreconcilable differences that led to violence or court cases. The dissertation argues that a category, such as festive traditionalist, is needed to describe those who conformed to or embraced Protestant worship but who strongly resisted attempts to “reform” their behaviour outside of the church.
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'No One Like Me Seemed to Have Ever Existed': A Trans of Colour Critique of Trans Scholarship and Policy Development in Post-Secondary SchoolsWare, Syrus Marcus 01 January 2011 (has links)
This thesis considers the burgeoning development of trans studies and trans policies in post-secondary schools in Canada and the United States. It is concerned with the impact of trans scholarship and trans policies on trans students of colour. The thesis consists of a textual analysis of scholarship, policy documents and newspaper articles. The tendency to prioritize the experiences of white trans people in contemporary scholarship is replicated in trans studies curricula and reinforced through policy documents. These whitening practices affect trans students of colour and limit their ability to find meaning in trans studies. Similarly, these practices limit racialized trans students’ access to university programs and services.
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'No One Like Me Seemed to Have Ever Existed': A Trans of Colour Critique of Trans Scholarship and Policy Development in Post-Secondary SchoolsWare, Syrus Marcus 01 January 2011 (has links)
This thesis considers the burgeoning development of trans studies and trans policies in post-secondary schools in Canada and the United States. It is concerned with the impact of trans scholarship and trans policies on trans students of colour. The thesis consists of a textual analysis of scholarship, policy documents and newspaper articles. The tendency to prioritize the experiences of white trans people in contemporary scholarship is replicated in trans studies curricula and reinforced through policy documents. These whitening practices affect trans students of colour and limit their ability to find meaning in trans studies. Similarly, these practices limit racialized trans students’ access to university programs and services.
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The Mudang: Gendered Discourses on Shamanism in Colonial KoreaHwang, Merose 17 January 2012 (has links)
This dissertation examines the discursive production of mudang, also known as shamans, during the late Chosŏn Dynasty (eighteenth to nineteenth-centuries) and during the Japanese colonial period in Korea (1910-1945). The many discursive sites on mudang articulated various types of difference, often based on gender and urban/rural divides. This dissertation explores four bodies of work: eighteenth to nineteenth-century neo-Confucian reformist essays, late nineteenth-century western surveys of Korea, early twentieth-century newspapers and journals, and early ethnographic studies. The mudang was used throughout this period to reinforce gendered distinctions, prescribe spatial hierarchies, and promote capitalist modernity. In particular, institutional developments in shamanism studies under colonial rule, coupled with an expanded print media critique against mudang, signalled the needs and desires to pronounce a distinct indigenous identity under foreign rule.
Chapter One traces three pre-colonial discursive developments, Russian research on Siberian shamanism under Catherine the Great, neo-Confucian writings on "mudang," and Claude Charles Dallet’s late nineteenth-century survey of Korean indigenous practices. Chapter Two examines the last decade of the nineteenth-century, studying the simultaneous emergence of Isabella Bird Bishop’s expanded discussion on Korean shamanism alongside early Korean newspapers’ social criticisms of mudang. Chapter Three looks at Korean newspapers and journals as the source and product of an urban discourse from 1920-1940. Chapter Four examines the same print media to consider why mudang were contrasted from women as ethical household consumers and scientific homemakers. Chapter Five looks at Ch’oe Nam-sŏn and Yi Nŭng-hwa’s 1927 treatises on Korean shamanism as a celebration of ethnic identity which became a form of intervention in an environment where Korean shamanism was used to justify colonial rule.
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American Impotence: Narratives of National Manhood in Postwar U.S. LiteratureLoughran, Colin 19 November 2013 (has links)
“American Impotence” investigates a continuity between literary representations of masculinity and considerations of national identity in the works of five postwar novelists. In particular, I illustrate the manner in which Ralph Ellison’s Invisible Man, John Updike’s Couples, Robert Coover’s The Public Burning, Joan Didion’s Democracy and The Last Thing He Wanted, and Bret Easton Ellis’s American Psycho challenge the patterns of daily life through which a single figure is imagined to be the essential agent of American polity: namely, the self-made individualist, characterized by manly virtues like dominance, aggression, ambition, mastery, vitality, and virility. More specifically, this project examines the manner in which the iconicity of men helps sustain a narrative of “imperilled masculinity” that at once privileges an impossible identity, situated in the representative nucleus of postwar democracy, and forecloses other modalities of political life. Observing the full meaning of the word “potency,” I elucidate the interrelationships between narrative forms, masculine norms, and democratic practice. Ellison’s work ties the maturation of African American boys to the impossibility of full participation in civic life, for instance, while in Updike’s Couples the contradictions of virile manhood manifest in the form of a fatalism that threatens to undo the carefully cultivated social boundaries of early sixties bohemianism; in a variety of ways, The Public Burning and American Psycho represent the iconic nature of masculinity as a psychic threat to those men closest to it, while Didion’s female protagonists find themselves flirting with the promises of a secret agency linked to imperial adventures in Southeast Asia and Central America. In the cultural context of the Cold War, these novelists demonstrate how intensified participation in national fantasies of potency and virility is inevitably disempowering; as an alternative, this dissertation seeks to consider impotence as dissensus detached from the mandates of hegemonic masculinity.
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Bad Behaviour: The Cultural Production of Addiction and the Psychologization of Everyday LifeSnyder, Sarah 27 November 2013 (has links)
This thesis explores the cultural production of addiction and the psychologization of everyday life. Through analyses of ubiquitous addiction literature, as well as ordinary, everyday encounters, I examine how we make meaning of addiction, thus culturally constituting the addict. I explore my situated-ness in relation to addiction, which in turn helps me to think through how I am oriented toward addiction. Through an analysis of a specific account of an intersubjective experience of addiction, I examine how experiences of addiction are made between us. This thesis also explores the relationship between substance use and harm and the role the perceived “warnings signs” of addiction play in how we recognize addiction. Using a phenomenologically informed method of social inquiry, I question what the psychologization of everyday life, or our (over) use of psychology, means for our engagement with others.
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