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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Transmission des connaissances et professionnalisation de l'enseignement : déconstruction des traductions à l’œuvre dans la revue Vie pédagogique

Schwimmer, Marina 05 1900 (has links)
Depuis plus de trente ans, le Québec a pris position en faveur d’un mouvement de professionnalisation de l’enseignement. Ce choix se fonde principalement sur la volonté de moderniser les systèmes d’éducation grâce à la consolidation d’une expertise du travail enseignant. Elle a donc engendré toute une série de réformes visant à formaliser les pratiques des enseignants, à les appuyer sur les résultats de la recherche et à développer un code de pratiques responsables. Cependant, dans une perspective critique, ce processus de professionnalisation entre également dans le cadre plus large d’un processus de rationalisation étatique. Il exige de plus en plus des enseignants de faire preuve d’efficacité à tout prix, mais cette exigence ne tient pas compte de l’incertitude de l’action et des valeurs en jeu. Cette thèse vise à analyser, à partir d’une perspective critique, la conception de l’articulation entre la recherche et la pratique sous-jacente au mouvement de professionnalisation en vue de proposer une conception plus adéquate en regard de la réalité pratique: la traduction. Ce faisant, la thèse propose une réflexion sur le rôle transformateur du langage dans tout processus de transmission des connaissances. L’approche de la traduction s'inspire à la fois de la tradition herméneutique et de la critique poststructuraliste, et remet en question la conception du langage comme véhicule transparent de la pensée et des connaissances. À la lumière de ce cadre, je propose une analyse empirique (analyses discursive et sémiotique) des mécanismes de traduction qui assurent le passage du monde de la recherche vers le monde de l'enseignement. Cette partie repose sur une analyse comparative d’articles provenant de la revue Vie pédagogique, analyse qui se concentre sur les processus de traductions à l’œuvre dans trois concepts centraux du mouvement de professionnalisation : la pratique réflexive, la compétence et la collaboration. Elle met en lumière la manière dont le cadre actuel de la professionnalisation est réducteur, totalisant, et nie le caractère traductif du langage et de l’activité humaine. Je conclus avec une reconceptualisation de l'enseignement en tant que traduction et acte de profession de foi. / For over thirty years, Quebec has taken a stance in favour of a movement for the professionalization of teaching. This position is based primarily on the desire to modernize the educational system by reinforcing teaching skills, and it has spawned a whole series of reforms whose aim is to formalize teaching practices, to strengthen them on the basis of research results and to develop a code of responsible practices. Viewed from a critical perspective, this process of professionalization can be understood as being part of a wider process of state rationalization. Thus, the state increasingly demands that actors prove effective at all cost. This demand, however, does not take into account the reality of teaching, which is based in a large part on the uncertainty of action and of the values at stake. This dissertation attempts to analyze, from a critical view point, the conception of the relationship between research and practice underlying the professionalization movement, in order to offer an alternative conception - translation - that seems more appropriate in view of practical reality. In doing so, it reflects on the transformative role of language in processes of knowledge transfer. The "translation approach", which is the theoretical framework of our critical analysis, is informed by both the hermeneutic tradition and poststructuralist critique, and calls into question the notion that language is a transparent means for conveying thought and knowledge. In light of this framework, the thesis presents an empirical analysis (semiotic and discourse analysis) of the translation mechanisms that ensure the passage from the world of research to the world of teaching. Towards this end, various articles from the journal Vie pédagogique are submitted to a comparative analysis that focuses on the processes of translation at work in three central concepts of the professionalization movement – reflective practice, competence and collaboration – in order to highlight how the current framework of professionalization is reductive, totalizing, and how it denies the translational nature of language and of human activity. To conclude, the thesis offers a reconceptualization of teaching as translation and as an act of profession of faith.

Pour un modèle d’éducation à la citoyenneté émancipatrice : les six vertus démocratiques du citoyen de liberté sociale

Bachand, Charles-Antoine 03 1900 (has links)
La recherche théorique et spéculative qui fait l’objet de cette thèse permet de propo-ser un modèle d’éducation à la citoyenneté qui aurait des visées émancipatrices. S’inscrivant dans la tradition des sciences critiques et de la pédagogie critique de Freire (1968), elle défend d’abord l’idée que malgré la charge idéologique ou politique qui y est associée, l’éducation à la citoyenneté, comme toute forme d’éducation formelle ou informelle, devrait poursuivre la liberté et l’autonomie comme finalités. C’est en prenant appui sur les thèses récentes du philosophe Axel Honneth (2015 et 2017), attaché à l’École de Francfort, portant sur le concept de liberté sociale et en exploitant les outils de l’herméneutique défendue par Ricœur notamment, qu’il a été possible dans un premier temps de proposer un modèle de citoyenneté de liberté sociale et, dans un deuxième temps, de définir certaines des caractéristiques des citoyen·ne·s de liberté sociale. Enfin, ce travail a permis de faire émerger des habiletés et des aptitudes que l’éducation à la citoyenneté qui aurait la liberté et l’émancipation comme finalités devrait contribuer à développer ou à entre-tenir. En raison de leur portée, nous nommons ces habiletés des vertus démocratiques. Les six vertus démocratiques que notre travail permet de faire émerger et qui devraient faire l’objet d’un enseignement ou d’un apprentissage sont 1) l’autonomie critique ; 2) la capacité à délibé-rer et à décider collectivement ; 3) la reconnaissance ; 4) la solidarité ; 5) la créativité ; et 6) la capacité d’action. / The theoretical and speculative research that is the subject of this thesis proposes a model of citizenship education that would have emancipatory aims. Following the tradition of critical sciences and Freire's critical pedagogy (1968), it first defends the idea that despite the ideological or political charge associated with it, citizenship education, like any form of formal or informal education, should pursue freedom and autonomy as its goals. By taking as a basis the recent theses of the philosopher Axel Honneth (2015 and 2017), attached to the Frankfurt School, on the concept of social freedom and by exploiting the tools of the hermeneutics defended by Ricœur in particular, it was possible, firstly, to pro-pose a model of citizenship of social freedom and, secondly, to define some of the characteristics of citizens of social freedom. Finally, this work allowed us to identify skills and aptitudes that citizenship education, which would have freedom and emancipation as its goals, should help to develop or maintain. Because of their scope, we call these skills democratic virtues. The six democratic virtues that should be the object of teaching or learning and that our work pro-poses are 1) critical autonomy; 2) the capacity to deliberate and decide collectively; 3) recog-nition; 4) solidarity; 5) creativity; and 6) the capacity for action.

Responding to Alienating Trends in Modern Education and Civilization by Remembering our Responsibility to Metaphysics and Ontological Education: Answering to the Platonic Essence of Education

Karumanchiri, Arun 01 January 2011 (has links)
This thesis explores the most basic purpose of education and how it can be advanced. To begin to analyze this fundamental area of concern, this thesis associates notions of education with notions and experiences of truth and authenticity, which vary historically and culturally. A phenomenological analysis, featuring the philosophy of Heidegger, uncovers the basic conditions of human experience and discourse, which have become bent upon technology and jargon in the West. He draws on Plato's account of the 'essence of education' in the Cave Allegory, which underscores human agency in light of truth as unhiddenness. Heidegger calls for ontological education, which advances authenticity as it preserves individuals as codisclosing, historical beings.

Responding to Alienating Trends in Modern Education and Civilization by Remembering our Responsibility to Metaphysics and Ontological Education: Answering to the Platonic Essence of Education

Karumanchiri, Arun 01 January 2011 (has links)
This thesis explores the most basic purpose of education and how it can be advanced. To begin to analyze this fundamental area of concern, this thesis associates notions of education with notions and experiences of truth and authenticity, which vary historically and culturally. A phenomenological analysis, featuring the philosophy of Heidegger, uncovers the basic conditions of human experience and discourse, which have become bent upon technology and jargon in the West. He draws on Plato's account of the 'essence of education' in the Cave Allegory, which underscores human agency in light of truth as unhiddenness. Heidegger calls for ontological education, which advances authenticity as it preserves individuals as codisclosing, historical beings.

Rolling Out the Transformative Social Economy: A Case Study of Organic Intellectualism in Canadian Settlement Houses

Fong, Melissa 01 January 2011 (has links)
Social economy community development organizations (SECDOs) are social service organizations that provide poverty relief but do not necessarily inspire a counter-hegemonic antipoverty strategy against a neoliberal welfare state. Tension between providing human social services and engaging in advocacy is at the core of how SECDOs may be both complicit to as well as working against the neoliberalization of the welfare state. This study explores how SECDOs can nurture a new paradigm for community economic development organizations. Through a case study of a Canadian settlement house, the research demonstrates how transforming work may encourage a culture of organic intellectualism or, a culture of emancipatory consciousness-raising. By re-organizing workplace practices, such as working collaboratively, providing a hub for services and engaging in popular education, transformative SECDOs help provide the conditions for citizens to affect governance. The research theorizes how SECDOs may foster a culture of organic intellectualism to promote the transformative social economy.

Rolling Out the Transformative Social Economy: A Case Study of Organic Intellectualism in Canadian Settlement Houses

Fong, Melissa 01 January 2011 (has links)
Social economy community development organizations (SECDOs) are social service organizations that provide poverty relief but do not necessarily inspire a counter-hegemonic antipoverty strategy against a neoliberal welfare state. Tension between providing human social services and engaging in advocacy is at the core of how SECDOs may be both complicit to as well as working against the neoliberalization of the welfare state. This study explores how SECDOs can nurture a new paradigm for community economic development organizations. Through a case study of a Canadian settlement house, the research demonstrates how transforming work may encourage a culture of organic intellectualism or, a culture of emancipatory consciousness-raising. By re-organizing workplace practices, such as working collaboratively, providing a hub for services and engaging in popular education, transformative SECDOs help provide the conditions for citizens to affect governance. The research theorizes how SECDOs may foster a culture of organic intellectualism to promote the transformative social economy.

"To read, write and cast accounts": Foucault, Governmentality, and Education in Upper Canada/Canada West

McGarry, Michael Gerard 08 August 2013 (has links)
Contributing to the work of philosophers of education who have been examining issues of economy and emancipation, this dissertation employs a set of critical lenses drawn from Foucault’s investigation of governmentality to trace correspondences between economic liberalism and public schooling in Upper Canada/Canada West, the historical antecedent of present day Ontario. The analysis adheres to Foucault’s advice that philosophical critique involves a question asked of the present but answered in history. Thus through a Foucauldian genealogy it is argued that a series of transformations in the deployment of governmental power occurred in Upper Canada/Canada West that entailed the entry of an economic rationality into deliberations over the creation of a school system. To support this argument evidence is presented that demonstrates how race, biopolitics, and the burgeoning science of political economy combined in the first half of the nineteenth century to form the conditions of possibility for governmental control of schooling. In particular, it is illustrated how these conditions favoured a pedagogy based in Locke’s epistemology, and were legitimized by the providential status accorded political economy. This pedagogy, which was promoted as mild and so conducive to student engagement, and the authority of political economy are revealed as integral to the methods of instruction and curriculum of the province’s common schools, and indicative of the legacy of economic liberalism that persists, albeit transformed, in Ontario education to this day. The result of this critical analysis is a redescription or, in Foucault’s terminology, a “countermemory” of Ontario educational history that challenges the presumed naturalism of the ideals characteristic of economic liberalism, such as autonomy, accountability, entrepreneurialism, and consumer choice. The dissertation contends that these ideals are active in local educational regimes long legitimized by economy, and dangerously aimed at fostering political consent by manipulating subjects into locations of restricted agency. Providing insight into the historical role played by liberal governmentality and economy in the local context contributes to the study of Foucault and the philosophy of education, and also suggests a change in approach to questions regarding the corporatization or marketization of education.

"To read, write and cast accounts": Foucault, Governmentality, and Education in Upper Canada/Canada West

McGarry, Michael Gerard 08 August 2013 (has links)
Contributing to the work of philosophers of education who have been examining issues of economy and emancipation, this dissertation employs a set of critical lenses drawn from Foucault’s investigation of governmentality to trace correspondences between economic liberalism and public schooling in Upper Canada/Canada West, the historical antecedent of present day Ontario. The analysis adheres to Foucault’s advice that philosophical critique involves a question asked of the present but answered in history. Thus through a Foucauldian genealogy it is argued that a series of transformations in the deployment of governmental power occurred in Upper Canada/Canada West that entailed the entry of an economic rationality into deliberations over the creation of a school system. To support this argument evidence is presented that demonstrates how race, biopolitics, and the burgeoning science of political economy combined in the first half of the nineteenth century to form the conditions of possibility for governmental control of schooling. In particular, it is illustrated how these conditions favoured a pedagogy based in Locke’s epistemology, and were legitimized by the providential status accorded political economy. This pedagogy, which was promoted as mild and so conducive to student engagement, and the authority of political economy are revealed as integral to the methods of instruction and curriculum of the province’s common schools, and indicative of the legacy of economic liberalism that persists, albeit transformed, in Ontario education to this day. The result of this critical analysis is a redescription or, in Foucault’s terminology, a “countermemory” of Ontario educational history that challenges the presumed naturalism of the ideals characteristic of economic liberalism, such as autonomy, accountability, entrepreneurialism, and consumer choice. The dissertation contends that these ideals are active in local educational regimes long legitimized by economy, and dangerously aimed at fostering political consent by manipulating subjects into locations of restricted agency. Providing insight into the historical role played by liberal governmentality and economy in the local context contributes to the study of Foucault and the philosophy of education, and also suggests a change in approach to questions regarding the corporatization or marketization of education.

Particularly Responsible: Everyday Ethical Navigation, Concrete Relationships, and Systemic Oppression

Chapman, Christopher Stephen 20 August 2012 (has links)
In this dissertation, I articulate what I call a personal-is-political ethics, suggesting that the realm of human affairs long called ethics is inseparable from that which is today normatively called psychology. Further, I suggest that these names for this shared realm are situated in different discursive traditions which, therefore, provide different parameters for possible action and understanding. In my exploration of what it is to be human, I strategically centre ethical transgressions, particularly those that are mappable onto systemic forms of oppression. I explore personal-is-political enactments of sexism, ableism, racism, colonization, classism, ageism, and geopolitics, including situations in which several of these intersect with one another and those in which therapeutic, pedagogical, or parenting hierarchies also intersect with them. Without suggesting this is ‘the whole story,’ I closely read people’s narrations of ethical transgressions that they – that we – commit. I claim that such narrations shape our possibilities for harming others, for taking responsibility, and for intervening in others’ lives in an attempt to have them take responsibility (e.g., therapy with abuse perpetrators and critical pedagogy). I work to demonstrate the ethical and political importance of: the impossibility of exhaustive knowledge, the illimitable and contingent power relations that are ever-present and give shape to what we can know, and the ways our possibilities in life are constituted through particular contact with others. I explore ethical transgressions I have committed, interrogating these events in conversation with explorations of resonant situations in published texts, as well as with research conversations with friends about their ethical transgressions and how they make sense of them. I tentatively advocate for, and attempt to demonstrate, ways of governing ourselves when we are positioned ‘on top’ of social hierarchies – in order to align our responses and relationships more closely with radical political commitments.

Particularly Responsible: Everyday Ethical Navigation, Concrete Relationships, and Systemic Oppression

Chapman, Christopher Stephen 20 August 2012 (has links)
In this dissertation, I articulate what I call a personal-is-political ethics, suggesting that the realm of human affairs long called ethics is inseparable from that which is today normatively called psychology. Further, I suggest that these names for this shared realm are situated in different discursive traditions which, therefore, provide different parameters for possible action and understanding. In my exploration of what it is to be human, I strategically centre ethical transgressions, particularly those that are mappable onto systemic forms of oppression. I explore personal-is-political enactments of sexism, ableism, racism, colonization, classism, ageism, and geopolitics, including situations in which several of these intersect with one another and those in which therapeutic, pedagogical, or parenting hierarchies also intersect with them. Without suggesting this is ‘the whole story,’ I closely read people’s narrations of ethical transgressions that they – that we – commit. I claim that such narrations shape our possibilities for harming others, for taking responsibility, and for intervening in others’ lives in an attempt to have them take responsibility (e.g., therapy with abuse perpetrators and critical pedagogy). I work to demonstrate the ethical and political importance of: the impossibility of exhaustive knowledge, the illimitable and contingent power relations that are ever-present and give shape to what we can know, and the ways our possibilities in life are constituted through particular contact with others. I explore ethical transgressions I have committed, interrogating these events in conversation with explorations of resonant situations in published texts, as well as with research conversations with friends about their ethical transgressions and how they make sense of them. I tentatively advocate for, and attempt to demonstrate, ways of governing ourselves when we are positioned ‘on top’ of social hierarchies – in order to align our responses and relationships more closely with radical political commitments.

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